Vehicle and Automotive Engineering 2 (eBook)
XVIII, 803 Seiten
Springer International Publishing (Verlag)
978-3-319-75677-6 (ISBN)
This book presents the proceedings of the second Vehicle Engineering and Vehicle Industry conference, reflecting the outcomes of theoretical and practical studies and outlining future development trends in a broad field of automotive research.
The conference's main themes included design, manufacturing, economic and educational topics.
Preface 6
Acknowledgement 8
Contents 9
About the Editors 16
Conventional Powertrain 18
Investigation of Diesel – n-Butanol Fuel Blend in the Function of Pre-injection Angle 19
Abstract 19
1 Introduction 20
2 Experimental 21
2.1 Simulation Tools 22
3 Test Results 23
4 Conclusions 28
References 28
Optimal Manufacturing Technology Determination for the Main Parts of a Rotary Internal Combustion Engine 30
Abstract 30
1 Introduction 30
2 The Construction to be Produced 32
3 The Analysis of Manufacturing Possibilities 33
3.1 Rotor Manufacturing 34
3.2 Rotary Chamber Manufacturing 40
4 Final Conclusions 43
4.1 Rotor Manufacturing 43
4.2 Rotary Chamber Manufacturing 43
Acknowledgments 44
References 44
Review Article: Effect of Ethanol-Gasoline Fuel Blends on the Exhaust Emissions and Characteristics of SI Engines 45
Abstract 45
1 Introduction 45
1.1 Comparison of Different Ethanol-Gasoline Blend Properties 47
2 Effects on Engine Performance 47
3 Exhaust Temperature 49
4 CO, NOX and HC Emissions 50
4.1 CO Component 50
4.2 NOX Component 52
4.3 HC Component 53
5 Conclusions 55
References 55
A Review on the Effect of Alternative Fuels on the Friction and Wear of Internal Combustion Engines 58
Abstract 58
1 Introduction 58
2 Alternative Fuel Concepts 59
2.1 Biofuels 59
2.2 Synthetic and Carbon-Neutral Fuels 60
3 Compatibility with Existing Vehicle Infrastructure 61
3.1 Physical and Chemical Properties 61
3.2 Combustion and Exhaust Emissions 62
3.3 Friction and Wear Characteristics 63
3.4 Oil Dilution and Degradation 65
4 Summary 67
References 68
Alternative Powertrain 72
Human-Electric Hybrid Drives in Medium-Sized Cities by Daily Traffic 73
Abstract 73
1 Human-Electric Hybrid Vehicles 73
2 Differences Between the Types of Electric Vehicles, Legal Background 74
2.1 Pedelec (Pedal Electric Cycle) EAPC 74
2.2 S-pedelec (Speed-Pedelec) 74
2.3 Electric Bikes 74
2.4 Other Regulations 74
3 The Idea of the Experiment 74
4 Vehicles Used in the Experiment 75
5 Determination of the Route of the Experiment 75
6 Determination of Access Time 76
7 The Implementation of the Experiment 77
8 Result of the Experiment and Evaluation of the Results 78
9 Important Experiences for the Perspectives of Later Experiments 79
Acknowledgement 80
References 80
Development of an Electric Powered Light-Stilt-Tractor for the Application of Biological Plant Prote ... 81
Abstract 81
1 Introduction 81
2 Requirements Profile and Vehicle Concept 82
3 Powertrain and Steering 84
3.1 Powertrain 84
3.2 Steering System 87
4 Mechanical Construction 89
4.1 Chassis/Frame Construction 89
4.2 Driven Wheel 90
4.3 Steering Unit 91
4.4 Driver’s Cab and Complete Vehicle 92
5 Conclusion and Outlook 93
Acknowledgment 93
References 93
Hybrid Drivetrain of a Self-driving Go-Kart 95
Abstract 95
1 Introduction and Goals 95
1.1 The Go-Kart! Go-Bosch! Competition 95
1.2 Goals and Regulations 96
2 Concept 96
2.1 System Requirements 96
2.2 Conceptual Design 96
2.3 Choosing the Final Design 97
3 Implementation 98
3.1 Differential 98
3.2 Brake Energy Recovery 99
3.3 Further Improvements 100
References 100
Modular Battery Cell Model for Thermal Management Modelling 101
Abstract 101
1 Introduction 101
2 State of Art and Research Gap 102
3 Battery Modelling Methodology 103
3.1 1D Lumped Model 103
3.2 Lithium-Ion Cells 104
3.3 An Equivalent Circuit Taking into Account Chemical Reactions 105
