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The Construction Industry in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (eBook)

Proceedings of 11th Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Postgraduate Research Conference
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978-3-030-26528-1 (ISBN)

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This book gathers papers from the 11th Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) Postgraduate Research Conference, held on 28-30 July 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The conference provided an essential forum for reviewing and generating knowledge on Construction 4.0 and, consequently, highlighted processes and practices that allow us to deliver and operate built environment assets more effectively and efficiently by focusing on physical-to-digital and digital-to-physical transformation. The event addressed three broad themes: 

  • Industrial production (prefabrication, 3-D printing and assembly, offsite and advanced manufacturing);
  • Cyber-physical systems (actuators, sensors, IoT, robots and cobots for repetitive and dangerous tasks, and drones for mapping, progress monitoring, safety and quality inspections, lifting, moving and positioning); and 
  • Technologies (digital ecosystems, digital platforms, BIM, video and laser scanning, AI and cloud computing, big data and data analytics, reality capture, blockchain, simulation, virtual and augmented reality, data standards and interoperability, and vertical and horizontal integration).

Given its scope, the book will be of interest to all construction industry and architectural professionals who want to learn about cutting-edge technologies applied to construction

Contents 5
A Systems Thinking Approach to Construction Project Management 11
Abstract 11
1 Introduction 11
1.1 Systems Thinking 12
1.2 Systems Archetypes 13
1.3 Causal Loop Diagrams 13
2 Research Methods 13
3 Results and Discussion 14
3.1 The Mental Model of the Construction Industry 14
3.2 Escalating Archetype 15
3.3 Fixes that Fails Archetype 16
3.4 Limit to Growth or Success 17
3.5 Shifting the Burden Archetype 18
3.6 Success to Successful Archetype 19
4 Conclusion 19
Acknowledgements 20
References 20
Barriers of Project Bond Initiatives in Infrastructure Financing in Ghana 22
Abstract 22
1 Introduction 22
2 Literature Review 23
2.1 Construction Risk 24
2.2 Currency Issues 24
2.3 Rating Ceilings 24
2.4 Industrial Expertise 25
2.5 Political Risk 25
3 Methodology 25
4 Analysis of Results 26
5 Discussion of Findings 28
6 Conclusion 29
References 30
Factors Influencing the Cost Performance of Traditional and Public-Private Partnership Procured Housing Projects in Nigeria 32
Abstract 32
1 Introduction 32
2 The Traditional Procurement Route (TRD) 33
3 Public Private Partnership (PPP) 33
4 Cost Performance 34
5 Methodology 34
6 Results 35
6.1 Factors Influencing the Cost Performance of TRD Procured Housing Projects (PHP) 35
6.2 Factors Influencing the Cost Performance of PPP PHP 38
7 Discussion of Findings 41
8 Conclusion and Recommendations 42
References 42
Assessment on the Influence of Stakeholders on Sustainable Building Construction in Ondo State, Nigeria 44
Abstract 44
1 Introduction 44
2 Types of Stakeholders 45
3 Methodology 46
4 Data Analysis 47
5 Discussion of Findings 51
6 Conclusions and Recommendation 51
References 52
Investigating a Male-Dominated Space: Female Students’ Perceptions of Gendered Cultures in Construction Workplaces 53
Abstract 53
1 Introduction 53
1.1 Theoretical Framework 55
1.2 Aim 56
2 Methodology 56
2.1 Material 57
2.2 Participants 57
3 Analysis 58
3.1 Frequency of Interactions with Professional Engineers 58
3.2 Experience of Gendered Cultures 59
3.3 Responses to Gendered Cultures 60
4 Findings and Discussion 60
4.1 Interactions Consistent with Gendered Cultures 60
4.2 Students Coping Strategies for Gendered Cultures 61
5 Conclusion and Recommendations 62
Acknowledgments 63
References 63
Construction Transaction Costs in a Developing Economy: The Nigerian Construction Perspective 66
Abstract 66
1 Introduction 66
2 Research Methodology 67
3 Discussion of Results 70
