Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends (eBook)
XII, 449 Seiten
Springer International Publishing (Verlag)
978-3-319-46532-6 (ISBN)
The book reports on advanced topics in the areas of wearable robotics research and practice. It focuses on new technologies, including neural interfaces, soft wearable robots, sensors and actuators technologies, and discusses important regulatory challenges, as well as clinical and ethical issues. Based on the 2nd International Symposium on Wearable Robotics, WeRob2016, held October 18-21, 2016, in Segovia, Spain, the book addresses a large audience of academics and professionals working in government, industry, and medical centers, and end-users alike. It provides them with specialized information and with a source of inspiration for new ideas and collaborations. It discusses exemplary case studies highlighting practical challenges related to the implementation of wearable robots in a number of fields. One of the focus is on clinical applications, which was encouraged by the colocation of WeRob2016 with the International Conference on Neurorehabilitation, INCR2016. Additional topics include space applications and assistive technologies in the industry. The book merges together the engineering, medical, ethical and political perspectives, thus offering a multidisciplinary, timely snapshot of the field of wearable technologies.
Contents 6
Clinical Focus on Rehabilitation and Assistive WRs 14
1 Clinical Evaluation of a Socket-Ready Naturally Controlled Multichannel Upper Limb Prosthetic System 15
Abstract 15
1 Introduction 16
2 Methods 16
2.1 Subjects 16
2.2 Hardware and Control Algorithm 16
2.3 Clinical Testing 17
2.4 Experiment Protocol 17
3 Results 18
4 Conclusions and Discussion 18
Acknowledgments 19
References 19
2 Evaluation of a Robotic Exoskeleton for Gait Training in Acute Stroke: A Case Study 20
Abstract 20
1 Introduction 21
2 Materials and Methods 21
2.1 Participants 21
2.2 Robotic Exoskeleton (RE) Device 22
2.3 Experimental Procedure and Data Analysis 22
3 Results 23
4 Discussion 24
References 24
3 Wearable Exoskeleton Assisted Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis: Feasibility and Experience 25
Abstract 25
1 Introduction 26
2 Materials and Methods 26
2.1 Subjects 26
2.2 Exoskeleton Assisted Training 26
2.3 Outcome Measures 27
2.4 Data Analysis 28
3 Results 28
4 Discussion 29
5 Conclusion 29
Acknowledgment 29
References 29
4 Exoskeletons for Rehabilitation and Personal Mobility: Creating Clinical Evidence 30
Abstract 30
1 Introduction 30
2 Material and Methods 31
2.1 Patient Populations 31
2.2 Exoskeletons 31
2.3 Clinical Studies 32
3 Results 32
4 Discussion 32
5 Conclusion 33
References 33
5 Lower Limb Wearable Systems for Mobility and Rehabilitation Challenges: Clinical Focus 34
Abstract 34
1 Introduction 34
2 Gait Rehabilitation 35
3 Gait Substitution 36
4 Clinical Aspects for Gait Rehabilitation 36
5 Conclusions 37
Acknowledgment 37
References 37
Emerging Technologies in WRs 39
Impedance Control of Series Elastic Actuators Using Acceleration Feedback 40
1 Introduction 40
2 Impedance Control of Series Elastic Actuators 42
3 Impedance Control Using Acceleration Feedback 42
4 Conclusions 43
References 43
7 Kinetic Energy Recovery in Human Joints: The Flywheel-Infinitely Variable Transmission Actuator 45
Abstract 45
1 Introduction 45
2 The F-IVT Actuator: Working Principle and Performance Calculation 46
2.1 Working Principle of F-IVT 46
2.2 Performance Calculation 47
3 Results and Discussion 48
4 Conclusion 49
References 49
A Compliant Lightweight and Adaptable Active Ankle Foot Orthosis for Robotic Rehabilitation 50
1 Introduction 50
2 Mechanical Design of the AAFO 51
2.1 Ankle Actuator 51
2.2 Connections to the User 52
3 Ankle Actuator Characterization 53
4 Conclusion 54
References 54