4 Model Implementation 106
4.1 A Case Study: The 21700 Cells 106
5 1D Cell Modelling from Manufacturer’s Data 106
5.1 Validation on Real Batteries: Where 1D Fails and Why 108
6 Implementing a 3D Model of a Battery Cell 109
6.1 Results 111
6.2 An Application Air-Cooling vs. Water Cooling 112
6.3 Computational Effort Versus Reliability of Results 114
7 Conclusions 114
Acknowledgements 115
References 115
Vehicle Dynamics 117
Analysis of Steering Geometry and Design of Steering Mechanisms for Four-Axle Vehicles 118
Abstract 118
1 Introduction 118
2 Steady Steering Model of a Four-Axle Vehicle 119
2.1 Establishment of Steady Steering Model of a Four-Axle Vehicle 119
2.2 Steering Analysis of Four-Axle Vehicle Motion Model 121
3 Analysis of the Chosen Four-Axle Vehicle 122
4 Steering Mechanism Design 125
4.1 Design Conditions 125
4.2 Optimal Design 126
4.3 Minimum Turning Radius Optimization Design 127
5 Forth-Axle Steering 129
6 Conclusions 130
Acknowledgement 130
References 131
Durability Assessment: A Virtual Proving Ground Approach 132
Abstract 132
1 Introduction 132
2 Experimental Solution 133
3 Simulation Model 135
3.1 Frame Structure 135
3.2 Suspension, Drivetrain 136
3.3 Tyre and Road 137
4 Fatigue Evaluation 138
4.1 Processing of Transient Results 138
4.2 Calculation of Partial Damages 138
4.3 Total Damage, Evaluation 139
5 Results, Further Possibilities 139
6 Conclusions 140
References 141
Characterization of the Vehicle Roll Movement with the Dynamic Chassis Simulator 142
Abstract 142
1 Introduction 142
2 Experimental Characterization of the Roll Movement 142
2.1 Testing Facility - Dynamic Chassis Simulator 142
2.2 Experimental Maneuvers 144
3 Roll Stiffness 145
4 Roll Center 146
4.1 Kinematic Roll Center 148
4.2 Force-Based Roll Center 150
4.3 Suspension Jacking Effect 151
5 Roll Steer/Camber 151
6 Validation with Field Tests 152
7 Conclusion 153
Acknowledgements 153
References 153
Modelling of Heat Generation in Vehicle Components Made of Rubber Caused by Finite Deformations 155
Abstract 155
1 Introduction 155
2 Governing Equations 156
2.1 Balance of Linear Momentum 156
2.2 Balance of Angular Momentum 157
2.3 First Law of Thermodynamics 158
2.4 Second Law of Thermodynamics 158
3 Solution of the Coupled Thermomechanical Problem 159
3.1 Principle of Virtual Power 159
3.2 Principle of Virtual Temperature 163
3.3 Solution of the Coupled Thermomechanical Problem 165
4 Summary 166
Acknowledgement 166
References 167
Materials and Manufacturing 168
Fatigue Performance of GMA-Brazed Non-load Carrying Joints Made of Ultra-High-Strength Steel 169
Abstract 169
1 Introduction 169
2 Experimental Program 171
2.1 Materials 171
2.2 Test Specimens 171
2.3 Test Set-up 173
2.4 Results 174
3 Finite Element Analysis 175
4 Discussion 176
5 Conclusions 179
Acknowledgements 179
References 179
Milkrun Based In-plant Supply – An Automotive Approach 182
Abstract 182
1 Introduction 182
2 Literature Review 183
3 Milkrun Based In-plant Supply in Automotive Industry 186
3.1 Scenario 1: Assembly Plant Supply with External Milkrun and Decentralized Check-in and Check-out 187
3.2 Scenario 2: Assembly Plant Supply with Multiple Milkrun and Centralized Check-in and Check-out 190
3.3 Scenario 3: Assembly Plant Supply with Integrated Milkrun and Decentralized Check-in and Check-out 192
3.4 Comparison of Different Strategies in Milkrun Based Supply Domain 193
4 Conclusions 194
Acknowledgements 194
References 195
Copper Rotor Technology for High Efficiency Motors 198
Abstract 198
1 Casting of Rotor 198
1.1 For the EV Used Motors 198
1.2 Casting of Cu-rotor 200
1.3 Effect of the Casting Temperature on the Rotor 204
1.4 Effect of the Casting Temperature on the Die 206
2 Residual Stress 208
2.1 Residual Stress After Casting in the Squirrel Cage 208
