Computational Mechanics (eBook)
XVI, 432 Seiten
Springer Berlin (Verlag)
978-3-540-75999-7 (ISBN)
Computational Mechanics is the proceedings of the International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, ISCM 2007. This conference is the first of a series created by a group of prominent scholars from the Mainland of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese, who are very active in the field. The book includes 22 full papers of plenary and semi-plenary lectures and approximately 150 one-page summaries.
Plenary Lectures 21
Multiresolution Mechanics for Nano/Micro-Structured Materials 21
Rigid Element Concept for Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Structures Involving Postbuckling Response 30
Unstructured Mesh Generation and Its Parallelization 42
Material Point Method for Numerical Simulation of Failure Phenomena in Multiphase Porous Media 56
Semi-plenary Lectures 68
The Atomic-Scale Finite Element Method for Post-Buckling of Carbon Nanotubes 68
Statistical Two-Scale Method for Strength Prediction of Composites with Random Distribution and Its Applications 80
Numerical Simulations of Transitional and Turbulent Flows in Plane Mixing Layers 113
3D Numerical Simulation of Self-Propelled Swimming of Bionic Fish School 127
Modelling of Non-Isothermal Non-Newtonian Viscoelastic Flows 142
Applications of Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA) to Rock Engineering 156
Upper and Lower Bounds for Numerical Solutions of Elasticity Problems using LC- PIM and FEM 168
Material Point Method for Impact and Explosion Problems 176
Reproducing Kernel Partition of Unity: from Continuum to Quantum 187
SPR — A New Method for Mesh Improvement and Boundary Recovery 200
Fast Inverse CAE Code for Sheet Metal Forming and Its Relative Technique 207
Advances in Classical Subspace Iteration Method for Eigenvalue Problem 214
Time-Domain BEM Analysis of Cracked Piezoelectric Solids under Impact Loading 226
Radial Basis Function Collocation Method 239
Modelling of Turbulent Flows at LAST, Tsinghua University 240
Other Plenary Lecture 241
Other Semi-Plenary Lecture 241
Computational Failure Mechanics and Meso-Mechanics 242
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Fracture Mechanism of Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon 242
Modeling of Fracture Process under Water Pressure in Crack using XFEM 243
Numerical Study on Multi-Crack Fracture Parameters under Impact Loading Based on the Virtual Crack Closure Technique 244
The Fracture Process Simulation of the Gear Tooth and the Advance of Computational Fracture Mechanics 245
On Efficient Evaluation of Derivatives of Fracture Parameters using Fractal Finite Element Method 246
An Application of Stochastic Meshfree Method in the Field of Fracture Mechanics 247
A Relay-Zone Technique for Computing Dynamic Dislocations 248
On the Interface Elements for Delamination Simulation of Laminated Plates Subject to Low- Velocity Impact 249
A Perspective on Damage and Failure of Composite Structures based on Innovative Analytical and Testing Methods 250
Characterizing the Plastic Strain Localization in Cosserat Media 251
Prediction Fatigue Life of Dumpers with Cumulative Fatigue Damage Approach and Finite Element Model 252
Simulation of Fatigue Process in FRP Laminates with Local Stress Concentration 253
Combined Stochastic Diffusion and Mean-Field Model for Grain Growth 254
Numerical Simulation of Dendritic Solidification on Non-Graded Adaptive Cartesian Grids 255
Model for Czochralski Crystal Growth 256
Computational Fluid Dynamics 257
Comparison of Higher-Order Numerical Schemes and Several Filtering Methods Applied to Navier- Stokes Equations with Applications to Computational Aeroacoustics ( CAA) 257
Three-Dimensional Coupling Compact Finite Difference Methods for Navier- Stokes Equations 258
The Finite Element Simulation of Turbulent Flow with a Dynamic Eddy Viscosity Model 259
Large Eddy Simulation of Vortex Shedding due to Forced Vibration of Cylinder 260
Modelling the Compressibility Effect with Second-Moment Closure 261
Numerical Simulation of Three Dimensional Turbulent Flow in Double- Suction Centrifugal Pumps 262
Direct Numerical Simulation of a Compressible Turbulent Mixing Layer with Combustion Chemical Reactions 263
