Green Intelligent Transportation Systems (eBook)
XII, 883 Seiten
Springer Singapore (Verlag)
978-981-13-0302-9 (ISBN)
Dr. Wang Wuhong spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at Beihang University from 1997 to 1999 after finished his Ph. D studies at Southwest Jiaotong University. He then joined the Beijing Institute of Technology in 1999, first as an Associate Professor then as a full Professor. Prof. Dr. Wang stayed at the computer vision lab in the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo, Japan, as a JSPS Researcher in 2002-2004 and as a Visiting Professor in 2005. From 2005 to 2007 Prof. Dr. Wang had been affiliated with Lehrstuhl für Ergonomie, Technische Universität München, Germany, where he was a Humboldt Research Fellow. He conducted research at Transportation Research Institute (IMOB), Hasselt University, Belgium in 2014 as a guest professor. He also acted as a visiting professor at Institute of Transportation Systems, Germany Aerospace Center(DLR) in 2015 and Institute for Traffic Safety and Automation Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig in 2016. Prof. Dr. Wang has published his research in several international journals such as the Transportation Research Part C, Part F, IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation System and Safety Science.
These proceedings collect selected papers from the 8th International Conference on Green Intelligent Transportation Systems and Safety held in Changchun on July 1-2, 2017. The selected works, which include state-of-the-art studies, are intended to promote the development of green mobility and intelligent transportation technology to achieve interconnectivity, resource sharing, flexibility and higher efficiency. They offer valuable insights for researchers and engineers in the fields of Transportation Technology and Traffic Engineering, Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.
Dr. Wang Wuhong spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow at Beihang University from 1997 to 1999 after finished his Ph. D studies at Southwest Jiaotong University. He then joined the Beijing Institute of Technology in 1999, first as an Associate Professor then as a full Professor. Prof. Dr. Wang stayed at the computer vision lab in the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo, Japan, as a JSPS Researcher in 2002-2004 and as a Visiting Professor in 2005. From 2005 to 2007 Prof. Dr. Wang had been affiliated with Lehrstuhl für Ergonomie, Technische Universität München, Germany, where he was a Humboldt Research Fellow. He conducted research at Transportation Research Institute (IMOB), Hasselt University, Belgium in 2014 as a guest professor. He also acted as a visiting professor at Institute of Transportation Systems, Germany Aerospace Center(DLR) in 2015 and Institute for Traffic Safety and Automation Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig in 2016. Prof. Dr. Wang has published his research in several international journals such as the Transportation Research Part C, Part F, IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation System and Safety Science.In TÜV Bayern, Dr. Klaus Bengler investigated the influence of additional tasks on driving performance in several studies within EMMIS EU project and in contract with BMW. Multifunctional steering wheels,touch screens and ACC-functionality are examples for the topics of these investigations. In 1997 he joined BMW. At BMW he was responsible for the HMI project of the MOTIV program, a national follow-on program of PROMETHEUS. He was work package leader in an EU project Speechdat Car and “Evaluation and Methodology” within the EU project AIDE, Within BMW Research and Technology he is responsible for projects on HMI research. Currently, he is the director and full professor of Lehrstuhlfü ,Technische Universität München.Dr. Xiaobei JIANG received the Dr.-Ing. in traffic technology from Institute of Ergonomics, Technische Universität München, Germany. She is currently a research fellow in BIT-TUM Joint Laboratory for Driver Behavior and Traffic Safety, she also an assistance professor in Department of Transportation Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology. Her major study fields include road user behavior, ADAS and intelligent vehicle, vehicle's human-machine interface and traffic safety.
Contents 6
Thought About Parking Charge on Campus 14
1 The Definition About the Scope of the Problem 15
2 The Problems Caused by Charging Fee to the Cars Outside 16
2.1 Campus Traffic Problem Can not Be Solved Fundamentally 16
2.2 The Spillover Effect on the Community Surrounding College Campus 17
2.3 Waste of Campus Parking Lot Resources in Universities 17
2.4 Question to the Use of Fee 17
3 Proposals for University Charging Parking Fee 18
3.1 Vigorously Develop Alternative Modes of Transportation on Campus, Charge on Campus Motor Vehicles 18
3.2 The University and Surrounding Communities Cooperate Closely to Solve the Traffic Problems 18
3.3 The Fees Collected Are Used for Special Purpose to Solve Campus Traffic Problems 19
4 Conclusion 19
References 20
International Development History and Experience of Bicycle Transportation and Its Inspiration 21
1 Introduction 21
2 Development Process of Bicycle Worldwide 22
3 Analyses of Bicycle Development Experiences in European Countries 23
3.1 Positive Role of Governments at All Levels 23
3.2 Riders’ Rights Are Guaranteed by Strict Laws and Regulations 24
3.3 Good Riding Environment 24
4 Characteristics of Chinese Cities 26
4.1 Long History and Solid Foundations of Bikes in Chinese Cities 26
4.2 Structural Difference Between New and Old Urban Areas in China 26