A Novel Shoulder Mechanism with a Double Parallelogram Linkage for Upper-Body Exoskeletons 55
1 Introduction 55
2 Conceptual Design of Novel Shoulder Mechanism for an Upper-Body Exoskeleton 56
3 Kinematic Analysis of the Mechanism 57
4 Application of the Novel Spherical Shoulder Mechanism 58
5 Conclusion 59
References 59
A Soft Robotic Extra-Finger and Arm Support to Recover Grasp Capabilities in Chronic Stroke Patients 61
1 Introduction 62
2 The Soft-SixthFinger and Robotic Arm System 63
3 Pilot Study 64
4 Conclusion 64
References 65
11 A Quasi-Passive Knee Exoskeleton to Assist During Descent 66
Abstract 66
1 Introduction 66
2 Materials and Methods 67
3 Results and Discussion 68
4 Conclusions 69
References 69
Wearable Sensory Apparatus for Multi-segment System Orientation Estimation with Long-Term Drift and Magnetic Disturbance Compensation 71
1 Introduction 71
2 Methods 72
2.1 Wearable Sensors 72
2.2 Kinematic Relations 73
2.3 Magnetic Model 73
2.4 Model-Based Extended Kalman Filter 73
3 Results 74
4 Discussion and Conclusion 75
References 75
13 A Portable Active Pelvis Orthosis for Ambulatory Movement Assistance 76
Abstract 76
1 Introduction 77
2 Materials and Methods 77
2.1 Mechanics 77
2.2 Actuation Units 78
2.3 Control 79
3 System Validation and Results 79
4 Discussion and Conclusion 80
References 80
Soft Wearable Robotics 82
14 XoSoft - A Vision for a Soft Modular Lower Limb Exoskeleton 83
Abstract 83
1 Introduction 84
2 User Centered Design 85
3 User Groups 86
4 System Description 86
5 Conclusions 87
Acknowledgment 87
References 87
15 On the Efficacy of Isolating Shoulder and Elbow Movements with a Soft, Portable, and Wearable Robotic Device 89
Abstract 89
1 Introduction 90
2 Materials and Methods 90
2.1 Device Description 90
2.2 Subject Description 91
2.3 Exercise Description 91
3 Results 92
4 Conclusion 93
References 93
16 Design Improvement of a Polymer-Based Tendon-Driven Wearable Robotic Hand (Exo-Glove Poly) 94
Abstract 94
1 Introduction 94
2 Design Improvement 96
2.1 Magnet Embedment 96
2.2 Tendon Length Adjustment Mechanism 97
3 Conclusion 98
References 98
17 Affective Touch and Low Power Artificial Muscles for Rehabilitative and Assistive Wearable Soft Robotics 99
Abstract 99
1 Introduction 99
2 Affective Touch 100
2.1 Affective Tactile Stimulation 101
3 Artificial Muscle Rehabilitation 101
4 Conclusions 103
References 103
18 Evaluation of Force Tracking Controller with Soft Exosuit for Hip Extension Assistance 105
Abstract 105
1 Introduction 105
2 Material and Methods 106
2.1 Sensing and Actuation 106
2.2 Force Tracking Controller Description 107
3 Results 107
4 Conclusion 108
Acknowledgments 108
References 108
Neural Interfacing of WRs 110
19 Endogenous Control of Powered Lower-Limb Exoskeleton 111
Abstract 111
1 Introduction 112
2 Method 112
2.1 Hardware Setup 112
2.2 Protocol 112
2.3 Experiment Scenario 113
2.4 Signal Processing and Decoding 114
3 Results 114
4 Discussion 115
References 115
20 Natural User-Controlled Ambulation of Lower Extremity Exoskeletons for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury 116
Abstract 116
1 Introduction 117
2 Surrogate Articulation of Gait 117
3 Methods 118
3.1 Experimental Apparatus 118
3.2 Admittance Control of Hand-Walking 118
4 Results 119
References 120
Real-Time Modeling for Lower Limb Exoskeletons 121
1 Introduction 121
2 Method 122
2.1 Real-Time EMG-Driven NMS Modeling 122
2.2 Interface with the H2 Lower-Limb Exoskeleton 122
2.3 Experimental Protocol and Tests 123
3 Conclusion 124
References 124
22 Towards Everyday Shared Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons 126
Abstract 126
1 Introduction 126
2 Shared Control 127
3 Lower Limb Exoskeletons 127
4 Discussion and Future Work 128
Acknowledgments 128
References 128
Biomechanics and Neurophysiological Studies with WRs 129
23 Joint-Level Responses to Counteract Perturbations Scale with Perturbation Magnitude and Direction 130