4 Conclusion and Recommendations 70
References 71
4IR Leadership Effectiveness and Practical Implications for Construction Business Organisations 72
Abstract 72
1 Introduction 72
2 Theoretical Background for the Study 73
2.1 Leadership Change Intelligence (LCQ) 73
2.2 4IR Leadership Traits (4LT) 74
2.3 Change Leadership Styles (CLS) 74
3 Research Method 75
4 Developing 4IR Leadership Effectiveness Framework 76
5 Conclusion, Recommendations and Limitations of the Study 78
Acknowledgements 78
References 79
Evaluation of Safety and Security Measures: Preliminary Findings of a University Student Housing Facility in South Africa 81
Abstract 81
1 Introduction 81
2 Safety and Security Measures in Student Housing Facilities 82
3 Research Methodology 83
4 Findings and Discussion 84
5 Conclusion 89
6 Limitation 89
7 Recommendation 89
Acknowledgement 90
References 90
Work-Life Balance Practices in the Construction Industry of Swaziland 92
Abstract 92
1 Introduction 92
2 Literature Review 93
2.1 Work-Life Balance: Understanding the Terminology 93
2.2 Work-Life Balance Practices 93
3 Research Method 94
4 Results 95
4.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents 95
4.2 Reliability Analysis 95
4.3 Work-Life Balance Practices 95
4.4 Relationship Between Variables 96
5 Conclusion 98
References 98
Apprenticeship: A Narrative Review of Factors Influencing Career Choice of Young People 100
Abstract 100
1 Introduction 100
2 Research Method 101
3 Results 102
3.1 Factors Influencing Career Choices of Young People 103
3.2 Family and Friends Factor Grouping 104
3.3 Job and Industry Characteristics Factor Grouping 104
3.4 Relationship Between Variables 105
3.5 Benefits and Job Opportunities Factor Grouping 105
3.6 School Grouping 105
3.7 Personal Grouping 105
4 Data Collection Method Utilised in Selected Studies 106
5 Discussion of Results and Directions for Future Research 106
6 Conclusion 107
References 107
Relevance of Competencies of Construction Project Risk Managers to Quantity Surveying Practice 110
Abstract 110
1 Introduction 110
2 Literature Review 111
2.1 The Concept of Competency 111
2.2 Competences of Project Risk Manager 111
2.3 Quantity Surveyors Competence 112
3 Research Methodology 112
4 Findings and Discussion 113
4.1 Characteristics of Respondents 113
4.2 Relevance of Construction Project Risk Managers Competencies to Quantity Surveying Practice 114
4.3 Factor Analysis 115
4.4 Discussion of Findings 119
5 Conclusion 120
References 120
Killing What We Intend to Grow: The Challenges of the Local Construction Industry with the Public Procurement Systems in Ghana 122
Abstract 122
1 Introduction 122
2 What Is Public Procurement? 124
2.1 Objectives of Public Procurement Systems and Regulatory Rules 124
2.2 The Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663 of 2003) 125
2.3 Criticism of the Public Procurement Law (PPL) of Ghana (Act 663) 126
2.4 Problem of the Construction Industry in Ghana 126
3 Research Methodology 128
4 Findings and Discussions 129
4.1 The Challenges the Local Construction Industry Has with the Current Public Procurement System 129
4.2 Respondent’s Suggestions on What Government Should Do in the Public Procurement Process to Help Grow the Local Construction Industry 130
4.3 An Interview with Ghana Public Procurement Authority 131
5 Conclusion and Recommendations 131
References 132
Mentoring Practices in Construction Professional Firms in Nigeria 134
Abstract 134
1 Introduction 134
2 Concept of Mentoring and Mentoring Practices 135
3 Research Methodology 136
3.1 Background Information of Respondents 137
3.2 Mentoring Practices in Construction Professional Firms 137
4 Discussion of Findings 140
5 Conclusion 140
References 141
A Model of Network Communication in Building Information Modelling Supply Chain 143
Abstract 143
1 Introduction 143
2 Nature of Communication Among the BIM-SCM and the Influence of BIM Process Requirements 144
2.1 Network Communication 144
2.1.1 Mixed Communication 145
2.1.2 Structured Communication 145
3 Method 146
3.1 Concept Formulation 146
3.2 Database 147
3.3 Meta-analytic Procedures 147
4 Results and Discussion 148
