Achievements in Magnetism
Trans Tech Publications Ltd (Verlag)
978-3-03835-482-6 (ISBN)
Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 6th Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM), June 29-July 3, 2014, Moscow, Russian Federation.
The 178 papers are grouped as follows:
Chapter 1: Theory Research and Numerical Simulation;
Chapter 2: Magnetic Semiconductors and Oxides;
Chapter 3: Magnetic Alloys and Magnetocaloric Effect;
Chapter 4: Magnetic Microwires;
Chapter 5: Magnetic Soft Matter;
Chapter 6: Multiferroics;
Chapter 7: Spintronics and Magnetotransport;
Chapter 8: High Frequency Properties;
Chapter 9: Nanostructures and Low Dimensional Magnetism;
Chapter 10: Magnetic Thin Films;
Chapter 11: Magnetism and Superconductivity;
Chapter 12: Magnetism in Biology and Medicine
Foreword, Committees and Contributors
Chapter 1: Theory Research and Numerical Simulation
Anomalous Temperature and Field Behaviors of Magnetization in Cubic Lattice Frustrated Ferromagnets
Coarsening in Critical Dynamics of 2D XY-Model
Green’s Function of Magnetoelastic Waves
Spin Excitations in Chiral Model of Graphene
Low-Temperature Spin Fluctuations beyond Spin Waves
Spin Fluctuations in Disordered Metallic Ferrimagnetic Alloys
The Investigation of Critical Properties of the Transition from Modulated Phase into Paramagnetic Phase
Adsorption and Magnetic Properties of Ultrathin Fe and Ni Alloy Films with an Inhomogeneous Magnetization Distribution
Edge Rotational Magnons in Magnonic Crystals
Finite Size Effects in Magnetic Multilayers Induced by Interaction with the Substrate
Green’s Functions of Spin and Electromagnetic Waves in the Sinusoidal Superlattice
Resonant Dynamics of the Domain Walls in Multilayer Ferromagnetic Structure
Peierls “Washboard” Controls Dynamics of the Domain Walls in Molecular Ferrimagnets
Micromagnetic Calculation of Neel Domain Wall Structure
Micro Grid Frame of Electroless Deposited Co-P Magnetic Tubes
Canted Spiral Magnetic Order in Layered Systems
Second Order Precession in the Plate with Cubic Anisotropy and Magnetoelastic Properties
Influence of Quenched Nonmagnetic Impurities on Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional 3-State Antiferromagnetic Potts Model on Triangular Lattice
Autoresonant Excitation of Spin Wave "Dark" Solitons
Phase Transitions in Frustrated Ising Antiferromagnet on a Body-Centered Cubic Lattice with Next-Nearest Neighbor Interactions
Chapter 2: Magnetic Semiconductors and Oxides
Ferromagnetism in GaAs/InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Layer Delta-Doped with Mn
Galvanomagnetic and Magnetic Properties of Pb1-yScyTe
Magneto-Optical Evidence for Intrinsic Ferromagnetism in (Ga,Mn)As Layers Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Effect of Mn Doping on Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Bi2Sn2O7
Anomalous Hall Effect in 2D DMS
Magnetism of Bismuth(III) Oxide-Based Compounds
Magneto-Electronic Phase Separation in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 with Metallic Behavior in Paramagnetic Region
Manifestation of Donor Hybridized Electron States in Magnetism of Nickel Impurities in Mercury Selenide Crystals
Relaxation Attenuation of Ultrasound by the Jahn-Teller Centers in ZnSe:Cr in High Magnetic Fields
Role of Magnetic Subsystems to Form a Complex Magnetic Structure Mn2GeO4 Single Crystals
Spin-Lattice Coupling and Peculiarities of Magnetic Behavior of Ferrimagnetic Ludwigites Mn0.52+M1.52+Mn3+BO5(M=Cu, Ni)
Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of β-Cu3Fe4(VO4)6 Single Crystals