4.3 Chinese Cities’ Scale Continues to Expand 27
5 Policy Recommendations 27
5.1 Clear Support for the Development of Bicycle Should Be Provided 27
5.2 Different Bicycle Development Strategies Should Be Adopted in Old City and the New One 28
5.3 The Cyclists’ Right Should Be Protected 29
6 Conclusion 29
References 30
Time Series Piecewise Linear Representation Based on Trend Feature Points 31
1 Introduction 32
2 Related Definitions 32
3 Algorithm Description 33
3.1 Extraction Local Maximum and Minimum of Subsequence 33
3.2 Judgement Variation Amplitude of Slope 34
4 Experiment Results and Discussions 34
4.1 Experimental Data 34
4.2 Experimental Method 35
4.3 Results and Discussions 37
5 Conclusion 39
References 39
Passenger Presence and Injury Severity of Single-Vehicle Crashes and Rear-End Crashes with Trucks 41
1 Introduction 42
2 Data and Method 43
2.1 Crash Data 43
2.2 Candidate Variables 43
2.3 Statistical Methods 43
3 Results 43
3.1 Descriptive Statistics 43
3.2 Chi-Square Test 46
4 Discussion 48
5 Conclusion 49
References 50
Study on the Electric Vehicle Adaptive Cruise Control Based on the Model Predictive Control Algorithm 51
1 Introduction 51
2 The Decision Algorithm Design 52
2.1 Prediction Model 52
2.2 Model Predictive Controller Design 53
3 The Vehicle Longitudinal Control Algorithm Design 55
4 Simulation 56
4.1 Model Building 56
4.2 The Simulation Results 58
5 Analysis 62
6 Conclusion 63
References 63
Study on Parking Mechanism Based on Parking Spaces Time Series 64
1 Introduction 64
2 Parking Spaces Time Series Prediction Model and Parameter Calibration 65
2.1 The Forecast of the Reference Parking Lot’s Parking Spaces Time Series 65
2.2 The Forecast of the Case Parking Lot’s Parking Spaces Time Series 66
3 “Xi Xian” Energy Trade Starting Area Parking Lot Planning 67
3.1 Parking Demand—Supply Model Prediction and Analysis 67
3.2 Research on the Law of Net Limit Change 67
4 Conclusion 70
References 70
Tensile Stiffness of Elastomeric Isolation Bearings Under Shear Deformation 71
1 Introduction 72
2 State of the Art 72
3 Methodology 73
3.1 Calculation Model of Rubber Isolator in the Tension–Shear State 73
3.2 Vertical Displacement of the Top of a Bearing 75
3.3 Vertical Tensile Stiffness of Bearing in Shear State 76
4 Result Analysis and Discussion 79
4.1 Effect of Tensile Force and Shear Strain on the Rotation Vertical Displacement of the Bearing 80
4.2 Influence of Tensile Force and Shear Strain on Vertical Tensile Stiffness 81
4.3 Comparison of Variation for Vertical Stiffness and Vertical Compression Stiffness 82
5 Conclusions 84
References 85
The Personalized Multi-criteria Route Planning Problem in Repeated Travel and Its Solution Algorithm 87
1 Introduction 88
2 Definition of the PMRP Problem in Repeated Travel 88
3 The Travel-Law-Based Route Planning Algorithm 89
3.1 Initializing the Candidate Route Set Q 89
3.2 Determining the Key Nodes of Each Candidate Route in Q 89
3.3 Determining the Replaced Parts in Each Candidate Route 90
3.4 Generating New Routes and Updating the Candidate Route Set 90
3.5 The Pseudo Code for the Proposed Algorithm 91
4 Experiments 92
5 Results and Discussion 93
References 95
A Service-Based Fare Policy for Flex-Route Transit Services 97
1 Introduction 97
2 System Descriptions 99
2.1 Service Area and Demand 99
2.2 Two Operating Policies 99
3 Model Description 100
3.1 Measure of Service Value 100
3.2 Theoretical Modeling for Fixed-Route Policy 100
3.3 Simulation Modeling 100
4 Result Analyses 101
4.1 Parameter Values 101
4.2 Experiment Results 101
4.3 Fare Structure Under Flex-Route Policy 102
5 Conclusions 103
References 104
Research on the Key Technology in the Specification for Traffic Impact Analysis 106
1 Introduction 106
2 Traffic Impact Analysis Type 107
3 Start Threshold 107
3.1 Purposiveness of Start Threshold 107
3.2 Suggestions of Start Threshold 108
4 Research Scope 108
4.1 Quantitative Methods of Research Scope 108
4.2 Determining Method 109
5 Parking Demand Forecasting 111
5.1 Prediction Model 111
5.2 Suggestions of Parking Demand Forecast 114
6 Conclusion 115
References 115
A Pedestrian Crowd Classification Method Based on the AFC Data in the Urban Rail Transit 116
1 Introduction 117
2 Data and Methods 118
2.1 Data Collection 118
2.2 Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm 118
3 Results 122
4 Conclusion 122
References 124
Impact of Holiday-Free Policy on Traffic Volume of Freeway: An Investigation in Xi’an 125
1 Introduction 125
2 ARIMA Prediction Model 126
3 Results and Analysis 127
3.1 Data Analysis from 2007 to 2011 127
3.2 2012–2016 Traffic Volume in Charges 128
3.3 Free Traffic from 2012 to 2016 129
3.4 Comparison of Toll and Free Traffic Volume 130
4 Discussion and Limitation 131
4.1 Discussion 131
4.2 Limitation 131
5 Conclusions 132
References 132
Safety Risk Assessment Model of Heavy-Haul Transport 133
1 Introduction 133
2 Indexes of Safety Risk Assessment 134
3 Risk Matrix of Heavy-Haul Transport 134
3.1 Risk Matrix Design 134
3.2 Risk Loss and Risk Probability 137
3.3 Risk Grade 137
4 Borda Sequence Value of Risk Factors 140
5 Determination of the Comprehensive Risk Grade 141
6 Case Study 141
7 Conclusions and Future Research 143
References 144
An Optimal Transmission Reliability Enhancement Mechanism for Cooperative Driving System 146
1 Introduction 147
2 The Mechanism of Error and Transmission Delay Analyzing and Handling 148
3 The Redundancy Elimination Mechanism of EWM 150
4 Conclusions 152
References 153
Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Engineering Vehicles with Composite Energy Storage 154
1 Introduction 154
2 Oil–Electric–Hydraulic Hybrid Loader 155
