Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference/International Cryogenic Materials Conference (eBook)
766 Seiten
Elsevier Science (Verlag)
978-0-08-053975-1 (ISBN)
The proceedings covers the main areas of: Large Scale Refrigeration. Cryocoolers. Cryogenic Engineering. Space Cryogenics. Application of Superconductivity. Oxide Superconductors. Metallic Superconductors. Metallic Materials. Non Metallic Materials.
In addition there are seven Plenary Lectures covering such diverse topics as commercialization of high-Tc superconductors, the continuing development of the Maglev system in Japan, and the Large Hadron Collider project.
The Proceedings comprise an excellent and up-to-date summary of research and development in the fields of Cryogenics and Superconductivity.
This book contains the proceedings of the 16th ICEC/ICMC Conference, held in Kitakyushu, Japan, on 20th-24th May 1996. The Proceedings are presented in three volumes containing a total of 476 papers from 1484 authors. The proceedings covers the main areas of: Large Scale Refrigeration. Cryocoolers. Cryogenic Engineering. Space Cryogenics. Application of Superconductivity. Oxide Superconductors. Metallic Superconductors. Metallic Materials. Non Metallic Materials.In addition there are seven Plenary Lectures covering such diverse topics as commercialization of high-Tc superconductors, the continuing development of the Maglev system in Japan, and the Large Hadron Collider project. The Proceedings comprise an excellent and up-to-date summary of research and development in the fields of Cryogenics and Superconductivity.
Cover 1
Contents 6
Committee members 39
Exhibitors 40
Foreword 42
Greetings from the ICE Committee 44
Greetings from the ICMC Board 46
Mendelssohn Award 48
Mendelssohn Award Winner 50
Part I. Plenary Lectures 54
Chapter 1. A way to commercialization of high-Tc superconductors 56
Chapter 2. Development of the superconducting Maglev system in Japan 66
Chapter 3. Cryogenic properties of advanced composites and their applications 72
Chapter 4. 122-Channel SQUID neuromagnetometer for studies of information processing in the human brain 80
Chapter 5. Advances in cryocoolers 86
Chapter 6. The Large Hadron Collider project 98
Chapter 7. Overview of the ITER project 106
Part II. Large Scale Refrigeration: Refrigeration Plants 114
Chapter 8. Design and construction of cryogenic components for LHD 116
Chapter 9. The constituent hardware of the large helium refrigeration plant for LHD 120
Chapter 10. Simulation of the large helium refrigeration plant for LHD 124
Chapter 11. Construction report of 10 kW class helium refrigerator for LHD 128
Chapter 12. Cryogenic control system for the large helical device 132
Chapter 13. Liquefaction control of 10 kW class cryogenic system for the LHD 136
Chapter 14. Study of optimum operating condition for the helium refrigeration system of the LHD with a dummy load apparatus 140
Chapter 15. Cryogenic operation and testing of the extended LHC prototype magnet string 144
Chapter 16. Demands in refrigeration capacity for the Large Hadron Collider 148
Chapter 17. Simulation program for cryogenic plants at CERN 152
Chapter 18. Operation of the cryogenic system for superconducting cavities in LEP 156
Chapter 19. Thermodynamic booster for the CERN Omega cryoplant 160
Chapter 20. Refrigeration system for the ATLAS experiment 164
Chapter 21. The cryogenic system of the ATLAS experiment end cap toroids 168
Chapter 22. Cryogenic design of the ATLAS thin superconducting solenoid magnet 172
Chapter 23. Barrel toroid cryogenic system for the ATLAS detector 176
Chapter 24. Performance study of the cryogenic system for ITER CS model coil 180
Chapter 25. Engineering design of cryoplant for ITER 184
Chapter 26. Interface detail design for ITER coil system 188
Chapter 27. Development and operating experience of the nuclotron cryogenic system 192
Chapter 28. Mathematical modeling of a Fermilab helium liquefier coldbox 196
Chapter 29. HERA at lower temperatures?„ Operational test of the HERA cryogenic system at subatmospheric pressure 200
Chapter 30. Cryogenics for tokamak HT-7 SC toroidal magnet 204
Chapter 31. Theoretical calculation of the large hydrogen liquefaction process 208
Chapter 32. Development of helium refrigeration systems for 70 MW class superconducting generators 212
Part III. Long Term Operation 216
Chapter 33. Reliability of helium refrigeration systems for the TRISTAN detector magnets 218
Chapter 34. Technical analysis and statistics from long term helium cryoplant operation with experimental superconducting magnets at CERN 222
Chapter 35. Cryogenics for CERN experiments. Past, present and future 226
Chapter 36. Present state of Tevatron lower temperature operation 232
Chapter 37. Cryogenic system for TRISTAN superconducting RF cavities: Description and operating experience 236
Part IV. Compressors 240
Chapter 38. High power refrigeration at temperatures around 2.0 K 242
Chapter 39. A cryogenic axial-centrifugal compressor for superfluid helium refrigeration 248
Chapter 40. Upgrade of the CERN cryogenic station for superfluid helium testing of prototype LHC superconducting magnets 252