Modelling Particle Deposition in a Turbulent Ribbed Channel Flow 264
Large Eddy Simulation for Compressible Plane Free Shear Layers Transition Process 265
Three-dimensional Dynamic LES Combined with Free Surface Poisson Equation 266
Assessment of Two Versions of Ghost Fluid Method for 2D Multi- Medium Compressible Flow 267
Development of a Compressible Flow Analysis Code with a Generalized Equation of State 268
Numerical Simulation of Electroosmotic Flow through Circular and Triangular Microchannel with Different Aspect Ratios 269
3D Numerical Simulation of Single-Phase Flow in Micro-Channels of the Small Square Cylinders in the Electrolysis Oxygen Generation 270
Experimental Study on the Parameters That Cause River- Blocking by Debris Flow 271
A Global Shallow Water Model on the Spherical-Cubic Grid by using CIP/ Multi- Moment FVM 272
Investigation of the Local Morphing’s Influence on the Characteristics of Aerodynamics for Airfoil in Low- Re Flows 273
High Order Multi-Moment Finite Volume Method and the Applications to Fluid Dynamics 274
Some Computational Issues on Fluid Dynamics in Large-Scale Hydraulic Turbines 275
Effect of Straightening Vane on Hydraulic Performances of Sprinkler by CFD Analysis 276
Uniform Weighted Compact and Non-Compact Scheme for Shock Entropy Interaction 277
Numerical Simulation of the Evolution of Focusing Shock Wave in Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy by Using Space- Time Conservation Element and Solution Element Scheme 278
Numerical Study of Flow Structures and the Intensity of Segmentation of Impinging Jets in Various Y Typed Micro Mixers 279
Moving Grid-Multigrid Fictitious Boundary Method for the Simulation of Viscous Flow Past Many Moving Disks 280
Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Thermally Coupled Quasi- Newtonian Flow Obeying a Power Law 281
Numerical Simulation of Traveling Bubble Cavitating Flow in a Francis Turbine 282
Traffic Jam Formation in Traffic Flow on a Harbor Tunnel 283
Computational Structural Mechanics and Engineering 284
Area-Load Explanation, Locating and Estimating Min (Max) of BM 284
Inelastic Analysis of Steel Frame Structures with the Member Endochronic Model 285
Simulation for the Collapse of RC Frame Tall Buildings under Earthquake Disaster 286
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis for a Prestressed Continuous Rigid Frame Concrete Bridge 287
Estimating Seismic Energy in Frame Structure with Odd Exponent Wavelet 288
Applications of the Integral Operators Method in Beam-Column Element 289
Structural Design of the Large-Span Suspen-Dome 290
A New Rod Eigenelement and Its Application to Structural Static and Dynamic Analysis 291
A New Method for Solving Solid Structures 292
Research on Application of Reduced Order Model in Wind- Induced Vibration of Long- Span Structures 293
Application of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method in Wind Field Simulation for Roof Structures 294
Mechanical Properties of Super Honeycomb Structures 295
Load Capacity Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates with Delamination under Static Loading 296
The Application of Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element Method to Template Offshore Structures 298
Reliable and Efficient Modeling by Adaptive Methods for Structural Mechanics and Its Industrial Applications 299
A Viscoelastic Analysis of Rubber Pretension Structures 300
Structural Dynamics Analysis of “Shenguang-III” Target System 301
A Practical Method to Determine Influence Surfaces using Commercial Software 302
Concrete, Soil and Rock 303
Seismic Response of a Concrete Viaduct Reinforced by Steel Braces 303
Application of Digit Image Processing Technique to the Analysis of Concrete Damage Process 304
Study on the Macro-Meso Constitutive Law of Concrete Material 305
3-D FEM Emulation Computation on Surrounding Concrete of Steel Spiral Case Keeping Internal Pressure during Construction 306
Modeling of Stresses and Strains in Bonded Concrete Overlays Subject to Differential Volume Changes 307
Fiber Beam Element Model for the Collapse Simulation of Concrete Structures under Fire 308
Numerical Tests of Fracture Saturation in Reinforced Concrete Structure 309
