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Contemporary Computing -  Sanjay Ranka,  Arunava Banerjee,  Kanad Kishore Biswas,  Sumeet Dua,  Prabhat Mishra,  Rajat Moona,  Sheun

Contemporary Computing (eBook)

Second International Conference, IC3 2010, Noida, India, August 9-11, 2010. Proceedings, Part I
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2010 | 1. Auflage
633 Seiten
978-3-642-14834-7 (ISBN)
95,23 inkl. MwSt
(CHF 92,95)
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This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Contemporary Computing, IC3 2010, held in Noida, India, in August 2010.

Preface 5
Organization 6
Table of Contents 14
Technical Session-1: Algorithm-1 (A-1) 22
A PDE-Based Nonlinear Filter Adapted to Rayleigh’s Speckle Noise for De-speckling 2D Ultrasound Images 22
Introduction 22
Methods and Models 24
The Proposed Nonlinear PDE Based Model 24
Adaptive Estimation of the Edge Threshold Parameter k 27
Discretization of the Proposed Model for Digital Implementations 28
Results and Performance Analysis 28
Results and Discussions 29
Conclusion 31
References 32
Face Recognition Using Kernel Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis and RBF Neural Network 34
Introduction 34
Proposed Method 35
Dimension Reduction Using PCA 35
Kernel Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis (KFLDA) 36
RBF Neural Networks 37
Experimental Results 38
Randomly Partitioning the Database 39
Conclusion 40
References 40
Parallel Enumeration Sort on OTIS-Hypercube 42
Introduction 42
Topology of OTIS-Hypercube 44
Proposed Algorithms 45
Algorithm: Sort1 45
Algorithm 2: Sort2 47
Conclusion 50
References 50
A Robust Trust Mechanism Algorithm for Secure Power Aware AODV Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 53
Introduction 53
Related Work 54
Routing Attack Models 54
Energy Consumption Model 55
Proposed Methodology 56
Simulation Setup and Implementation Details 58
Results and Analysis 60
Conclusion and Future Work 61
References 61
A Heuristic Algorithm for Constrained Redundancy Optimization in Complex Systems 63
Introduction 63
Notations and Assumptions 65
Problem Formulation 65
Definitions and Steps of Algorithm 66
Computational Experiments and Results 67
References 72
Technical Session-2: Algorithm-2 (A-2) 74
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Based Test Case Generation Using Sequence Diagrams 74
Introduction 74
Related Work 75
Motivation: Sequence Diagram and Genetic Algorithm 77
Sequence Diagram Driven Testing 77
Genetic Algorithm Driven Testing 78
Proposed Architecture 79
Functional Block Diagram of the Proposed Architecture 79
Chromosome Encoding 80
Objective Function 81
Experimental Results 81
Conclusion 83
References 83
LACAIS: Learning Automata Based Cooperative Artificial Immune System for Function Optimization 85
Introduction 85
Artificial Immune System 87
Learning Automata 88
Proposed Method 89
Experimental Results 91
Conclusion 94
References 94
Image Reconstruction from Projection under Periodicity Constraints Using Genetic Algorithm 97
Introduction 97
Notation and Statement of the Problems 98
Genetic Image Reconstruction 99
Selection Criteria 99
Guided Crossover 100
Mutation 100
Guided Mutation 100
Cloning 101
Experimental Study and Result 103
Conclusions 104
References 104
A Robust Watermarking Algorithm for Audio Signals Using SVD 105
Introduction 105
Singular Value Decomposition 107
Selection of Watermark Embedding Regions and Degree of Embedding 107
Watermark Embedding and Detection 109
Watermark Embeddding 109
Watermark Detection 110
Performance Analysis 111
Experimental Results 111
Conclusion 113
References 113
Differential Evolution Using Interpolated Local Search 115
Introduction 115
Differential Evolution 116
Interpolated Local Search (ILS) 117
The Proposed DEILS Algorithm 117
Experimental Setup and Benchmark Problems 119
Comparison between DEILS and DE 119
Comparison between DEILS and Other State of the Art Algorithms 120
Discussions and Conclusions 125
References 126
Technical Session-3: Algorithm-3 (A-3) 128
A New SVD Based Watermarking Framework in Fractional Fourier Domain 128
Introduction 128
Mathematical Preliminaries 129
Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT) 129
Singular Value Decomposition 130
Proposed Watermarking Algorithm 130
Embedding Process 131
Extraction Process 131