3 Fuzzy Theory-Based Energy Management Strategies 155
3.1 Working Modes 155
3.2 Fuzzy Controller 157
4 Simulation 157
4.1 Dynamic Characteristics of Power Components 158
4.2 Dynamic Characteristics of Energy Storage Devices 159
4.3 Fuel Consumption 161
5 Experiments 161
5.1 Experimental Setup 161
5.2 Experimental Results 161
6 Conclusions 162
References 163
Pareto-Improving User Equilibrium Model Under Tradable Credit and Link Capacity Constraints 164
1 Introduction 164
2 User Equilibrium Model Under Tradable Credit and Capacity Constraints 166
2.1 Characteristics of Congested Link Flow 166
2.2 Formulation of UE-CC 167
2.3 Model Properties 168
2.4 Pareto-Improving User Equilibrium Model Under Tradable Credit and Link Capacity Constraints 169
3 Solution Algorithm 169
4 Numerical Examples 170
5 Conclusions 172
References 173
Calculation Model of Urban Rail Transit Share Rate Based on Game Theory 174
1 Analysis and Modeling of URT Share Rate 175
2 Model Parameters Calibration 176
2.1 Managers’ Cost 176
2.2 Travelers’ Cost 177
2.3 Benefit Indicators 178
3 Calculation of URT Share Rate 179
4 Case Study 181
4.1 Parameter Calibration 181
4.2 Calculation Results 183
5 Conclusion 183
References 183
Using Loop Detector Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to Predict Road Network Congestion 185
1 Introduction 185
2 Network Speed Acquisition 187
3 Network Congestion Representation 189
4 Traffic Congestion Evolution Prediction 189
5 Case Study 190
5.1 Simulation Analysis 190
5.2 Prediction Analysis 191
6 Conclusions 192
References 193
Traffic Performance Comparison of Short-Term and Long-Term Driving Restriction Policy—A Case Study of Tianjin, China 194
1 Introduction 194
2 Driving Restriction Policy 196
2.1 Short-Term Driving Restriction Policy 196
2.2 Long-Term Driving Restriction Policy 196
3 Traffic Survey and Comparison 197
3.1 Comparison of Intersection Traffic Volume 198
3.2 Comparison of Traffic Mode 199
4 Evaluation of Driving Restriction Policy 199
5 Conclusions and Discussions 201
References 202
Exploring Elderly People’s Activity and Travel Behavior Mechanism: A Case of Harbin, China 203
1 Introduction 203
2 Investigations of Elderly People’s Activities and Travel in Harbin 204
2.1 Elderly People’s Activity Purpose 204
2.2 Elderly People’s Travel Patterns 205
3 Basic Structural Equation Model 206
3.1 Measurement Equation 206
3.2 Structural Equation 206
3.3 Model Solution 206
4 Elderly People’s Activity—Travel Behavior Model Based on Structural Equation Model 207
4.1 Variable Selection of the Model 207
4.2 Variable Selection of the Model 207
4.3 Model Results Analysis 208
4.4 Model Evaluation 210
5 Conclusions 210
References 210
Research on Travel Features of Car Based on RFID Big Data in Chongqing Main City 212
1 Introduction 212
2 RFID Traffic Information Gathering System in Chongqing 214
3 Technology Path 215
3.1 Path Identification and Traffic Reduction Based on RFID Data 215
3.2 OD Segmentation 215
4 Analysis of Car Travel Characteristics in Core Urban Area 216
4.1 Number of Vehicles Travel 217
4.2 Total Travel 218
4.3 Trip Intensity 218
4.4 Average Travel Time Consumption 219
4.5 The Days Distribution of Car Trips 219
5 Conclusion 219
References 219
The Traffic Signal Control Method and Applicable Condition of U-Turn in Urban Arterial Road 221
1 Introduction 221
2 The Signalized Control Method of U-Turn in Urban Arterial Road 222
2.1 Rout Arrangement of Left-Turn Vehicles 222
2.2 Traffic Signalized Control Method 223
2.3 Road Condition of U-Turn 223
2.4 Traffic Conditions 226
3 Case Study 226
3.1 Basic Information 226
3.2 Optimization Scheme 227
3.3 Scheme Evaluation 229
4 Conclusions 230
References 230
Statistical Vehicle Specific Power Profiling of Heavy-Duty Vehicles for Mountainous Highways 231
1 Introduction 232
2 Literature Review 232
3 Field Data Collection 233
4 Statistical Methods 233
4.1 VSP and Binning 233
4.2 Average Fuel Rate of Grade-Speed Bin 234
4.3 Data Analysis Results 235
5 Conclusions and Discussions 237
References 237
Study on Social Network Analysis Method of Bus Network Based on Relation Degree 239
1 Introduction 240
2 Analysis of the Relationship Between Bus Lines 240
3 Measurement and Process of Bus Lines Co-opetition Relationship Based on Relation Degree 242
3.1 Calculation Method of Relation Degree 242
3.2 Example of Calculation of Relation Degree 242
3.3 The Steps of Construction of Bus Network Based on the Relation Degree 244
4 Analysis of Public Transport Network Based on Social Network 244
4.1 Social Network Analysis 244
4.2 The Network Characteristics of Bus Network Based on Social Network Analysis 245
4.3 Subgroup Analysis 246
5 Example Application 247
5.1 Characteristics Analysis of Bus Network in Langfang City 248
5.2 Subgroup Analysis of Bus Network in Langfang City 250
6 Conclusions 252
References 252
Stabilization Analysis of Mixed Traffic Flow with Electric Vehicles Based on the Modified Multiple Velocity Difference Model 253
1 Introduction 253
2 The Modified Multiple Velocity Difference Model 255
3 Linear Stability Analysis 256
4 Simulation 257
5 Conclusions 261
References 262
Research on Psychological Reaction of Driving Distraction Based on Sample Entropy 264
1 Introduction 264
2 Methodology 265
3 Driving Simulator Experiment 266
3.1 Subjects 266
3.2 Apparatus 266
3.3 Simulated Scenarios 266
3.4 Experimental Designs and Procedures 267
4 Data Collection, Screening, and Processing 267
4.1 Data Collection Procedure 267
4.2 Data Screening and Processing 267
5 Results 268
5.1 HRV 268
5.2 QRS Waveform 269
6 Conclusions and Recommendations 270
7 Discussions 271
References 272
Research on Emergency Evacuation Route Choice in the Campus 273