Abstract 130
1 Introduction 130
2 Materials and Methods 131
2.1 Experimental Setup and Protocol 131
2.2 Data Processing 131
3 Results 132
4 Discussion 133
5 Conclusions 133
References 133
24 Metabolic Energy Consumption in a Box-Lifting Task: A Parametric Study on the Assistive Torque 134
Abstract 134
1 Introduction 134
2 Methods 135
2.1 Musculoskeletal Model (MSM) 135
2.2 Box-Lifting Movement 136
2.3 Metabolic Energy 136
2.4 Assistive Torque 136
2.5 Box Interaction with the MSM 137
3 Results 137
4 Discussion 138
5 Conclusions and Future Work 138
References 139
25 Analysis of the Movement Variability in Dance Activities Using Wearable Sensors 140
Abstract 140
1 Introduction 140
2 Methods 141
2.1 Time-Delay Embedding 141
2.2 Framework for the Experiment 141
2.3 Participants 142
2.4 Experiment Design 142
2.5 Data Collection 142
3 Results 143
4 Conclusion and Future Work 144
References 144
New Developments in Wearable Rehabilitation Robotics 146
26 Real Time Computation of Centroidal Momentum for the Use as a Stability Index Applicable to Human Walking with Exoskeleton 147
Abstract 147
1 Introduction 147
2 Centroidal Momentum 148
3 Real Time Computation of CM 149
3.1 Demonstration Platform 149
3.2 Demonstration During Natural Overground Walking 149
3.3 Demonstration During Walking with Tripping Events 149
4 Conclusion 151
Acknowledgments 151
References 151
A Versatile Neuromuscular Exoskeleton Controller for Gait Assistance: A Preliminary Study on Spinal Cord Injury Patients 152
1 Introduction 152
2 Materials and Methods 153
3 Results 153
4 Discussion 155
5 Conclusion 155
References 156
28 Introducing a Modular, Personalized Exoskeleton for Ankle and Knee Support of Individuals with a Spinal Cord Injury 157
Abstract 157
1 Introduction 157
2 Mechanical Design 159
3 Electronic Design 160
4 Specifications 160
5 Conclusion 160
Acknowledgments 160
References 161
29 Towards Exoskeletons with Balance Capacities 162
Abstract 162
1 Introduction 163
2 Materials and Methods 163
2.1 Experimental Setup and Protocol 163
3 Results 164
4 Discussion 165
5 Conclusions 165
References 166
30 EMG-Based Detection of User’s Intentions for Human-Machine Shared Control of an Assistive Upper-Limb Exoskeleton 167
Abstract 167
1 Introduction 167
2 Materials and Methods 168
2.1 Exoskeleton 168
2.2 Setup of the Study 168
2.3 Motion Intention Detection 169
2.4 Classification of Movement Direction 169
3 Results 170
4 Discussion 171
5 Conclusions 171
References 171
Legal Framework, Standardization and Ethical Issues in WRs 172
31 Safety Standardization of Wearable Robots—The Need for Testing Methods 173
Abstract 173
1 Introduction 173
2 Regulation of Wearable Robots 174
3 Need for Testing Procedures 176
4 Conclusion 176
References 177
32 The Potential and Acceptance of Exoskeletons in Industry 178
Abstract 178
1 Introduction 178
2 Methods 179
2.1 Stakeholder Analysis 179
2.2 Literature Review 179
2.3 Acceptance 179
3 Results 180
3.1 Stakeholder-Analysis Results 180
3.2 Literature Review Results 181
4 Discussion and Conclusions 181
Acknowledgments 181
References 182
33 Wearable Robots: A Legal Analysis 183
Abstract 183
1 Introduction 183
2 Legal Definitions 184
3 Liability and Insurance 184
4 Human Enhancement 185
5 Final Considerations 186
References 186
34 A Verification Method for Testing Abrasion in the Use of Restraint Type Personal Care Robots 187
Abstract 187
1 Introduction 187
2 Verification Test Method for Abrasion Risk 188
3 Validation of the Verified Data 190
4 Conclusion 191
Acknowledgments 191
References 191
Benchmarking in WRs and Related Communities 192
35 Kinematic Comparison of Gait Rehabilitation with Exoskeleton and End-Effector Devices 193
Abstract 193
1 Introduction 193
2 Materials and Methods 194
2.1 Robot Systems: Exoskeleton and End-Effector Devices 194