A Simple Soil Model for Complex Loadings 310
Research on Design of Model in Shaking Table Test Considering Soil- Structure Interaction 311
A Meshfree Particle Method to Simulate Discontinuous Rock Mass 312
Rock Block Identification and 3D Simplex Integration 313
Study on Mechanical Effects of Shrub Roots for Slope Protection 314
Numerical Simulation Test on Mechanical Characteristics of Coarse Granular Materials by Discontinuous Deformation Analysis 315
Strength Reduction Method on Stability Analysis of Tunnel 317
Numerical Simulation and Analyze for Centrifuge Model Tests 318
Constitutive Relations, Material Model and Computational Material Science 319
Constitutive Modeling of Advanced High-Strength Steels for Springback Simulation 319
Computational Modelling for Description of Rubber-Like Materials with Permanent Deformation under Cyclic Loading 320
FE Realization of a Thermo-Visco-Plastic Constitutive Model using VUMAT in ABAQUS/ Explicit Program 321
Prediction for Mechanical Properties of Core-Shell Particle-filled Polymers via Statistical Two- Scale Method 322
Various Formulations for Determining Displacements and Stresses in Wound Rolls 323
The Effective Modulus of Particle Modified Polymer Composites with Imperfect Interface 324
Discussion of Two Crystal Plasticity Models Coupling with Anisotropic Damage for Finite Deformations 325
Global Model for 8-inch Czochralski Silicon Crystal Growth Process 326
Numerov Calculation of AlxGa1-xN/GaN Heterostructure 327
A Numerical Implementation of a 3D Crystal Plasticity Model for Directionally Solidified Ni- Based Superalloy 328
A Three-Layer Model of the Mechanical Behaviour of Blood Vessel Walls 329
Engineering Applications 330
Field Measurement and Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Transients for Reversible Pump- Turbine Units with MGV Device 330
On the dynamic behaviour of chorded mitral valves 331
Intensity Field Design for Pistons and Cylinder Heads in the Laser Induced Thermal Loading System 332
Analysis of Pre-Tightened Bolt Connections under Eccentric Load 333
Air Bearing Slider Simulation and Modeling for Hard Disk Drives with Ultra- Low Flying Heights 334
The Influence of Charged Raindrops on Remote Sensing in Rain 335
Application of GIS Technique in Three-Dimensional Slope Stability Analysis 336
Engineering Applications 337
Back-Calculation of Material Properties of Asphalt Concrete using the APA Test 337
Sinulation of Crack Identification in Elastic Solids using Surface Signals 338
Parameter Identification Method for Airport Pavement System 339
Inverse Formulation for Geometrically Exact Stress Resultant Shell 340
Pointwise Estimation of Material Parameters for Heterogeneous Nonlinear Hyperelastic Membranes: Computational Development 341
Multi-type Sensor Placement Design for Damage Detection 342
Computational Inverse Procedure for Identification of Structural Dynamic Loads 343
Accurate and Efficient Prediction of Acoustical Performance of Noise Barriers against Transport Noise Pollution 344
Flutter Derivative Identification using Turbulence Modelling 345
A Localized Variational Principle and Hybrid Element Formulas for Fluid- Structure Coupling Harmonic Vibrations 346
Numerical Analyses of Static and Dynamic Aeroelasticity Based on Unstructured CFD/ CSD Solver 347
Coupled Fluid- Structure Analysis of Explosive Driven Fragmentation of Cylindrical Shell 348
Deformation of an Elastic Thin Plate using ULE in Lateral Flow of Fluid 349
Mesh Generation, Software and High Performance Computing 350
Analysis of High Performance Parallel Algorithms and Developable Environment for Nonlinear Mechanics of Static Structures 350
A Parallel 3D Delaunay Mesh Generation Method Based on Affected Zone 351
Grid Subdivision Algorithm Based on the Young’s Interface Reconstruction Algorithm 352
Fully Nonlinear Ship-Wave Computations using Unstructured Mesh 353
Optimizing Dynamic Responses of Structures using Isight to Integrate NASTRAN 354
Integrated Numerical Analysis System for RSS21 Software: ( 3) GUI of FFB 355
Fit for Purpose? The Effective Use of Numerical Simulation: a Review of Current Status and Future Needs, Quality Assurance, Education and Training 356
Meshless/Meshfree Methods and Dimension-Reduction Methods 357
