Ambient Assisted Living (eBook)
XI, 549 Seiten
Springer International Publishing (Verlag)
978-3-030-05921-7 (ISBN)
This book documents the state of the art in the field of ambient assisted living (AAL), highlighting the impressive potential of novel methodologies and technologies to enhance well-being and promote active ageing. The coverage is wide ranging, with sections on care models and algorithms, enabling technologies and assistive solutions, elderly people monitoring, home rehabilitation, ICT solutions for AAL, living with chronic conditions, robotic assistance for the elderly, sensing technologies for AAL, and smart housing. The book comprises a selection of the best papers presented at the 9th Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living (ForitAAL 2018), which was held in Lecce, Italy, in July 2018 and brought together end users, technology teams, and policy makers to develop a consensus on how to improve provision for elderly and impaired people. Readers will find that the expert contributions offer clear insights into the ways in which the most recent exciting advances may be expected to assist in addressing the needs of the elderly and those with chronic conditions.
Preface 6
Contents 8
Models and Algorithms 13
A Personalised Virtual Coach to Counteract Ageing Decline: The H2020 NESTORE Project 14
1 Introduction 15
2 The Wellbeing Dimensions of NESTORE 16
3 Scope of NESTORE and Key Innovations 17
4 The NESTORE Methodological Approach and Validation 18
5 Cost-Effectiveness and Sustainability of NESTORE 20
6 Conclusions 21
References 22
Multi-domain Model of Healthy Ageing: The Experience of the H2020 NESTORE Project 23
1 Introduction 24
2 NESTORE Model of Healthy Ageing 24
3 Physiological Status and Physical Activity Behaviour 25
4 Nutrition 27
5 Cognitive and Mental Status and Social Behaviour 27
6 NESTORE Healthy Ageing Model Outcomes 29
7 Conclusions 30
References 30
New Models in Managing Out-of-Hospital Care of Chronic Patients and Aging Population 32
1 Introduction 32
2 Integrated Out-of-Hospital Care Solutions 33
2.1 The Birth of the AICare Idea and the First Applications 34
2.2 Pilot Study Population 35
3 Aicare Marketplace: Improved Accessibility Putting the Patient at the Center of Care 35
3.1 The AICare Model 36
3.2 The AICare Platform in Brief 37
4 Involvement of Non-medical Professionals in the Care Program 40
5 Different Approaches: “Top-Down” in National Systems Versus “Bottom-Up” in Private Care Options 40
6 Collaboration Between Partner Companies/Hospitals 41
7 Working on All Aspects of Health—Not Only the Disease 41
8 Conclusions 41
References 42
From Ambient Assisted Living to Society Ambient Living 43
1 Introduction 43
2 From Tradition to Innovation 44
2.1 Generalization of the Assistive Technology Approach 46
2.2 Increasing Use of Intelligence 46
3 Technology Developments 49
3.1 Environments with Intelligent Objects 49
3.2 Intelligent Environments and Dedicated Networks 50
3.3 Extension to the Entire Society 51
4 Examples of Experimental Implementation 52
5 Conclusion 53
References 53
Designing Multidimensional Assessment of ICTs for Elderly People: The UNCAP Clinical Study Protocol 54
1 Background and Rationale 55
1.1 Aging of EU Population and Needs for Innovative Technologies 55
1.2 Evaluating Safety and Effect of Innovative Technologies 56
2 The UNCAP Bundle 57
2.1 System Architecture 57
2.2 Indication for Use 58
3 Available Evidences on ICTs for the Elderly with CI 59
4 Study Design 61
4.1 Objectives and Research Questions 62
4.2 Study Dimensions and Outcome Variables 62
4.3 Primary and Secondary Hypotheses and Study Endpoints 62
4.4 Criteria for Recruiting Participants 62
4.5 Recruitment Process 66
4.6 Sample Size 67
4.7 Control Groups for Primary End-Users (EP) and ICGs 69