Experimental Results 132
Conclusions 138
References 138
Mining Frequent and Associated Gene Expression Patterns from Spatial Gene Expression Data: A Proposed Approach 140
Introduction 140
Related Work 141
Approach 142
Approach Decomposition 142
Approach Decomposition 143
Phase 2: Frequent Itemset Generation 144
Phase 3: Association Rules Generation 148
Results and Discussion 149
Conclusion 151
References 151
Minimization of Lennard-Jones Potential Using Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm 152
Introduction 152
Lennard-Jones Problem 153
Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization (PPSO) Used for Solution 154
Basic PSO 154
Literature on Parallel PSO 155
Parallel PSO Used 155
Experiments and Discussions 156
Experimental Setup 156
Selection of Parameters 157
Parallel Peformance Measures 157
Computational Results 158
Conclusions 159
References 160
An Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for the 0–1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem 162
Introduction 162
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 163
ABC Algorithm for MKP_01 165
Initialization 165
Probability of Selecting a Food Source 165
Determination of a New Food Source in the Neighborhood of a Food Source 166
Other Features 168
Computational Results 168
Parameter Settings 168
Comparison with Other Swarm-Based Approaches 168
Conclusions 171
References 171
Automatic Summary Generation from Single Document Using Information Gain 173
Introduction 173
Previous Approaches 174
Methodology of the System 175
Preprocessing 175
Term Weighting 175
Sentence Scoring 176
Summary Generation 178
Experimental Results 178
Conclusion and Future Scope 179
References 180
Technical Session-4: Algorithm-4 (A-4) 181
An Alternate Approach to Compute the Reliability of a Computer Communication Network Using Binary Decision Diagrams 181
Introduction 181
Binary Decision Diagrams 182
Network Reliability 184
Generation of BDD 186
Conclusions 189
References 189
A Multi-Level Blocks Scrambling Based Chaotic Image Cipher 192
Introduction 192
Chaotic Maps 193
Two-Dimensional Coupled Logistic Map 193
2D Cat Transform 194
One-Dimensional Logistic Map 194
Proposed Image Encryption Algorithm 195
Experimental Results 197
Key Space of Cipher 198
Sensitivity to Keys 199
Computational Analysis 200
Correlation Coefficient Analysis 200
Information Entropy Analysis 201
Conclusion 202
References 202
Maxillofacial Surgery Using X-Ray Based Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching 204
Introduction 204
The System 205
Face Matching 205
Feature Detection 208
Replacement 210
Blending 210
Shifting 212
Conclusion 213
Future Scope 214
References 214
A Phenomic Approach to Genetic Algorithms for Reconstruction of Gene Networks 215
Introduction 215
Related Work 216
Genetic Algorithms 217
Application of GAs to Reconstruction Problems 217
Reconstruction of Gene Networks 217
The Integrated Pheneto-Genetic Algorithm 218
The Basic Phenomic Algorithm 218
The Multiobjective Phenomic Algorithm 222
The Integrated Algorithm, IPGA 223
Results and Validation 223
Conclusion 224
References 225
An Algorithm to Determine Minimum Velocity-Based Stable Connected Dominating Sets for Ad Hoc Networks 227
Introduction 227
Related Work 229
Algorithms to Determine MinV-CDS and MaxD-CDS 230
Data Structures 230
Algorithm to Determine the Minimum Velocity-Based Connected Dominating Set (MinV-CDS) 230
Algorithm to Determine the Maximum Density-Based Connected Dominating Set (MaxD-CDS) 232
Time Complexity of MinV-CDS and MaxD-CDS 232
Algorithm to Check the Existence of a CDS at Any Time Instant 232
Simulation Conditions and Results 232
Conclusions and Future Work 237
References 237
Technical Session-5: Algorithm-5 (A-5) 239
An Efficient Intrusion Detection System Using Clustering Combined with Fuzzy Logic 239
Introduction 239
Related Work 240
Dataset Used for Experiments 241
The Proposed Approach for Intrusion Detection 242
Data Preprocessing 242
Clustering by Self-Organizing Map (SOM) 243
Automatic Fuzzy Rule-BASE Generation for Every Cluster 243
Normality Factor for Every Neuron 245
Experimental Results and Observations 246
Conclusions and Future Work 249
References 249
Assessing the Performance of Bi-objective MST for Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Instances 250
Introduction 250
Basic Definitions and Problem Formulation 251
