Advances in Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials, and Coatings (eBook)
XI, 386 Seiten
Springer Singapore (Verlag)
978-981-13-6133-3 (ISBN)
This book highlights the latest advances in chemical and physical methods for thin-film deposition and surface engineering, including ion- and plasma-assisted processes, focusing on explaining the synthesis/processing-structure-properties relationship for a variety of thin-film systems. It covers topics such as advances in thin-film synthesis; new thin-film materials: diamond-like films, granular alloys, high-entropy alloys, oxynitrides, and intermetallic compounds; ultra-hard, wear- and oxidation-resistant and multifunctional coatings; superconducting, magnetic, semiconducting, and dielectric films; electrochemical and electroless depositions; thin-film characterization and instrumentation; and industrial applications.
This book highlights the latest advances in chemical and physical methods for thin-film deposition and surface engineering, including ion- and plasma-assisted processes, focusing on explaining the synthesis/processing-structure-properties relationship for a variety of thin-film systems. It covers topics such as advances in thin-film synthesis; new thin-film materials: diamond-like films, granular alloys, high-entropy alloys, oxynitrides, and intermetallic compounds; ultra-hard, wear- and oxidation-resistant and multifunctional coatings; superconducting, magnetic, semiconducting, and dielectric films; electrochemical and electroless depositions; thin-film characterization and instrumentation; and industrial applications.
Prof. Alexander Pogrebnjak is a Professor and the Nanoelectronics Department Chair at Sumy State University, Ukraine. His scientific interests are related to nanocomposite and layered coatings, high-entropy alloys nitrides, improving of physical-mechanical and chemical properties of materials using nanosized films, modification of properties of metals and alloys by high power particle beams. Through his career Prof. Pogrebnjak was a visiting scientist at Helsinki Technology University (Helsinki, Finland), Trento University (Trento, Italy), Los-Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories (USA), Portugal Institute de Technology Nuclear (Porto, Portugal), Lublin University of Technology (Lublin, Poland), University of Poitiers (Poitiers, France). Prof. Pogrebnjak co-authored 12 books and over 300 per-reviewed scientific articles.Dr. Valentine Novosad is a Senior Materials Scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory. He completed Ph.D. studies in Physics at the Institute for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering in Kharkiv, and Laboratoire de Magnétisme Louis Néel, Grenoble, France, in 1998. During 1998–2001 he was a postdoc at the Department of Materials Science, Tohoku University, Japan. Dr. Novosad’s areas of research interest spans from basic thin films and nanomaterials science and engineering, to microfabrication of superconducting detectors or advanced multilayers to the development of novel nanoplatforms for cancer treatment. He is an elected Fellow of the American Physical Society, senior IEEE Member, chair of Chicago’s IEEE-Magnetics chapter and co-recipient of the UChicago Argonne Board of Governors Distinguished Performance Award & Medal. Dr. Novosad has co-authored over 200 papers, three book chapters and four patents.
