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Advances in Animal Disease Diagnosis -

Advances in Animal Disease Diagnosis

Buch | Hardcover
318 Seiten
CRC Press (Verlag)
978-0-367-53051-8 (ISBN)
CHF 209,45 inkl. MwSt
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This book will explore some key opportunities in the context of animal health, such as the detection of new microorganisms and development of improved diagnosis of emerging or re-emerging diseases and other clinical conditions viz. biosensors, nanotools and omics technologies.
Advances in Animal Disease Diagnosis: Infectious animal diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses threaten the health and well-being of wildlife, livestock and human populations, limit productivity and significantly increase economic losses to each sector. Pathogen de-tection is an important step for the diagnosis and successful treatment of animal diseases as well as control management in farm and field conditions. The conventional techniques employed to diagnose pathogens in livestock species are time-consuming and sometimes give inconclusive results. On the contrary, molecular techniques have the potential to diag-nose known pathogens/conditions quickly, reliably, and unequivocally as well as for novel pathogen detection. New advances in diagnostics and vaccine design using genomics have developed powerful new methods that have also set the stage for the enhanced diagnosis, surveillance, and control of infectious diseases. High-throughput sequencing (HTS), for ex-ample, uses the latest DNA sequencing platforms in the detection, identification, and detailed analysis of both pathogen and host genomes.

This book will explore some key opportunities in the context of animal health, such as the detection of new microorganisms and the development of improved diagnosis of emerging or re-emerging diseases and other clinical conditions, viz. biosensors, nanotools, and omics technologies.


• Details comprehensive knowledge on the latest molecular techniques for animal disease diagnosis and management
• Examines how DNA-based diagnostic techniques will assist international efforts to control the introduction of exotic diseases into new geographic areas
• Describes the latest molecular assays for the rapid and accurate detection of pathogens
• Helps in working towards meeting the global challenge for sustainable food production and the eradication of poverty
• With new biotechnological developments, this fully updated book is a treasure trove of the latest information in animal and medical science

Suresh Kumar Gahlawat, Ph.D. is presently working as Professor, Department of Biotechnology Chaudhary Devi Lal University (CDLU), Sirsa, India. He also worked in various capacities such as Dean, Research, Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences, Dean of Colleges, Dean Student’s Welfare and Chairperson, Department of Biotechnology in the same university. He received postdoctoral BOYSCAST fellowship and DBT Overseas Associateship from the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India for carrying out research at FRS Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, UK. His research interests include the development of molecular diagnostic methods for bacterial and viral diseases. He published more than 70 research papers in journals of national and international repute, authored more than 06 books and supervised M.Phil and Ph.D research work of 14 students. He is active member of various international scientific organizations and societies including Association Microbiologist of India. Sushila Maan, Ph.D. Professor & Head at Department of Animal Biotechnology, Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Hisar, India. She did her Ph.D. from Royal Veterinary College, University of London, UK. She had been Post-Doctoral Fellow within the Arbovirus Molecular Research Group at the Institute for Animal Health (IAH), Pirbright, UK from 2006 – 2011. Dr Sushila Maan has made vital contributions to the extraordinary high impact success of bluetongue virus (BTV) and other pathogens’ research and surveillance including the development of innovative next generation sequencing techniques, identification of seven new Orbivirus species and the 26th serotype of BTV. Dr Maan has developed and commercialized advanced molecular diagnostic systems for detection of pathogens of livestock and wildlife importance, during twenty-four years of her research career since 1995, she has published 122 peer reviewed research articles, out of which 76 are in various international journals of repute and 46 in national journals. She has also presented her research findings at several international conferences in the U.K., France, Portugal, Italy, Holland, Australia, South Africa, China and USA. She is on scientific panel (as a referee) of various International and National journals viz. Virus Research, Plos One, Virology, Vaccine, Journal of Virology, Transboundary and emerging diseases, Indian Journal of Virology etc.

Biosensor: an advanced system for infectious disease diagnosis

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Principle of biosensors

1.3 Composition of biosensors

1.3.1. Enzymes

1.3.2 Microbes

1.3.3 Cells and Tissues

1.3.4 Organelles

1.3.5 Antibodies

1.3.6 Nucleic Acids

1.3.7 Aptamers

1.4 Classification of biosensors

1.4.1. Electrochemical Transducers Potentiometric transducers. Voltammetric transducers Conductometric transducers Impedimetric transducers

1.4.2 Thermometric Transducers

1.4.3 Optical Transducers

1.4.4 Piezoelectric Devices

1.4.5Others biosensors Enzymatic Sensors Substrate biosensors Inhibitor biosensors Immunosensors DNA Sensors Microbial Biosensors