1 Introduction 273
2 The Brittle Structure Characteristics of University Campus 274
2.1 Brittleness of Complex System 274
2.2 Brittleness Analysis of University Campus System 275
3 Selection of Safety Emergency Evacuation Path Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm 275
3.1 Concept Definition 276
3.2 Improved Ant Colony Algorithm 277
4 Case Study 278
5 Conclusion 280
References 280
Engraved Character Recognition of Train Wheelset Based on the Total Least Square Method 281
1 Introduction 281
2 Total Least Square Method Applied for the Character Point Cloud Information Process 282
3 Experimental Results and Analysis 285
4 Conclusion 288
References 288
Research on Floating Car Speed Short-Time Prediction with Wavelet–ARIMA Under Data Missing 289
1 Introduction 289
2 Processing Method of Data Missing 290
2.1 Regression Grading Method 291
2.2 EM Method 291
2.3 PMM Method 291
3 Forecasting Model of Floating Car Speed Based on Wavelet–ARIMA 291
3.1 Wavelet Transform of Floating Car Data 291
3.2 ARIMA Model 292
4 Empirical Study 292
4.1 Comparison of Missing Errors in Missing Data at Different Missing Rates 292
4.2 Wavelet—ARIMA Floating Vehicle Speed Forecast 294
4.3 Comparison of Model Prediction Error 295
5 Conclusions and Future Work 297
References 297
Auto Rack Girders Assembly Holes Measurement Based on Multi-camera Vision 299
1 Extract Feature Points 300
2 Data Registration 301
3 Fit the Spatial Circle 303
4 Implementation and Result 304
5 Conclusion 306
References 307
An Eco-speed Optimization for Multiple Signalized Intersections Based on V2I 308
1 Introduction 308
2 Model Formulations 309
2.1 The Vehicle Dynamical Model 309
2.2 Fuel Consumption Model 310
2.3 The Optimization Problem 311
3 The Speed Optimization Algorithm 312
4 Simulation Results 315
4.1 Simulation Parameter Settings 315
4.2 Simulation Results Analysis 315
5 Conclusion 316
References 318
Occupant Restraint System Optimization of Microbus in Front Crash 319
1 Introduction 319
2 Occupant Restraint System Model of Microbus 320
2.1 Microbus Body Modeling 320
2.2 Dummy Positioning 322
2.3 Seat Belt Model 323
3 Parameters Optimization of Occupant Restraint System 323
3.1 Seat Belt Parameters Optimization 323
4 Optimization Results 325
5 Conclusions 326
References 327
Research of Intelligent Car Dual-Navigation System Based on Complex Environment 328
1 Hardware System of Intelligent Car 329
2 Research on Visual Autonomous Navigation System 330
2.1 Intelligent Lights 330
2.2 Path Identification and Control Strategy 330
3 Research on Manual Navigation System 334
4 Results Analysis and Comparison 335
5 Conclusions 336
References 337
Research on the Characteristics of Electric Bicycle’s Traffic Behavior at the Intersection 338
1 Introduction 339
2 The Traffic Characteristics of E-Bike at the Intersection Area 340
3 Release and Delay Characteristics of the E-Bike at the Intersection 341
3.1 Analysis on the Releasing Rule of the E-Bike at the Intersection 341
3.2 The Dilatation Characteristics of the E-Bike at the Intersection Area 341
3.3 The Delay Characteristics of the E-Bike 342
4 The Queuing Characteristics of the E-Bike at the Intersection Area 344
4.1 Queuing Length of the E-Bike 344
4.2 The Relation Between E-Bike’s Queuing Density and Queuing Width 345
5 Conclusion 347
References 347
Establishing Random Forest Model Based on Visual Variables to Detect Driving Fatigue 349
1 Introduction 349
2 Test Methods and Data Collection 350
2.1 Test Participants 350
2.2 Test Equipment 350
2.3 Data Collection 351
3 Random Forest Model 351
3.1 Random Forest Algorithm 351
3.2 Establish Random Forest 352
3.3 Evaluation of Training Results 353
3.4 Variable Importance 355
4 Conclusion 356
References 357
The Design of Quality Assessment Mode for Public Transit Service—From Rough to Accurate 358
1 Introduction 358
2 Overview 359
3 Analysis and Comparison of Transit Service Level Assessment Cases 359
3.1 Comparison of Assessment Agencies and Methods 359
3.2 The Selection of Assessment Indicators 360
3.3 Results Application 361
4 The Design of Quality Assessment Mode for Public Transit Service 363
4.1 Design Principles 363
4.2 Technical Process 364
4.3 Assessment Agencies Selection and Assessment Methods 364
4.4 Assessment Index System 364
4.5 Results Application 366
5 Conclusions 367
References 367
Methodology Research on the Integration of Urban Comprehensive Passenger Hub and Nonmotorized Transport 368
1 Overview 368
2 Provide Sufficient Space for Nonmotorized Transport Within the City’s Comprehensive Passenger Transport Hub 369
3 Focus on the Organization of Nonmotorized Transport in the Internal Hub 369
4 Nonmotorized Transport Should Have Good Accessibility in External Hub 371
5 Bicycle Parking Layout Should Consider the Situation of the Hub Outside the Comprehensive Transportation 373
6 Conclusion 373
References 374
Analysis and Evaluation for B-Double Vehicles Handling Stability 375
1 Introduction 375
2 Modeling Using an Analytical Method 377
3 Analysis on Steady Steering Characteristics 379
4 The Effect of Structural Parameters on the Stability 382
5 Conclusion 383
References 384
Building and Analyzing the Robustness of Interdependent Transportation Network for Hazmat Transporting Network and the Connected Traffic Network of Hazmat Transport 386
1 Introduction 386
2 Methodology of Researching Percolation Failure Simulation 388
2.1 Describe a Failure Process in Interdependent Transportation Network 388
2.2 The Cyberspace of HMTN 389
2.3 The Cyberspace of TFNHT 390
2.4 The Relationship of Interdependent Transportation Network 390
2.5 Methodology on the Simulation of Percolation Failure 391
3 Case Study 393
4 Conclusions 396