3 Summary 210
Acknowledgements 210
References 210
Measurements of Vibration by Laser Doppler Method in the Course of Drilling 211
Abstract 211
1 Introduction 211
2 The Laser Doppler Method 212
2.1 LDV 212
2.2 LTV 213
3 Experimental Setup 214
4 Results and Discussion 216
References 219
Solidification Path of NemAlloy 221
Abstract 221
1 Introduction 221
2 Experimental Part 223
3 Results and Discussion 224
3.1 Microstructure Analysis 224
3.2 Thermal Analysis 225
4 Conclusions 231
References 231
Logistics and Digitization 232
Abstract 232
1 Introduction 232
2 Impact of Digitization on Certain Sections of the Population 233
3 Impact of Digitization on Logistics 234
4 Summary 236
Acknowledgment 236
References 237
What Industry 4.0 Means for Just-In-Sequence Supply in Automotive Industry? 238
Abstract 238
1 Introduction 238
2 Literature Review 239
2.1 Industry 4.0 239
2.2 Just-In-Sequence Supply 240
2.3 Reference Architectural Model Industry 4.0 241
2.4 Consequences of Literature Review 242
3 Industry 4.0 in Just-In-Sequence Supply Domain 242
3.1 Scenario 1: Supply Between Two Tiers with Direct Sequencing and Shipping from Lower Tier Supplier 242
3.2 Scenario 2: Supply Between Two Tiers with Direct Sequencing and Shipping from Connected Lower Tier Suppliers 244
3.3 Scenario 3: Supply Between Two Tiers with Indirect Supply of Manufacturers Through a Service Point 245
3.4 Scenario 4: Supply Through a Service Point from Hyperconnected Lower Tier Suppliers 246
3.5 Scenario Analysis 247
4 Conclusions 250
Acknowledgements 250
References 250
Preliminary Investigations for the Effect of Cutting Tool Edge Geometry in High-Feed Face Milling 253
Abstract 253
1 Introduction 253
2 Characteristics of Tool Geometry in Face Milling 255
3 Finite Element Investigations 257
3.1 Investigation Conditions 257
3.2 Evaluation Method 258
4 Investigation Results and Their Evaluation 259
5 Summary 265
Acknowledgements 265
References 265
Correlation Between Process Parameters and Cutting Forces in the Face Milling of Steel 267
Abstract 267
1 Introduction 267
2 Experimental 268
3 Results and Discussion 270
4 Conclusions 277
Acknowledgments 278
References 278
Analysis of Machining Time and Material Removal Performance as Factors Influencing Efficiency and Profitability 280
Abstract 280
1 Introduction 280
2 Machining Time and Material Removal Rate 281
3 Circumstances of the Investigation 283
4 Analysis 284
4.1 Effects of the Procedures on the Efficiency of Material Removal 284
4.2 Effects of the Applied Procedure on the Costs and Profit 285
5 Conclusion 289
Acknowledgement 290
References 290
Analysis of Supply Chain Efficiency in Blending Technologies 292
Abstract 292
1 Introduction 292
2 Increase Efficiency Among Members of Cooperation Through the Chain 293
3 Increase Efficiency by the Industry 4.0 Developments 295
4 Supply Chain Design Concept 296
5 Designing the Supply Chain with Two Suppliers 299
6 Designing the Supply Chain with Two Suppliers with Constraints 300
7 Conclusions 302
Acknowledgements 302
References 303
Significance of the Residual Stress Monitoring in the Automotive Industry 304
Abstract 304
1 Introduction 304
1.1 Classification and Measurement of Residual Stress 305
1.2 Measuring Residual Stress by X Ray Diffraction Methods 305
2 Stress Monitoring During Process Line of Counter Shafts 307
2.1 Experimental 307
2.2 Results and Discussion 308
3 Summary 311
Acknowledgements 311
References 312
Design and Analysis of Composite Oil Pan for Automotive Vehicle 313
Abstract 313
1 Introduction 313
2 Polymer Based Composite Materials in Automotive Industry 314
3 Oil Pan Material Replacement 315
3.1 Oil Pan 315
3.2 The Chosen Material 316
3.3 Oil Pan Geometry 316
4 Injection Molding Simulation 317
5 Finite Element Simulation 321
6 Results 323
7 Conclusions 326
References 326