Element Free Method for Plane Stress Model I Crack with Couple Stress Effect 357
Discrete Gradient Finite Point Method 358
A Modified Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method for Nearly Incompressible Rubber Materials 359
A Variational Mesh-Free Method Based on Discretization via Directional Derivatives 360
The Least-Squares Meshfree Finite Element Method 361
Numerical Modelling of Fracture in Particulate Composites using SPH Method 362
Heat Transfer Applications of Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin ( MLPG) Method during Plasma Spray 364
Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) “Mixed” Approach for Solving Incompressible N- S Equations 365
Meshfree Analysis of Thin Plates using an Improved Stabilized Conforming Integration Method 366
Kernel Radial Basis Functions 367
Lower Bound Shakedown Analysis by Using the EFG Method and Nonlinear Programming 368
An Efficient Meshless Method for Simulating Wave Motions in Saturated Porous Media 369
The Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) Approach with Couple- Stress 370
Adaptive Meshless LBIEM for the Analysis of 2D Elasticity Problems 371
Meshless Virtual Boundary Method and Its Applications 372
Dual Reciprocity Hybrid Boundary Node Method for Solving Poisson Equations 373
Boundary Element Analysis of the Dual- Cavity Tunneling Seepage 374
The Boundary Element Analysis of Bloodstream in the Bifurcation Deformity Blood Vessel 375
Boundary Element Method Analysis of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of the Three- Leaf Dislocated Floating- Ring Bearing 376
An Effective Technique for Reducing Internal Points in RIBEM for Nonhomogeneous Media 377
Simulation of CNT Composites using Fast Multipole BEM 378
Application of Boundary Element Method to Static Fluid-Solid Coupling Problems 379
An Improved Approach for Computing the Green Functions of the Helmholtz Equation in the 2D Impedance Half Space 380
Multiscale and Multi-Physics Computation 381
Recent Advances in Multiscale Simulation of UNCD Strength 381
Multiscale Analysis and Numerical Simulations for Stability of Incompressible Periodic Flow of Maxwell Fluid 383
The Multi- Scale Finite Element Computation for Piezoelectricity Problem in a Periodic Domain with the Mixed Boundary Conditions 384
Development of Multi- Scale Computation Framework to Investigate the Failure Behavior of the Materials 385
Computational Multiscale Analysis for Interfacial Behavior of Bio- Layers and Medical Implants 386
Magneto-Elastic-Plastic Buckling/Snapping and Bending of Cantilever Ferromagnetic Rectangular Plates 387
Three- Dimensional Mixed- Mode Crack Growth Modeling in Electro- Magneto- Thermo- Elastic Coupled Viscoplastic Multiphase Composites by Time- Domain Hypersingular Integral Equation Method 388
Scale Gap, Scale Invariance and Multiphysical Modeling 389
Nano-Mechanics and Simulation 390
Computer Simulation on Structures of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes 390
Buckling Behaviors of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Abnormal Interlayer Distances 391
Relaxation of a Rotational Defect in a Titanium Nanocylinder 392
Parametric Atomistic Analysis of Nano-scale Metal Plasticity 393
Manifestation of Strain Gradients in Nanostructural Vibration 394
Numerical Methods with High Accuracy and Efficiency 395
Highly Accurate Numerical Solutions for Potential Problem and Singular Problem in Arbitrary Plane Domain 395
On Simple and Efficient Shell and Solid Finite Elements with Rotational Degrees of Freedom 396
Transverse Vibration Analysis of an Arbitrarily-Shaped Membrane by the Weak- Form Quadrature Element Method 397
A New Particle Model For Fabric Drap Simulation 398
Harmony Element Method for Time and Space Domain 399
Some Recent Advances on the Quadrilateral Area Coordinate Method 400
Method of Volume Coordinates - from Tetrahedral to Hexahedral Elements 401
Quadrilateral Axisymmetric Elements Formulated by the Area Coordinate Method 402
A Quadrilateral Membrane Hybrid Stress Element with Drilling Degrees of Freedom 403
Special Hybrid Multilayer Finite Elements for 3-D Stress Analyses around Holes in Laminated Composites 404
An Investigation of Interlaminar Response for Laminated Composites using a Nonlinear Hybrid Stress Element 405
