Advances in Turbulence XII (eBook)
XXVII, 973 Seiten
Springer Berlin (Verlag)
978-3-642-03085-7 (ISBN)
Advances in Turbulence XII 3
Preface 5
Contents 7
Part I Lagrangian aspects 28
Lagrangian modeling and properties of particles with inertia 29
1 Lagrangian structure functions 31
2 Finite particle size 33
3 Conclusions 34
References 35
Effect of Fax´en forces on acceleration statisticsof material particles in turbulent flow 37
Lagrangian models for particle dynamics 37
Eulerian-Lagrangian Numerical simulations 38
Results 38
References 40
Lagrangian analysis of turbulent convection 41
1 Introduction 41
2 Lagrangian particle dispersion 41
3 Heat transport and acceleration 42
References 44
Linear and angular dynamics of an inertial particle in turbulence 45
Experimental setup and method 45
Linear motion 46
Angular dynamics 47
References 48
Collision rate between heavy particles in a model turbulent flow 49
1 Introduction 49
2 Direct measurements 50
3 Indirect estimation 51
References 52
From cloud condensation nuclei to cloud droplets: a turbulent model 53
Introduction 53
Model 54
Results 55
References 55
Lagrangian statistics of inertial particles in turbulent flow 57
References 60
Lagrangian statistics of two–dimensional turbulence in a square container 61
References 64
Measurement of Lagrangian Particle Trajectories by Digital in-line Holography 65
1 Introduction 65
2 Hologram recording and reconstruction 66
3 Particle detection, validation and tracking 67
4 Conclusions 67
References 68
3-D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) in gas flows using coloured tracer particles 69
References 72
Two-particle dispersion in 2D inverse cascadeturbulence and its telegraph equation model 73
1 Introduction 73
2 Results and Discussion 74
References 76
Numerical simulations of particle dispersion in stratfied flows 77
1 introduction 77
2 Numerical simulations and results 78
3 Conclusions 80
References 81
Part II Instability and Transition 82
Experimental study of the von Kármán flow from Re = 102 to 106: spontaneous symmetry breaking and turbulent bifurcations 83
1 Effect of the Reynolds number: onset of multistability 84
2 Controlled Rp-symmetry breaking 85
3 Conclusion 86
References 86
Flow reversals in a vertical channel 87
References 89
Linear Instability of Streamwise Corner Flow 90
References 93
DNS of turbulent plane Couette flow with emphasis on turbulent stripe 94
1 Introduction 94
2 Numerical conditions 94
3 Results and discussion 95
4 Conclusion 97
References 97
Geometry of state space in plane Couette flow 98
References 101
Linear and nonlinear instabilities of slidingCouette flow 102
1 Introduction 102
2 Formulation and Numerical Methods 103
3 Results and Discussion 103
3.1 Linear Analysis 103
3.2 Nonlinear analysis 103
References 105
Localization in plane Couette edge dynamics 106
References 107
Nonlinear optimal perturbations in plane Couette flow 108
References 111
Order parameter in laminar-turbulent patterns 112
References 113
Pattern formation in low Reynolds number plane Couette flow 115
References 118
Quasi-stationary and chaotic convection in lowrotating spherical shells 119
References 121
Linear stability of 2D rough channels 124
1 Introduction 124
2 Results 125
3 Conclusions 127
4 References 127
Transient turbulent bursting in enclosed flows 128
1 Introduction 128
2 Experimental setup 128
3 Results 129
4 Conclusion and outlook 131
References 131
On New Localized Vortex Solutions in the Couette-Ekman Layer 132
References 135
Shear instabilities in Taylor-Couette flow 136
1 Formulation 136
2 Subcritical equilibria from modal instabilities of Couette flow 137
3 Intermittent regimes from nonmodal instabilities 138
References 139
Particle Tracking Velocimetry in Transitional Plane Couette Flow 140
References 143
Experimental study of coherent structures in turbulent pipe flow 144
References 145
Forced localized turbulence in pipe flows 146
1 Introduction 146
2 Formulation 146
3 The turbulent puff: mean flow 147
4 Localized forcing 148
References 149
From localized to expanding turbulence 150
References 151
Influence of test-rigs on the laminar-to-turbulent transition of pipe flows 152
Abstract 152
1 Introduction and Aim of Work 152
2 Effects of Nozzle on Pipe Inlet Turbulence 154