Advanced Materials Handling Processes and Devices in the Automotive Industry 327
Abstract 327
1 Introduction 327
2 Automotive Production and Materials Handling 327
2.1 Units in Automotive Production 328
2.2 Production Processes 330
2.3 Operation Environment and Conditions 331
3 Advanced Materials Handling Solutions 332
3.1 Handling Solutions for the Final Assembly 332
3.2 Handling Solutions to Produce Modules and Parts 334
4 Future Tendencies 335
4.1 New Tendencies in Materials Handling 336
4.2 New Tendencies in the Automotive Production 337
5 Summary 338
Acknowledgements 339
References 339
The Examination of the Effects of Strontium Content on the Properties of Cylinder Heads 341
Abstract 341
1 Introduction 341
2 Experimental Part 343
3 Results and Discussion 344
3.1 Modification Level of the Eutectic Structure 344
3.2 Mechanical Properties 348
3.3 The Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of the Slag Samples 350
4 Summary 352
Acknowledgement 353
References 353
Conceptual Design of a Measurement- and Data Acquisition System 354
Abstract 354
1 Introduction 354
2 Requirements 354
3 The System Model 355
3.1 Closed Systems 355
3.2 Platform-Based Solutions 355
4 Systems Design 357
4.1 The Main Components 357
5 Summary 359
Acknowledgement 359
References 359
Vehicle Electronics 360
Noise Reduction for Voice-Activated Car Commands 361
Abstract 361
1 Introduction 361
2 Noise Reduction Techniques 362
3 Training with Clear and Noisy Speech 362
4 Noise Reduction with Multi-microphone Recording 364
5 Keyword Recognition 366
6 Conclusion 368
Acknowledgment 368
References 368
Autonomous Vehicles 369
Creating OpenCRG Road Surface Model from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data for Autonomous Vehicles 370
Abstract 370
1 Introduction 370
2 OpenCRG in the Automotive Projects 371
2.1 OpenDRIVE 371
2.2 OpenCRG 372
2.3 OpenSCENARIO 372
3 Field Data Collection by Terrestrial Laser Scanning 373
4 Methods and Results 374
5 Conclusion 378
Acknowledgement 378
References 378
Fuzzy Rule Interpolation Based Object Tracking and Navigation for Social Robot 379
Abstract 379
1 Introduction 379
2 The FIVE Method 380
3 The Applied Computer Vision Methods 380
3.1 Detecting the Ball 380
3.2 Marker Detection 381
4 The Test Robot and Software Environment 381
5 Object Tracking and Collision Avoidance Behavior 382
5.1 Object Tracking 382
5.2 Collision Avoidance Behavior 383
6 Navigation and Localization 383
7 Conclusion 384
Acknowledgements 384
References 384
Further Development of an AGV Control System 385
Abstract 385
1 Introduction 385
2 Automated Movement Between Two Points 386
3 Voltage Based Correction of the Velocity 388
4 Stop Problem 390
5 Off-board Navigation Method 391
6 Summary 392
Acknowledgement 392
References 392
Accident Reconstruction Tools, with Special Attention to Autonomous Vehicles 394
Abstract 394
1 Data in the Vehicle 394
1.1 Basic Data 394
1.2 Recovered Data 395
2 Accident Data Readers 396
2.1 Launch – Crash Cube 396
2.2 Bosch – CDR 397
3 Use of Read Data 398
3.1 Problems with Read Data 399
3.2 Processing of Data 399
3.3 Possibilities for Expanding Read Data 400
4 Conclusion 400
References 401
Development of Robust H-Infinity Steering Control System for Autonomous Vehicles 402
Abstract 402
1 Introduction 402
2 Electric Steering System 403
3 Cascade Position Control System Design 404
3.1 Nominal and Uncertainty Model 405
3.2 Inner Loop: H? Control Approach 406
3.3 Outer Loop: PID Control 408
4 Experimental Results 409
5 Conclusion 410
Acknowledgements 410
References 410
Trajectory Planning for Automated Vehicles – A Basic Approach 412
Abstract 412
1 Introduction 412
2 The Control Architecture of an Automated Vehicle 413
3 Trajectory Planning Layer 415
4 Finding the Shortest Path 415
4.1 Maps 415
4.2 Finding the Shortest Path 416