4.1 Nature of Communication Among the BIM-SCM 148
4.2 Influence of BIM Process Requirements on the Nature of Communication 149
5 Conclusions, Practical Implications, and Limitations 150
Acknowledgment 151
References 151
A Building Information Modelling-Integrated Model of Construction Project Performance Indicators 154
Abstract 154
1 Introduction 154
2 Theoretical Background 156
2.1 Existing Models of CPPIs 156
2.2 BIM and Construction Project Performance 158
3 Method 158
3.1 Concept Formulation 158
3.2 Database 159
3.3 Meta-analytic Procedure 160
4 Results and Discussion 160
4.1 Comprehensive Sets of Construction Project Performance Indicators 160
4.2 BIM-Integrated Model for Construction Project Performance 161
5 Conclusion 164
6 Limitations of the Study 165
Acknowledgments 165
References 165
Graduating Female Students’ Long-Term Career Decisions and Underrepresentation of Women in South Africa’s Construction Industry 168
Abstract 168
1 Introduction 168
2 Literature Review 169
2.1 Factors Motivating Construction Education 169
2.2 Internal Barriers 169
2.3 External Barriers 170
3 Conceptual Framework 171
4 Research Methods 171
4.1 Results and Discussion 171
5 Conclusion 175
References 176
Applied Systems Analysis for Analysing Challenges in Construction Projects: A Methodological Approach 178
Abstract 178
1 Introduction 178
2 Approach of Investigation 179
3 Understanding of ASA and SD Modelling Approach 179
4 Overall Procedure of ASA for Construction Challenges 181
4.1 Initial Crafting of the “Problem” 181
4.2 Identifying the System, Its Environment, and the Sub-systems of the System 182
4.3 Preliminary Analysis of Logic, and Conceptualization - Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD) 182
4.4 Model Formulations for Computational Analysis 183
4.5 Screening and Analysis of Computational Model Simulated Results 185
4.6 Implementing the Decision and Handling of Uncertainty 185
5 Conclusion 186
References 186
Effects of Land Administration on RDP Land and Buildings-A Case of Alexandra Township 189
Abstract 189
1 Introduction 189
2 Land Reform Policies 190
3 Concept of Land Administration 190
4 Reconstruction and Development Housing Program (RDP) Houses 191
5 Effects of Land Administration on RDP Land and Buildings 191
5.1 The Requirement for Improvement in Land Rights 191
5.2 Enforcement of Policies and Support Services 191
5.3 Involvement of the Community in Decision Making Process 192
5.4 A Reasonable Model of Provincial Land Tenure Security 192
5.5 Insecure Land Ownership 192
5.6 Problem of Bureaucracy 193
6 Methodology 193
6.1 Research Area, Approach and Design 193
7 Findings 194
7.1 Effects of Land Administration to RDP Land and Buildings 194
8 Conclusion 195
References 196
Awareness of Green Building Prerequisites for Skill Development Among Built-Industry Professionals in Nigeria 198
Abstract 198
1 Introduction 198
2 Literature 199
2.1 Green Building Standards and Certification 199
2.2 Green Building Development in Nigeria 199
2.3 LEED Certification 200
3 Methodology 201
4 Data Presentation and Analysis 201
References 205
A Review of the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Use of Automation and Robotics in the Construction Industry 207
Abstract 207
1 Introduction 207
2 What is Automation and Robotics in Construction (ARC)? 208
3 The Advantages of Using ARC 209
3.1 Safety 209
3.2 Increased Productivity 209
3.3 Sustainability 210
4 The Disadvantage of Using ARC 211
4.1 Job Losses 211
4.2 High Capital Cost 212
5 Conclusion 212
References 213
Corporate Governance and REITs Performance 215
Abstract 215
1 Introduction 215
2 Literature Review 217
3 Research Methodology 218
4 Results and Analysis 219
5 Conclusions 222
References 222
Repositioning Waste Management Architecture for Sustainable Upstream Performance in Lagos, Nigeria 225
Abstract 225
1 Introduction 225
2 Statement of Research Problem 226
3 Methodology 227
4 Excerpts from Lagos Waste Management Authority Law 2007 227
5 Findings and Discussions 228
5.1 Demographic Details of Respondents 228
5.2 The Enabling Law 229
5.3 Major Sources of Refuse Generation 229
6 Assessment of Solid Waste Evacuation Practices in Lagos 231