References 397
Decision Analysis of Driver’s Driving Based on Bayesian Theory 399
1 Driver’s Psychological Decision Process Description 400
2 The Basic Theory of Bayesian 401
3 The Establishment of the Decision Model of Driver Behavior Based on Bayesian Probability Theory 401
4 Summary 403
References 404
Study on the Lateral Stability of B-Double Based on Clustering Analysis 405
1 Introduction 405
2 Construction of B-Double Model 406
2.1 Select the Vehicle Type 406
2.2 Set the Vehicle Control Input 407
2.3 Set the Vehicle Output Parameters 407
3 Offline Clustering 407
3.1 Correlation Analysis 408
3.2 Offline Clustering Using K-Means 408
4 Online Identification 411
4.1 Co-simulation of TruckSim-Simulink Platform 411
4.2 Analysis of Online Clustering Results 411
5 Summary and Conclusion 415
References 416
The Research of Government Procurement Service System Design in Urban Public Transportation 417
1 Introduction 418
2 The Research of Local Government Procurement Service System in Urban Public Transportation 418
3 Urban Public Transportation Area Procurement Service System Design 420
3.1 System Design Frame 420
3.2 Main Research Contents 421
3.3 Responsible Departments 421
4 Qingdao Government Procurement Service System in Urban Public Transportation 422
4.1 Overview of Qingdao Urban Transit 422
4.2 Issues in the Current Financial Subsidies System 422
4.3 The Practices of Government Purchase of Services in Public Transit 423
5 Conclude 423
References 423
Bicycle’s Trajectory Prediction in Pedestrian-Bicycle Mixed Sections Based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks 425
1 Introduction 425
2 Method 426
2.1 Definition of Pedestrian-Bicycle Traffic Phase 426
2.2 Mathematical Expression of Pedestrian-Bicycle Traffic Phase 427
2.3 Simplification of Complex Pedestrian-Bicycle Traffic Phase 428
2.4 Prediction Model of Bicycle Trajectory Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network 428
3 Results 430
3.1 Model Calibration 430
3.2 Model Solution 432
4 Discussion 432
4.1 Simulation Verification 432
5 Conclusions 433
References 434
Analysis and Optimization Research of Beijing’s Quantity Control Policies on Motor Vehicles 435
1 Analysis of Beijing’s Quantity Control Policies on Motor Vehicles 436
1.1 Background of Implementation 436
1.2 Development History of Policies 436
1.3 Results of Implementation 436
1.4 Pressure 437
2 Analysis of Quantity Control Policies on Motor Vehicles in Other International and Domestic Cities 439
2.1 Implementation of Quantity Control Policies on Motor Vehicles in Other Domestic Cities 440
2.2 Experience of Other International Cities in Quantity Control Policies on Motor Vehicles 441
3 Conclusion and Suggestions 443
References 444
Analysis of the Influence of Urban Road Traffic Flow Parameters on the Acoustic Environment 445
1 The Effect of Speed and Flow on Traffic Noise 446
1.1 Data Collection 446
1.2 Analysis of the Influence of Vehicle Speed on Traffic Noise 446
1.3 Analysis of the Influence of the Traffic Flow on the Traffic Noise in the Straight Line Segment 449
2 Road Traffic Noise Simulation Based on Cadna/A Software 450
2.1 Establishment and Validation of Simulation Model 450
2.2 Effect of Flow Rate and Vehicle Speed on Noise 451
3 Conclusion 454
Reference 454
Research on Evaluation Model of Danger Degree in Driving 455
1 Introduction 455
2 Evaluation Parameters in the Model 456
2.1 Lane Detection 456
2.2 Vehicle Distance Detection 458
2.3 Vehicle Type Detection 459
3 Establishment of the Evaluation Model of Driving Danger Degree 461
3.1 Basic Principle in Evaluation Model Establishment 461
3.2 Multiple Regression 463
4 Results and Discussion 463
5 Conclusions 464
References 464
Vision-IMU Based Obstacle Detection Method 466
1 Introduction 467
2 Principle of Vision-IMU Based Obstacle Detection Method 468
2.1 Principle of Still Obstacle Detection 468
2.2 Principle of Moving Obstacle Detection 469
3 Implementation of Vision-IMU Based Obstacle Detection Method 470
3.1 Process of Vision-IMU Based Obstacle Detection Method 470
3.2 Obstacle Detection Experiment 470
4 Effect Analysis of Vision-IMU Based Obstacle Detection Method 473
4.1 Analysis of Detection Accuracy 473
4.2 Analysis of Detection Speed 475
5 Conclusion 476
References 476
Research on Coordinated Transportation of Passenger Transport and Logistics Between Cities 479
1 Introduction 480
2 Data Sources 480
2.1 The Selection of Investigation Radius 481
2.2 Questionnaire Design Attributes 481
2.3 The Issue and Recovery of the Questionnaires 481
3 Analysis on the Research in Jiaozuo City 482
3.1 Analysis of the Characteristics of the Cargo Transportation Mode 482
4 Problems and Solutions 483
4.1 Problems Existing in Transporting Cargo Through Passenger Car 483
4.2 Solutions to the Problems 483
5 The Third-Party Platform Construction Concept 485
6 Summary and Outlook 486
References 486
Study on the Influence of Vehicle Structural Parameters on Vehicle Handling Stability 487
1 Introduction 487
2 Vehicle Dynamics Model 488
2.1 Car Coordinate System 488
2.2 Construction of Vehicle Dynamics Model 489
3 The Influence of Vehicle Structural Parameters on Vehicle Handling Stability 489
4 The Influence of Stabilizer Bar on Vehicle Handling Stability 491
4.1 Roll Stiffness of the Stabilizer Bar 491
4.2 The Influence of Stabilizer Bar Diameter on Vehicle Driving Stability 492
5 Conclusion 494
References 495
Design of Wireless Monitoring and Pre-warning System of Brake Temperature for Truck Safety Operation 496
1 Introduction 496
2 System Structure and Working Principle 497
3 System Hardware Design 498
3.1 STM32C8T6 Master Microcontroller 498
3.2 Signal Processing Circuit 499