Chapter 41. Performance analysis of multistage 80 K centrifugal compressors for helium refrigerator 256
Chapter 42. Design manufacture and consideration for test result of centrifugal cold compressor for TEVATRON lower temperature upgrade 260
Chapter 43. Development of helium oil free screw compressor 264
Part V. Turboexpanders 268
Chapter 44. The experimental study of self-acting gas-lubricated tilting-pad thrust bearings for cryogenic turboexpander 270
Chapter 45. A genetic algorithm based optimization design method for cryogenic turboexpander 274
Chapter 46. Predicting performance of helium expansion turbines using similarity principles 278
Chapter 47. Stability study of herringbone-grooved, journal gas bearing for small cryogenic expansion turbine 282
Chapter 48. Development of foil journal bearing for small high speed cryogenic turboexpander 286
Part VI. Cryocoolers: Pulse Tube Coolers 290
Chapter 49. Evaluation of experimental pulse tube refrigerator data with predictions of the thermoacoustic theory 292
Chapter 50. Spontaneous oscillations of gas in a glass resonator: Observation of the local velocity and the simulation 296
Chapter 51. Linear model of flow pattern for a valved three-stage pulse tube refrigeration 300
Chapter 52. Radial temperature and velocity profiles of oscillating flows in a pulse tube refrigerator 304
Chapter 53. Investigation of velocity profiles in oscillating flows inside a pulse tube refrigerator 308
Chapter 54. Intrinsic behaviour of a four valve pulse tube refrigerator 312
Chapter 55. Anomaly of one-stage double-inlet pulse tube refrigerator 316
Chapter 56. Temperature stability of pulse tube refrigerators 320
Chapter 57. Pulse tube refrigerator with low temperature switching valve 324
Chapter 58. On-off timing computer control system for valved refrigerator 328
Chapter 59. Increase in reservoir pressure of orifice pulse tube refrigerators 332
Chapter 60. Operation of a high-Tc SQUID gradiometer by use of a pulse tube refrigerator 336
Chapter 61. Analysis and investigation of large diameter pulse tube refrigerator 340
Chapter 62. Active-buffer pulse-tube refrigerator 344
Chapter 63. An inter-phasing pulse tube refrigerator for high refrigeration efficiency 348
Chapter 64. Experimental research on two-stage pulse tube refrigerator 352
Chapter 65. Performance of the hybrid two-stage refrigerator 356
Chapter 66. Improvement of the two stage pulse tube refrigerator reaching to 4 K 360
Chapter 67. Nitrogen precooled multi-stage pulse tube refrigerator reaching 2.1 K 364
Chapter 68. Thermodynamic calculation of three-stage pulse tube refrigerator 368
Chapter 69. Three-staged pulse tube refrigerator with linear motor compressor 372
Part VII. G-M Coolers 376
Chapter 70. Effectiveness of magnetic regenerator material with low Tc below ~20 K„Very effective regenerative character of magnetic materials 378
Chapter 72. Development of a 4 K GM/JT refrigerator for Maglev vehicle 384
Chapter 73. Development of 2W class 4 K Gifford-McMahon cycle cryocooler 388
Chapter 74. Optimization of intake and exhaust valves for 4 K Gifford-McMahon cryocooler 392
Chapter 75. Investigation of the performance of a 4.2 K G-M refrigerator 396
Chapter 76. Cooling performance of a pressurized HeII cryogenics system for the superconducting magnet test facility at KEK 472
Chapter 77. A supercritical/superfluid He-cryostat for STEP 476
Chapter 78. Design of thermal shield for the ITER cryostat 480
Chapter 79. Design of superfluid-cooled cryostat for 1 GHz NMR spectrometer 484
Chapter 80. A variable temperature cryostat to measure JnonCu(T) of ITER strands up to 20 teslas 488
Chapter 81. Tests of the cryostat for 1.3 GHz superconducting cavity at T _< 1.8 K
Chapter 82. Comparison of floating and thermalized multilayer insulation systems at low boundary temperature 496
Part VIII. Cooling Technique 500
Chapter 83. A LHE economiser at 1.8 K 502
Chapter 84. Low noise gas flow cryosystem for cooling high-Tc squid 506
Chapter 85. Compact dilution refrigerator 510
Chapter 86. Experimental study of the dilution refrigerator without 1 K pot 514
Chapter 87. Numerical simulation of countercurrent heat exchangers in cryogenic systems 518
Chapter 88. The operation experience with the dual cooling system of the POLO coil (two phase-supercritical He) 522
Chapter 89. A vortex refrigerator for NMR experiments 526
Chapter 90. Analytical model to calculate the transient thermo-mechanical behaviour of long thin structures cooled from a pipe: Application to the LHC dipole thermal shield 530
Chapter 91. Characterization of bonnetless cryogenic valves 534
Chapter 92. Flexible corrugated cryotransferlines, long term experience at JET and the experience with supercritical helium flow conditions 538
Chapter 93. Experimental results with superinsulated cryogenic transfer line test modules in THISTA 542
Chapter 94. Design and construction of long cryogenic piping lines 546
Chapter 95. Calculating radiation exchange factors of radiant cryocooler by the Monte Carlo method 550
Chapter 96. Development of loop heat pipes for cryogenic applications 554