3 Design Strategy for New Test Rig and Experiments 154
References 155
Interaction of turbulent spots in pipe flow 156
References 157
Large-scale transitional dynamics in pipe flow 158
References 161
Nonlinear coherent structures in a square duct 162
Introduction 162
Definitions 162
Results 163
Conclusions 164
References 165
Quantitative measurement of the life time ofturbulence in pipe flow 166
References 169
Experimental investigation of turbulent patch evolution in spatially steady boundary layers 170
References 171
Interaction of noise disturbances and streamwise streaks 172
References 175
Linear generation of multiple time scales by 3D unstable perturbations 176
References 179
Convection at very high Rayleigh number: signature of transition from a micro-thermometer inside the flow 180
1 Introduction 180
2 Micron-size thermometer 180
3 Results and interpretation 182
4 Conclusion 183
References 183
Estimating local instabilities for irregular flows in the differentially heated rotating annulus 184
1 Introduction 184
2 Motivation and test case 184
2.1 Growing modes in stable systems 184
2.2 Estimating the propagator from data 185
3 Thermally driven rotating annulus 186
3.1 Estimating growing patterns of the rotating annulus flow 187
4 Conclusion and future work 187
References 187
Search for the “ultimate state” in turbulent Rayleigh-B´enard convection 188
References 189
Rayleigh–Taylor instability in two dimensions and phase-field method 190
1 System configuration and phase-field description 190
2 Numerical investigation 192
3 Conclusions 193
References 193
Split energy cascade in quasi-2D turbulence 194
References 196
Stabililty and laminarisation of turbulent rotating channel flow 197
References 198
The vortical flow pattern exhibited by thechannel flow on a rotating system just pasttransition under the influence of the Coriolisforce 199
1 Introduction and scope of the work 199
2 The equations, the ansatz and the procedure for theirsolution 199
References 202
Transient evolution and high stratification scaling in horizontal mixing layers 203
1 Introduccion 203
2 Formulation and Methods 204
3 Results and Discussion 206
References 206
Part III Control of turbulent flows 207
Toward Cost-effective Control of Wall Turbulence for Skin Friction Drag Reduction 208
Abstract 208
1 Introduction 208
2 Fundamental Concepts 210
2.1 Control Performance Indices 210
2.2 Theoretical Constraint 211
2.3 Toward Control of High Reynolds Number Flows 212
3 Feedback Control 213
3.1 Control Algorithms with Wall Sensors 213
3.2 Power Saving with Selective Space/Scale Control 214
4 Predetermined Control 215
5 Conclusions and Challenges for the Future 218
Acknowledgements 218
References 219
Active control of turbulent boundary layer using an array of piezo-ceramic actuators 220
1 Introduction 220
2 Experimental Details 221
3 Results and Discussion 222
4 Conclusion 223
Acknowledgement 223
References 223
Flat plate turbulent boundary-layer control using vertical LEBUs 224
References 227
Estimation of the spanwise wall shear stress based on upstream information for wall turbulence control 228
References 231
Interactions between vortex generators and a flat plate boundary layer. Application to the control of separated flows. 232
References 235
Modulated global mode of a controlled wake 236
1 Introduction 236
2 Experiment 237
3 Results and discussion 237
4 Conclusion 239
5 Acknowledgements 239
References 239
Swirl effects in turbulent pipe flow 240
1 Introduction 240
2 Results 241
References 243
Control of an axisymmetric turbulent wake by a pulsed jet 244
1 Introduction 244
2 Experimental Setup 245
3 Results 245
4 Discussion 246
References 247
Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulent mixed convection in enclosures with heated obstacles 248
1 Introduction 248
2 Governing equations and numerical method 248
3 Results 250
4 Acknowledgements 251
References 251
On Drag Reduction in Turbulent Channel Flow over Superhydrophobic Surfaces 252
1 Introduction 252
2 Superhydrophobic surfaces 252
3 Experimental methods and determination of u* 253
4 Results and Discussion 254
References 255
Response of Periodically ModulatedTurbulence 256
References 258