3.3 433 MHz Wireless Data Transceiver Module 500
4 Software Design 500
4.1 Software Overall Design 500
4.2 Temperature Signal Acquisition and Processing 500
4.3 Main Control Program of Transmitter 500
4.4 Main Control Program of Receiver 501
4.5 Data Transmission Through Wireless Module 502
5 The Effectiveness Test of System 502
6 Conclusion 504
References 504
Impact of Travel Ability on Travel Choice of the Elderly Leisure Activities 505
1 Introduce 505
2 Travel Ability 507
2.1 Concept and Characteristic 507
2.2 Characteristic Variables 507
3 Extraction of Characteristics Variables 508
3.1 Theoretical Basis and Research Hypothesis 508
3.2 Data Collection 508
3.3 Extraction of Characteristic Variables 510
4 Analysis of the Influence of Travel Ability on Choice Travel 511
4.1 Influence of Travel Ability 511
4.2 Influence of Travel Choice 512
5 Conclusion 514
References 515
The Influence of Driving Experience on the Physiological Characteristics of the Driver Under Stress Scene 516
1 Stress Scene Classification 517
2 Driver Physiological Index Selection 517
3 Experimental Design and Data Preprocessing 519
3.1 Driver Selection 519
3.2 Test Scheme 519
3.3 Data Preprocessing 520
4 Analysis of the Influence Mechanism in Stress Scene 520
5 Conclusion 522
References 523
Research of Model on Connectivity of Road Network Considering Traffic Flow Status in China 524
1 Introduction 524
2 Background 525
2.1 Traditional Model 525
2.2 Traditional Mode 526
3 Analysis of Factors of Connectivity 526
3.1 The Physical Structure of the Road Network 526
3.2 Traffic Flow Status 527
4 Methodology 527
4.1 Connectivity of the Road 527
4.2 The Connectivity of the Road Network 529
5 Examples 531
6 Conclusions 532
References 533
Analysis of the Low-Carbon Efficiency of Chinese Transport Sectors from 2007 to 2015 534
1 Introduction 534
2 Models and Data 535
2.1 The Efficiency Analysis Method 535
2.2 Data Sources 537
3 Results and Analysis 538
4 Conclusions 541
References 542
Establishment and Calibration of Traveled Speed Function for Traffic Network Based on Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram 544
1 Introduction 544
2 Definition of Traffic Properties on Network Aspect 545
3 Establishment of Traveled Speed Function 547
3.1 Definition of Traveled Speed Function 547
3.2 Calibration of Traveled Speed Function 547
4 Case Study 548
5 Conclusion 550
References 551
Analysis and Prediction of Passenger Flow of High-Speed Night Train 552
1 Existing Operation Conditions of High-Speed Night Train in China 553
2 Analysis of Characteristics of High-Speed Night Train Service 553
3 Analysis of Passenger Flow Characteristics of High-Speed Night Train 554
3.1 Analysis of Passenger Flow Proportion of High-Speed Night Train 554
3.2 Analysis of Passenger Flow Fluctuation of High-Speed Night Train 557
4 Prediction of Passenger Flow of High-Speed Night Train 560
5 Conclusion 562
References 563
Research on the Energy-Dissipating Properties of SMA Wires Used in Smart Automotive Safety Systems 564
1 Introduction 564
2 Testing Methodology 565
2.1 Materials 565
2.2 Testing Plants 565
3 Results and Discussion 567
3.1 Energy Dissipation Properties of NiTi SMA Wire Under Quasi-static Tensile Load 568
3.2 Energy Dissipation Properties of NiTi SMA Wire Under Impact Load 569
4 Conclusion 570
References 571
Research on Visual and Physiological Characteristics of Drivers Under Stress Scene 572
1 Introduction 573
2 Test Scheme and Scene Partition 573
2.1 Test Objective 573
2.2 Test Scheme 574
2.3 Division of Stress Scene 574
3 Test Data and Analysis Methods 574
3.1 Driver’s EMG Signal Processing Method 574
3.2 Analysis Method of Psychological Characteristic Index 575
4 Analysis Index Selection 577
4.1 Driver Visual Index Selection 577
4.2 Selection of Drivers’ Physiological Indexes 578
5 Analysis the Influence of Stress Scene on Driver’s Visual Characteristics 578
5.1 Division of Drivers’ Gaze Area 578
5.2 Analysis of Driver’s Visual Characteristics in Scene 1 580
6 Analysis the Influence of Stress Scenes on Physiological Characteristics of Drivers 582
6.1 The Analysis of the Influence of Stress Scene Type on the Driver’s EDA 583
6.2 Analysis of the Influence of Stress Scene Type on Driver’s EDA 584
6.3 Analysis of Driver Heart Rate 584
6.4 Driver HRV Characteristic Analysis 585
7 Discussion 585
References 587
A Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Method Based on Long Short-Term Memory Network 588
1 Introduction 588
2 Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on LSTM 589
2.1 LSTM 589
2.2 Traffic Prediction Model Based on LSTM 591
3 Experiments 592
3.1 Data Description and Experiment Design 592
3.2 The Prediction Accuracy Comparison 593
4 Conclusion 594
References 594
Influence Factors Analysis on Ride Comfort of Double Semitrailer Train 596
1 Establishment of Vibration Model of Double Semitrailer Train 597
1.1 General Vibration Model of Double Semitrailer Train 597
1.2 Deduction of Motion Equation of Double Semitrailer Train 597
2 Ride Comfort Simulation and Analysis of Double Semitrailer Train 599
2.1 Theoretical Calculation of Vehicle System 599
2.2 Road Excitation for Double Semitrailer Train 600
2.3 Test Method for Ride Comfort of Vehicle 600
3 Simulation Analysis for Influence Factors 601
3.1 Influence of Fifth Wheel Lead Changing on Ride Comfort of Train 601
3.2 Influence of Suspension Stiffness Changing on Ride Comfort of Train 602
3.3 Influence of Suspension Damping Changing on Ride Comfort of Train 603
3.4 Influence of Tire Stiffness Changing on Ride Comfort of Train 604
4 Conclusion 605
References 610
Automated Detection Algorithm for Traffic Incident in Urban Expressway Based on Lengthways Time Series 611