5 Path on the Road 417
5.1 Potential Surface Above the Map 417
5.2 Spline Definition on the Target Points 419
6 Conclusion 420
Acknowledgement 420
References 420
Functional Description of Control Variables in Optimal Control and Application to Maneuver Planning ... 422
Abstract 422
1 Introduction 422
2 Optimal Maneuver Planning 424
3 Functional Description of Control Variables 427
3.1 Basic Maneuvers 427
3.2 Candidate Functions for Modeling of Control Sequences 428
4 Simulation Framework 429
5 Evaluation 430
6 Conclusion and Outlook 433
References 433
A SUMO-Based Hardware-in-the-Loop V2X Simulation Framework for Testing and Rapid Prototyping of Cooperative Vehicular Applications 435
Abstract 435
1 Introduction 436
2 Related Work 436
3 The Proposed HW-in-the-Loop V2X Simulation Framework 438
3.1 General Architecture 438
3.2 Simulation Workflow 443
4 Example Simulation Scenarios 445
4.1 TMC Initiated Rerouting (V2I/I2V Communication) 445
4.2 OBU Initiated Rerouting (V2V Communication) 446
5 Conclusions 447
Acknowledgements 447
References 447
Noise and Vibration 450
Verification of Rolling Element Bearing Defect Frequencies by Vibration Measurements on Bearings with Artificial Faults on the Outer/Inner Rings 451
Abstract 451
1 Introduction 452
2 Tools, Used During the Research Work 452
3 Planning the Measurements 454
4 Evaluation on the Basis of ISO 10816 Standard 456
5 Evaluation Based on Vibration Acceleration 458
6 Evaluation of Measurement Results Based on Vibration Acceleration Envelop Technique 458
6.1 Comparative Measurement Using Envelope Methods 458
6.2 Envelope Technique – Evaluation of Individual Spectra 459
7 Further Techniques, Detecting Bearing Failures 461
8 Conclusions 461
References 461
Active and Passive Safety 463
Vehicular Can Traffic Based Microtracking for Accident Reconstruction 464
Abstract 464
1 Introduction 464
2 Related Work 465
3 Elements of Micro Tracking 466
3.1 Collection of CAN Messages 466
3.2 Interpretation of CAN Messages 467
3.3 Movement Reconstruction 468
4 Analysis and Test Results 470
4.1 First Test Case – Lane Change 470
4.2 Second Test Case – Obstacle Avoidance 470
4.3 Third Test Case – Sudden Direction Change 471
5 Conclusion and Future Work 472
Acknowledgement 472
References 472
Investigation of Pressure Rise in Automotive Airbags 473
Abstract 473
1 Introduction 473
2 Airbags 474
2.1 Main Parts of Airbag Systems 474
2.2 Types of Airbag Systems 474
2.3 Inflators and Propellants 475
2.4 Testing Methods 477
3 Opportunities of Airbag Inflator Modelling 478
3.1 Thermo-kinetic Modelling of Chemical Reactions 478
3.2 Mechanical Modeling of Airbag Cushion 478
3.3 CFD Analysis of the Flow from an Inflator Module 479
3.4 Analytical Modeling 479
4 Conclusions 480
Acknowledgement 480
References 480
Comparison of Data Required for Accident Reconstruction Based on Crash Test 483
Abstract 483
1 Event Data Recorders 483
1.1 Practices, Legislation 483
1.2 Needs for EDR Data Extension 485
2 Investigating the Applicability of EDR in Real Collisions 486
2.1 Evaluation of Experiments 486
2.2 Limitations and Challenges of EDR and e-call Systems 489
3 Conclusions 492
Acknowledgement 492
References 493
Presentation of Modern Accident Reconstruction Procedures - Case Study 494
Abstract 494
1 Introduction 494
2 Short Description of the Accident Process 495
3 The Accident Site 495
4 Data Downloading from the EDR 496
4.1 Evaluation of EDR Data 497
4.2 Analysis of Vehicle Recording 497
5 Simulation of the Movement of a Car 498
6 Conclusions 500
References 500
Sustainability 502
Sensitivity Investigation of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 503
Abstract 503
1 Introduction 503
2 Case Study 504
3 Sensitivity Analysis 505
4 Discussion 507
5 Conclusions 507
Acknowledgment 508
References 508