4.8 Randomization Procedures 69
4.9 Criteria for Discontinuing Individuals 69
5 Study Procedure 70
5.1 T0 (Enrolment Time) 70
5.2 T1 (UNCAP First Time Exposure for Test Groups. Training) 71
5.3 T2 (Evaluation of UNCAP Acceptance and Starting of UNCAP Evaluation) 72
5.4 T3 (Intermediate UNCAP Evaluation) 72
5.5 T4 (End of the Evaluation Period) 72
6 UNCAP Multidimensional Assessment 73
7 Conclusions 75
References 75
A Technological Approach to Support the Care Process of Older in Residential Facilities 77
1 Introduction 78
2 The OPENCARE Architecture 79
2.1 Air Quality Sensor 80
2.2 Bed Sensor 81
2.3 Data Introduced by Tablet Interface 81
3 Data Acquisition and Elaboration 82
4 Conclusion 84
References 84
A Non-invasive Method for Biological Age Estimation Using Frailty Phenotype Assessment 86
1 Introduction 86
2 Related Works 88
3 Method and Materials 90
3.1 Frailty Phenotype 91
3.2 Evaluation Protocol 92
3.3 Cloud Application 93
3.4 Biological Age Estimation 94
4 Results 95
5 Conclusions and Future Developments 98
References 98
Enabling End Users to Define the Behavior of Smart Objects in AAL Environments 100
1 Introduction and Motivation 101
2 A Quick Look at the State of the Art 102
3 Using the EFESTO Platform in an AAL Scenario 104
4 Conclusion and Future Work 105
References 107
Smart Objects and Biofeedback for a Pediatric Rehabilitation 2.0 109
1 Introduction 110
2 Methods 110
3 Results 116
4 Discussion 121
5 Conclusions and Future Work 122
References 123
The Use of Smart Tools for Combined Training of People with MCI: A Case Report 124
1 Introduction 125
2 Related Works 125
3 Materials and Methods 126
3.1 Protocol 129
3.2 Participants 130
4 Results 132
5 Discussion 133
6 Conclusion 135
References 136
Designing and Implementing a Transferability Testing Methodology for AAL Systems Dedicated to Integrated Care Services 138
1 Study Overview 139
2 Pre-study Activities: Localization and Recruitment 140
2.1 System Localization 140
2.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria 141
2.3 Recruitment Procedures 141
2.4 Informed Consent Procedures 143
2.5 Baseline Assessment 143
3 System Testing 143
3.1 Introducing and Implementing the System 143
3.2 Using the System 145
3.3 Trial Logistics 146
4 System Evaluation 147
4.1 Quantitative Follow-up 147
4.2 Qualitative Follow-up 147
4.3 Interoperability Evaluation 147
5 Results and Conclusions 147
References 148
The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Mobile App for Supporting Older Adults in the Monitoring of Food Intake 149
1 Introduction 149
1.1 Changes in the Nutritional Needs of Older Adults 150
1.2 Changes in Physical and Cognitive Skills 150
1.3 Supporting Older Adults’ Food Intake 151
2 The Research 151
2.1 Study 1: App Selection and Preliminary Evaluation 152
2.2 Study 2: Design Requirements and Implementation 155
2.3 Study 3: Usability Evaluation 157
3 Discussion and Conclusions 159
References 160
Reasoning in Multi-agent Based Smart Homes: A Systematic Literature Review 162
1 Introduction 163
2 The Review Process 164
2.1 Planning the Review 165
2.2 Conducting the Review 166
2.3 Data Synthesis 169
3 Review Results and Discussion 169
3.1 Purposes of Smart Homes 169
3.2 Requirements of a Smart Home Reasoning System 170
3.3 Technologies for Multi-agent Based Smart Homes 172
3.4 Evaluation of the Presented Solutions 174
3.5 Challenges and Future Research Directions 177
4 Conclusion 177
References 178
Will Robin Ever Help ``Nonna Lea'' Using Artificial Intelligence? 181
1 Introduction 182
2 An Intelligent and Friendly Robot for ``Nonna Lea'' 183
3 KOaLa: Knowledge-Based Continuous Loop 184
3.1 The Semantic Module 185
3.2 The Acting Module 186
4 KOaLa in aid of ``Nonna Lea'': An Happy Ending Story? 189
5 Conclusions 191