6.1 The PSP Operators, in Visiting the Homes Hardly Kept to Schedule 231
6.2 The Unofficial Refuse Cart Pushers Were Another Set of Refuse Evacuation Operators 231
7 Conclusion 232
8 Recommendations 233
References 233
Regulatory Distress: Architects’ Perspective on Enforcement of Building Regulations in Ghana 235
Abstract 235
1 Introduction 235
2 Literature Review 237
2.1 Overview of Building Regulatory Regime 237
2.2 The State of Enforcement of Building Regulations in Ghana 238
2.2.1 Institutional Factors 239
2.2.2 Political Factors 239
2.2.3 Socio-Economic Factors 239
2.3 Overview of Smart Building Regulatory Regime 240
3 Methodology 240
3.1 Population Sampling and Technique 241
3.2 Method of Data Analysis 241
4 Data Presentation, Analysis and Discussions 242
4.1 Characteristics of Respondents 242
4.2 Presentation of Data and Analysis 242
5 Discussion of Results 245
5.1 Perceived Weaknesses in Building Regulatory Regime 245
5.2 Overreliance on Government Agencies for Enforcement 245
5.3 Absence of Proper Inspection Beyond Permit Acquisition 246
5.4 Level of Awareness of Smart Regulations Amongst Professionals 246
5.5 Factors Accounting for Laxity in Enforcement of Building Regulations in Ghana 246
6 Inter-rate Reliability Analysis 246
7 Conclusion and Recommendation 247
Acknowledgment 248
References 248
Making Rental Housing in the Gap-Market More Affordable Through Green Building Technology 251
Abstract 251
1 Introduction 251
2 Methodology 252
3 Findings 254
3.1 Green Building Technology for Affordable Housing Developments 254
3.2 The Benefits of GBT for the “Affordable Housing” Tenant 255
3.3 The Case for Private Developers to Build Green Affordable Housing 255
3.3.1 The Split Incentive Problem 255
3.3.2 Decreased Life-Cycle Costs, Operating Expenses and Maintenance Cost 256
3.3.3 Increased Property Value 256
3.3.4 Improved Tenant Performance: Consistent Rental Payments and Lower Tenant Turnover 257
3.3.5 Tax Benefits 257
3.3.6 Green Building Cost Premium 258
4 Conclusion 258
5 Recommendations 259
References 259
Identification of Planning and Design Factors Influencing Stakeholders’ Acceptance of Public Transport Facility 262
Abstract 262
1 Introduction 262
2 Literature Review 263
2.1 Stakeholders’ Engagement and Involvement in Transportation Projects 263
2.2 Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Stakeholders’ Perception 264
2.3 Geometric Parameters for Transportation Infrastructure 264
2.4 Traffic Management and Control 265
3 Study Area 265
4 Research Methodology 266
4.1 Data Collection 267
4.2 Data Analysis 268
5 Results and Discussion 269
6 Conclusion 272
References 273
Evaluating the Impact of Emerging Contractors’ Failure to Secure Tenders from the Tender Market 275
Abstract 275
1 Introduction 275
2 Literature Review 276
2.1 Tendering 276
2.2 Interpretation of Construction Drawings 276
2.3 Planning 277
2.4 Estimation 277
2.5 Negotiations 278
3 Research Methodology 278
4 Findings 279
4.1 Profile of the Respondents 279
4.2 Reliability Testing 279
4.3 Results 281
4.3.1 Tendering 281
4.3.2 Interpretation of Construction Drawings 282
4.3.3 Planning 282
4.3.4 Estimation 283
4.3.5 Negotiations 283
5 Conclusion and Recommendations 283
References 284
Enhancing Financial Communication in Quantity Surveying Practice 286
Abstract 286
1 Introduction 286
2 Financial Communication 287
3 Readability Tests 289
4 Quantity Surveying Practice and Financial Communication 290
5 Research Design 291
6 Analysis of the Literature Review 292
7 Conclusion, Limitations and Recommendations 294
References 294
Empirical Evidence on the Measurement of Information Asymmetry on the Pricing of REITs on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange 297
Abstract 297
1 Introduction 297
2 Literature Review 299
2.1 Empirical Review on Information Asymmetry 299
2.2 Market-Microstructure Literature on Measuring the Impact of Information Asymmetry on Real Estate Asset Pricing 300
3 Data and Methodology 301
4 Results 302
4.1 Introduction 302
5 Discussion and Conclusion 304
References 305
Barriers for the Adoption of Incorporating RFID with Mobile Technology for Improved Safety of Construction Professionals 307
Abstract 307
