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X-Ray Lasers 2014 (eBook)

Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers
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2015 | 2016
XXXIX, 416 Seiten
Springer International Publishing (Verlag)
978-3-319-19521-6 (ISBN)

Lese- und Medienproben

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These proceedings comprise invited and contributed papers presented at the 14th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers (ICXRL 2014). This conference is part of a continuing series dedicated to recent developments and applications of x-ray lasers and other coherent x-ray sources with attention to supporting technologies and instrumentation.

New results in the generation of intense, coherent x-rays and progress toward practical devices and their applications in numerous fields are reported. Areas of research in plasma-based x-ray lasers, 4th generation accelerator-based sources and higher harmonic generation, and other x-ray generation schemes are covered.

The scope of ICXRL 2014 included, but was not limited to:

  • Laser-pumped X-ray lasers
  • Discharge excitation and other X-ray laser pumping methods
  • Injection/seeding of X-ray amplifiers
  • New lasing transitions and novel X-ray laser schemes
  • High Harmonic sources-Free-electron laser generation in the XUV and X-ray range
  • Novel schemes for coherent XUV and X-ray generation
  • XUV and X-ray optics and metrology-Driving laser technology
  • Theory and modeling of X-ray gain medium and beam characteristics
  • Applications of high brightness and ultrashort X-ray sources

Dr. Jorge Rocca
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Dr. Carmen Menoni
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Dr. Mario Marconi
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Dr. Jorge Rocca Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 USADr. Carmen Menoni Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 USADr. Mario Marconi Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA

X-Ray Lasers 1- Progress and Prospects of Coherent X-ray Research using High Power Lasers in Japan Atomic Energy Agency.  (Invited)T. Kawachi, M. Nishikino, A. Sasaki, M. Ishino, N. Hasegawa, T. Imazono, T. A. Pikuz, A Y. Faenov, M. Magnitskiy, M. Maruyama, T. Tomita, T. Suemoto, A. S. Pirozhkov, S. V. Bulanov, H. Kiriyama, M. Kando, M. Yamagiwa, K. Kondo, P. Bolton and Y. Kato 2- Advances in High Average Power, 100 Hz Repetition Rate Table-top Soft X-ray Lasers. (Invited)Brendan A. Reagan, Cory Baumgarten, Keith A. Wernsing, Mark Berrill, Mark Woolston, Lukasz Urbanski, Wei Li, Mario C. Marconi, Carmen S. Menoni, and Jorge J. Rocca 3- Possibility of Recombination Gain Increase in CV Ions at 4.0nm via Coherence. (Invited)Y. Luo, A. Morozov, H.Xia D.Gordon, P.Sprangle,  A.Svidzinsky, M.Scully, S. Suckewer 4- Overview of development of laser driven secondary sources at PALS and ELI.  (Invited)Kozlova M, Nejdl J., M. Albrecht, Sebban S., Gautier J., Ta Phuoc K., Klisnick A., Le Marec A., F. Tissandier 5- Spectral properties of collisional XUV lasers for the amplification of femtosecond pulses.  (Invited)A Klisnick, A. Le Marec, L. Meng, O. Larroche. O. Guilbaud, M. Kozlova, J. Nejdl, A. Calisti 6- Transient collisionally excited x-ray lasers pumped with one long and two short pulses. (Invited)D. Ursescu, G. Cojocaru, R. Ungureanu, R Banici, L. Ionel, S. Simion, R. Dabu, J. Tümmler, R. Jung, H. Stiel, Olivier Delmas, Moana Pittman, Olivier Guilbaud, Sophie Kazamias, Kevin Cassou, Julien Demailly, Olivier Neveu, Elsa Baynard, David Ros, Andrea Le Marec, Sameh Daboussi,  Li Lu, A. Klisnick, P. Zeitoun 7- Seeded operation of a Ne-like Titanium soft x-ray laser.  (Invited).O. Guilbaud, S. Kazamias, K. Cassou, O. Delmas, J. Demailly, O. Neveu, D. Ros, E. Baynard, M. Pittman, M. Shazad, A. Rossal, G.J. Tallents, A Le Marec, A. Klisnick, L. Lu, Ph. Zeitoun, G.V. Cojocaru, R. G. Ungureanu, R. A. Banici, D. Ursescu 8- Output beam polarisation of X-ray lasers with transient inversion.  (Invited).K. A. Janulewicz, C. M. Kim, B. Matouš, H. Stiel, M. Nishikino, N. Hasegawa, T. Kawachi 9- Improved sub-10 nm Ni-like lasing by varying the slope of the traveling-wave velocity. F. Jia, M. Siegrist, F. Staub, J. Balmer. 10- Temporal response of seeded XUV lasers under different amplification regimes—Inversion density threshold.  A. LeMarec, O. Larroche, L. Meng, A. Klisnick 11- Self-photopumped x-ray lasers from elements in the Ne-like and Ni-like ionization state. M. Siegrist, F. Jia, J.E. Balmer 12- Pump-Probe Experiment for Temporal Profile Measurement of Plasma X-Ray Laser.  S. Namba, N. Hasegawa, M. Kishimoto, M. Nishikino, T. Kawachi. 13- Capillary Discharge X-ray Lasers: the Quest for sub-10nm Lasers. (Invited).V. N. Shlyaptsev, G. Avaria, M. Grisham,  J. Li,  F.G. Tomasel, M. Busquet, M. Woolston, J.J. Rocca New X-Ray Sources and Relativistic Phenomena 14- Charge emission and x-ray emission from a vibrated Cu foil.F. L. Tanzella, P. L. Hagelstein, J. Bao, M. C. H. McKubre 15- Isolation of Coherent Synchrotron Emission during Relativistic Laser Plasma Interactions.B. Dromey, D. Jung, M. Yeung, T. Dzelzainis, S. G. Rykovanov, H. Ruhl, D. Habs, J. Schreiber, C. L. S. Lewis, M. Zepf 16- Polarization gating in relativistic laser-solid interactions.M. Yeung, M. Zepf, B. Dromey, S. Cousens, M. Coughlan, T. Dzelzainis, S. Rykovanov, J. Bin, W. Ma, C. Kreuzer, D. Kiefer, J. Schreiber, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, P. Foster, M. Streeter, C. Rödel, J. Bierbach, S. Kuschel, E. Eckner, G. Paulus 17- Progress and Prospects of a Compton X-ray Source Driven by a High-power CO2 Laser.Igor Pogorelsky 18- X-ray Generation from Ultra-High Energy Density Relativistic Plasmas by Ultrafast Laser Irradiation of Nanowire Arrays  M. A. Purvis, V. N. Shlyaptsev, R. Hollinger, C. Bargsten, A. Pukhov, D. Keiss, A. Towsend, Y. Wang, S. Wang, L. Yin, A. Prieto, M. Berrill, B. Luther, J. J. Rocca. 