1 Introduction 611
2 Accidents Detection Technique 612
3 Accidents Data 612
4 Algorithm Design 613
4.1 Time Series 613
4.2 Catastrophe Theory 613
4.3 Expression of Normal Traffic Status 614
4.4 Establishment Model 615
4.5 Decision Thresholds 616
5 Data Analysis 617
5.1 Comparing Threshold 617
5.2 Variability Index Trench 617
6 Conclusion 618
References 618
Application of Docker Container in Intelligent Traffic Cloud 620
1 Introduction of Docker 622
2 Application of Docker Technology in Intelligent Traffic Cloud 623
2.1 The Basic System Framework of Intelligent Traffic Cloud Based on Docker Technology 623
2.2 Docker Platform Experiment 625
3 Conclusions 627
References 628
Research on the Evaluation Focus of Bus Drivers’ Safety Capability 629
1 Introduction 629
2 Experimental Methods 631
2.1 Questionnaire Design 631
2.2 Survey Object 632
2.3 Analytical Methods 632
3 Bus Driver Driving Safety Assessment 632
3.1 Questionnaire Recovery 632
3.2 Driver Safety Assessment 633
4 Summary and Prospect 637
References 637
The Shared Bike Trip Characteristics in Xuanwu District of Nanjing 639
1 Background 639
2 Study Area and Data 640
3 Travelers’ Attributes and Travel Characteristics 640
4 Conclusion 642
References 644
The Forecast of Total Induced Traffic Volume in the Building Project 646
1 Research Background 647
2 Induced Travel Forecasting Method 648
2.1 Residential Area-Induced Travel Forecast 648
2.2 Dormitory Area-Induced Travel Forecast 649
2.3 Sales Area-Induced Travel Forecast 650
2.4 Matching Area-Induced Travel Forecast 650
2.5 Service Area-Induced Travel Forecast 651
3 Statistical Analysis of the Induced Travel Volume in Each Functional Area 651
4 Summary 652
References 653
Analysis of Influencing Factors of Integrated Freight Transport Volume Based on Gray Markov Model 654
1 Introduction 654
2 Selection of Influencing Factors of Volume of Freight Transport 655
2.1 Selecting Index of Influencing Factors 655
3 Analysis of Gray Correlation 656
3.1 The Method of Calculating Gray Correlative Degree 656
3.2 Results and Analysis of Calculation of Gray Relational Degree 656
4 Establishment of Gray Markov Forecasting Model 657
4.1 Gray Markov Forecast Model of Volume of Freight Transport 658
4.2 Analysis of the Results 659
5 Conclusions and Discussion 661
References 662
Simulation and Experimental Verification on the Influence on Tail-Lift to the Vehicle Frame 663
1 Structural Characteristics of Tail-Lift 664
2 Model Construction 664
2.1 Model and Assembly of Tail-Lift 664
2.2 Establishment of Vehicle Frame Model 665
3 Stress Analysis and Simulation of Vehicle Frame 666
3.1 Force and Torque Analysis of Tail-Lift in Full-Loaded Status 666
3.2 Force and Torque Analysis of Tail-Lift in Traveling Position 667
3.3 Constraints and Loads on Vehicle Frame 670
4 Experimental Verification 672
4.1 Test Scheme 672
4.2 Stress Testing for Tail-Lift in Full-Loaded Status 672
4.3 Stress Testing for Vehicle with Tail-Lift in Traveling Position Passing Through Typical Pavements 673
5 Conclusion 674
References 675
An Indicator-Based Method for Bus Routing Adjustment 676
1 Introduction 677
2 Literature Review 677
3 Methodology 678
3.1 Design the Indicators 678
3.2 Clustering Analysis 681
4 Application 682
4.1 Study Context 682
4.2 Method Application 683
5 Conclusions 686
References 687
Identifying the Impacted Area of Congestion Charging Based on Cumulative Prospect Theory 688
1 Introduction and Literature 688
2 Model Traffic Network Based on CPT 689
2.1 Improved Route Choice Model Based on CPT 689
2.2 Stochastic User Equilibrium Model Based on CPT 692
3 Traffic Impact Identification 692
3.1 Set Traffic Impact Threshold 692
3.2 Identification Method 693
4 Case Study 694
4.1 Case Remarks 694
4.2 Identifying the Impacted Area Under CC with 5RMB Rate 695
5 Conclusions 696
References 696
Drivers’ Collision Avoidance Pattern Before Imminent Intersection Accidents 697
1 Introduction 697
2 Methods 699
2.1 Apparatus 699
2.2 Subjects 699
2.3 Experimental Design and Measures 700
2.4 Procedure 700
3 Results 700
3.1 Reaction Pattern 700
3.2 Collision Rate 701
3.3 Reaction Time 702
4 Discussion 703
5 Conclusion 704
References 704
Satisfaction Evaluation Model of Intercity Bus Service with Different Educational Background Travelers: A Case Study in Guangzhou and Foshan 706
1 Introduction 707
2 Data Acquisition Scheme and Preliminary Analysis 708
3 Satisfactory Evaluation of Intercity Bus Trip Based on Entropy Weight Method 709
3.1 Construction for Evaluation Indexes System 709
3.2 Empowerment Step for Entropy Weight Method 710
4 Satisfaction Degree of Intercity Bus Service for Different Educational Background 711
5 General Discussion 712
References 716
Analysis of Public Transportation Performance Based on GPS Data: Case Study of Zhengzhou, China 717
1 Introduction 717
2 Literature Review 718
3 Data Sources 719
4 Analysis and Results 721
4.1 Analysis of the Basic Situation 721
4.2 Analysis of the Basic Situation 722
5 Conclusion 726
References 727
Identification Methods of Critical Combination of Vulnerable Links in Transportation Networks 728
1 Introduction 728
2 Notation and Network Representation 730
3 Methodology 730
4 Numerical Examples 734
5 Conclusion 735
References 736
CO Emissions Estimation Model of Urban Tunnel Under One-Way Traffic Flow 738
1 Road Test 739
1.1 Experimental Platform Construction 739
1.2 Vehicle Road Test Condition 739
1.3 The Selection of Tested Emissions 739
2 Estimation Model of CO Emission 740
3 CO Emission Factor Calculation 741
3.1 Mass Balance 741
3.2 Calculation Method of Comprehensive Emission Factor 741
3.3 CO Emission Factors Calculation of Different Types of Vehicles 742
4 Conclusions 743