Giant Magnetothermopower in Sm0.55Sr0.45MnO3 Manganite
Peculiarities of Elastic Properties of RE Cobaltites RBaCo4O7 (R = Dy - Er, Y) at Magnetic Phase Transitions
Femtosecond Photo-Induced Phenomena in Multiferroic Hexagonal Manganite YMnO3
Magnetooptical Properties of Hg1-xCdxCr2Se4 Solid Solutions
Influence of Different Interlayers on the Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Multilayered Structures Based on (Co41Fe39B20)33.9(SiO2)66.1 Composite
Two Sources of Paramagnetic Curie-Type Contribution to the Normal State Magnetic Susceptibility of HTSC YBa2Cu3O6+δ
Investigation of Hydrothermally Synthesized Greigite Magnetic Properties
Electron Doped CaMnO3: Mn-Site Substitution versus Ca-Site Substitution
Temperature Dependence of Electronic and Magnetic Properties of (DOEO)4[HgBr4]·TCE Single Crystals
Chapter 3: Magnetic Alloys and Magnetocaloric Effect
Annealing Influence on the Exchange-Bias and Magnetostructural Properties in the Ni50.0Mn36.5Sn13.5 Ribbon-Shape Alloy
Direct and Inverse Magnetocaloric Effect in Ni1.81Mn1.64In0.55 Multifunctional Heusler Alloy
First Principles Investigations of Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ni-Mn-Al Heusler Alloys
Heat Pumping Scheme Based on Inducement of the F-AF Transition in FeRh by Pressure
Influence of Rapid Quenching on Magnetocaloric Effect of Y2(Fe,Mn)17 Intermetallic Compounds
Magnetic and Magneto-Optical Research of Ni43.7Mn43.6In12.7 Ribbons
Magnetic Phase Transitions and Magnetocaloric Effect in R2Fe17 (R = Y, Tb, Er)
Magnetocaloric and Magnetoelastic Properties of the Gd5Si2Ge2 with Small Indium Substitutions in p-Sublattice
Magnetocaloric Effect and Frustrations in One-Dimensional Magnets
Magnetocaloric Effect of Gadolinium at Adiabatic and Quasi-Isothermal Conditions in High Magnetic Fields
Magnetocaloric Properties of Cold Rolled Gd100-xZrx(x = 0, 1, 2, 3) Intermetallic Alloys
Magneto-Optical Study of Martensitic Transition in Ni45Mn36.7In13.3Co5 (at. %) Single Crystals
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Mn2NiZ (Z = Ga, In, Sn, Sb) Heusler Alloys from Ab Initio Calculations
Structure, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Ni47-xMn42+xIn11 (x=0, 1, 2) Based Heusler Alloys
The Influence of Cold Rolling on Magnetocaloric Properties of Gd100-xYx (x = 0, 5, 10, 15) Alloys
The Magnetocaloric Effect and Magnetic Transitions in Hydride Compounds: GdNiH3.2 and TbNiH3.4
Untypical Temperature Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect in the Dy(Co1-xFex)2 (x = 0.10; 0.15) Compounds
Monte Carlo Study of the Polycrystalline Ni2MnGa Heusler Alloy
Magnetic Properties of Rapidly Quenched Ribbons of Soft Magnetic Iron-Based Alloys after Annealing in Air and in Vacuum
Magnetic Properties and Magnetostriction of R2Fe17H3±x (R = Tb, Dy) Hydrides
Chapter 4: Magnetic Microwires
High Temperature Properties of CoFe/CoNi and Fe/CoNi Biphase Microwires
Manipulation of Magnetic Properties and Domain Wall Dynamics of Amorphous Ferromagnetic Co68.7Fe4Ni1B13Si11Mo2.3 Microwire by Changing of Annealing Temperature
Pressure Effects on Transport Properties of (La0.85Sr0.15)yMnO3 Single Crystals
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe73,5Si13,5B9Nb3Cu1 Microwires Produced by Modernized Ulitovsky-Taylor Method
Effect of Current Annealing on Domain Wall Dynamics in Bistable FeCoMoB Microwires
Influence of the Defects on Magnetic Properties of Glass-Coated Microwires
Chapter 5: Magnetic Soft Matter