Assembly System Planning in Automotive Industry with Use of Discrete Event Simulation 509
Abstract 509
1 Introduction 509
1.1 MTM Analysis and Simulation 511
1.2 Basic By-pass Model 512
1.3 Used By-pass Model 513
2 Case Study of Automotive Assembly Line Example 515
3 Conclusion 520
Acknowledgement 521
References 521
Education 522
Survey About the PSOC5 LABBOOK 523
Abstract 523
1 Introduction 523
2 Learning Requirements 524
3 Reconfigurability 524
4 Methodology 524
4.1 First Example (HIL) 525
4.2 Second Example (State Machine) 526
5 PSOC 5 Labbook 527
5.1 Labs 527
5.2 Mini-projects 527
6 Performance Test of the VDAC 529
7 Conclusion 529
References 529
10 Years of Pneumobile Competition at the University of Miskolc 530
Abstract 530
1 Introduction 530
2 History of the Compressed Air as Alternative Fuel 531
3 The Evolution of the Competition 532
4 Difficulties of the Teams 533
4.1 The Teambuilding Phase 533
4.2 The Planning Phase 534
4.3 The Construction Phase 535
4.4 The Competition 537
5 Conclusion 537
Acknowledgments 537
References 537
Design of Vehicle Structures and Surface 538
Characterization of Surface Roughness for Growth Models 539
Abstract 539
1 Introduction 539
2 Growth Equations 540
3 Numerical Solution to One-Dimensional CKS Equation 543
4 Summary 545
Acknowledgement 546
References 546
Airbox Design, Analysis and Improvement for a High Performance Road Racing Sidecar 547
Abstract 547
1 Introduction 547
2 Pressure Testing 548
3 Flow Viz and Woollen Tuft Testing 548
4 Initial Engine Model 549
5 Initial 3-D Model 551
5.1 Mesh and Algorithm Choice 552
5.2 Grid Independence Study 552
6 Original Design Results 552
6.1 Validation to Testing 552
6.2 Original Airbox Performance 553
7 Design Improvements 554
7.1 1-D Design Study 554
7.2 Intake 3-D Modelling Study 555
8 Finalised Design 561
9 Conclusion 563
Acknowledgements 563
References 564
Numerical and Experimental Study of Finned Tube Heat Transfer Characteristics 565
Abstract 565
1 Introduction 565
2 Numerical Model 566
2.1 Schematic Drawing 566
2.2 Boundary Conditions 567
2.3 Result of the Simulation 567
3 Analytical Calculation 569
3.1 Heat Transfer and Cross-Section Areas 569
3.2 Criteria Equations 569
3.3 Fin Efficiency 570
3.4 Theoretical Heat Performance 570
4 Conclusions 571
Acknowledgment 571
References 571
Quality Control and Refinement of Car-Body Surfaces 573
Abstract 573
1 Introduction 573
2 Calculation of Highlight Lines 574
3 Selection of Defective Highlight Curves 575
4 Evaluation of the Highlight Line Pattern 575
4.1 Computation of Evaluation Point Sequences 576
4.2 Definition of Distance and Angle Error Functions 577
5 Calculation of New Highlight Curves 578
5.1 Calculation of New Highlight Curve Points 578
5.2 Calculation of the New Highlight Curves 578
6 Genetic Algorithm for Surface Correction 579
6.1 Genetic Representation 579
6.2 Fitness Function 580
7 Application and Results 580
8 Conclusion 583
References 583
Optimization 584
Optimization of Springs Applied in Vehicle Suspension Structure 585
Abstract 585
1 Introduction 585
2 The Applied Optimization Techniques 586
3 Compressed Helical Spring 589
4 Laminated Spring 591
5 Iteration History Analysis 592
6 Conclusions 594
Acknowledgements 595
References 595
Design and Optimization of a Bus Steering Linkage by Using Response Surface Methodology 597
Abstract 597
1 Introduction 597
2 Material and Method 599
3 Kinematic Design and Optimization 599
4 Determination of the Design Load 601
5 Mechanical Design and Optimization 604
6 FE Analyses for Various Driving Cases 605
7 Results and Discussion 606
8 Conclusions 609
Acknowledgements 609
References 610
Research and Application of Industrial Robot Manipulators in Vehicle and Automotive Engineering, a S ... 611
Abstract 611
1 Introduction 611
2 Path and Trajectory Planning 612
3 Optimization 615