Turbulent drag reduction by feedback: aWiener- ltering approach 259
References 263
Part IV Vortex dynamics and structure formation 265
A driving mechanism of turbulent puff in pipe flow 266
Introduction 266
DNS of Pipe Flow 266
Equilibrium puff 267
Low-speed streaks and KH instability 268
Self-Sustenance Cycle 269
References 269
Wavelet tools to study vortex burstingand turbulence production 270
Acknowledgements 271
References 273
The minimum-enstrophy principle for decaying 2D turbulence in circular domains 274
Introduction 274
Set-up of the numerical simulations 274
Decaying 2D turbulence: late-time flow patterns 275
Conclusions 277
References 277
Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent vortex ring 278
1 Introduction 278
2 Numerical procedure 278
3 Results 279
References 281
Reconnection of vortex bundles 282
References 285
Turbulent energy cascade caused by vortex stretching 286
References 289
Instabilities and transient growth of trailing vortices in stratified fluid 290
1 Introduction 290
2 2-D Evolution of the base flow in a stratified fluid 290
3 Quasy-steady approximation for the stability of theflow. 291
4 Optimal perturbations 292
References 293
mplementation of Vor tex Str etching into the T wo-Dimensional N avier -Stokes E quations via Ar bitr ar y E xter nal Str aining 294
1 Abstract 294
2 I ntr oduction and mathematical for mulation 294
3 Applications 296
3.1 Isotropic decaying turbulence 296
3.2 Near–wall flow 297
References 297
Turbulent cascade of a quantum fluid at finitetemperature 298
1 Introduction : Motivation and Model 298
2 Numerical aspects 299
3 Results 299
4 Conclusion 301
Acknowledgements 301
References 301
Visualization of quantum turbulence in 3He-B by thermal excitations 302
References 305
The 3D structure of a dipole in a shallow two-layer fluid 306
Introduction 306
Experimental and numerical results 307
Conclusions 309
Acknowledgments 309
References 309
The 3D character of decaying turbulence in a shallow fluid layer 310
1 Introduction 310
2 Laboratory experiments 310
3 Numerical comparison between 3D and 2D flows 312
4 Conclusion 313
References 313
Vortex dynamics in a Karman street behind a heated cylinder: defects and potentialities of acoustic diagnostics 314
References 317
Asymmetric vortex shedding in the turbulent wake of a flat plate in a ratating fluid 318
1 Introduction 318
2 Computational approach and flow characteristics 319
3 Results and discussion 320
4 Conclusions 320
References 321
Stability of steady vortices and new equilibrium flows from “Imperfect-Velocity-Impulse” diagrams 322
References 325
The Effect of Freestream Turbulence on Far Axisymmetric Wakes 326
References 329
Application of the deterministic turbulence method to study of LEBU-device mechanism 330
Introduction. 330
Definitions. 330
Assumptions. 330
Deterministic Turbulence. 330
Present Approach. 331
LEBU-Devices. 331
LEBU Mechanism. 332
References 333
The role of the intense vorticity structures in the turbulent structure of the jet edge 334
1 Introduction 334
2 Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent plane jet 334
3 Results and discussion 334
References 336
Large Scale Dynamics of a Jet in a Counter Flow 337
References 339
Dynamics of vortex filaments in turbulentflows and their impact on particle dispersion 341
References 344
The effect of coherent structureson the secondary flow in a square duct 345
1 Introduction 345
2 Numerical methods 345
3 Results 346
References 347
Part V Multiphase and non-Newtonian flows 349
How to Discriminate Between Light and Heavy Particles in Turbulence 350
References 353
Anisotropic clustering and particles velocity statistics in shear turbulence 354
References 357
Direct Numerical Simulation of inertialparticle accelerations in near-wall turbulence: effect of gravity 358
Introduction 358
Numerical Methodology 359
Results and Discussion 359
Conclusions 361
Simulating Fibre Suspensions: Lagrangian versus Statistical Approach 362
References 365
Inertial particles in a turbulent pipe flow:spatial evolution 366
1 Results & discussion
References 369
Heat transfer mechanisms in bubbly Rayleigh-B´enard convection 370
References 372
Scaling of polymer drag reduction withpolymer and flow parameters in turbulent channel flow 373