About the Importance of Choosing Bidisperse Approximation for Describing Real-World Polydisperse Ferrofluids
Effects of a Superparamagnetic State of Particles of a Paraffin Based Magnetic Colloid
Influence of Rotation on the Magnetization of Dilute Suspensions of Magnetic Particles
Macroproperties of the Magnetic Systems with Anisotropic Microstructural Units
Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Hydrogels
Optical Properties of Aggregated Magnetic Fluid: Birefringence and Light Scattering
Structural Organization in Magnetic Fluids with Magnetized Aggregates in Rotating Magnetic Field
Structure Properties in a Bidisperse Ferrofluid in the Absence of an External Magnetic Field
The Study of the Mobility Coefficient for Chain Aggregates in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Samples of Magnetic Fluids
Thermodynamics of Bidisperse Ferrofluids in Zero External Magnetic Field: Theory and Simulations
Magnetic Fluid Bridge between Coaxial Cylinders with a Line Conductor in Case of Wetting
Heat Transfer in Boiling Magnetic Fluid in a Magnetic Field
The Influence of a Rotating Magnetic Field on the Sample with Magnetizable Materials near the Vessel Bottom
Chapter 6: Multiferroics
Magnetic Field Tunable Electromechanical Resonance Properties of Magnetoelectric Bilayer
Magnetoelectric Effect in Ferrite-Piezoelectric Dual-Phase Structure
Temperature Characteristics of Magnetoelectric Effect in Bilayer Ferromagnetic-Piezoelectric Structures
Magnetic Properties of PrхY1-xFe3(BO3)4
Universal Hysteresis Behavior of Double Perovskite Ba2-xLaxFeMoO6
Magnetic and Magnetoelectric Properties of Sm1-xLaxFe3(BO3)4 Single Crystals
Crystal and Magnetic State of Multiferroic Composites (x)MFe2O4 + (1-x)BaTiO3, M = Ni, Co
Charge Ordering of Multiferroic LuFe2O4: Influence of Doping and Electric Field
Monte Carlo Modelling of Two Dimensional Multiferroics
The Correlations between Dynamic Interactions in Antiferromagnetic Multiferroics
Effect of Corona Treatment on Magnetic Properties of Nanoscaled Multiferroic Films BiFeO3, (BiLa)FeO3 and (BiNd)FeO3
Chapter 7: Spintronics and Magnetotransport
Hall Effect Induced by Spin-Wave Excitation in Metal/Ferromagnetic Insulator Bilayer
Spin-Injection Stimulated Radiation of Terahertz Waves in Magnetic Junctions (“Twaser” Action)
Anomalous Hall Effect in (Co41Fe39B20)x(Al–O)100-x Nanocomposites: Temperature Dependence
Numerical Simulation of Spin Torque Induced by Spin Hall Effect in CuPt/Fe Heterostructure
Structural, Magnetic and Electric Transport Properties for Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5/n-GaAs Junctions
Simultaneous Localization of Electrons in Different Δ-Valleys in Ge/Si Quantum Dot Structures
Magnetoresistance and Magnetic Properties CexMn1-xS
Magnetic and Magnetoresistance Properties of (Co/Ge)n Films
Enhancement of Exchange Bias in NiFe/IrM, IrMn/NiFe and NiFe/IrMn/NiFe Structures with Different Thickness of Antiferromagnetic Layer
Bifurcations in the Dynamical System for Three-Layered Magnetic Valve
Peculiarity of Solitary Deflection Waves Dynamics on the Domain Walls of Yttrium Orthoferrite
Ferromagnetic State of LaMnO3 Interlayer in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/LaMnO3/SrRuO3 Heterostructures
The Influence of the Magnetic Field on Electrically Induced Domain Wall Motion
Peculiarities of Transport, Resonance and Optical Properties of the Anion-Substituted Manganese Chalcogenides
The Bias-Controlled Magnetoimpedance Effect in a MIS Structure