1 Introduction 307
2 Construction Industry Safety and RFID 309
2.1 Safety in the South African Construction Industry 309
2.2 Adopting RFID and Mobile Technology for Construction Monitoring 309
3 Methodology 310
4 Discussion of Findings 311
4.1 Background Information 311
4.2 Barriers to the Use of RFID and Mobile Technology 311
5 Conclusion 312
Acknowledgements 313
References 313
Organizational Culture for Construction Enterprises in the Fourth Industrial Revolution 315
Abstract 315
1 Introduction 315
1.1 Research Question Mode 316
1.2 Conceptual Paper Justification 316
1.3 Conceptual Framework 316
2 Methodology 317
2.1 Dimensions of Industry 4.0 317
2.2 Organizational Culture Types 318
2.3 Organizational Culture Types Among Construction Enterprises 319
2.4 Innovation Diffusion and Adopter Categories 321
3 Results and Discussion 322
4 Conclusion 322
References 323
Construction Education’s Simulation Study in the Fourth Industrial Revolution 326
Abstract 326
1 Introduction 326
2 Literature Review 327
2.1 Conceptual Framework 327
2.2 Construction Management Capstone Course Design 327
2.3 Construction Management Skills and Attributes 328
3 Methodology 328
3.1 Research Design 328
3.2 Research Method 328
3.3 Population and Sample 329
4 Data Analysis 329
5 Results and Discussion 330
6 Conclusion 331
Appendix A. CM Skills and Attributes 331
Appendix B. CM Graduate Skills and Attributes: Ranking and Criticality 332
Appendix C. Ordered Data for Null Hypothesis 333
References 334
Sustainable Project Delivery of Public Procurement Projects: Contractor Selection Procedure 337
Abstract 337
1 Introduction 337
2 Procedure of Procurement Process for Construction Projects 339
2.1 Criteria for Pre-qualification 339
2.2 Prequalification Evaluation 340
3 Research Method 340
4 Data Analysis and Result of Findings 342
4.1 List for Prequalification 342
4.2 Review of Contractors’ Information on Standing List 342
4.3 Frequency of Prequalification on Type of Projects 343
4.4 Frequency of Use Prequalification Criteria 343
5 Conclusion and Recommendation 345
References 345
Challenges to Lean Construction Implementation in South Africa 347
Abstract 347
1 Introduction 347
2 Background to Lean Construction 348
3 Research Approach 349
4 Identification of Barriers - SLR 349
4.1 Locating and Selecting the Studies 350
4.2 Analysis and Synthesis 350
5 Conclusion 352
References 352
Barriers to Construction Procurement Change in Higher Education Institutions 355
Abstract 355
1 Introduction 355
2 Literature Review 356
2.1 Various Revolutions 357
2.2 Barriers to I4.0 Adoption 357
2.3 Procurement Change 357
3 Methodology 358
4 Analysis of Results and Discussion 359
4.1 Functioning 359
4.2 Procurement 359
4.3 Relationships 360
4.4 Future 361
4.5 The Process of Change 362
5 Conclusion 363
References 363
An Examination of Contextual Factors that Cause Variations in Labour Productivity 365
Abstract 365
1 Introduction 365
2 Overview of Factors Impacting Labour Productivity 366
2.1 Environmental Factors 367
2.2 Organisational Factors 367
2.3 Technical Factors 367
2.4 Social Factors 368
3 Research Methodology 368
4 Findings of the Study 369
5 Discussions of the Findings 371
6 Conclusion 371
Acknowledgements 372
References 372
Assessment of Political Risk Factors Associated with Public-Private Partnership Projects in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Lagos State Nigeria 374
Abstract 374
1 Introduction 374
2 Literature Review 375
3 Research Method 376
4 Results and Discussions 377
4.1 Profile of Respondents 377
4.2 Evaluation of the Political Risk Factors Associated with PPP Contracts 377
4.3 Evaluation of Mitigation Measure for Political Risk Factors 379
5 Conclusion 380
References 381
Delphi Survey on the Influence of Succession Planning in Leadership Development 383
Abstract 383
1 Introduction 383
2 Succession Planning 384
2.1 Importance of Succession Planning 385
3 Methodology 386
4 Findings 387
5 Discussion of Findings 388
6 Conclusion and Recommendation 388
References 388
Impact of Construction Health and Safety in Economic Growth 390
Abstract 390
1 Introduction 390
2 Literature Review 391
3 Methodology 393
4 Research Results 393