Preface 6
Contents 8
Abstract 12
Thin Film Deposition by Plasma Beam of a Vacuum Arc with Refractory Anodes 13
1 Introduction 13
2 Conventional Vacuum Arc 14
2.1 Cathode Spot, Jet, the Effective Voltage 14
2.2 Model of Cathode Spot and Plasma Jet Generation [16] 15
3 Plasma Cleaning. Macroparticle Separation 15
3.1 Disadvantages 16
3.2 Hot Refractory Anode Vacuum Arc (HRAVA) 17
3.3 Vacuum Arc Black Body Assambly (VABBA) 17
3.4 Experimental Methodology and Conditions 18
3.5 Setup and Measurements 18
4 Results 20
4.1 Effective Voltages 20
4.2 HRAVA Parameters. Film Deposition 22
5 Conclusions 26
References 27
Multilayer Design of CrN/MoN Superhard Protective Coatings and Their Characterisation 28
1 Introduction 29
2 Deposition of Coatings 30
3 Experimental Details 30
4 Results and Discussion 31
5 Conclusions 35
References 36
Structure and Properties of Combined Multilayer Coatings Based on Alternative Triple Nitride and Binary Metallic Layers 41
1 Introduction 42
2 Experimental Details 43
3 Results and Discussion 44
4 Conclusions 46
References 47
DSC Investigations of the Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Phase Transformation Behaviour in (Zr–Ti–Nb)N Coatings Deposited by CA-PVD 51
1 Introduction 51
2 Experimental Details 52
3 Results and Discussions 53
4 Conclusions 57
References 57
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Multilayered ?-AlN/?-BCN Coatings Depending on Flux Density During Target B4C Sputtering 60
1 Introduction 60
2 Experimental Methods 61
3 Results and Discussion 62
4 Conclusions 64
References 65
Mass Transfer Model of Sputtering from Rod-Like Targets for Synthesis of Multielement Nanocoatings 70
1 Introduction 70
2 Mass Transfer Model 71
3 Conclusion 77
References 77
Self-organized Growth by Sputtering and Other PVD Techniques 79
1 Introduction 79
2 General Notions of “Self”-Processes and Selectivity 80
2.1 Self-organization and Self-assembly 80
2.2 General Types of Selectivity 81
3 Types of Self-organized Growth by Deposition 82
3.1 Stranski–Krastanov Growth 82
3.2 Surface Directed Self-organized Growth 82
3.3 Low-Temperature Plasma-Assisted Growth 83
4 Known Approaches to Selective Fabrication of Porous Metal Layers 83
4.1 Porosity According to Existing Structure Zone Models 83
4.2 Porous Metal Layers by Traditional Techniques 84
5 Plasma-Assisted Self-organized Growth Under Quasi-Equilibrium Conditions 84
6 Conclusion 86
References 86
On the Possibility of Training Demonstration of the Giant Magnetoresistance Effect in Higher School 88
1 Introduction 88
2 Experimental Details 89
3 Method and Technology of Demonstration 91
3.1 Longitudinal Magnetoresistance (Dependence R? = R?(B)) 91
3.2 Transverse Magnitude (Dependence R? = R? (B)) 93
4 Results and Discussion 93
5 Conclusions 94
References 94
Multifractal Analysis of the Surfaces of Protective (TiAlSiY)N, Me1?xN/CrN and Me1?xN/ZrN Coatings 96
1 Introduction 96
2 Models and Methods 97
3 Results and Discussion 100
References 102
Multilayer Nickel–Copper Metal Hydroxide Coating as Cathode Material for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction 104
1 Introduction 104
2 Materials and Methods 106
3 Results and Discussion 106
4 Conclusions 112
References 112
Effect of Nano-Structured Factors on the Properties of the Coatings Produced by Detonation Spraying Method 115
1 Introduction 116
2 General Information 116
2.1 Objectives 116
2.2 Materials and Conditions for Obtaining the Coatings 117
2.3 Techniques and Equipment 118
3 Results and Discussion 118
3.1 Microstructure of Coatings 118
3.2 Phase Analysis of Coatings 118
3.3 Fine Structure of Coatings 119
4 Analytical Evaluations of Coating Operational Properties 120
5 Summary 122
References 123
Nanostructures in Welded Joints and Their Interconnection with Operation Properties 124
