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Human-Computer Systems Interaction (eBook)

Backgrounds and Applications
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XIV, 570 Seiten
Springer Berlin (Verlag)
978-3-642-03202-8 (ISBN)

Lese- und Medienproben

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For the last decades, as the computer technology has been developing, the importance of human-computer systems interaction problems was growing. This is not only because the computer systems performance characteristics have been im-proved but also due to the growing number of computer users and of their expectations about general computer systems capabilities as universal tools for human work and life facilitation. The early technological problems of man-computer information exchange - which led to a progress in computer programming languages and input/output devices construction - have been step by step dominated by the more general ones of human interaction with-and-through computer systems, shortly denoted as H-CSI problems. The interest of scientists and of any sort specialists to the H-CSI problems is very high as it follows from an increasing number of scientific conferences and publications devoted to these topics. The present book contains selected papers concerning various aspects of H-CSI. They have been grouped into five Parts: I. General H-CSI problems (7 papers), II. Disabled persons helping and medical H-CSI applications (9 papers), III. Psychological and linguistic H-CSI aspects (9 papers), IV. Robots and training systems (8 papers), V. Various H-CSI applications (11 papers).

Foreword 6
Preface 8
Contents 10
Part I General Problems of H-CSI 15
From Research on the Decision-Making in Ill-Structured Situation Control and the Problem of Risks 16
Introduction 16
About Trends in Development of the Cognitive Approach in Decision-Making 17
Two Directions of the Cognitive Approach 18
Clarification of Concept of the {/it Cognitive} Map in Decision-Making 19
The Problem of Risks due to the Human Factor 19
Cognitive Risks in Subjective-Formal Searching and Making Solutions: Two Kinds of Risk Factors 21
A Family of Risks Concerned with Causal Influence Transitivity 22
Practical Example of Causal Influence Transitivity Violation 23
The Analysis of Revealed Cognitive Risks 24
Some Criteria for the Early Detection of False Transitivity Risks 25
Conclusions 26
References 26
Emulating the Perceptual System of the Brain for the Purpose of Sensor Fusion 29
Introduction 29
The Research Field of Sensor Fusion 30
Characteristics of Human Perception 30
Bionic Model for Perception 32
Neuro-Symbolic Information Processing 32
Interaction between Neuro-Symbolic Network, Knowledge, and Focus of Attention 35
Results and Discussion 37
Conclusions 38
References 38
Knowledge Acquisition in Conceptual Ontological Artificial Intelligence System 40
Introduction 40
Method 40
Conversion from Natural Language 40
Polysemy of Natural Language Statements 41
Ontological Core Knowledge Acquisition 42
The Search of Similar Concepts 42
Separation of Concepts 45
Basic Concepts Search 47
Information Scope Presented with Questions Generated by the System 47
Conclusions 47
Active Knowledge Acquisition Role 47
Further Development 48
References 48
Problems of Knowledge Representation in Computer-Assisted Decision Making Systems 49
Introduction 49
Knowledge Representing Statements 51
Factual Statements 52
Implicative Statements 53
Deontic Statements 54
Evaluating Meta-statements 55
Structural and Semantic Redundancy in Knowledgebases 56
Knowledge Representation by Ontological Models 58
Conclusions 63
References 64
A Dialogue-Based Interaction System for Human-Computer Interfaces 65
Introduction 65
A Dialogue-Based Interaction System 66
An Example 71
Final Remarks 74
References 75
Consistency-Based vs. Similarity-Based Prediction Using Extensions of Information Systems – An Experimental Study 76
Introduction 76
Theoretical Background 77
Extensions of Information Systems 77
Consistency Measure 79
Similarity Measure 82
Experiments 82
Macroeconomics Data 83
Weather Data 86
Summary 89
Conclusions 89
References 90
Image Annotation Based on Semantic Rules 91
Introduction 91
The Image Segmentation 92
From Visual Features to Semantic Descriptors 94
Rule-Based Image Annotation 95
Generation of Semantic Association Rules 96
Image Categorization 98
Databases with Images for Learning and Annotation 99
Conclusions 101
References 102
Part II Disabled Persons Helping and Medical H-CSI Applications 103
A Prototype Mobility and Navigation Tele-Assistance System for Visually Disabled 104