1.5 Biosensors in diagnosis of infectious diseases

1.5.1 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

1.5.2 Ebola Virus Disease

1.5.3 Zika virus disease

1.5.4 Influenza

1.5.5 Hepatitis

1.5.6 Dengue

1.5.7 Salmonellosis

1.5.8 Shigellosis

1.5.9 Tuberculosis

1.5.10 Food borne diseases caused by Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus

1.5.11 Listerosis

1.5.12 Leismaniasis

1.6 Future perspective

1.7 Conclusion

Viral Pseudotyping: A novel tool to study emerging and transboundary viruses

Advanced Sensors for Animal Disease Diagnosis

3.1 Introduction to animal diseases

3.2 Common animal diseases

3.3 Sensors as new generation diagnostic platforms for animal disease diagnosis

3.3.1 Bovine

3.3.2 Canine

3.3.3 Equine

3.3.4 Swine

3.3.5 Avian

3.3.6 Fish

3.4 Bacteriophage based sensors for detection of bacterial pathogens

3.5 Conclusion

Applications of metagenomics and viral genomics to investigating diseases of livestock

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Obtaining metagenomic next generating sequencing data for viruses

4.2.1 Sample collection

4.2.2 Sample preparation and viral enrichment

4.2.3 Library preparation and sequencing

4.3 Bioinformatic analysis of NGS sequence data

4.3.1. Step 1: Quality assessment of the data produced

4.3.2. Step 2: Assembly of reads (fragments)

4.3.3. Step 3: Taxonomic classification

4.4 Metagenomics and viral genomics can identify new viruses and foster understanding of emerging viruses

4.5 Viral genomics and phylogenetics can identify disease transmission chains

4.6 Viral genomics in monitoring vaccine matching

Toll- like receptor of livestock species

5.1 Toll-like receptors

5.1.1 Structure of TLRs

5.1.2. TLRs ligands

5.1.3. Localization of TLR

5.2 Localization of TLRs on mammalian chromosomes

5.2.1. TLR signaling pathways

5.3 Sequence characterization of livestock TLRs

5.3.1. Polymorphism in TLRs of livestock species

5.4 Phylogenetic analysis of buffalo TLR genes

5.5. Role of TLRs in immune responses

5.6 TLRs as therapeutic agents

COVID-19: An emerging pandemic to mankind

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Virology

6.2.1 Taxonomy

6.2.2Virion structure

6.2.3 Genome characteristics

6.2.4 Recent genome wide studies

6.2.5 Specificity of Spike protein

6.3 Origin and evolution

6.4 Pathogenesis

6.4.1 Virus Entry

6.4.2 Pathological Findings

6.4.3 Immunopathology

6.5 Epidemiology

6.5.1 Route of transmission

6.5.2 Transmissibility

6.5.3 Viral shedding

6.5.4 Environment viability

6.5.5 Clinical manifestation

6.6 Diagnosis

6.6.1 Molecular diagnosis Real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR (RT-qPCR) SHERLOCK techniques

6.6.2 Classical diagnosis

6.6.3 Physical examination

6.6.4 Virus isolation

6.6.5 Serologic diagnosis

6.7 Treatment

6.8 Status of vaccine

6.9 Prevention

6.10 Conclusions

Application of Proteomics and Metabolomics in disease Diagnosis

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Basic strategies and platforms of proteomics and metabolomics

7.2.1 Biological Specimens for proteomics and metabolomics

7.2.2 Proteomics workflow

7.2.3 Quantitative proteomics

7.2.4 Proteomics analytical platforms

7.2.5 Metabolomics workflow

7.2.6 Metabolomics analytical platform(s)

7.3 Proteomics in animal disease diagnosis and biomarker discovery

7.3.1 Proteomics biomarkers in infectious disease of farm animals

7.3.2 Proteomics biomarkers in non-infectious disease of farm animals

7.3.3 Proteomics in parasitic disease of animals

7.4 Proteomics in companion animal disease biomarker discovery

7.5 Metabolomics in animal disease diagnosis

7.5.1 Metabolomics in canine diseases

7.5.2 Metabolomics in farm animal disease diagnosis

7.6 Proteomics and metabolomics in human disease diagnosis

7.7 Conclusion

Imaging techniques in Veterinary Disease diagnosis

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Microscopy

Optical microscopy

8.2.2 Dark field microscopy

8.2.3 Phase contrast microscopy

8.2.4 Polarized light microscopy

8.2.5 Fluorescence microscopy

Confocal Microscopy Two-Photon Microscopy

Electron microscopy (EM)