A Hybrid Membrane Element Based on the Hamilton Variational Principle 406
A Symplectic Scheme on Numerical Study for BEC 407
A View on Manifold Method Comparing with Fintite Element Method 408
An Improved Finite Difference Scheme for Solving the Equation of Filtration Type in Porous Textiles with Phase Change Materials 409
C Natural Neighbor Interpolant based on the Extended Delaunay Triangulation 410
Analysis of Sliding Cable Element 411
Study of the Analytical Trial Functions 412
Structure-Preserving Finite Element Method on Topologically Nontrivial Domain 413
Numerical Simulation of Contact Problems 414
Numerical Simulation of Surface Contact and Mixed Lubrication - Deterministic Approach vs. Stochastic Approach 414
Elasto-Plastic Rough Surface Contact Analysis for the Effects of Material Properties, Topographical Characteristics and Load 415
Contact State Analysis using NFIS & SOM
Frictional Slide Contact Element for Elastomeric Bearings of Prestressed Shallow Reticulated Shells during Construction 417
Application of 3D Coupled Joint Element in Contact Erosion Simulation 418
Numerical Analysis of Car Disc Brake Squeal Considering Thermal Effects 419
Sound, Vibration, Impact and Wave Propagation 420
An Efficient Method for Acoustic Response Prediction in the Mid- Frequency Range 420
Free Vibration of Liquid-Storage Tanks Based on Bending- Shearing Model 421
The Nonlinear Vibration of Axially Moving Beam Impacted by High- Speed Moving Load 422
Transient Analysis of Functionally Graded Materials Plate using Reduced- Basis Methods 423
Nonlinear Vibration and Bifurcation Analysis for a Rotor with Seal and Bearing Excitations 424
Vibration Control of Honeycomb Sandwich Panel using Multi-Layer Piezoelectric Actuator 425
Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Annular Sectorial Plates 426
Numerical Analysis for Vibration of Magnetostrictive Actuator 427
A Practical Solution of the Random Eigenvalue Problems using Factorized Decomposition Technique 428
Research on Virtual Dynamic Test Techniques for Space Vehicles 429
Study on Mechanism for Line Spectrum Reduction in Nonlinear Vibration Isolation system 430
Modal Analysis of Transient Ultrasonic Guided Waves in a Cylinder 431
T-Matrix Method of Elastic Wave Scattering on Imperfect Interface 432
Numerical Study of Wave Propagation and Reflection in Semi- Infinite Long Piezoelectric Cylinders 433
Analysis of Dielectric Layer PBG Structure Using Precise Integration 434
Numerical Modeling of FMLs Subjected to a Projectile Impact 435
Highly Efficient Atmospheric Turbulence Response Analysis of Composite Aircraft Wings Using Pseudo- Excitation Method 436
PDF Solution of Nonlinear Stochastic Oscillators Excited by Poisson Pulse with EPC Method 437
Numeric Research of Chaotic Vibration for a Hard Stiffness Nonlinear Rod 438
The Study on the Modifying Structural Dynamic Models Based on Information Fusion 439
Structural Optimization 440
Study on Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization of FE-EFG Coupled Method 440
From Truss-Like Continua to Topology Optimum Trusses 441
Research on Confirmation of Tension Leveller Basic Technological Parameters based on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm 442
Dynamic Optimization of Gyroscope Rubber Vibration Absorber Based on Genetic Algorithm 443
A Variational Procedure for Optimal Design 444
Aerodynamic Optimization of the Arc-Wing Missile 445
Optimization of Dynamic Characteristic of Airbag Landing Impact Attenuation 446
Author Index 447
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 24.3.2009 |
Zusatzinfo | XVI, 432 p. |
Verlagsort | Berlin |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Mathematik / Informatik ► Mathematik ► Statistik |
Mathematik / Informatik ► Mathematik ► Wahrscheinlichkeit / Kombinatorik | |
Naturwissenschaften ► Physik / Astronomie | |
Technik | |
Schlagworte | computational mathematics • Computational Mechanics • ISCM • Mechanics • Scientific Computation • TUP |
ISBN-10 | 3-540-75999-9 / 3540759999 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-540-75999-7 / 9783540759997 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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