Introduction 104
Existing Tele-Assitance Systems 105
The Electronic Travel Aid 106
Experimental Setup and Procedures 106
The Prototypes 106
Trial Rationale and Goals 107
Indoor Trial Description 108
Data Collection 110
Outdoor Trial Description 110
Trial Results and Analysis 112
Performance Review 112
Operator Conclusions 113
Survey Results 113
Present and Future Work 113
Enhancing GPS Navigation 113
Adjustable Video Quality 114
Target Platform 114
Conclusions 114
References 115
Eye-Mouse for Disabled 116
Introduction 116
Methods 117
Discussion 126
Conclusions 127
References 128
Eye-Blink Controlled Human-Computer Interface for the Disabled 130
Introduction 130
Eye-Blink Monitoring 131
Eye-Blink Monitoring System 132
System Overview 132
Face Detection and Eye Localization 133
Eye Tracking and Eye Blink Detection 135
The Developed Software 136
BlinkWriter 136
BlinkBrowser 136
Results 137
Conclusions 139
References 139
HMM-Based System for Recognizing Gestures in Image Sequences and Its Application in Continuous Gesture Recognition 141
Introduction 141
Methodology 142
Image Preprocessing and Color Segmentation 143
Feature Extraction 143
Dimensionality Reduction 144
Statistical Classifier 144
Recognition of Gestures 145
Gesture Detection and Segmentation in Time 146
Experimental Results 146
Recognition of Isolated Gestures 146
Comparison with Other Methods 146
Conclusions 151
References 152
Machine Learning of Melanocytic Skin Lesion Images 153
Introduction 153
Procedure 155
Results and Discussion 159
Conclusions and Outlook 162
References 163
A Preliminary Attempt to Validation of Glasgow Outcome Scale for Describing Severe Brain Damages 166
Introduction 166
The Main Goal of the Research 167
General Methodology of the Research 167
Results of Experiments 169
Discussion and Conclusions 174
References 175
Segmentation of Anatomical Structure by Using a Local Classifier Derived from Neighborhood Information 176
Introduction 176
Segmentation Framework with a Local Classifier 177
Experimental Analyses and Discussion 179
Advantages of Our Local Classifier 179
Segmentation on Test CT Images 180
Deliverables of Successful Segmentation 183
Conclusions 184
References 185
An Application of Detection Function for the Eye Blinking Detection 186
Introduction 186
The Detection Function for Eye-Blink Detection 188
Location of Blinks in Time Domain 192
Conclusions 195
References 195
Self-directed Training in an Evidence-Based Medicine Experiment 197
Introduction 197
Material and Method 198
Training and Evaluation System 198
System Evaluation Methodology: Evidence-Based Medicine 199
Results 200
Study Participants 200
Intervention Group: Pre- and Post-test Assessment of EBM Knowledge 202
Intervention Group: Usability Analysis of the Training and Evaluation System 203
Comparison between Control and Intervention Groups 203
Discussion 204
Conclusions 206
References 206
Part III Psychological and Linguistic Aspects of H-CSI 209
Emotion Recognition from Facial Expression Using Neural Networks 210
Introduction 210
Facial Expression Database 211
Feature Extraction 211
Neural Networks for Emotion Recognition 212
SVM for Emotion Recognition 212
MLP for Emotion Recognition 215
PCA for Emotion Recognition 217
GFFNN for Emotion Recognition 219
Conclusions 221
References 222
Emotion Eliciting and Decision Making by Psychodynamic Appraisal Mechanism 223
Introduction 223
Psychodynamic Appraisal Mechanism 224
Emotion Synthesis 224
Psychodynamic Appraisal Mechanism 224
System Architecture 225
Emotion as a Motivation Mechanism 227
Modules for Psychodynamic Cognitive Construction 227
Sensori-Motor Apparatus 227
Innate Need Module 228
Emotion Appraisal Module 228
G-Net 229
qViki System and Experiments 230
Conclusion and Future Work 232
References 233
Positing a Growth-Centric Approach in Empathic Ambient Human-System Interaction 235
Introduction 235
Making the Case for a Growth-Centric Empathic System 237
Making the Case for an Empathic Ambient Intelligent System 240
Conclusions 242
References 242
Toward Daydreaming Machines 247
Introduction 247
Synaptic-State Theory (SST) 248
Machine Psychodynamics (M.D) 249
Pleasure Principle 250
Freud in Machine 250
Machine Adventurousness 251
Constructive Ambivalence 252
Quest of Machine Consciousness 253
Hard-Requirement Camp 253
Modest-Requirement Camp 254
Concluding Remarks 255
References 256
Eliminate People’s Expressive Preference in the Mood of Fuzzy Linguistics 259
Introduction 259
Expressive Preference in Fuzzy Mood 260
Mood Operator 261
Attitude Preference 261
Degree Preference 262
Method 263
Process 263
Mathematical Translation 264
Experiments 265