2.2 Procedure and Instrumentation 195
3 Results and Discussion 195
3.1 Comparison of Gait Motion Trajectory 195
3.2 Comparison of Stair Climbing and Descending Motion 196
4 Conclusion 197
References 197
36 Evaluating the Gait of Lower Limb Prosthesis Users 198
Abstract 198
1 Introduction 199
2 Methods 199
2.1 The CAREN System 199
2.2 Data Collection and Analysis 200
3 Results 201
4 Discussion 202
5 Conclusion 202
References 202
37 Some Considerations on Benchmarking of Wearable Robots for Mobility 204
Abstract 204
1 Introduction 204
2 Metabolic Cost of Walking 205
3 Balance Performance 206
4 Conclusion 207
References 207
Benchmarking Data for Human Walking in Different Scenarios 209
1 Introduction 209
2 The Koroibot Project and the Koroibot Motion Capture Database 210
3 Human Walking Reference Data 211
4 Conclusion & Outlook
References 212
39 Clinical Gait Assessment in Relation to Benchmarking Robot Locomotion 213
Abstract 213
1 Introduction 213
1.1 Taxonomies Related to International Classification of Functioning 214
1.2 Clinical Assessments for Bipedal Locomotion 215
2 Method 216
3 Results 216
4 Discussion 216
5 Conclusion 217
References 217
Symbiotic Control of WRs 218
Attention Level Measurement During Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Through a BMI System 219
1 Introduction 219
2 Materials and Methods 220
2.1 Ankle Exoskeleton 220
2.2 EEG Acquisition 220
2.3 EEG Real Time Processing and Feature Extraction 221
2.4 EEG Classification 221
2.5 Experimental Protocol 221
3 Results and Discussion 222
4 Conclusions 222
References 223
41 Detection of Subject’s Intention to Trigger Transitions Between Sit, Stand and Walk with a Lower Limb Exoskeleton 224
Abstract 224
1 Introduction 225
2 Materials and Methods 225
2.1 Material 225
2.2 Protocol 226
2.3 Classifier 226
3 Results 227
4 Discussion 227
5 Conclusions 228
References 228
The New Generation of Compliant Actuators for Use in Controllable Bio-Inspired Wearable Robots 229
1 Introduction 229
2 Compliant Actuation in WRs for Gait 230
3 Control Strategy 232
4 Conclusion 233
References 233
An EMG-informed Model to Evaluate Assistance of the Biomot Compliant Ankle Actuator 234
1 Introduction 234
2 Materials and Methods 235
3 Results 236
4 Discussion 237
5 Conclusions 237
References 238
Tacit Adaptability of a Mechanically Adjustable Compliance and Controllable Equilibrium Position Actuator, a Preliminary Study 239
1 Introduction 239
2 Materials and Methods 240
3 Results 241
4 Conclusion 242
5 Futute Work 242
References 243
Emerging Applications Domains of WRs, Emerging Technologies in WRs 244
Design and Kinematic Analysis of the Hanyang Exoskeleton Assistive Robot (HEXAR) for Human Synchronized Motion 245
1 Introduction 245
2 System Requirements 246
3 Mechanical Design of HEXAR-CR50 246
4 Kinematic Simulation with Walking Motions 247
5 Conclusion 248
References 249
46 Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Low-Cost Robotic Orthosis for Gait Assistance in Subjects with Spinal Cord Injury 250
Abstract 250
1 Introduction 250
2 Robotic Orthosis Design 251
2.1 Knee Actuation System 252
2.2 Sensors and Control 252
3 Experimental Evaluation 253
4 Conclusion 254
References 254
A Powered Low-Back Exoskeleton for Industrial Handling: Considerations on Controls 255
1 Introduction 255
2 Low-Back Exoskeleton 256
3 Low-Level: Actuator Control 257
4 High-Level: Assistive Strategy 257
5 Conclusions 258
References 258
48 Efficient Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Human Motion Assistance 260
Abstract 260
1 Introduction 260
2 Mechanical Design and Components 261
3 Exoskeleton Operation 262
4 Conclusion 263
References 263
Active Safety Functions for Industrial Lower Body Exoskeletons: Concept and Assessment 265
1 Introduction 265
2 Active Safety Functional Concepts 266
3 Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment 268