1 Introduction 373
2 Results and Discussion 374
References 376
DNS study on “diameter effect” of drag reduction in viscoelastic-fluid flow 377
1 Introduction 377
2 Numerical conditions 377
3 Results and discussion 378
4 Conclusion 380
References 380
Modifications of the turbulent structure in a bubbly boundary layer 381
References 384
Budgets of polymer free energy inhomogeneous turbulence 385
1 Mathematical formulation and results 385
References 388
Shear-induced self-diffusion in a Couette flow of a dilute suspension 389
References 392
Part VI Atmospheric turbulence 393
Turbulent flow over rough walls 394
1 Introduction 394
2 Zero plane displacement and von K´arm´an’s constant 395
3 The near-wall turbulence 397
4 Conclusions 400
References 401
Top-down and bottom-up eddy motion in wallbounded turbulence 402
1 Use of sweeps and ejections 403
2 Eddy identification with a vorticity threshold 404
References 405
A study of turbulent Poiseuille-Ekman flow at different rotation rates using DNS 406
1 Abstract 406
2 Introduction 406
3 DNS of turbulent Poiseuille-Ekman flow 407
References 409
Experimental study of forced stratifiedturbulence 410
References 413
DNS of the turbulent cloud-top mixing layer 414
1 Introduction 414
2 Results 415
References 417
Modeling and Simulation of Momentum and Heat Transfer in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer over Rough Surface: Study with Improved 418
1 Introduction 418
2 Anisotropic three-parameter turbulence model 418
3 Turbulent Prandtl number in a Stably Stratified Boundary Layer over Rough Surface 420
References 421
Wind Direction Effects on Urban Like Roughness: an LES Study 422
1 Introduction 422
2 Numerical Approach 422
3 Results 423
3.1 Mean Flow 423
3.2 Drag and lift forces 424
4 Conclusions 425
References 425
Part VII Geophysical and astrophysical turbulence 426
Anisotropy in turbulent rotating convection 427
Introduction 427
Anisotropy quantified 427
Experimental and numerical methods 428
Results 429
Discussion and conclusion 430
References 430
Nonlocal interactions and condensation inforced rotating turbulence 431
1 Introduction 431
2 Method and results 432
3 Conclusion 434
References 434
Structural Features of Rotating ShearedTurbulence 435
References 438
Structure functions and energy transfers in adecaying rotating turbulence experiment 439
References 442
Table-top rotating turbulence: an experimentalinsight through particle tracking 443
Introduction 443
Exploratory experiments in rotating turbulence 444
Ongoing experiments 445
References 446
On the structure of rapidly-rotating, decayingturbulence 447
Introduction 447
How columnar eddies form 448
The experimental evidence at Ro ~ 1 448
Why linear behaviour at Ro ~1? 449
The Decay of Energy 450
References 450
Large-eddy simulations of gravity current flows past submerged cylinders 451
References 452
Large scale quasi-2D structures and the problem of nonlinear bottom friction 455
References 458
Double-period oscillation of passive scalar flux in stratified turbulence 459
References 459
Energy spectra of stably stratified turbulence 461
References 464
The wind-driven turbulent oscillating channel flow subjected to a stable stratification 465
Introduction 465
Turbulent oscillating channel flow 465
Stably stratified turbulent oscillating channel flow 467
Conclusion 468
References 468
Numerical studies of turbulence in breaking internal waves 469
References 470
Vortex self-similarity and the evolution of unforced inviscid two-dimensional turbulence 473
References 476
Large Eddy Simulation of compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the local interstellar medium 477
References 480
Part VIII Transport and mixing 481
Experimental Studies of Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection 482
References 488
Various flow amplitudes in 2D non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq Rayleigh-Bénard convection in water 490
References 493
A comparison of turbulent thermal convection between conditions of constant temperature and constant heat flux boundaries 494
Diffusion of heavy particles in turbulent flows 495
References 498
Quantification of heavy particle segregation in turbulent flows: a Lagrangian approach 499
References 502