Anomalous Galvanomagnetic Effects due to Spontaneous Spin Polarization of Electrons in Crystal with Low Concentration of 3d-Transition Element Impurities
Chapter 8: High Frequency Properties
Bias Current Effect on Second Harmonic in Asymmetric Magnetoimpedance Response in Amorphous Microwires
High-Frequency Properties of Multilayer Systems Based on the (Co41Fe39B20)X(SiO2)100-X and (Co45Fe45Zr10)X(Al2O3)100-X Nanocomposites
Investigation of Nonlinear Dynamics of Magnetoelastic Oscillations in Normal Magnetized Ferrite Plate
Microwave Magnetic Induction Structure of the Surface Spin Wave in Ferrite Film
Hypersound Excitation in the Ferrite Plate by Impulse Magnetization Reversal
Concentration Dependences of Exchange Fields in Composite and Multilayer Thin Films
Study of the Torque Acting on the Magnetization during 90° Pulsed Reversal Process in Ferrite-Garnet Films with In-Plane Anisotropy
Chapter 9: Nanostructures and Low Dimensional Magnetism
AC Magnetic Susceptibility Study in Co/Au Nanoparticles
Anisotropic Magnetoresistance and Weak Localization in Granular System Ni-MgO
Peculiarities of the Interface Forming in the “Nanocomposite-Bismuth Telluride” Multilayer System
Room Temperature Instability of Exchange Anisotropy in FeMn/FeCo System
Surface Modified Ni Nanoparticles Produced by the Electrical Explosion of Wire
Unidirectional Anisotropy in Nanostructures with Antiferromagnetic NiFeMn Layer
Temperature Behavior of Magnetization in Multiphase Co-P Powders in Unsaturated Regime
Spectral Ellipsometry of Cobalt-Ions Implanted Silicon Surface
Oxygen Effect on Magnetic Anisotropy Energy of Co Nanowires on Cu(210) Surface - An Ab Initio Study
New Iron(II) Complexes [Fe(HC(Pz)3)2]A2 with Spin-Crossover
Magnetic Properties of Nanocomposites Metal-Carbon
Magnetic Resonance in CuCr2S4 Nanoclusters and Nanocrystals
Ab Initio Study of the Oxygen Effect on Magnetic Interactions within 3d Metal Nanowires on Vicinal Rh (553) Surface
Anisotropy in FeCo Nanoparticles, a First Step
Dependence of the Hysteresis Characteristics of Co-Au Core-Shell Nanoparticles on the Size of the Particles
Easy Axis Spin-Flop in ε-Phase In-Doped Iron (III) Oxide Nanowires
Electronic Properties and Stability of Silicon Nanoclusters Passivated by Hydrogen
FMR and Magnetic Properties of (CoFeB)m(SiO2)100-m Nanocomposite
Fourfold Magnetic Anisotropy of CoPd Alloy, Obtained by Solid State Reactions in Epitaxal Pd/hcp-Сo and Pd/fcc-Co Bilayers
Free-Standing 2D Silicon Nanocrystals Stabilized with Perfluorophenyl Ligands: Experiment and Ab Initio Research
Magnetic and Magnetotransport Properties of Fe-NbO System
Magnetic Anisotropy of Co-Nanostructures Embedded in Matrices with Different Pores Size and Morphology
Magnetic Clusters in Natural Ferro-Chromian Spinels
Structure and Magnetic Properties of FeNi/Ti Multilayered Films Grown by Magnetron Sputtering
Optical Second Harmonic Generation in Nanostructures with Inhomogeneous Magnetization
Magnetic and Magneto-Optical Properties of Magnetoplasmonic Crystals
Magneto-Optical Properties of Multilayer Nanostructures with Composite Magnetic Layers near Percolation Threshold
Magnetodeformational Anisotropy of FeGa/PU Hybrid Nanocomposite via Particle Concentration and Spatial Orientation
Nanocrystalline Soft Magnetic (Fe0.7Co0.3)88Hf2W2Mo2Zr1B4Cu1 Alloy with Enhanced Thermal Stability of Magnetic Properties
A New Method of Intergrain Exchange Interaction Energy Determination in Nanostructured Alloys with Spontaneous Spin-Reorientation Transition
Components of Magnetic Anisotropy of Soft Magnetic Nanocrystalline Fe-Based Films