1 Introduction 124
2 General Information 125
2.1 Objectives 125
2.2 Welded Joints Materials and Their Fabrication Conditions 125
2.3 Techniques and Equipment for Research 126
3 Results and Discussion 126
3.1 Results of Mechanical Tests 126
3.2 Mircostructures of Welded Metal and HAZ 126
3.3 Fine Structure of Welded Metal and HAZ 127
3.4 The Experimental-Analytical Technique of Estimation of Strengthening 129
4 Conclusions 130
References 131
Development of a Controlled In Situ Thin-Film Technology for Porous Anodic Alumina-Based Nanostructures 134
1 Introduction 134
2 Experiment 136
3 Results 137
4 Conclusions 141
References 141
The Structure and Tribological Properties of Ni/MoS2 Composite Layers Formed on Aluminum and Its Alloys 143
1 Introduction 143
2 Experimental Method 144
3 Results 145
4 Conclusions 150
References 151
The Effect of Organic Additives on the Microstructure, Microhardness and Friction Coefficient of Ni/WS2 Composite Coatings 152
1 Introduction 152
2 Experimental Details 153
2.1 Production of Coatings 153
2.2 Examination of Coatings 155
3 Results and Discussion 155
3.1 Visual Assessment of Coatings 155
3.2 Microstructure of Coatings 156
3.3 Microhardness of Coatings 157
3.4 Coefficients of Friction of Coatings 157
4 Conclusions 158
References 160
Effect of Temperature on the Growth of Pores in Binary Bi/Sn Films 162
1 Introduction 162
2 Experimental 164
3 Results and Discussion 165
4 Conclusions 168
References 169
Method for Identification of Optical Resonances of Metal Films 171
1 Introduction 171
2 Methods and Materials 173
3 Results and Discussion 174
4 Conclusions 178
References 178
Complex Method of the Composite Nanocoatings Formation 180
1 Introduction 180
2 Materials and Methods 181
3 Discussion 181
4 Conclusions 188
References 188
The Role of a Thin Aluminum Film in the Reconstruction of Silicon’s Near-Surface Layers 190
1 Introduction 190
2 Methodology 191
3 Results 192
4 Conclusions 196
References 196
Structure and Optical Properties of CNx–Ni and CNx–EuCl3 Core/Shell Nanostructured Films 198
1 Introduction 198
2 Experimental Details and Films Preparation 200
3 Formation of Nanostructural Hybrid Ni@CNx-Films on Growth Substrate Surface 201
4 Structural and Optical Properties of the Carbon Nitride Fullerene-Like Films Doped with EuCl3 204
5 Conclusions 206
References 207
Acoustic Activation of Radiation Defect Migration in Nanocrystalline Material Under Neutron or Ion Bombardment 208
1 Introduction 208
2 Mathematical Model 210
3 Calculation Results and Discussion 212
4 Conclusions 214
References 215
Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites for Novel Heating Elements 216
1 Introduction 216
2 Experimental Section 217
2.1 Materials 217
2.2 Electrical Measurement 217
3 Results and Discussion 218
References 225
The Investigation of the Welding Process of Different-Type Polyethylenes 226
1 Introduction 226
2 Experimental Part 227
3 Research Results 228
4 Conclusions 233
References 234
Functional Selective Nanostructured Coatings Synthesized by Low-Temperature Ion-Plasma Method on Polymeric Substrates 235
1 Introduction 235
2 Technology of the Thin Films Growth 237
2.1 The Hybrid Helicon-Arc Ion-Plasma Deposition Technique 237
2.2 Samples Preparation 237
3 The Optical and Structure Characterization 240
4 The IR Blocking Properties 244
5 Conclusions 245
References 246
Estimating Qualitative Parameters of Aluminized Coating Obtained by Electric Spark Alloying Method 248
1 Introduction 249
2 Analysis of Main Achievements and Publications 249
3 Methodology of Research 250
4 The Study Results 250
5 Estimating Heat Resistance Characteristic of Aluminized Surface Layers Obtained by the ESA Method 258
6 Conclusions 261
References 263
Thin ZnO:Al and CdS Films’ Optical Properties 266
1 Introduction 266
2 Experiment 267