References 191
Enabling Technologies and Assistive Solutions 192
Age-Friendly City and Walkability: Data from Observations Towards Simulations 193
1 Introduction and Related Work 193
2 Observation Results 194
3 Discussion 196
References 197
A Novel Tele-Medicine System to Improve Therapy Monitoring in Chronic Respiratory Diseases 199
1 Introduction 200
2 Smart Breath Analyzer (SBA) 200
3 Overall Network Architecture 201
4 Conclusions 203
References 203
The Diabesity Care Project: Diabetes Integrated Monitoring System for Self-care Empowering 204
1 Introduction 204
2 Study and Research 206
3 Technical Activities 208
4 Future Outcome Evaluation 213
5 Conclusions 215
References 216
Fully Integrated Smart Insole for Diabetic Foot 217
1 Introduction 218
2 Smart Insole System 219
2.1 Temperature and Pressure Data Acquisition—Transmission System 219
3 Results 222
4 Conclusion 223
References 224
A eHealth System for Atrial Fibrillation Monitoring 225
1 Introduction 225
2 Materials and Methods 226
2.1 Acquisition System 226
2.2 Analysis on Heart Activity 227
2.3 Analysis on Breathing Signal: Apnea Events Detection Algorithm 231
2.4 Application 233
3 Results 234
4 Conclusion 235
References 236
Assessment of Mental Stress Through the Analysis of Physiological Signals Acquired From Wearable Devices 238
1 Introduction 239
2 State of the Art 239
3 Hardware Configuration 240
4 Measurement Protocol 242
5 Data Analysis 242
5.1 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Data Processing 242
5.2 EEG Data Processing 243
5.3 Feature Extraction 244
6 Results 246
7 Conclusions 248
References 250
Experimentation of a Low Cost Public Transport System for People with Visual Disabilities 252
1 Introduction 253
2 Related Works 253
3 System Architecture 254
3.1 User Application 256
3.2 Bus Application 257
3.3 Server 257
4 Prototype 257
5 Pilot Experiment and Preliminary Results 260
6 Conclusion 261
References 262
Upper Limbs Orthosis for Disability Support: The Areas of Project Development Between Technology and Design 264
1 Research ScenarioA 265
1.1 Mobility Level 265
1.2 Universal Design as User Support 265
1.3 Orthesis and Prosthesis as Accessory 267
1.4 Objectives of the Research Project 268
2 Case Study OneB 269
2.1 Talking Hands—Background 269
2.2 Introduction 269
2.3 Architectural High-Level Design 270
2.4 Software and Firmware 270
2.5 Wearing System 272
3 Case Study TwoC 273
3.1 Research Scenario: The Pathology and the Patient 273
3.2 A New Type of Orthosis: The Role of Design and Technological Contamination 275
3.3 An Orthesis Capable of Evolving with the Course of the Disease 277
4 Merging SystemsA-B-C 278
References 279
Depth-Based Fall Detection: Outcomes from a Real Life Pilot 281
1 Introduction 282
2 Materials and Methods 283
2.1 Hardware Components 283
2.2 The Fall Detection Algorithm 284
3 Fall Detection Performance 285
4 Pilot Installation 287
4.1 System Deployment 288
4.2 Main Outcomes 291
5 Conclusion 292
References 293
Big Data Analytics in Smart Living Environments for Elderly Monitoring 294
1 Introduction 294
2 Related Works and Background 295
3 Materials and Methods 297
4 Experimental Results and Discussion 300
5 Conclusions 301
References 301
A Smart Inertial Pattern for the SUMMIT IoT Multi-platform 303
1 Introduction 304
2 The System Developed 305
2.1 The ADL Classification Methodology 306
3 Experimental Results 309
References 310
RareBox App. Patient-Centered Monitoring System in the Self-management of Rare Diseases 312
1 Apulia Region’s Focus on Rare Diseases 312
2 RareBox Research Project 313
2.1 Phase 1. Quality of Life and Biopsychosocial Perspective: Research Tools 314
2.2 Phase 2. Patients’ and Clinicians’ Needs 315
2.3 Phase 3. QoLSmile Monitoring Tool 316