Results 268
Conclusions 269
References 269
VoiceXML Platform for Minority Languages 271
Introduction 271
W3C Speech Interface Framework 272
VXML 273
VXML Platform Architecture 273
Dialogue Modeling 275
Weather Forecast Dialogues 276
VXML Syntax Basics 276
CROVREP System 279
Conclusions 280
References 281
Polish Speech Processing Expert System Incorporated into the EDA Tool 283
Introduction 283
The Idea and the Expert System Architecture 284
The Speech Recognition Module 284
Implementation of the Speech Recognition Module 285
Speech Synthesis Methodology 286
Examples of Polish Language Processing 288
System Knowledge Bases 289
Semantic Rules of the System Menu Commands 290
Management of the Information in the System – Inference Engine 290
The Implementation and Examples 292
Conclusions and Summary 293
References 294
A Web-Oriented Java3D Talking Head 296
Introduction 296
State of the Art 297
An Overview the Talking Head 301
Talking Head Features 301
The Proposed Architecture 303
The Server Side 304
Client Side 305
Interaction with the System 309
Conclusions 309
References 310
A VR-Based Visualization Framework for Effective Information Perception and Cognition 313
Introduction 313
Literature Review 314
Perception of Complex Data 314
Current HCI Approaches for Data Visualization 315
Minimizing Semantic Gap between the Data and the Reality 316
Focused Attention to Avoid Distraction 317
Mental Workload 317
Proposed Visualization Approach 318
Preparation of Raw System Data 318
Data Classification 319
Transformation of System Data 320
Visualization of Transformed Information in the VR Platform 321
Case Study – Implementation of the Framework to Visualize the Operation of an Express Cargo Handling Center 322
Information Visualization Using the ImseCAVE VR System 327
Discussion and Future Work 329
References 330
Part IV Robots and Training Systems 333
From Research on the Virtual Reality Installation 334
Introduction 334
Virtual Reality and Presence 334
The Role of Presence 334
The Pillars of Presence 335
Virtual Reality Installations 336
About the Developed Virtual Reality Installation 337
Outlook 337
Description of the Installation 338
Importance of the Content 341
Financial Details 341
Evaluation 342
Conclusions 342
References 343
High-Level Hierarchical Semantic Processing Framework for Smart Sensor Networks 345
Introduction 345
Architecture Overview 346
Description of Layers 348
Low-Level Feature Extraction 348
Preprocessing Including Plausibility Checks 348
Tracking 349
Sensor Fusion 351
Parameter Inference 351
Trajectories 352
Inter-Node Communication 353
Alarm Generator 353
User Notification Filter 354
Conclusions 354
References 354
A Human-System Interaction Framework and Algorithm for UbiComp-Based Smart Home 357
Introduction 357
Related Works 358
System Overview 359
Framework for Human-System Interaction 360
The Requirements of Services 360
The Status of Environment 360
Algorithm for Human-System Interaction 362
Find QS and CS from the Environment 363
List of CS 363
Configuration of Services 364
Notification 364
Analysis and Discussion 365
Comfort 365
Convenience 365
Security 365
Experiment Results and Evaluations 366
Experiments 366
Evaluations 367
Conclusion 367
References 367
Biologically Reasoned Point-of-Interest Image Compression for Mobile Robots 369
Introduction 369
Object Recognition 370
Yellow Spot 371
Compression 372
Practical Realization 372
Active Vision vs. Yellow Spot 374
Inference 374
Election of a Next Fixation Point 376
Mobile Robots and Computer Clusters 377
Conclusion and Future Work 379
References 379
Surgical Training System with a Novel Approach to Human-Computer Interaction 381
Introduction 381
Description of the System 383
System Outline 383
Training Model 384
Processing 385
Conclusions 389
References 390
Kinematics Analysis and Design of 3 DOF Medical Parallel Robots 392
Introduction 392
Kinematics Analysis for 3 DOF Parallel Robots 393
Mathematical Model 393
Virtual Reality Model 398
Design of TRIGLIDE Parallel Robot 401
Conclusion 401
References 402
Graphical Human-Machine Interface for QB Systems 404
Introduction 404
Trajectory Planer and Trajectory Generator 405
Parts of the Application 405
Trajectory Generation 408
Procedure of Trajectory Generation 408
Command List 409
Test Results 412
Conclusions 413
References 413
Visualization of Two Parameters in a Three-Dimensional Environment 415
Introduction 415
Related Work 416
Effective Visualization of Two Parameters 417
Semantic Analytics Visualization 417
Semantic Event Tracker 419
Health of US States 421
Conclusions 422
References 423
Part V Various H-CSI Applications 425