The dispersion of lines written in a turbulent jet flow 503
References 505
PDF modeling of vapour micromixing in turbulent evaporating sprays 506
References 507
Forces on light particles in stratified turbulence 509
Introduction 509
Forces on light inertial particles 509
Particle dispersion: the role of the Basset force 511
Conclusions 512
References 512
Renormalized transport of inertial particles 513
References 516
Turbulence modification in the vicinity of a solid particle 517
References 520
Particle Transport in Turbulent Wakes Behind Spherical Caps 521
1 Introduction 521
2 Methods 521
3 Results 522
4 Discussion and Conclusion 524
References 524
Turbulent heat transfer and large-scale flow in convection cells with aspect ratio G > 1
1 Introduction 525
2 Dependence of heat transfer on aspect ratio 526
3 Large-scale circulation (LSC) 526
3.1 Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) 527
References 528
Shot noise of thermal plumes : Evidence of a boundary layer instability consistent with the onset of Kraichnan’s Regime of convection 529
1 Introduction and Motivation 529
2 Experimental set-up 529
3 Results : a new signatures of the transition to the Ultimate Regime 530
4 Interpretation and Conclusion : a boundary layer instability 530
References 532
Scalar mixing in turbulent confined flow 533
References 536
Prandtl-, Rayleigh-, and Rossby-number dependence of heat transport in turbulent rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection 537
References 540
Oscillations of Large-Scale Structures in turbulent Mixed Convection in a rectangular enclosure 541
1 Introduction 541
2 Experimental set up 542
3 Results 542
References 544
Interaction between slope flows and an urban heat island 545
1 Introduction 545
2 Experimental setup 545
3 Results 546
References 548
Origin of the small-scale anisotropy of the passive scalar fluctuations 549
References 552
Mixing asymmetry in variable densityturbulence 553
References 556
Turbulent transport close to a wall 557
References 560
Persistence of inhomogeneity of the turbulence generated by the static grid structures 561
1 Introduction 561
2 Results and Discussion 562
References 564
On the energy decay of grid generated turbulence 565
References 568
Turbulent Entrainment in Jets: The role of Kinetic Energy 569
1 Introduction 569
2 DNS of a turbulent plane jet 569
3 Results and Discussion 569
References 570
Fast and slow changes of the length of gradient trajectories in homogeneous shear turbulence 573
References 577
Part IX W all bounded flows 578
Coherent streaky structures and optimal perturbations of turbulent boundary layers 579
References 582
Time-mean description of turbulent bluff-body separation in the high-Reynolds-number limit 583
1 Motivation 583
2 Asymptotic picture of the flow near separation 584
3 Current research and further outlook 586
References 586
Isotropic Free-stream Turbulence Promotes Anisotropy in a Turbulent Boundary Layer 587
References 590
Travelling waves in a straight square duct 591
1 Introduction 591
2 Numerical method 591
3 Results 592
References 594
Thermal boundary layers in turbulent Rayleigh-B´enard convection 595
1 Introduction 595
2 Experimental Results 597
References 598
DNS of turbulent transport of scalar concentration in various thermally stratified boundary layers 599
References 601
Wall turbulence without walls 603
1 Introduction 603
2 Numerical experiment 604
3 Results 604
4 Conclusions 605
References 606
Turbulent flow and heat transfer in eccentric annulus 607
1 Introduction 607
2 Research approach and methods 607
3 Results and discussions 607
3.1 Law of the wall 608
3.2 Reynolds stress tensor 608
3.3 Secondary motion 608
3.4 Intensity of the temperature fluctuations 609
4 Conclusions and further Work 610
References 610
On imperfect hot-wire resolution issues and their effect on mean quantities 611
1 Introduction 611
2 Motivation and Strategy 612
3 Results and Discussion 613
4 Final Remarks 614
References 614
The diagnostic plot - a new way to appraise turbulent boundary-layer data 615
1 Introduction 615
2 The diagnostic plot 616
3 Final remarks 618
References 618
DHMPIV and Tomo-PIV measurements of three-dimensional structures in a turbulent boundary layer 619
1 Experimental setup 619