19- Ionization of Xenon to the Nickel-like stage and beyond in micro-capillary plasma columns heated by ultrafast current pulses. G. Avaria, M. Grisham, J. Li, F.G. Tomasel, V.N. Shlyaptsev, M. Busquet, M. Woolston, J.J. Rocca 20- Progress of laser-driven betatron radiation in IOP.  (Invited)L. Chen, W. C. Yan, Y. Ma, Z. M. Sheng, J. Zhang21- A new approach to theory for the Rhodes group experiments with channeled pulse excitation in Xe and Kr clusters.  P.L. Hagelstein, I.U. Chaudhary High Harmonics and Attosecond Science 22- Attosecond dynamics of parametric amplification at 11 nm.J. Seres, E. Seres, B. Landgraf, B. Ecker, B. Aurand, A. Hoffmann,  G. Winkler, S. Namba, T. Kuehl, and C. Spielmann 23- Coherent soft-X-ray pulses at multi MHz repetition rates using enhancement cavities. (Invited)E. Fill, I. Pupeza, S. Holzberger, H. Carstens, N. Lilienfein and F. Krausz 24- Generation of bright Circular Polarized High Harmonics for Magneto-Optical Investigations.P. Grychtol, O. Kfir­, R. Knut, E. Turgut, D. Zusin, D. Popmintchev, T. Popmintchev, H. Nembach, J. Shaw, A. Fleicher, H. Kapteyn, M. Murnane and O. Cohen. 25- Electron motion control in HHG process with multi-color laser field.Zhinan Zeng, Pengfei Wei, Ruxin Li, and Zhizhan Xu. FEL-based X-Ray Sources 26- Stimulated X-Ray Raman Scattering with Free-Electron Laser Sources.  (Invited).N. Rohringer, V. Kimberg, C. Weninger, A. Sanchez-Gonzalez, A. Lutman, T. Maxwell, C. Bostedt, S. Carron Monterro, A. O. Lindah, M. Ilchen, R. N. Coffee, J. D. Bozek, J. Krzywinski, T. Kierspe,  T. Mullins, J. Küpper, B. Erk, D. Rolles, O. D. Mücke,                   R. A. London, M. Purvis, D. Ryan, J. J. Rocca, R. Feife, R. Squibb, V. Zhaunerchyk,  C. Såthe, M. Agåker, M. Mucke, J. Nordgren,  J. E. Rubensson. 27- Comparing the gain of the Ne K-α inner-shell X-ray laser using the XFEL to drive the kinetics with photo-ionization versus photo-excitation.Joseph Nilsen X-Ray/EUV Imaging 28- Reflection mode imaging with extreme-ultraviolet light from a high harmonic source.D.F. Gardner, B. Zhang, D.E. Adams, M.D. Seaberg, E.R. Shanblatt, M. Murnane, H. Kapteyn 29- Volumetric composition imaging at the nanoscale by soft X-ray laser ablation mass spectrometry.  I. Kuznetsov, J. Filevich, M. Woolston, G.L. Gasper, D. Carlton, W. Chao, E.H. Anderson, E.R. Bernstein, D.C. Click, J.J. Rocca, C.S> Menoni.   [paper will follow the week of February 2-6]  30- Time-resolved holography with a table top Soft X-ray Laser.M.C. Marconi, N. Monserud, E. Malm,  P. Wachulak, W. Chao. 31- X-ray holography for imaging large specimen with a Ag x-ray laser.K. H. Lee, H. Yun, J. H. Sung, S. K. Lee, T. M. Jeong, H. T. Kim, C. H. Nam. 32- Development of x-ray sources using intense laser pulses and their applications to x-ray microscopy. (Invited).H. T. Kim, S. Danylyuk, S. Brose, K. Bergmann, and L. Juschkin 33- Keyhole Reflection-mode Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Nano-patterned Surfaces Using a Tabletop EUV Source.Elisabeth Shanblatt, Matthew Seaberg, Bosheng Zhang, Dennis Gardner, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, Daniel Adams. 34- Nanoscale Imaging with Soft X-Ray LasersC.S. Menoni,  J. Nejdl,  N. Monserud, I. D. Howlett, D. Carlton, E.H.  Anderson, W. Chao, M. C. Marconi 35- Nanoscale imaging using coherent and incoherent laboratory based soft x-ray sources. (Invited)H. Stiel, A. Dehlinger,  K.A.  Janulewicz, R. Jung, H. Legall, C. Pratsch, S. Rehbein, C. Seim, J. Tümmler. 36- Coherent diffractive imaging with a laboratory-scale,  gas-discharge plasma extreme ultraviolet light source.  