8.6.1 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

8.6.2 Transmission electron microscopy(TEM)

Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (cryoEM)

8.7 Scanning Probe Microscopy

8.8 X-ray microscopy

8.9 Raman microscopy

8.10 Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (MRM)

8.11 Super-resolution microscopy

8.3 Ultrasonography/diagnostic sonography:

8.4 Digital stethoscope

8.5 Endoscopy

8.6 Thermal imaging

8.7 Radiographic Imaging

Contrast Media

Recent advancements in Radiographic Imaging

8.8 Computed Tomography (CT)

8.9 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

8.10 Radiopharmaceuticals and Nuclear Imaging

8.11 Nuclear Scintigraphy or Gamma Scan

8.12 Positron-emission tomography (PET)

8.13 Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)

8.14 Electrical Impedance Tomography

8.15 Nanoparticles in diagnostic imaging

8.16 Future Prospect and Conclusion

Listeriosis in Animals: Prevalence and Detection

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Epidemiology, Transmission and Spread

9.3 Organism Characteristics and Classification

9.4 Life cycle

9.4.1 L. monocytogenes virulence factors

9.4.2 Factors for Adhesion

9.4.3 Factors for Host Invasion

9.4.4 Factors for escape From Phagocytic Vacuole

9.4.5 Factors for Intracellular Survival and Multiplication

9.4.6 Factors for Intracellular Motility and Intercellular Spread

9.5 Clinical Manifestations

9.6 Disease Diagnosis

9.7 Pathogen Identification of Cultural Isolates

9.7.1 Enzyme Based Assays

9.7.2 Immunological Assays

9.7.3 Nucleic Acid Based Molecular Assays

9.7.4 Epidemiological Testing Phenotypic typing methods Molecular Typing Methods

Pyroptosis Prevalence in Animal Diseases and Diagnosis

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Characteristic features of Pyroptosis

10.3 Molecular Mechanism of Pyroptosis

10.3.1 Canonical Inflammasome Pathway

10.3.2 Non- Canonical Inflammasome pathway

10.4 Pyroptosis Prevalence in Animal Diseases

10.4.1 Neuro-inflammation and cognitive impairment in aged rodents

10.4.2 Osteomyelitis

10.4.3 Neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease (NOMID)

10.4.4 Sepsis

10.4.5 Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

10.4.6 Brucellosis

10.4.7 Oxidative Stress in animals

10.4.8 Viral Diseases in Animals

10.5 Pyroptosis markers in Disease Diagnosis

10.6 Conclusion and Future Prospects In Diagnosis

Current diagnostic techniques for Influenza

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Influenza Diagnosis

11.2.1 Cell Culture Approaches Virus Culture Virus Shell Culture

11.2.2Direct Fluorescent Antibody Test

11.2.3 Serological Assays Hemagglutination Inhibition Assay Virus Neutralization Assay Single Radial Hemolysis Complement Fixation

11.2.4 Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Tests (RIDTs)

11.2.5 Nucleic Acid-Based Tests (NATs) Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification-Based Assay (LAMP) Simple Amplification-Based Assay Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification

11.2.6 Microarray-Based Approaches

11.2.7Modifications of Standard Methods

11.3 Conclusion

Diagnostic Tools for the Identification of Foot-and- Mouth Disease Virus

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Etiology

12.3 Diagnostic techniques

12.3.1 Virus isolation assay

12.3.2 Serology-based assays Complement fixation test Virus neutralization test Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Virus infection associated gel immuno-diffusion test

12.3.3 Nucleic acid-based assays Reverse transcriptase PCR Real-time RT-PCR Multiplex-PCR Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification

12.3.4 Novel and high-throughput assays Microarray Pen-side assay

12.4 Prevention and treatment

12.4.1 Attenuated vaccines

12.4.2 Inactivated vaccines

Synthetic biology-based diagnostics for infectious animal diseases

13.1 Introduction

13.2 In vitro diagnostics

13.2.1 Phage-Based Diagnostics

13.2.2 Synthetic peptides-based diagnostics

13.2.3 Synthetic peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-based diagnostics

13.2.4 Aptamers-based diagnostics

13.2.5 CRISPR/Cas-based biosensors Diagnostics using CRISPR-Cas9 CRISPR-Cas12- and CRISPR-Cas13-based diagnostics

13.2.6 Synthetic RNA-based biosensors coupled with synthetic gene networks

13.3 In vivo diagnostics

13.4 Conclusions and Future perspectives

Recent Trends in Diagnosis of Campylobacter Infection

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Morphological characters of theCampylobacter