Effect of Secondary Decomposition on Coercivity of Fe-Co-Cr Alloys with 15% Co
The Suppression of Demagnetizing Field Heterogeneity in Ferromagnetic Powders
Magnetic and Magnetoresonance Studies of Composite Multilayer Films with Different Kinds of Interlayers
Chapter 10: Magnetic Thin Films
Influence of the Size Effect on Magnetic Susceptibility in Ultrathin Films
Spin Filtering on the MnSb Cluster Interface in GaSbMn Thin Films
Magnetic Properties of Co-B Nanostructures Prepared via Electroless Deposition
The Influence of Si on Magnetic and Magneto-Optical Properties of Co/Si/Co Thin-Film Systems
Surface Modification of Thin Iron Films in Aromatic Solvents at Ambient Conditions
A Simple Model for Investigation of the Pair Breaking Effect on the Parameters of HTS/FM Thin Films
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ni50Mn35In15 Thin Films
Structural and Transport Properties of Ni45Mn40In15 Thin Films
Temperature Dependent Magnetic and Structural Properties of Co2(Fe, Ti)Ga Thin Films
Surface Properties of Nanoscale Iron Garnet Films
Ferromagnetic and Spin-Wave Resonance in FexNi1-x (0
Morphology and Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Со-P and Co-Ni-P Films
Magnetization Processes Study in the Implanted Garnet Films Using the Second-Harmonic Generation Effect
Thermoelectric Power of Gradient Fex(Al2O3)100-x Composite Films
Influence of Annealing on the Surface Topography and Magnetic Properties of Thin Films of the FINEMET-Type Alloy
Magnetic Properties of NiFe and FeCuNbSiB Thin Films: Effect of Thickness on Static Permeability
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Annealed Vapor Deposited CoxCr1-x Thin Films
Effect of Co Doping on the Galvanomagnetic Properties of ZnO Thin Films
Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon Thin Films Doped by Ni
Chapter 11: Magnetism and Superconductivity
On the Superconductivity of Planar Carbon Compounds
Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Upper Critical Magnetic Field in Electron-Doped High-Temperature Superconductor
Copper Oxide Superconducting/Antiferromagnetic Interface
Current-Phase Relation of Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor Junctions with a Composite Interlayer
Magnetic Prehistory in the Heat Capacity of the Low-Temperature Superconductors
Role of Interface Transparency and Exchange Field in the Superconducting Triplet Spin-Valve Effect
Observation of Pinning Strengthening in “MgB2 – CNT – α-Fe” Nanocomposites Studied by Microwave Absorption Technique
Chapter 12: Magnetism in Biology and Medicine
Combined Photodynamic Thermochemotherapy of Glial Tumors Controlled by MRI and Electronic Sensor
Heating of Zn-Substituted Manganese Ferrite Magnetic Nanoparticles in Alternating Magnetic Field
Mössbauer Study of Microbial Synthesis of Iron-Containing Nanoparticles
To the Theory of Hyperthermia Effect Induced by Magnetic Nanoparticles
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 27.7.2015 |
Reihe/Serie | Solid State Phenomena |
Zusatzinfo | Illustrations, unspecified |
Verlagsort | Zurich |
Sprache | englisch |
Maße | 170 x 240 mm |
Gewicht | 1490 g |
Themenwelt | Naturwissenschaften ► Physik / Astronomie ► Elektrodynamik |
Technik ► Elektrotechnik / Energietechnik | |
Technik ► Maschinenbau | |
ISBN-10 | 3-03835-482-1 / 3038354821 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-03835-482-6 / 9783038354826 |
Zustand | Neuware |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
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