J. Bußmann, M. Odstrčil, R. Bresenitz, D. Rudolf, J. Miao, W.S. Brocklesby and L. Juschkin 37- On the optical transforms in the Fourier space for simulation of coherent imaging of tilted objects.  (Invited).I.A. Artyukov, R. M. Feshchenko, N. L. Popov, A. V. Vinogradov.  EUV Lithography 38- EUV research at Berkeley Lab: enabling technologies and applications. (Invited).P. Naulleau, C. N. Anderson, W. Chao, P. Fischer, K. A. Goldberg, E. M. Gullikson, R. Miyakawa 39- Table top Soft X-ray Laser used for fabrication of periodic nanostructures.W. Li, D. Patel, W. Chao, C.S. Menoni, M.C. Marconi. 40- Applications for coherent narrow-band sources in EUV lithography.R. Miyakawa, P. Naulleau 41- Lensless proximity EUV lithography with a Xenon gas discharge plasma radiation.H. Kim, S. Danylyuk, S. Brose, K. Bergmann, and L. Juschkin Characterization, Pump Lasers, Optics 42- Wave Front Study of Fully Coherent Soft X-Ray Laser Using Hartmann Sensor.L. Li, Y. Wang, S. Wang, E. Oliva, L. Yin, T. T. T. Le, S. Daboussi, D. Ros, G. Maynard, S. Sebban, B. Hu, J. J. Rocca, and Ph. Zeitoun 43- Recent advances in multilayer reflective optics for EUV/X-ray sources. (Invited)Regina Soufli 44- Spectral and coherence properties of the Ne-like Zn X-ray laser at PALS.A Le Marec, L. Meng, M. Kozlova, J. Nejdl, F. Tissandier, O. Guilbaud and A. Klisnick. 45- On stability of exact transparent boundary condition for the parabolic equation in rectangular computational domain. R.M. Feshchenko 46- Gain Dynamics in Injection-seeded Soft X-ray Laser Plasma Amplifiers. S. Wang,Y.Wang, E.Oliva, L. Lu, M.Berrill, L. Yin, J. Nejdl, B. Luther, C. Proux, T.T. Thuy Le, J. Dunn, D. Ros, Ph. Zeitoun, J.J. Rocca   X-Ray Laser Material Interaction 47- Application of Soft X-Ray Lasers to Neutral Cluster Chemistry. (Invited)E. R. Bernstein 48- Application of Laser Plasma Sources of Soft X-rays and Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) in Imaging, Processing Materials and Photoionization Studies. (Invited)H. Fiedorowicz, I.U. Ahad, A. Bartnik, T. Fok, R. Jarocki, B. Korczyc, J. Kostecki, A.  Szczurek, M. Szczurek, P. Wachulak, Ł. Węgrzyński 49- Rapid calculation of scattering factors for partially ionized plasmas in the EUV.A K. Rossall, G. J. Tallents 50- Transmission measurement for highly transparent metallic sodium in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range: new application of an intense EUV sources.H. Daido, Y. Suzuki, T. Kawachi, A. S. Pirozhkov. 51- Opacity bleaching by extreme ultraviolet radiation incident on solid density targets.  V. Aslanyan, G.J. Talents 52- Ablation plume induced by laser EUV radiation.  O. Frolov, K. Kolacek, J. Schmidt, J. Straus. 53- Study of Optical Emission during Spallative Ablation Induced by Soft X-Ray Laser Pulses. M. Ishino, M. Nishikino, N. Hasegawa, T. Pikuz, I. Skobelev, A. Faenov, M. Yamagiwa, T. Kawachi 54- Diagnosis of radiation heating in iron buried layer targets.  M. Shahzad, O. Culfa, A.K. Rossall, G.J. Tallents, L.A. Wilson, S.J. Rose, O. Guilbaud, S. Kazamias, M. Pittman, K. Cassou, J. Demailly, O. Delmas, A. Mestrallain, M. Fajardo, D. Ros.

Erscheint lt. Verlag 19.9.2015
Reihe/Serie Springer Proceedings in Physics
Springer Proceedings in Physics
Zusatzinfo XXXIX, 416 p.
Verlagsort Cham
Sprache englisch
Themenwelt Naturwissenschaften Physik / Astronomie
Technik Elektrotechnik / Energietechnik
Schlagworte 14th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers • Applications of Soft x-ray Lasers • Coherent x-rays • EUV Lithography • ICXRL 2013 Proceedings • inertial confinement fusion • Plasma-based x-ray Lasers
ISBN-10 3-319-19521-2 / 3319195212
ISBN-13 978-3-319-19521-6 / 9783319195216
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