4.1 Data Collection 393
4.2 OHS Influence 394
4.2.1 Project Rollout 394
4.2.2 Client Satisfaction 394
4.3 Measuring the Rollout Process 395
4.4 Statistical Analysis 395
5 Discussion of Findings 396
6 Conclusion 398
References 399
Sustainable Water Supply in Buildings Through Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting 400
Abstract 400
1 Introduction 400
2 Methodology 401
3 Discussion 401
3.1 Urban Flood Control Through Rainwater Harvesting 401
3.2 Water Supply Prospects of Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting 402
3.3 Choice of Roofing Material for RWH 404
3.4 Improving Reliability of RWH 405
3.5 Towards Improved Rainwater Quality 408
4 Conclusion 408
References 409
Macro-BIM Adoption Study: Establishing Nigeria’s BIM Maturity 411
Abstract 411
1 Introduction 411
2 Background of the Study 412
3 Nigerian Macro Maturity Model 413
3.1 Model A: Diffusion Areas Model 414
3.2 Model B: Macro-maturity Components Model 415
3.3 Model C: Macro-diffusion Dynamics Model 416
3.4 Model D: Policy Actions Model 417
3.5 Model E: Macro-Diffusion Responsibilities Model 418
4 Development of BIM Policy Plans and Templates 419
4.1 Initiation Phase 419
4.2 Consultation Phase 420
5 Conclusions 420
References 421
Criteria to Be Considered in the Selection of Building Materials for Sustainable Housing Delivery 422
Abstract 422
1 Introduction 422
2 Criteria for Selection of Sustainable Building Materials 423
3 Methodology 424
3.1 Findings 425
4 Conclusion and Recommendation 427
References 428
Contracting Firms Compliance to Health and Safety Measures on Construction Sites in Nigeria 429
Abstract 429
1 Introduction 429
2 Literature Review 430
2.1 H& S on Construction Sites in Developing Countries
3 Research Methodology 432
4 Findings and Discussions 432
4.1 Respondent’s Background Information 432
4.2 H& S Regulations Awareness
4.3 Compliance to H& S Measures in Construction
4.4 Level of Usage of H& S Tools
5 Recommendations and Conclusions 436
References 436
Supplementing Quantity Surveying Traditional Services with Arbitration as One of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Methods 438
Abstract 438
1 Introduction 438
2 Overview of the Quantity Surveying Profession 439
3 Research Methodology 441
4 Research Results and Discussion 441
5 Conclusion and Recommendation 447
References 448
Perceptions of Urban Stakeholders Concerning the Value of Urban Open Spaces in Bloemfontein 450
Abstract 450
1 Introduction 450
2 Theoretical Perspective 451
2.1 Defining Urban Open Spaces in Sustainable Communities 451
2.2 Understanding the Value of Urban Open Spaces 452
2.2.1 Urban Stakeholders in Planning 452
2.2.2 What Values Do Urban Stakeholders Place on Urban Land? 452
2.2.3 How Do These Value Conflicts Influence Urban Open Space Encroachment? 453
2.3 Urban Open Space Encroachment in Mangaung 454
3 Methodology 455
4 Presentation and Discussion of Findings 455
4.1 Evidence of Varying Perceptions of Value Among Different Stakeholders 456
4.2 Relationship Between Value Conflicts Witnessed and Poor Management of Urban Open Spaces by Planning Authorities and Communities 456
5 Conclusion 457
References 458
Probable Challenges Facing Servitization Adoption in Construction: Lessons from the Manufacturing Sector 460
Abstract 460
1 Introduction 460
2 Literature Review 461
2.1 Servitization in the Manufacturing Sector 461
2.2 Servitization and Nature of the Construction 462
3 Research Method 463
4 Presentation and Discussion of Findings 465
5 Conclusions 467
References 467
Resolution of Management Issues with Mega Project 469
Abstract 469
1 Introduction 469
2 Literature Review 471
2.1 Stakeholder Management 471
2.2 Impact of Stakeholder and Plant Management 471
3 Research Methodology 472
3.1 Data Presentation and Analysis 472
4 Conclusion 476
Acknowledgments 476
References 476
An Assessment of the Challenges in the Delivery of Umgeni Water Project in South Africa 478
Abstract 478
1 Introduction 478
2 Literature Review 479
2.1 South African Water Infrastructure Projects 479
2.2 Project Delivery Challenges and Influencing Factors 479
2.2.1 Inadequate Participation and Contribution by the Client During the Project 479