14.3 PathogenesisofCampylobacter

14.4 Diagnosis of Campylobacter infection (Campylobacteriosis)

14.4.1 Conventional methods for detection of pathogen Direct demonstration of pathogen Culture and identification Selective media for Campylobacter isolation

14.4.2 Confirmation of Campylobacter Colony characteristics Enzyme immune assay

14.4.3 Molecular tools and techniques for Campylobacter diagnosis Phenotypic methods Bio-typing Phage-typing Genotyping methods Macro-restriction-mediated-analyses Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based assays Ribotyping Fla-typing

14.4.4 Metagenomics as a diagnostic tool Structural metagenomics Functional metagenomic

14.5 Conclusion & Future perspectives

Recent trends in Bovine tuberculosis detection and control methods

15.1 Introduction

15.1.1. Bovine TB – The causative organism and the disease

15.1.2. Host genetics

15.1.3. Surveillance Strategies,Prevention and Control Methods.

15.2 Some basics of performance characteristics of Diagnostic tests

15.2.1 Purpose of diagnostic tests

15.2.2 Attributes of an Ideal diagnostic test

15.3 Detection methods and strategies

15.3.1 Direct Detection of the Pathogen Post-mortem examination Direct microscopic detection Bacteriological culture Nucleic Acid detection based molecular assays

15.3.2. Detection of the cell-mediated immunity in host. Tuberculin DTH skin test Gamma-interferon assay Lymphocyte proliferation assay (LPA) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISPOT) assay

15.3.3. Detection of the host antibody response to infection

15.3.3. 1. Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) or Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) Antigen Print Immunoassay (MAPIA) Dual Path Platform (DPP) assay Fluorescent Polarisation Assay SeraLyte-Mbv (PriTestInc) assay

15.4 Futuristic Approaches

15.4.1. Detection of the host enzyme Adenosine deaminase enzyme(ADA)

15.4.2. Detection of humoral response based on IgA (with or without IgG)

15.4.3 Use of Recombinant molecule as markers

15.4.4 High throughput technological advances for detection of conventional targets

15.4.5 Combinatorial Approaches

15.5 Conclusion

Livestock Enteric Viruses: Latest Diagnostic Techniques for Their Easy and Rapid Identification

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Latest diagnostic techniques for identification of major enteric viruses affecting livestock

16.2.1 Bovine corona viruses (BoCV)

16.2.2 Bovine enterovirus (BEV)

16.2.3 Rotaviruses

16.2.4 Astroviruses

16.2.5 Caliciviruses

16.2.6 Picobirnaviruses

16.3 Conclusion

Coronaviruses: Recent trends and approaches in diagnosis and management

17.1 Introduction

17.2 Virus, Virology, and Pathogenesis

17.3 Global Epidemiology

17.4 Virus Diagnosis

17.4.1 Virus Isolation

17.4.2 Electron Microscopy

17.4.3 Serology

17.4.4 Molecular diagnosis

17.5 Management of Coronaviruses

17.5.1 Ribavirin

17.5.2 Other antiviral Drug

17.5.3 Monoclonal antibody therapy

17.5.4 Interferon

Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA): A New Approach for Disease Diagnosis

18.1 Introduction to Recombinase Polymerase Amplification

18.2 Methodology and different parameters controlling RPA

18.2.1 Primer and Probe design

18.2.2 Temperature

18.3.3 Effect of crowding agent and mixing

18.3.4 Incubation time

18.3.5 Type of samples

18.3 RPA reaction conditions

18.3.1 Multiplexing in RPA

18.4 Major applications of RPA technique

18.4.1 Multiple target detection

18.4.2 Seed testing and other agricultural assays

18.4.3 On-site microbial testing

18.4.4 Disease detection in animals

18.4.5 Medical diagnostics

18.5 Comparison with other isothermal technique

18.6 Advantages over real time PCR

18.7 Conclusion

Global Rules, Regulations and Intellectual Property Rights on diagnostic methods

19.1 Introduction

19.1.1. Patenting

19.1.2.Rationalization of patenting

19.1.3.Patenting of Diagnostic methods

19.1.4 What is a patent?

19.2 Patent laws in India

19.3 Patent Laws in USA

19.4 Patent laws in Europe

19.5 Analysis and Conclusion

Zusatzinfo 30 Tables, black and white; 32 Line drawings, color; 32 Illustrations, color
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 178 x 254 mm
Gewicht 880 g
Themenwelt Naturwissenschaften Biologie Zoologie
Technik Umwelttechnik / Biotechnologie
ISBN-10 0-367-53051-1 / 0367530511
ISBN-13 978-0-367-53051-8 / 9780367530518
Zustand Neuware
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR)
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