Adaptation of Deterministic Heuristics 252
One Time Tree Construction 252
Iterative Refinement 253
Randomized Greedy Heuristics or Randomized Tree Construction 253
Center Based Recursive Clustering 255
Experiments 255
Problem Instances 255
Results and Discussion 255
Conclusions and Future Work 260
References 260
PSO - SVM Based Classifiers: A Comparative Approach 262
Introduction 262
Methodology 263
Binary PSO 263
Novel PSO 265
SVM 266
Proposed Hybrid Model 266
Implementation and Results 267
Dataset 267
Experiments 268
Results and Discussions 269
Conclusion 271
References 272
Efficient Job Division for Grids Running SIMD Algorithms 274
Introduction 274
The Problem and Its Solutions 275
Formal Statement 275
Description of a Problem Instance 275
The Optimal Allotment 276
Fixed Packet Allocation 276
Grain Redistribution Algorithm 277
Dynamic Grain Size Algorithm 281
An Implementation 283
The Test Algorithm 283
Results 283
Conclusions 284
References 285
A Novel Algorithm for Achieving a Light-Weight Tracking System 286
Introduction 286
Traditional vs. Proposed Algorithms 287
Traditional Algorithm Used for General Tracking Systems 287
Proposed Algorithm for Object Tracking 290
Preprocessing Stage (Phase I) 291
Frame Partitioning 291
Block Wise Similarity Detection (Scope for Parallelization) 292
Block Retrieval 293
Iterative Tracking (Phase II) 293
Adaptive Block Background Modeling 293
Block Cluster Flow Segmentation 293
Tracking 294
Results 294
Conclusion 296
References 296
Technical Session-6: Application-1 (P-1) 298
Computer Simulation Studies of Drug-DNA Interactions: Neothramycin B 298
Introduction 298
Method of Calculation 298
Results and Discussion 299
Conclusion 303
References 304
Effect of Speech Coding on Recognition of Consonant-Vowel (CV) Units 305
Introduction 305
CV Recognition 306
Experimental Setup Used for CV Recognition 308
Results and Discussion 310
Summary and Conclusions 314
References 315
Cloudbank: A Secure Anonymous Banking Cloud 316
Introduction 316
E-Cash 318
Definitions 318
Public Key Cryptography 320
Threats and Adversaries in Internet Payment System 320
Security Requirements 321
Bank Requirements 321
Merchant Requirements 321
Customer Requirements 321
Payment Processing 322
Obtain Electronic Cash from the CloudBank 322
Buying Item 323
Conclusion 324
References 324
Alignment Model and Training Technique in SMT from English to Malayalam 326
Introduction 326
Motivation 327
Training the Parallel Corpus 328
Alignments and Alignment Vectors 328
Finding Translation Probability 329
Integrating Morphological Information into Parallel Corpus 332
Tagging the Corpus 332
Observations and Results Achieved by Tagging the Parallel Corpus 335
Conclusion 335
References 336
Emotion Classification Based on Speaking Rate 337
Introduction 337
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur - Simulated Emotion Speech Corpus (IITKGP:SESC) 338
Motivation 339
Classification of Emotions on Speaking Rate 344
Summary and Conclusions 347
References 347
Technical Session-7: Application-2 (P-2) 349
Vulnerability Metric for the Design Phase of Object Oriented Software 349
Introduction 349
Development of Vulnerability Metric 350
Terminology Used 351
Measuring Coupling Induced Vulnerability Propagation of an OOD 352
Interpretation and Discussion 353
An Application of CIVPF 355
Relevant Work 356
Advantages and Limitations 358
Conclusion 359
References 359
A Framework for Synthesis of Human Gait Oscillation Using Intelligent Gait Oscillation Detector (IGOD) 361
Introduction 361
Primary Intention and Requirement of IGOD 363
Implication of IGOD Technology 363
Medical Implication 363
Robotic Implication 363
Human Computer Interaction Implication 363
Stages of Development of IGOD 364
Sensor and Interface Kit Specification 364
Analysis of Full Human Gait Oscillation 365
Conclusion and Future Work 369
References 369
Detection of Significant Opinionated Sentence for Mining Web Users' Opinion 371
Introduction 371
Related Work 373
Methodology 374
Experiments and Results 376
Conclusion 379
References 379
Hyperspectral Data Compression Model Using SPCA (Segmented Principal Component Analysis) and Classification of Rice Crop Varieties 381
Introduction 381
Study Area 382
Data Used 382
ROI-End Member Selection 382
Material and Methodology 384
Image Pre-processing 384
Traditional PCAVNIR-SWIR and SAM Classification 384