Chapter 97. New cryosurgical probe suitable for endoscopic application in the minimal invasive therapy 558
Chapter 98. Thermosiphon cooler: A low microphonic cooling system for HTC-devices especially for SQUIDs562
Chapter 99. What happened to cryogenic and superconducting equipment in the Great Hanshin Earthquake?„Final report 566
Part IX. Superfluid Helium 570
Chapter 100. Thermohydraulic behaviour of HeII in stratified co-current two-phase flow 572
Chapter 101. Influence of fountain pressure on heat transfer to superfluid helium 576
Chapter 102. Analysis and characterization of saturated bath He II heat exchangers 580
Chapter 103. Experimental study of propagation characteristics of He I - He II interface 584
Chapter 104. Steady and unsteady heat transfer from a horizontal wire with a wide range of diameter in a pool of subcooled He II at pressures 588
Chapter 105. Two dimensional heat transport in He II channel including a copper wall 592
Chapter 106. Numerical investigation of evolution of vortex line density in the case of transient heating 596
Chapter 107. Heat transfer from superconductor wire to superfluid helium 600
Chapter 108. The effect of spacer arrangement on the heat transfer in He I and He II channels 604
Chapter 109. Pressure effect on the heat transfer in bath of superfluid helium 608
Chapter 110. Kapitza conductance of niobium for S. R. F. cavities 612
Chapter 111. Thermal behaviour of electrical multilayer insulation permeable to superfluid helium 616
Chapter 112. Pressure gradient caused by quantized vortex in superfluid helium 620
Chapter 113. Heat and mass transfer between two saturated He II baths 624
Chapter 114. Measurement of characteristic time of quantized vortex development using a thermal shock wave 628
Part X. Heat Transfer 632
Chapter 115. Non-dimensional correlation for boiling heat transfer from sintered porous layer surface 634
Chapter 116. Critical heat fluxes in pool boiling of subcooled liquid nitrogen at elevated pressures 638
Chapter 117. The measurement of vapor bubble vibration during noisy film boiling in superfluid helium 628
Chapter 118. Influence of surface roughness on transient nucleate boiling of cryogens 646
Chapter 119. Superheating of liquid mixtures of 3He and 4He 650
Chapter 120. Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer to slush hydrogen 654
Chapter 121. Heat transfer characteristics of a prototype pool boiling superconductor to liquid helium 658
Chapter 122. Temporal deterioration of helium heat transfer at moderate pulse heat load 662
Chapter 123. Cryogenic characteristic investigation on heat transfer between gas and solids of an adiabatic moving-bed 666
Chapter 124. Transient heat transfer from a silver sheathed high-Tc superconducting tape in liquid nitrogen 670
Chapter 125. Surface treatment of aluminum heat switch 674
Chapter 126. The study on the solid thermal contact resistance at low temperatures 678
Chapter 127. Experimental study on thermal contact conductance at liquid helium temperature 682
Part XI. Gas Properties 686
Chapter 128. On the Joule-Thomson integral inversion curves of helium-3, helium-4 and hydrogen 688
Chapter 129. A modified Patel-Teja equation of state for cryogenic fluids 692
Chapter 130. Helium extraction from thermal spring gases 696
Part XII. Measurements 700
Chapter 131. Temperature measurement under high magnetic fields around 1.8 K by using CGR thermometers 702
Chapter 132. New type of thin-film germanium resistance thermometer for use in a wide temperature range 706
Chapter 133. Thermoacoustic Taconis oscillations in helium-4 liquid level sensors 710
Chapter 134. Use of strain gages for low temperature thermal expansion measurements 714
Chapter 135. Strain measurements of stainless steel at low temperatures using electronic speckle pattern interferometry 718
Chapter 136. Friction and wear testing at cryogenic temperatures 722
Chapter 137. A flexible and extensible monitoring system for large scale experiments 726
Chapter 138. Development of a low temperature measurement and control system for measuring liquid oxygen density 730
Chapter 139. Investigation of thermal and vacuum transients on the LHC prototype magnet string 734
Chapter 140. Innovative device producing double-layer cryogenic pellet 738
Chapter 141. A new concept to detect He leaks on TORE SUPRA cryogenic plant 742
Chapter 142. One consideration for recovery heat flux of directly heated wires 746
Chapter 143. A novel superconductor V-I simulator for 77 K 750
Chapter 144. The estimation of critical current density using SRPM and AC methods 754
Author Index 758
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 1.4.1997 |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Naturwissenschaften ► Physik / Astronomie ► Angewandte Physik |
Naturwissenschaften ► Physik / Astronomie ► Festkörperphysik | |
Naturwissenschaften ► Physik / Astronomie ► Quantenphysik | |
Naturwissenschaften ► Physik / Astronomie ► Thermodynamik | |
Technik | |
ISBN-10 | 0-08-053975-0 / 0080539750 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0-08-053975-1 / 9780080539751 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
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