2.2.2 Insufficient Planning and Designing Done During the Project 479
2.2.3 Project Risks That Are Poorly Identified, Assessed, Mitigated and Controlled During the Project Execution Stage 480
2.2.4 Unsatisfactory Cost Estimating Resulting in Errors and Oversights 480
2.2.5 Communication Problems Within the Project 480
2.2.6 Oversight of Critical Quality Factors During the Project 480
2.2.7 Inadequate Attributes and Capabilities Endorsed by the Project Manager that Hinder the Implementation of a Good Project Management Approach 480
2.3 Factors Impacting on the Delivery of Umgeni Water Project 481
3 Research Methodology 481
3.1 Data Presentation and Analysis 481
3.2 Discussion 483
4 Conclusions and Recommendations 484
4.1 Conclusion 484
4.2 Recommendations 484
References 485
Exploring the Quality Management Methods Adopted by Contractors in Fast-Track Construction Projects in Eastern Cape 487
Abstract 487
1 Introduction 487
2 Methodology 488
3 The Results and Discussion 489
3.1 Theme 1: Understanding of Fast-Track Construction 489
3.2 Theme 2: Quality Management Methods Available to Contractors in Fast-Track Construction 491
3.3 Theme 3: Identifying the Challenges Associated with the Quality Management Methods in Fast-Track Construction 493
4 Conclusions 493
References 494
Using Case Study Design to Investigate the Delivery of Building Energy Retrofit Projects 495
Abstract 495
1 Introduction 495
2 Literature Review 496
3 Research Method 496
4 Findings 497
4.1 Desktop Case Study 1 - Australia: Szencorp Building 497
4.2 Desktop Case Study 2 - Singapore: Zero Energy Building 498
4.3 Desktop Case Study 3 - China: MGM Macau Resort 501
5 Discussion of the Findings from the Cross-Case Analysis 502
6 Conclusions and Way Forward 505
References 505
Developing a Framework for Deploying Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Improve Construction Safety Management 507
Abstract 507
1 Introduction 507
2 Research Method 508
3 Background of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) 509
4 Regulations Governing the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) 510
5 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) on Construction Sites 510
6 Discussion and Way Forward 512
References 513
Communication Channel at Pre-contract Phase and Construction Project Delivery in South-West, Nigeria 515
Abstract 515
1 Introduction 515
2 Construction Industry and the Communication Process 516
2.1 Communication Channel in the Construction Industry 517
3 Research Methodology 517
4 Discussion and Implication of Findings 518
4.1 Adoption of Communication Channel at Pre-contract Phase of Project Delivery 518
5 Conclusion 520
Acknowledgements 520
References 520
The Implications of Not Utilizing a Quantity Surveyor as Principal Agent for Residential Construction Projects 522
Abstract 522
1 Introduction 523
2 Research Methodology 525
3 Research Results and Discussion 525
3.1 Case Studies Reponses 525
3.2 Interview Responses and Findings 528
3.3 Hypothesis Testing 529
4 Conclusion and Recommendation 529
References 530
A Review of Critical Project Management Techniques to Enhance Construction SMEs Project Performance 531
Abstract 531
1 Introduction 531
2 Research Method 533
3 Findings on Project Management Techniques for SMEs Performance Improvement 533
3.1 Critical Path Method (CPM) 533
3.2 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 534
3.3 Earned Value Management Analysis 534
3.4 Quality Benchmarking 534
3.5 SWOT Analysis 534
3.6 Make or Buy Analysis 534
3.7 Stakeholder Analysis (Interest/Influence Matrix (SIIM)) 536
3.8 Lessons Learned 536
4 Conclusion 536
References 536
An Investigation of Causes of Deterioration for Health Physical Infrastructure Transitioned from Donor to National Management 539
Abstract 539
1 Introduction 539
2 Maintenance 540
3 Maintenance of Physical Infrastructure in the Health Sector 541
3.1 Health Infrastructure Maintenance Policy in Zambia 542
3.2 Challenges Faced in Managing Maintenance in Transitioned Physical Infrastructure 542
4 Research Method 543
5 Findings 543
5.1 Maintenance Strategies in the Health Facilities 543
5.2 Factors that Can Lead to Improvement in Maintenance 544