Segmented Principal Component Analysis (SPCA) 384
Result and Analysis 391
Conclusion 392
References 392
Impulse Noise Removal from Color Images Using Adaptive Neuro–fuzzy Impulse Detector 394
Introduction 394
Proposed Algorithm 395
Structure 395
Training 397
Image Filtering 397
Implementation and Simulation 398
Conclusion 400
References 400
Technical Session-8: Application-3 (P-3) 402
Measuring of Time-Frequency Representation (TFR) Content – Using the Kapur’s Entropies 402
Introduction 402
The Kapur’s Entropies 404
Shannon’s Measure of Entropy of Kapur’s Generalized Probability Distributions 404
Kapur’s Entropy of Time-Frequency Representation 406
Conclusion 411
References 411
An Ontology Based Framework for Domain Analysis of Interactive System 412
Introduction 412
Related Works 414
Ontology 415
Conceptualization 415
Formal Ontology 415
Ontology Components 416
Ontology for Requirement Specification 416
Concept Types 417
Concept Space 420
Formalization of Concept Space 421
Conclusion 421
References 421
Entropy Based Clustering to Determine Discriminatory Genes for Microarray Dataset 424
Introduction 424
Gene Selection Using Clustering Based on Entropy 425
Experimental SetUp and Results 428
Conclusion 431
References 431
A Framework for Incremental Domain-Specific Hidden Web Crawler 433
Introduction 433
Related Work 434
Proposed Work 435
Domain Specific Hidden Web Crawler (DSHWC) 436
URL Extractor 436
AllURLs 436
Revisit Frequency Calculator 437
The Update Module 438
Dispatcher 439
Implementation/Performance Evaluation 440
Conclusion 442
References 442
Impact of K-Means on the Performance of Classifiers for Labeled Data 444
Introduction 444
Proposed Methodology 446
Datasets 446
Data Preprocessing 447
Clustering 447
Support Vector Machine (SVM) 448
Naive Bayes 448
Results 449
Performance Measures 449
Conclusions 454
References 454
Technical Session-9: Application-4 (P-4) 456
Digital Watermarking Based Stereo Image Coding 456
Introduction 456
Preliminaries 457
Disparity Estimation 457
Disparity Enhancement 458
Discrete Cosine Transformation 459
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) 459
Proposed Watermarking Scheme 460
Watermark Embedding Algorithm 460
Watermark Extraction Algorithm 460
Experimental Results and Discussion 461
Experimental Setup 461
Results and Discussion 462
Conclusion 465
References 465
Content Based Multimodal Retrieval for Databases of Indian Monuments 467
Introduction 467
Proposed Approach 469
Data Collection 469
Filtering Retrieved Images 471
Text and Image Retrieval 471
Results 472
Crawling 472
Image Retrieval 473
Comparison with Text Search 474
Mean Average Precision for Different K Means Model 475
Future Work 475
References 475
Evolutionary Based Automated Coverage Analysis for GUI Testing 477
Introduction 477
Related Work 478
Problem Modeling 479
Proposed Method 482
Test Data Generation 483
Optimization of Test Paths Using MOPSO 483
Results and Discussion 484
Conclusion and Future Work 486
References 486
Multifaceted Classification of Websites for Goal Oriented Requirement Engineering 500
Introduction 500
Website Taxonomy 501
Content 502
Service 503
Technology 503
Goals and Web Applications 504
Conclusion and Future Work 505
References 505
Technical Session-10: Application-5 (P-5) 507
A Simplified and Corroborative Approach towards Formalization of Requirements 507
Introduction 507
Formalization Pragmatics 508
Techniques to aid Formalization of Requirements [12] 508
Techniques to achieve Formalization of Requirements [9] [10] 510
Approaches of Automating Formalization of Requirements [7] [11] [13] 511
STATEST 1.0.0 – An Automated Tool for Formalization of Requirements Specification 513
Nitty-Gritty of the Tool 513
Analysis of STATEST 1.0.0 513
Glimpse of Screen Snapshot of STATEST 1.0.0 514
Implementation Details with an Example 515
Conclusion and Future Work 517
References 517
Robust Multiple Watermarking Using Entropy Based Spread Spectrum 518
Introduction 518
Scalar Quantization Based Watermarking Techniques 519
ET (Entropy Based) Scheme 520
SEC (Selectively Embedding in Coefficients) Scheme 520
Terminology 521
Quantization 521
PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) 522
Proposed Algorithm 522
Watermark Embedding Method 522
Watermark Extraction 524
Experimental Results 524
Conclusion 527
References 528