2 Results 620
3 Conclusion 622
LDA measurements of Reynolds stresses in aswirling turbulent pipe flow 623
1 Background 623
2 Experimental Facility 624
3 Results and Conclusions 624
References 625
Time-resolved stereoscopic PIV of the log-layer in fully developed turbulent pipe flow 627
1 Introduction 627
2 Experimental Setup 627
3 Preliminary Discussion of Results 628
4 Outlook 630
References 630
Massive separation in rotating turbulent flows 631
1 Motivation 631
2 Results 632
References 634
Scaling of torque in turbulent Taylor-Couetteflow with background rotation 635
References 638
Velocity gradient statistics in a turbulentchannel flow 639
References 642
Channel flow LES with stochastic modeling of the sub-grid acceleration 643
References 646
DNS of three-dimensional separation in turbulent diffuser flows 647
References 650
Optimal amplification of large scale streaks in the turbulent Couette flow 651
1. Introduction 651
2. Results and discussion 652
References 653
Symmetry of Coherent Vortices in Plane Couette Flow 655
References 658
Universal character of perturbation growth in near-wall turbulence 659
1 Introduction 659
2 Formulation and numerical method 659
3 Results 660
3.1 Temporal evolution of perturbations 662
References 662
Experimental assessment of turbulent drag reduction by wall traveling waves 663
References 666
Effects of very-large roughness in turbulent channel flow 667
1 Introduction 667
2 Experimental details 668
3 Results and discussion 668
4 Conclusions 670
References 670
Roughness effects in a rotating turbulent channel 671
References 674
Mean Flow and Turbulence over Rough Surfaces 675
References 678
Part X Intermittency and scaling 679
DNS of vibrating grid turbulence 680
References 680
Step onset from an initial uniform distribution of turbulent kinetic energy. 681
1 Introduction 681
2 Results and discussion 681
References 683
Fractal-generated turbulent scaling laws from a new scaling group of the multi-point correlation equation 685
1 Multi-point equation of homogeneous turbulence 685
2 Invariant solutions and turbulent decay scaling laws 686
References 688
Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence 689
1 Two-Dimensional Turbulence 689
References 692
The development of truncated inviscid turbulence and the FPU-problem 693
References 696
The renormalized eddy-fragmentation equation and its exact solutions 697
References 700
Determination of the statistics of the velocity gradient tensor as a function of scale : solution of the tetrad model 701
References 704
TSF Experiment for comparision of high Reynold’s number turbulence in He I and He II : first results. 705
1 Experimental facility and sensors 705
2 First results 707
3 Conclusion 708
References 708
Extraction of the non-equilibrium energy spectrum in high Reynolds number turbulence 709
References 712
Universality of Kolmogorov law in spectrally condensed turbulence in thin layers 713
References 714
Multi-scale correlations in regular and fractal-generated turbulence 715
Introduction 715
Results for fractal-generated turbulence 716
References 718
On an alternative explanation of anomalous scaling and how inertial is the inertial range 719
References 722
Phenomenological relation between the Kolmogorov constant and the skewness in turbulence 723
References 724
Kolmogorov scaling and intermittency in Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence 725
References 728
Observation of weak turbulence spectra of capillary waves 729
References 732
A new numerical methodology to follow the time-decay of turbulence 733
References 736
Velocity kinematic relations in decaying turbulent flow past a grid 737
References 740
Lagrangian intermittency and time-correlations in two-dimensional turbulence 741
References 744
Part XI Large eddy simulation 745
Implicit Large-Eddy Simulation: Theory and Application 746
1 General Concept of ILES 746
2 The Modified Differential Equation 747
3 Review of ILES approaches 749
3.1 The Volume Balance Procedure of Schumamm 749
3.2 The Kawamura-Kuwahara scheme 749
3.3 The Piecewise-Parabolic Method 749
3.4 The Flux-Corrected-Transport Method 750
3.5 The MPDATA Method 750
3.6 The Optimum Finite-Volume Scheme 750
3.7 Implicit LES by Adaptive Local Deconvolution 751