3 Results and Discussion 268
4 Volt-Amps Diagram (CVD) of Heterostructure ZnO:Al/CdS/Cd1?XZnxTe 272
5 Conclusions 273
References 274
Excitation of Vortex-Antivortex Pairs in Thin Superconducting Films and Superlattices 275
1 Introduction 275
2 Experimental 276
3 Results and Discussion 277
4 Conclusions 282
References 282
Channeling of Magnetic Flux in YBa2Cu3O7?? Superlattices 284
1 Introduction 285
2 Experimental 285
3 Results and Discussion 286
4 Conclusions 291
References 291
Effect of Temperature on Phase Formation in Thin Bilayer Ni/GaAs Films 293
1 Introduction 293
2 Experimental Approach 294
3 Results and Discussion 295
4 Conclusions 302
References 302
Detection of Unreliable Superluminescent Diode Chips Using Gamma-Irradiation 304
1 Introduction 304
2 Experiment and Results 305
2.1 Samples, Testing and Irradiation Conditions 305
2.2 Irradiation and Burn-In Test Experiments 306
2.3 Active Region Investigation 308
3 Discussion 310
4 Conclusions 310
References 311
Structural Features and Properties of Biocompatible Ti-Based Alloys with ?-Stabilizing Elements 313
1 Introduction 313
2 Preparation Techniques and Structural Features 315
3 Properties 318
3.1 Mechanical Behavior 318
3.2 Biocompatibility 319
3.3 Corrosion Behavior 320
4 Conclusions 321
References 321
Stain Effect on the Properties of Polar Dielectric Thin Films 325
1 Introduction 325
2 Experimental Details 328
2.1 Preparation of ST Films 328
2.2 Preparation of KNN Films 328
2.3 Characterization of the Films 329
3 Results 329
3.1 Structure and Microstructure 329
3.2 Electrical Properties 331
4 Discussion 333
5 Conclusions 334
References 335
Determination of the Percolation Threshold for (FeCoZr)x(SiO2)(100?x) Nanocomposite 337
1 Introduction 337
2 Experimental Details 339
3 Results and Discussion 339
4 Conclusions 343
References 343
Mechanisms of Surface State Formation at Si/SiO2 Interface in the Nanosized MOS Transistors 346
1 Introduction 346
2 Generation of Surface States in Nanosized MOS Transistors 347
2.1 Physical Mechanisms of Surface State Generation 347
2.2 Empirical Model of Surface State Formation 348
3 Description of Samples 348
4 Analysis Results 350
5 Conclusions 352
References 353
ZnO Doped Nanosized Composite Material Based on Hydroxyapatite and Sodium Alginate Matrix 354
1 Introduction 354
2 Experimental Details 355
3 Results and Discussion 356
4 Conclusion 359
References 359
AC Dependence of Electrical Properties of SiOx/ZrO2 Multilayer Nanocomposites with Si Nanocrystals 362
1 Introduction 362
2 Experimental Details 363
3 Results and Discussion 364
4 Conclusions 367
References 367
Effect of Implantation Temperature and Annealing on Synthesis of ZnSe Nanocrystals in Silica by Ion Implantation 370
1 Introduction 370
2 Experimental Details 371
3 Results and Discussion 372
4 Conclusions 377
References 378
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 8.2.2019 |
Reihe/Serie | Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering | Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering |
Zusatzinfo | XI, 386 p. 212 illus., 125 illus. in color. |
Verlagsort | Singapore |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Naturwissenschaften ► Chemie ► Physikalische Chemie |
Naturwissenschaften ► Physik / Astronomie ► Festkörperphysik | |
Technik ► Maschinenbau | |
Schlagworte | Diamond-like films • Dielectric films • Electrochemical Deposition • Electroless depositions • Granular alloys • High Entropy Alloys • intermetallic compounds • Multifunctional coatings • Nanosized films • oxynitrides • Thin Film Characterization • Thin film nanomaterials • Thin film synthesis |
ISBN-10 | 981-13-6133-9 / 9811361339 |
ISBN-13 | 978-981-13-6133-3 / 9789811361333 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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