2.4 Phase 4. Development and Evaluation of the RareBox App 317
2.5 Phase 5. The Evaluation of Accessibility, Usability: App Developer and User 320
3 Conclusion 323
References 323
A Cyber Secured IoT: Fostering Smart Living and Safety of Fragile Individuals in Intelligent Environments 325
1 Introduction 326
2 Needs to Be Addressed 326
3 Buildings, Sensors, and Internet of Things 327
4 Smart Buildings Solutions for Elderly and Disabled People 328
5 Conclusions 331
References 331
Fabrication of Flexible ALN Thin Film-Based Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor for Integration Into an Implantable Artificial Pancreas 333
1 Introduction 334
2 Results and Discussion 334
3 Conclusions 336
References 336
Facial Expression Recognition in Ageing Adults: A Comparative Study 338
1 Introduction 339
2 Methods 340
2.1 CNN Architecture 342
2.2 Handcrafted Features Approaches for FER in Ageing Adults 343
3 Results 344
4 Discussion and Conclusion 347
References 348
Physiological Wireless Sensor Network for the Detection of Human Moods to Enhance Human-Robot Interaction 349
1 Introduction 350
2 Related Work 350
3 Aim of the Work 352
4 Material and Method 352
4.1 Instruments 352
4.2 Experimental Protocol 353
4.3 Participants 355
4.4 Data Analysis 355
5 Results 359
6 Discussion and Conclusion 361
References 362
An Embedded Localization System for the SUMMIT IoT Multi-platform 365
1 Introduction 366
2 Architecture of the Localization System 367
2.1 The Measuring Protocol 367
3 Preliminary Results 369
References 371
Experiments, Evaluation and Lessons Learnt 373
Understanding the Interest Toward Smart Home Technology: The Role of Utilitaristic Perspective 374
1 Introduction 375
2 Method 376
2.1 Participants 376
2.2 Survey Protocol and Data Collection 377
2.3 Data Analysis 377
3 Results 379
3.1 Descriptive Statistics 379
3.2 Inferential Statistics 381
4 Discussion and Implications 384
5 Conclusion 386
References 387
Health360: An Open, Modular Platform for Multimodal Data Collection and AAL Monitoring 389
1 Introduction 389
2 Computerized Systems for Health and Care Data Collection 390
2.1 Filling in the Gaps: Health360 391
3 Applications of Health360 to Elderly People: AAL and Beyond 395
3.1 Biomedical Wearable Sensors 397
4 Conclusion 399
References 399
Assessment of Parkinson’s Disease At-home Using a Natural Interface Based System 402
1 Introduction 403
2 Patient Movement Analysis 404
2.1 System Setup 404
2.2 Human Computer Interface and Tracking of the Movement 405
2.3 Clinical Assessment and Data Acquisition 406
2.4 Movement Characterization by Kinematic Features 406
3 Experimental Results 407
3.1 Discriminant Parameters for Upper and Lower Limb UPDRS Tasks 407
3.2 Automatic Assessment by Machine Learning 410
4 Conclusions 411
References 411
Seniors’ Acceptance of Virtual Humanoid Agents 413
1 Introduction 414
2 Materials and Methods 416
2.1 Stimuli 416
2.2 Participants 417
2.3 Tools and Procedures 418
3 Results 419
3.1 Results on Agents’ Physical and Social Features, and Careers (Experiment 1) 420
3.2 Results on Seniors’ Preferences on the Pragmatic, and Hedonic, Dimensions of the Proposed Interactive Systems (Experiment 2) 421
4 Discussions and Conclusion 424
References 426
Human and Animal Welfare Assessment During Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI): A Pilot Project in Progress 428
1 Introduction 429
2 Pilot Project in Progress 430
2.1 Proposal Project Methodology 431
3 Conclusion 437
References 438
“Casa Amica”, Project for the Construction of a Social-Assistance Structure and a Social-Healthcare Unit C.R.I., to Be Used for the Reception of Elderly People with Disabilities 440
1 Description of Architectural Interventions 441
1.1 Preservability, Flexibility and Usability 442
1.2 Spaces for Individual and Collective Well-Being 443