4 Conclusions 269
References 269
50 SOLEUS: Ankle Foot Orthosis for Space Countermeasure with Immersive Virtual Reality 270
Abstract 270
1 Introduction 270
2 SOLEUS Project Expected Benefits 271
3 SOLEUS System Architecture 272
3.1 Exoskeletons Subsystem 272
3.2 Virtual Reality Subsystem 272
4 Musculo-Skeletal Simulations 273
5 Scientific Evaluation 273
6 Conclusion 274
Acknowledgments 274
References 274
SPEXOR: Spinal Exoskeletal Robot for Low Back Pain Prevention and Vocational Reintegration 275
1 Context 276
2 Objectives 276
3 Going Beyond the State of the Art 277
References 279
Posters 280
52 HeSA, Hip Exoskeleton for Superior Assistance 281
Abstract 281
1 Introduction 281
2 Design 282
3 Control 282
4 Testing 283
5 Conclusion 284
Acknowledgments 285
References 285
SPEXOR: Towards a Passive Spinal Exoskeleton 286
1 Introduction 287
2 SOTA of Passive Exoskeletons 288
3 Going Beyond 288
4 Conclusion 289
References 289
54 Autonomous Soft Exosuit for Hip Extension Assistance 291
Abstract 291
1 Introduction 291
2 System Description 292
2.1 Actuation and Suit 292
2.2 IMU-Based Iterative Controller 293
3 Results 294
4 Conclusion 294
References 295
55 Comparison of Ankle Moment Inspired and Ankle Positive Power Inspired Controllers for a Multi-Articular Soft Exosuit for Walking Assistance 296
Abstract 296
1 Introduction 297
2 Methods 297
3 Results 298
4 Discussion & Conclusion
Acknowledgments 299
References 300
56 Biomechanical Analysis and Inertial Sensing of Ankle Joint While Stepping on an Unanticipated Bump 301
Abstract 301
1 Introduction 301
2 Methods 302
3 Results 303
4 Discussion and Conclusion 304
Acknowledgments 305
References 305
57 A Novel Approach to Increase Upper Extremity Active Range of Motion for Individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Using Admittance Control: A Preliminary Study 306
Abstract 306
1 Introduction 306
2 Materials and Methods 307
3 Results 309
4 Discussion and Conclusion 310
Acknowledgments 310
References 310
58 Modulation of Knee Range of Motion and Time to Rest in Cerebral Palsy Using Two Forms of Mechanical Stimulation 311
Abstract 311
1 Introduction 312
2 Materials and Methods 313
2.1 Whole Body Vibration (WBV) 313
2.2 Vestibular Stimulation (VS) 313
2.3 Assessment Technique 313
3 Results 314
4 Discussion 314
5 Conclusion 315
References 315
59 Training Response to Longitudinal Powered Exoskeleton Training for SCI 316
Abstract 316
1 Introduction 316
2 Materials and Methods 317
2.1 Experimental Test Conditions 317
2.2 Data Collection and Analysis 318
3 Results 318
3.1 Demographics 318
3.2 Spatial Temporal Parameters 318
3.3 Correlation of Temporal-Spatial Measures to Velocity 318
3.4 CoM 319
3.5 Able Bodied with EksoGT™ 319
4 Discussion 320
5 Conclusion 320
Acknowledgments 320
References 321
60 Adaptive Classification of Arbitrary Activities Through Hidden Markov Modeling with Automated Optimal Initialization 322
Abstract 322
1 Introduction 322
2 Methods 323
3 Results 324
4 Discussion and Conclusion 325
References 326
Design and Motion Analysis of a Wearable and Portable Hand Exoskeleton 327
1 Introduction 327
2 Design Phase 328
3 Results 329
4 Conclusion 330
References 330
Nitiglove: Nitinol-Driven Robotic Glove Used to Assist Therapy for Hand Mobility Recovery 332
1 Introduction 332
2 Engineering Design Process 333
2.1 Muscle Wires 333
2.2 Flex Sensors 334
2.3 Results 335
3 Conclusion 336
References 336
63 3D Printed Arm Exoskeleton for Teleoperation and Manipulation Applications 337
Abstract 337
1 Introduction 337
2 Exoskeleton Design 338
2.1 Mechanical Design 338
2.2 Mechatronics 339
3 Application 1: ICARUS 339
4 Application 2: DEXROV 340
Acknowledgments 341
References 341
64 Musculoskeletal Simulation of SOLEUS Ankle Exoskeleton for Countermeasure Exercise in Space 342
Abstract 342
1 Introduction 343
2 Methods 343