References 751
A challenging new problem for LES: the flow near the turbulent/nonturbulent interface 754
1 Introduction 754
2 Direct numerical Simulation of turbulent plane jets 754
3 Results and discussion 756
References 757
Towards practical large-eddy simulations of complex turbulent flows 758
References 761
Coherent Vortex Simulation: application to 3D homogeneous isotropic turbulence 762
1 Introduction 762
2 Methodology 763
3 Numerical Results 763
4 Conclusions and Discussions 764
References 764
LES of a Non-Premixed Flame with anAssumed Tophat FDF 766
References 769
Closure models for inhomogeneous turbulence 770
References 773
Statistical Mechanics of Fluid Turbulence based on the Cross-Independence Closure Hypothesis 774
1.1 Introduction 774
1.2 Cross-independence Closure Hypothesis 774
1.3 Inhomogeneous Turbulence 775
1.4 Turbulent Wakes 776
1.5 References 777
Large-Eddy Simulation of a Two-Phase Plane Mixing-Layer 778
1 Introduction 778
2 Flow and Boundary Conditions 778
3 Results and Discussion 779
3.1 Gas-phase 779
3.2 Liquid-phase 779
4 Conclusions 779
5 Acknowledgement 780
References 780
Subgrid particle resolution for the turbulenttransport of a passive scalar 782
1 Introduction 782
2 The numerical method 782
3 Results 783
4 Conclusion 785
References 785
An adaptive local deconvolution method forgeneral curvilinear coordinate systems 786
References 788
On under-resolved simulation of atmosphericconvection 790
References 792
The Multispectral Method: Progress and Prospects 793
1 Introduction 793
2 The models in question 793
3 Spectral Reduction 794
4 Interpolation 795
5 The Multispectral Method 796
References 796
Discretization errors and subgrid scale implementations in Large Eddy Simulations 797
References 800
Part XII Magnetohydrodynamical turbulence 801
Reversals of the magnetic field generated by a turbulent flow 802
1 A dynamo generated by a von Karman swirling flow 802
2 Geometry of the mean magnetic field: equatorial versus axial dipoles 804
3 Broken symmetries and dynamics of the large scale magnetic field 805
4 A mechanism for oscillations and reversals 806
5 A simple model for Earth’s magnetic field reversals 808
References 809
Direct measurement of turbulent magnetic diffusivity in liquid metal flow 810
References 813
Shell models of MHD turbulence 814
References 817
Turbulence induced by magnetic fields 818
References 821
Spin-up in MHD turbulence 822
Acknowledgments 825
References 825
Influence of helicities on statistical properties of MHD turbulence 826
References 828
Transient growth in MHD duct flow 830
References 833
Optical visualisation of the flow around a cylinder in electrolyte under strong axial magnetic field. 834
Introduction 834
Experimental device 836
Results 836
Acknowledgments 837
References 837
Synthetic turbulence model and DNS formagnetohydrodynamics with rotation 838
1 Introduction 838
2 Numerical method 838
3 Results 839
4 Perspectives 841
References 841
Spectral analysis of energy transfers in anisotropic MHD turbulence 842
References 845
Part XIII Acoustics of turbulence flows 846
Boundary layer influence on cavity noisegeneration 847
Introduction 847
Experimental setup 848
Results 848
References 850
Instability waves as a source of subsonic jetnoise 851
References 853
Experimental study of sound production for constricted channels: application to simplified vocal tract geometries 855
1 Introduction 855
2 From “in-vivo” observations to “in-vitro” experiments 855
3 Results 857
Conclusion and perspectives 858
References 858
Turbulent Pressure Statistics in an Underwater Boundary-Layer Experiment 859
Introduction 859
Wavenumber-frequency decomposition 859
Flow noise 860
Summary 862
References 862
Spectral reconstruction of sound radiated byan organ pipe 863
References 866
Aerodynamic sound generation by turbulence in shear flows 867
References 870
Part XIV Reacting and compressible turbulence 871
On implicit turbulence modeling for LES of compressible flows 872
References 873
Injection of a plane reacting jet into a supersonic turbulent channel flow 875
1 Introduction 875
2 Numerical details 875
3 Results 876
References 877
Turbulent premixed flame fronts: fractalscaling and implications for LES modeling 879