4 Robot Manipulators in Vehicle Industry 615
4.1 Casting 615
4.2 Grinding and Polishing 616
4.3 Cutting 616
4.4 Assembly 616
4.5 Painting 617
4.6 Welding 617
5 Optimization and Robot Design 618
6 Statistics 618
7 Conclusion 620
Acknowledgement 620
References 620
Cost Calculation of Thin-Walled Structures Using Different Manufacturing Techniques 624
Abstract 624
1 Introduction 624
2 Cost Elements 625
2.1 The Cost of Material 625
2.2 The Fabrication Cost in General 625
2.3 Fabrication Times for Welding 625
2.4 Thermal and Waterjet Cutting 628
2.5 Surface Preparation Time 630
2.6 Painting Time 630
2.7 Total Cost 631
3 Optimization of Stiffened Plates 632
4 Optimization Method and Results 634
5 Conclusion 637
References 637
Elastic Plastic Analysis of Elliptical Plates 639
Abstract 639
1 Introduction 639
2 Formulation of the Problem 639
3 Main Assumptions and Governing Equations 641
4 Numerical Solution 643
5 Discussion 644
6 Conclusion 647
Acknowledgement 647
References 647
?-Optimum Reliability-Based Cost Design of Longitudinally Stiffened Welded Steel Plates 649
Abstract 649
1 Introduction 649
2 Geometric Characteristics and Design Variables 650
2.1 L-Shape and Trapezoidal Stiffener Data 651
3 Design Constraints for In-plane Compression 653
3.1 Global Buckling of the Stiffened Plate 653
3.2 Single Panel Buckling 654
3.3 Local and Torsional Buckling Calculation of Stiffeners 655
3.4 Distortion Constraint 655
4 Design Constraint for In-plane Compression and Transverse Loading 656
5 Cost Function 658
6 Reliability-Based Optimization 659
7 Optimization Strategy 660
7.1 Branch and Bound 660
7.2 Optimum Design with Continuous Design Variables 660
8 Numerical Examples 661
8.1 Longitudinally Stiffened Plate Loaded by Uniaxial Compression 661
8.2 Longitudinally Stiffened Plate Loaded by In-Plane Compression and Transverse Loading 663
Acknowledgement 664
References 664
Supply Chain Optimization in Automotive Industry: A Comparative Analysis of Evolutionary and Swarmin ... 666
Abstract 666
1 The Basics of Machine Learning in the Automotive Industry 666
2 The Genetic and the Black Hole Algorithms 668
2.1 The Basic of Genetic Algorithm 668
2.2 The Introduction of Black Hole Algorithm 668
3 The Comparison of the Algorithms 669
3.1 Basics of Testing 669
3.2 Testing the Algorithms 670
3.3 Comparison of Computation Time 671
4 Comparing on a Logistical Problem 672
4.1 The Model of Warehouse Positioning 672
4.2 Determine the Location of Warehouses 673
5 Conclusion 675
Acknowledgement 675
References 676
Welding 677
Resistance Spot Welding of 7075 Aluminium Alloy 678
Abstract 678
1 Introduction 678
1.1 HFQ Process 680
2 Resistance Spot Welding of Aluminium Alloys 681
3 Experimental Procedure 683
3.1 Investigated Material 683
3.2 Experimental Circumstances 683
3.3 Weld Lobe and Cycle 685
4 Results and Discussion 686
4.1 Tensile-Shear Tests 686
4.2 Macroscopic Tests 687
4.3 Hardness Tests 688
5 Conclusions 690
Acknowledgement 690
References 690
The Effect of Solution Annealing and Ageing During the RSW of 6082 Aluminium Alloy 693
Abstract 693
1 Introduction 693
2 The HFQ Process 695
3 Experimental Procedure and Methodology 696
3.1 Investigated Material 696
3.2 Experimental Circumstances 696
4 Results and Discussion 697
4.1 Tensile-Shear Tests 697
4.2 Macroscopic Tests 699
4.3 Hardness Tests 700
4.4 EBSD Tests 701
4.5 EDS Studies 703
5 Conclusions 705
Acknowledgement 706
References 706
Dissimilar Resistance Spot Welding of Ferrite-Martensite Dual Phase Steel/Low Carbon Steel: Phase Tr ... 708
Abstract 708
1 Introduction 708
2 Materials and Experimental Methods 709
3 Results and Discussion 710
3.1 Macro-/Microstructure and Hardness Profile 710
3.2 Effect of Welding Current on Tensile Properties and Failure Mode 713
4 Conclusions 716
References 716