2.1 Musculoskeletal Human Model 343
2.2 Definition of Pedal-Pulling Motion 344
2.3 Conditions of the Linear Actuators 344
2.4 Interactions Between Human and SOLEUS System 344
2.5 Inverse Dynamics of Musculoskeletal System 345
3 Results 345
4 Conclusion 346
Acknowledgments 347
References 347
65 Human Gait Feature Detection Using Inertial Sensors Wavelets 348
Abstract 348
1 Introduction 348
2 Wireless Sensing System 349
3 Wavelet Analysis 350
4 Conclusion 351
References 352
On the Importance of a Motor Model for the Optimization of SEA-driven Prosthetic Ankles 353
1 Introduction 353
2 Materials and Methods 354
3 Results and Discussion 355
4 Conclusion 356
References 357
67 Assessment of a 7-DOF Hand Exoskeleton for Neurorehabilitation 358
Abstract 358
1 Introduction 358
2 Design Components 359
2.1 Admittance Control Paradigm 359
2.2 Wrist End Effector 360
2.3 Modular Gripper 360
2.4 Virtual Environment 361
3 Methods 361
4 Conclusion 362
References 362
Improving the Standing Balance of People with Spinal Cord Injury Through the Use of a Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis 363
1 Introduction 363
2 Materials and Methods 364
3 Results 365
4 Discussion 365
5 Conclusions 367
References 367
Transparent Mode for Lower Limb Exoskeleton 368
1 Introduction 368
2 Experimental Set-Up 369
3 Gravity Compensation 369
4 Friction Compensation 370
5 Interaction Force 370
6 Control System 371
7 Conclusion 371
References 372
70 Human-Robot Mutual Force Borrowing and Seamless Leader-Follower Role Switching by Learning and Coordination of Interactive Impedance 373
Abstract 373
1 Introduction 373
2 Human-Robot Mutual Force Borrowing and Seamless Leader-Follower Role Switching 374
3 Co-Adaptive Optimal Control Framework 376
References 377
Upper Limb Exoskeleton Control for Isotropic Sensitivity of Human Arm 379
1 Introduction 379
2 Materials and Methods 380
2.1 Manipulability 380
2.2 Mobility 380
2.3 Control Method 381
3 Experiments and Results 381
4 Conclusions 383
References 383
72 AUTONOMYO: Design Challenges of Lower Limb Assistive Device for Elderly People, Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromuscular Diseases 384
Abstract 384
1 Introduction 384
2 Walking Impairments 385
3 Trends of Existing Medical Devices 386
3.1 Human-Robot Interaction 386
3.2 Design Architecture 386
4 Challenges Toward Assistive Devices 387
4.1 Human-Robot Interaction 387
4.2 Design Architecture 387
5 Conclusion 388
References 388
Passive Lower Back Moment Support in a Wearable Lifting Aid: Counterweight Versus Springs 389
1 Introduction 389
2 Materials and Methods 390
3 Results 392
4 Discussion 392
References 393
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 4.10.2016 |
Reihe/Serie | Biosystems & Biorobotics | Biosystems & Biorobotics |
Zusatzinfo | XII, 449 p. 147 illus. |
Verlagsort | Cham |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Mathematik / Informatik ► Informatik |
Medizin / Pharmazie ► Physiotherapie / Ergotherapie | |
Technik ► Maschinenbau | |
Wirtschaft ► Betriebswirtschaft / Management ► Logistik / Produktion | |
Schlagworte | Assistive WRs • BALANCE FP7 • Balance Performance • Biomot European Projects • Clinical Trials with Wearable Robots • Ethical Issues in Wearable Robotics • Gait Rehabilitation • H2R European Projects • Human Factors in Robotics • Human Postural Control • Interfaces for Wearable Devices • Neuromechanical modeling • Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling • Proceedings of WeRob2016 • rehabilitation psychology • Robo-ethics • Robot Exoskeleton • Soft Wearable Robotics • Wearable Assistive Devices • Wearable Exoskeletons |
ISBN-10 | 3-319-46532-5 / 3319465325 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-319-46532-6 / 9783319465326 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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