1 Introduction 879
2 Methodology: experiments and numerics 879
3 Results and analysis 880
References 882
Large eddy simulation of a lean premixed swirl flame in complex geometry - comparison of two turbulent combustion models 883
References 885
Part XV Posters 887
KS inertial range and validity of Richardson’slaw 888
1 Kinematic Simulation 888
2 Kinematic Simulation and t³ law 888
3 Present study 889
References 889
Lagrangian Vortex Methods in Turbulent Channel Flows 890
References 890
Unstable and turbulent flows simulated by means of the Boltzmann kinetic equation 891
References 891
Natural Transition in Plane Poiseuille Flow 892
References 893
Stabilization of the turbulent flows in anisotropic viscoelastic tubes 894
References 894
Simulation of induced transition in hypersonic regime: Validation of foot print of the vortical structures 895
References 896
Active grid generated turbulence 897
Velocity characterisation of axisymmetric jets from human-sized channels 898
The role of nonlocality in unsteady turbulence 899
References 899
Coherent enstrophy production and dissipation in 2D turbulence with and without walls 900
References 900
Space-scale analysis of enstrophy transfers in two-dimensional turbulence 901
Hydrodynamic stability of a stratified suspension flow in a plane channel 902
References 902
Localization of compact invariant sets of theLorenz’ 1984 model 903
References 903
Large-scale energy dissipation and equatorialsuperrotation in shallow water turbulence 904
The effects of rain on wind-driven turbulent flow 905
References 905
New results on grid-generated turbulence 906
Gas-liquid interaction under vibration field effect 907
An Invariant Nonlinear Eddy Viscosity Model based on a 4D Modelling Approach 908
References 908
Projection of the turbulence closure problem on the invariant triangle as the basis for improved predictions of complex flows 909
References 909
A computational study of the hydrodynamicforces on a rough wall 910
References 910
Turbulent flow structure investigation within target fluidic flowmeter 911
The Wake of a Single 2D Roughness Element Immersed in a Turbulent Boundary Layer 912
References 912
High spanwise wall-shear stress events inturbulent duct flow 913
References 914
A POD-based reconstruction method for the flow in the near-wall region 915
Near-wall velocity and wall shear stress correlations in a separating boundary layer 916
Lifetimes of flow topology in a turbulent boundary layer 917
RDT or low wavenumber modes’ dynamics? 918
Intermittency in high resolution direct numerical simulation of turbulence in a periodic box: a wavelet viewpoint 919
References 919
Detached Eddy Simulation of Turbulence Flows in a Pipe with Fractal Shape Orifices 920
References 920
Recovery of subgrid-scale turbulence kinetic energy in LES of channel flow 922
References 922
Beyond Reynolds stress analysis of quasilaminar flows 923
Anisotropic Organised Eddy Simulation for statistical and hybrid modelling of turbulent flows around bodies 924
References 925
Experimental vortex generation and instabilities at flow around a magnetic obstacle 926
References 926
A dynamic multiscale subgrid model for MHD turbulence based on Kolmogorov’s equation 927
References 927
Low-Prandtl number MHD cooling in a vertical cylindrical container 928
References 928
Anomalous scaling of passively advected magnetic field in the kinematic MHD Kazantsev-Kraichnan model 929
A new compressible turbulence model for free and wall-bounded shear layers 930
Modelling of turbulent flow in a gas burner. 931
References 931
Contributors 932
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 17.3.2010 |
Reihe/Serie | Springer Proceedings in Physics | Springer Proceedings in Physics |
Zusatzinfo | XXVII, 973 p. |
Verlagsort | Berlin |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Naturwissenschaften ► Physik / Astronomie |
Technik | |
Schlagworte | computational fluid dynamics • fluid mechanics • Large Eddy Simulation • Statistical Physics • Turbulence in fluids and gases |
ISBN-10 | 3-642-03085-8 / 3642030858 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-642-03085-7 / 9783642030857 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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