Application of Adaptive Learning in Generalized Neuron Model for Short Term Load Forecasting under Error Gradient Functions 529
Introduction 529
Short term Load Forecasting with Different Techniques 530
Major Reasons for Development of Short Term Load Forecasting 530
Generalized Neuron Model 531
Data for Short Term Load Forecasting 532
Error Gradient Functions 534
Results of Short Term Load Forecasting with Generalized Neuron Model 535
Application of Adaptive Learning and Momentum Factor Using Generalized Neuron Model for Short Term Load Forecasting 536
Conclusion 537
References 537
Intelligent Schemes for Indexing Digital Movies 539
Introduction 539
Related Work 540
Proposed Methodology 541
Visual Features Extraction 541
Shot Segmentation 542
Average Shot Length Computation 542
Motion Computation 542
Color Dominance 543
Lighting Key 543
Audio Features Extraction 544
Volume Based Features 544
Pitch Based Features 545
Frequency Based Features 545
Sub-band Energies 546
Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients(MFCC) 546
Designing of Movie Genres Classifier 546
Experimental Results 547
Conclusions 549
References 549
Fuzzy Reasoning Boolean Petri Nets Based Method for Modeling and Analysing Genetic Regulatory Networks 551
Introduction 551
Boolean Network 552
Fuzzy Petri Nets 553
Fundamental Properties of Aggregation Operations 553
Formal Definition of Fuzzy Petri Nets 554
Defining the Membership Functions for Active and Inactive State 555
The Proposed FRBPN Modeling Approach 558
The Reasoning Algorithm 560
Experimental Studies 561
Conclusion 565
References 566
Technical Session-11: Application-6 (P-6) 568
Mining the Blogosphere for Sociological Inferences 568
Introduction 568
Searching the Blogosphere 569
Analyzing the Collected Blog Data 570
Experimental Work 572
Collecting and Grouping the Event-Based Data 572
Generating Tag Cloud 573
Analyzing the Data along Vertical and Horizontal Dimensions 573
Analysis Results 574
Inferences 575
Discussion 576
References 577
Modeling for Evaluation of Significant Features in siRNA Design 580
Introduction 580
Methodology 581
Dataset 582
ACO 582
Linear Regression 582
LibSVM-2.89 583
LibLinear-1.33 583
Implementation and Results 583
Conclusion 585
References 586
A Fast Progressive Image Transmission Algorithm Using Linear Bivariate Splines 589
Introduction 589
Progressive Significant Sample Point Selection 590
Initialization 591
Edge Detection 591
Filtering 592
First Phase Transmission 592
Second Phase Transmission 593
Overview of Delaunay Triangulation 593
Third Phase Transmission 593
Image Reconstruction Using Linear Bivariate Splines 594
Reconstruction Algorithm 594
Algorithm Complexity 595
Significance Measures for Reconstructed Image 595
Results and Discussions 596
Conclusions 598
References 598
Building Optimization 600
Introduction 600
Building Design Optimization Problem 601
Building Design Optimization Using Improved Move Limit Method Sequential Linear Programming 601
Problem Formulation 601
Objective Function 601
Constraints 602
Improved Move Limit Method of Sequential Linear Programming 604
Example 605
Program 605
Results 606
Conclusion 608
References 608
Adaptive Bacterial Foraging Optimization Based Tuning of Optimal PI Speed Controller for PMSM Drive 609
Introduction 609
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor 610
Structure of PMSM 610
Mathematical Model of PMSM 611
Problem Formulation 613
PI Speed Controller 613
Application of BFO and ABFO to Optimize PI Parameters 614
Bacterial Foraging Optimization 614
Adaptive Bacterial Foraging Optimization 616
Simulations and Results 617
Experimental Settings 617
Step Responses of PMSM Drive with Different Controllers 618
Step Responses of PMSM Drive with Different Controllers before Load 618
Step Responses of PMSM Drive with Different Controllers after Load 619
Conclusions 619
References 620
Missing Value Imputation Based on K-Mean Clustering with Weighted Distance 621
Introduction 621
Related Work 623
Clustering Method Imputation with Weighted Distance (CMIWD) 623
Experiment Analysis 625
Data Set 625
Implementation 626
Mean Imputation vs. Clustering Based Imputation (CMI) 626
k-Mean Imputation vs. Clustering with Weighted Distance 627
Evaluation Based on Percentage of Missing Data 628
Conclusion 629
References 629
Author Index 631

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