1.3 Functional Identifiability, Rationality of Use 443
1.4 The Elimination of Architectural Barriers 445
1.5 Architectural Objectives 447
1.6 Accessibility to the Area 447
1.7 Integration with the Context and Reduction of Environmental Impact and Noise and Air Pollution 447
1.8 Use of Innovative Technologies and Use of Durable Materials 448
1.9 Use of Light 450
References 451
Architecture for Cooperative Interacting Robotic Systems Towards Assisted Living: A Preliminary Study 453
1 Introduction 454
2 Details of the Interacting Architecture 456
2.1 Software: ROS and Gazebo 456
2.2 Hardware: Wheelchair and Robotic Manipulator 458
3 Developed Algorithms 460
3.1 Localization and Navigation Algorithms for the Mobile Robotic System 460
3.2 Pick and Place Algorithm via Baxter Robot 461
3.3 Implementation Details 461
4 Simulation and Experimental Trials 462
4.1 Simulation Trial 463
4.2 Experimental Trial 464
5 Conclusions and Future Works 466
References 467
Personal Health E-Record—Toward an Enabling Ambient Assisted Living Technology for Communication and Information Sharing Between Patients and Care Providers 469
1 Introduction 469
2 PEHR Description and Functions 473
2.1 Target and Stakeholder 473
2.2 Functions 473
3 Other Solutions and Usability 478
4 Perspective, Conclusions and Future Developments 479
References 480
Seminal VOCs Analysis Investigating Sperm Quality Decline—New Studies to Improve Male Fertility Contrasting Population Ageing 482
1 Introduction 483
2 Methods 485
2.1 Semen Analysis 485
2.2 VOCs Extraction and Separation 485
2.3 Compound Identification and Data Analysis 486
3 Results 486
4 Discussion and Conclusion 488
References 489
MARIO Project: Validation in the Hospital Setting 490
1 Introduction 491
2 Materials and Methods 492
2.1 Diagnosis of Dementia, and Cognitive-Neuropsychiatric-Affective Assessment 493
2.2 Evaluation of Social Aspects and Resilience 494
2.3 Quality of Life and Caregiver Burden Level Assessment 494
2.4 Clinical Assessment 494
2.5 Acceptability and Usability Assessment 494
2.6 Statistical Analysis 495
3 Results 495
3.1 Pre-MARIO Interaction Outcomes 495
3.2 Post-MARIO Interaction Outcomes 496
4 Conclusion 499
References 500
Active Aging by Continuous Learning: A Training Environment for Cultural Visits 502
1 Introduction 503
2 Using AI to Personalize Lessons for Older Users 503
2.1 The LECTurE Learning Subsystem 505
2.2 On-Site Training 506
2.3 Distributed Training 507
3 The LECTurE System 507
3.1 Modeling the Students 508
3.2 Modeling the Lessons 509
4 The System Architecture 511
5 An example of LECTurE at work 512
6 Conclusions and Future Works 513
References 513
The TV-AssistDem Project: A TV-Based Platform for Coping with Mild Cognitive Impairment 515
1 Introduction 516
1.1 The TV-Assistdem Project Idea 517
2 User Requirements Elicitation 519
2.1 Method 519
2.2 Indications for Developers 522
3 The TV-AssistDem Platform: Architecture Design 524
4 Current Status and Conclusions 525
References 525
Author Index 527
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 2.2.2019 |
Reihe/Serie | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering |
Zusatzinfo | XI, 549 p. 194 illus., 159 illus. in color. |
Verlagsort | Cham |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Medizin / Pharmazie |
Technik ► Maschinenbau | |
Schlagworte | Aal • Assistive Devices • Care Models • Elderly People Monitoring • ForitAAL 2018 • Robotic Assistance for the Elderly • Sensing Technologies for AAL • Smart Housing • Smart Living Technologies |
ISBN-10 | 3-030-05921-9 / 3030059219 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-030-05921-7 / 9783030059217 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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