5.3 Availability of Maintenance Policy 545
6 Discussion 545
7 Conclusion and Recommendations 546
References 546
Success Strategies for Competitive Advantage in the Ghanaian Construction Industry: A Delphi Study 548
Abstract 548
1 Introduction 548
2 Literature Review 549
2.1 Strategies for Competitive Advantage in Previous Studies 549
2.2 Theories of Firms’ Competitive Strategy 550
2.2.1 Competitive Strategy Model 550
2.2.2 The Three Generic Competitive Strategies Model 550
3 Methodology 551
4 Results and Discussions 552
5 Conclusions 554
References 555
Accuracy Influencing Factors for Pre-tender Cost Estimates for the Roads Sector in Zambia 557
Abstract 557
1 Introduction 557
1.1 Study Aim 558
2 Literature Review 558
3 Methodology 560
4 Findings 561
5 Conclusion 563
References 564
An Investigation into the Critical Barriers to the Practice of Design for Construction Safety in Nigeria 566
Abstract 566
1 Introduction 566
2 Designing for Construction Safety 568
2.1 Barriers to Designing for Construction Safety 568
3 Research Methodology 569
4 Data Analysis 569
5 Results and Discussions 570
5.1 Demographic Information 570
5.2 DfCS Awareness 570
5.3 Barriers to the Practice of DfCS in Nigeria 570
6 Conclusions 573
References 573
Determinants of the Petroleum Fuel Supply Chain Performance in Zimbabwe: A Case of the National Oil Infrastructure Company 576
Abstract 576
1 Introduction 576
2 Literature Review 577
3 Research Method 578
4 Results 579
4.1 Reliability Test of Results 579
4.2 Petroleum Fuel Supply Chain Profile in Zimbabwe 579
4.3 Factors Affecting the Petroleum Fuel Supply Chain Performance 581
4.4 Downstream Effects of the Petroleum Supply Chain Performance 582
4.5 Barriers of the Petroleum Fuel Supply Improvement Optimisation at NOIC 582
4.6 Strategies of Improving the Petroleum Fuel Supply Chain Performance 582
5 Discussion 583
6 Conclusion and Recommendations 584
References 585
Ethics and Stakeholder Engagement for Industry/Construction 4.0: A Systematic Review 587
Abstract 587
1 Introduction 587
2 Methodology 589
2.1 Systematic Literature Review Approach 590
2.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria 592
3 Results, Findings and Discussion 592
3.1 Frequency Analysis 593
3.2 Subject Area Analysis 594
4 Conclusion 595
References 595
An Assessment of Risks Associated with the Use of Second Hand Tyres in Zambia from the Perspective of Enforcement Authorities 598
Abstract 598
1 Introduction 598
2 Literature Review 599
3 Research Methodology 600
4 Findings 601
4.1 Number of Accidents and Fatalities 602
4.2 Knowledge on Dangers of Using Second Hand Tyres 603
4.3 Understanding the Writing on the Tyres 603
4.4 Provision of Professional Advice When Selling Second Tyres 604
4.5 Possible Risks Associated with Second Hand Tyres 604
4.6 Interview Summary with Zambia Police and Road Transport Safety Agency 605
5 Discussion 605
6 Conclusion and Recommendations 607
References 607
Professional Construction Health and Safety Agent (CHSA) Practice Issues in the South African Construction Sector 609
Abstract 609
1 Introduction 609
2 Review of the Literature 610
2.1 Statutory Requirements 610
2.2 Registration Criteria for the Practice of Health and Safety with the South African Construction Project Management Professions Council 610
2.3 The Construction Regulations 611
3 Procurement 612
4 Competencies in the Built Environment 612
4.1 Training 613
5 Research Methodology 613
6 Research Findings and Discussion 613
7 Conclusions and Recommendations 615
References 615
Author Index 616

Erscheint lt. Verlag 9.8.2019
Zusatzinfo X, 608 p. 71 illus., 56 illus. in color.
Sprache englisch
Themenwelt Technik Bauwesen
Wirtschaft Betriebswirtschaft / Management Logistik / Produktion
Schlagworte CIDB • Construction 4.0 • Construction Industry • Cyber-Physical Systems • Digital Ecosystem • Digitalisation • Digital technologies • Engineering Economics • fourth industrial revolution • industrial production • Industry 4.0
ISBN-10 3-030-26528-5 / 3030265285
ISBN-13 978-3-030-26528-1 / 9783030265281
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR)
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