References 744
Identification for Truck Risk Status Based on Safety Stopping Distance 745
1 Analysis for Influencing Factor of Stopping Distance 746
2 Stopping Distance Model Building 746
2.1 Driver Reaction Time Model 746
2.2 Dynamics Analysis of Vehicle Braking 747
2.3 Braking Distance Model Construction 748
3 Simulation 749
4 Risk Status Identification Based on Safety Distance 751
5 Conclusion 753
References 753
Simulation of Carbon Emission for Heavy-Duty Vehicle Queuing Systems 754
1 Introduction 754
2 Literature Review 755
3 Analysis of the Dock Gate Operation Flow 756
4 MOVES Simulation Model Selection 757
5 Simulated Analysis 757
6 Conclusion 759
References 759
Study on the Relationship Between Highway Freight Volume and Industrial Structure in China on VAR Model 761
1 Introduction 761
2 Theories 762
2.1 The Construction of VAR Model 762
2.2 Determination of Unit Root Test and Determination of Optimal Time Delay 762
2.3 Cointegration Test 763
2.4 Granger Causality Test 763
2.5 Impulse Response Function 764
3 Empirical Studies 764
3.1 Inputs of the Model 764
3.2 Determination of Unit Root Test and Determination of Optimal Time Delay 764
3.3 Cointegration Test and Granger Causality Test 767
3.4 Create VAR Model 767
3.5 Impulse Response Function 768
4 Discussion 769
References 770
Research on SVM-Based Highway Traffic Safety Evaluation Model 772
1 Introduction 772
2 SVM-Based Highway Traffic Safety Evaluation Model 773
2.1 Indicator Selection 773
2.2 Selection of SVM Model Learning Sample 773
2.3 Analysis of SVM Model Theory and Parameter Optimization Algorithm 776
3 Instance Analyses 778
4 Conclusion 781
References 782
Optimization of the Variable Area in Curbside Bus Stop 783
1 Introduction 783
2 Average Queue Length and Delay Model 784
3 Case 787
4 Conclusion 791
References 791
A Study on the Generalized Cost Function of Regional Integrated Passenger Transport Based on Passenger Choice 792
1 Introduction 792
2 Analysis of Influencing Factors of Passenger Travel Mode Selection 793
2.1 The Micro Factors 793
2.2 Macro Factors 797
3 Generalized Cost Function Considering Passenger Choice 797
4 Generalized Cost Function Calibration Considering Passenger Choice 799
4.1 Judgment Matrix 799
4.2 Consistency Test 800
4.3 Weights of the Factors Affecting the Traffic Mode Choice 801
5 Conclusion 801
References 802
Review and Implementation of Driving Fatigue Evaluation Methods Based on RR Interval 803
1 Introduction 803
2 Reviewed Literature 804
2.1 Study of Heart Rate in Fatigue 804
2.2 Study of Heart Rate Variability in Fatigue 804
2.3 Statistics of MSPC in Fatigue 805
3 Experiment and Data Analysis 806
3.1 Experimental Design 806
3.2 Data Analysis of Individual Participant 806
3.3 Comprehensive Analysis of Multiple Subjects Data 810
4 Conclusion and Expectation 812
References 812
Risk Identification of In-Vehicle Information System Operation Based on Traffic Environment Complexity 814
1 Introduction 815
2 Experiment 816
2.1 Participants 816
2.2 Equipment 816
2.3 Experiment Site 816
2.4 Procedure 816
2.5 Design 817
3 Method 819
3.1 Independent Variables 819
3.2 Variable Fuzzy 819
3.3 Determine Membership Degree Function 819
3.4 Fuzzy Control Rules 821
3.5 Fuzzy Reasoning 822
3.6 De-fuzziness 822
3.7 Suggestions on IVIS Distraction Control 823
4 Summary and Conclusions 823
References 824
Implementation of Congestion Charge Policy in China: Legal Analysis and Security Research 825
1 Analysis of Legal Barriers to the Congestion Charge Policy in Chinese Cities 826
1.1 Positioning of Congestion Charge Policy 826
1.2 Laws Pertaining to Congestion Charge 826
1.3 Analysis of Legal Barriers to Congestion Policy 827
2 Analysis of Foreign Legislation Regarding Congestion Charge 828
2.1 Analysis of London’s Legislation Regarding Congestion Charge 828
2.2 Analysis of Singapore’s Legislation Regarding Congestion Charge 830
3 Research on Legal Security Regarding Traffic Congestion Charge in Chinese Cities 831
3.1 Legislations Pertaining to Congestion Charge 831
3.2 Carry Forward the Issuance of Security Measures for Congestion Charge and Research of Exemption Rules 833
3.3 Carry Forward the Work to Establish Relevant Standards for Charge Technologies 833
3.4 Establish Security Prevention and Violation Penalty Standards 833
4 Conclusion and Suggestions 834
References 834
Prediction Modeling of Railway Short-Term Passenger Flow Based on Random Forest Regression 835
1 Introduction 835
2 Analysis on Impact Factors for Passenger Flow 836
3 Modeling of Passenger Flow Prediction 837
3.1 Random Forest Regression 837
3.2 Model Accuracy Validation 839
4 Results and Analysis 839
4.1 Data Preparation 840
4.2 Modeling and Validation 840
4.3 Factor Importance Analysis 841
5 Conclusions 842
References 842
Application of Dimensionality-Reduction Algorithm in Interaction Action Recognition of Drivers 844
1 Introduction 844
2 Method 845
2.1 Experimental Procedure 845
2.2 Dimensionality-Reduction Algorithms 846
3 Results and Discussion 847
4 Conclusions 849
References 849
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 15.9.2018 |
Reihe/Serie | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering |
Zusatzinfo | XII, 883 p. 387 illus. |
Verlagsort | Singapore |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Technik ► Bauwesen |
Technik ► Fahrzeugbau / Schiffbau | |
Schlagworte | Big data in e-Mobility • Collaborative driving • Electric Vehicle • Green Mobility • intelligent transportation systems • Traffic Safety |
ISBN-10 | 981-13-0302-9 / 9811303029 |
ISBN-13 | 978-981-13-0302-9 / 9789811303029 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
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