MIG Welding and MIG Brazing of Different Austenitic Stainless Steel Grades 718
Abstract 718
1 Introduction 718
2 Materials and Methods 719
3 Results and Discussion 723
3.1 Microstructure After Welding and Brazing 723
3.2 Hardness of the Different Joint Regions 725
3.3 Tensile Properties of the Joints 727
4 Conclusions 730
Acknowledgments 731
References 731
Investigation of the Ultrasound Welded Aluminium Joint Microstructure 734
Abstract 734
1 Introduction 734
1.1 Theories of the Friction Welding 735
1.2 Theories of the Recrystallization 735
2 Welding Experiment 736
2.1 Used Material 736
2.2 Ultrasound Welding 736
3 Results 737
4 Conclusions 739
Acknowledgement 739
References 739
Fatigue Crack Propagation Limit Curves for High Strength Steels and Their Welded Joints Based on Two-Stage Relationship 741
Abstract 741
1 Introduction 741
2 Circumstances of the Investigations 742
2.1 Materials 742
2.2 Welding Characteristics 743
2.3 Fatigue Crack Growth Test Characteristics 743
3 Results of Examinations 744
4 Fatigue Crack Propagation Limit Curves 749
5 Summary and Conclusions 751
Acknowledgements 751
References 752
Mismatch Effect Influence on the HCF Resistance of High Strength Steels and Their GMA Welded Joints 754
Abstract 754
1 Introduction 754
2 Circumstances of the Investigations 755
2.1 Weldability Problems 755
2.2 Mismatch Effect 756
2.3 Characteristics of the Base Materials and Filler Metals 757
2.4 Welding Experiments 758
2.5 High Cycle Fatigue Tests 759
3 Testing Results and High Cycle Fatigue Design Curves 760
4 Summary and Conclusions 764
Acknowledgements 765
References 765
Arc Welding of Zinc Coated High Strength Steels 767
Abstract 767
1 Introduction 767
2 Small Heat Input Gas Shielded Metal Arc Welding Processes 768
2.1 The Cloos Cold Weld Process 770
2.2 The SKS Welding Systems’s MicroMIG Process Variant 771
2.3 The SKS Welding Systems’s MicroMIG-cc Process Variant 772
3 Welding Experiments on DP Steels 772
3.1 Welding Experiments Carried Out with Cold Weld Process 773
3.2 Welded Joints Produced with MicroMIG and MicroMIG – cc Process 775
4 Summary 776
Acknowledgment 776
References 777
Mechanical Properties in the Physically Simulated Heat-Affected Zones of 500 MPa Offshore Steel for ... 778
Abstract 778
1 Introduction 779
2 Experimental 779
3 Results and Discussion 780
3.1 Base Material 780
3.2 HAZ Simulated Samples 781
4 Summary 786
Acknowledgement 786
References 787
Thermoelectric Power Measurements on Duplex Stainless Steel Weldments 788
Abstract 788
1 Introduction 788
2 Materials and Methods 789
2.1 Base Material and Parameters of Welding 789
2.2 Solid-State Reheating 790
2.3 Metallographic Evaluation and Austenite Content Measurement 790
2.4 Thermoelectric Power and Total Nitrogen Content Measurement 792
3 Results and Discussion 792
3.1 Microstructure and Austenite Content 792
3.2 Total Nitrogen Content Measurement 793
3.3 Thermoelectric Power Measurement 794
4 Conclusions 796
Acknowledgments 796
References 796
Author Index 799
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 9.5.2018 |
Reihe/Serie | Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering | Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering |
Zusatzinfo | XVIII, 803 p. 519 illus. |
Verlagsort | Cham |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Technik ► Maschinenbau |
Schlagworte | Brakes management • dynamic vehicle control • Egyetem Gépészmérnöki- és Informatikai Karán 2016 • Forming Technology • JK2018, Miskolc, Hungary • vehicle adhesive technologies • Vehicle Engineering training • Vehicle maneuvering • vehicle miskolc • vehicle powertrains |
ISBN-10 | 3-319-75677-X / 331975677X |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-319-75677-6 / 9783319756776 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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