An Evaluation Tool for End-User Computing Competency in an Organizational Computing Environment 426
Introduction 426
Computing Competency 426
Research Methods 428
Analysis and Results 428
Evaluation Tool 429
Evaluation Factors and Items 431
Evaluation Systems 431
Evaluation Method 433
Case Study and Analysis Results 434
Application and Analysis of overall Organization 434
Application and Analysis of a Business Department 434
Application and Analysis of an Individual 435
Conclusions 436
References 436
Enterprsise Ontology for Knowledge-Based System 438
Introduction 438
Enterprise Model – A Diagnostic Approach 441
A-E-AE Enterprise Ontology – A Diagnostic Approach 449
Knowledge Base Model According to A-E-AE Ontology 449
Conclusions 451
References 452
Constructing Ensemble-Based Classifiers Based on Feature Transformation: Application in Hand Recognition 454
Introduction 454
Preprocessing and Feature Extraction 456
Aligning the Elements of Feature Vectors 457
Classifier Ensemble Based on Feature Transformation 459
Diversity Creation Method 460
Experimental Results 461
Conclusions 463
References 463
A New and Improved Skin Detection Method Using Mixed Color Space 465
Introduction 465
Pervious Works 467
Proposed Method 468
Experimental Results 470
Conclusions 473
References 473
A Formal Model for Supporting the Adaptive Access to Virtual Museums 475
Introduction 475
Concept Space and Map 476
Zz-Structures 477
A-Space and a-Map 481
Displaying and Changing Views 482
Conclusion 485
References 485
3D Molecular Interactive Modeling 487
Introduction 487
Importance of the Molecular Spatial Structure 487
When Biology Becomes Molecular 488
Molecular Biology Is Rewarding 488
Contributions of Molecular Modeling 489
Three-Dimensional Structures: Visualization and Interaction 489
Three-Dimensional Modeling Approaches 490
Molecular Visualization Systems 490
Interactive Systems for Molecular Modeling 490
Molecular Dynamics Modeling 494
Conclusions 495
References 496
Shape Recognition of Film Sequence with Application of Sobel Filter and Backpropagation Neural Network 499
Introduction 499
Description of the System 499
Shape Recognition Process 499
Video Recording 500
Digital Video Signal Conversion 501
Filtration 502
Thinning Algorithm 503
Creation of Shape Token 504
Backpropagation Neural Network 505
Shape Recognition Results 507
Conclusions 508
References 509
Dynamic Changes of Population Size in Training of Artificial Neural Networks 511
Introduction 511
Differential Evolution Algorithm 512
Proposed Method DPS-DE-ANNT 513
Structure of Assumed Neural Networks and Neuron Model 516
Experiments 517
Conclusions 520
References 520
New Approach to Diagnostics of DC Machines by Sound Recognition Using Linear Predictive Coding 522
Introduction 522
Sound Recognition Process 523
Acoustic Signal Recording 524
Sound Track Dividing 525
Sampling 525
Quantization 526
Amplitude Normalization 526
Filtration 526
Windowing 526
Linear Predictive Coding 526
Classification 529
Sound Recognition Results 530
Conclusions 532
References 532
Diagnosis Based on Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules and Genetic Algorithms 534
Introduction 534
Fuzzy Model of Diagnosis 535
Solving Fuzzy Logical Equations 537
Optimization Problem 537
Genetic Algorithm 538
Fuzzy Model Tuning 539
Computer Experiment 539
Example of Technical Diagnosis 544
Conclusions and Future Work 548
References 549
Necessary Optimality Conditions for Fractional Bio-economic Systems: The Problem of Optimal Harvest Rate 550
Introduction 550
Some Required Transformations 552
Necessary Optimality Conditions 553
Statement of the Problem 553
Solution for 0< H<
Solution for 1/2< H<
Solution for {/it Limited} Growth 557
Conclusion 559
References 559
Author Index 561

Erscheint lt. Verlag 13.10.2009
Reihe/Serie Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
Zusatzinfo XIV, 570 p. 291 illus., 139 illus. in color.
Verlagsort Berlin
Sprache englisch
Themenwelt Informatik Theorie / Studium Künstliche Intelligenz / Robotik
Schlagworte Artificial Intelligence • brain-computer interface • Computatioanl Intelligence • emotion recognition • Genetic algorithms • gesture recognition • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) • Human-Computer Systems Interaction • Intelligence • interaction • linear optimization • Man-Machine Interaction • Modeling • Ontology • programming • robot • Speech processing • Virtual Reality • visualizat
ISBN-10 3-642-03202-8 / 3642032028
ISBN-13 978-3-642-03202-8 / 9783642032028
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR)
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