After Physics von David Z Albert Buch | Softcover 2016 | Harvard University Press ISBN: 9780674970878 CHF 46,95 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 15-20 Tagen
Quantum Objects Non-Local Correlation, Causality and Objective Indefiniteness in the Quantum World von Gregg Jaeger Buch | Softcover 2015 | Springer Berlin ISBN: 9783642448393 CHF 149,75 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
CPT Invariance and the Spin-Statistics Connection von Jonathan Bain Buch | Hardcover 2016 | Oxford University Press ISBN: 9780198728801 CHF 114,10 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-20 Tagen
New Foundations of Quantum Mechanics von Alfred Lande Buch | Softcover 2015 | Cambridge University Press ISBN: 9781107593541 CHF 52,35 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 15-20 Tagen
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Virtual Turning Points von Naofumi Honda; Takahiro Kawai; Yoshitsugu Takei Buch | Softcover 2015 | Springer Verlag, Japan ISBN: 9784431557012 CHF 74,85 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
Introduction to Particle Cosmology The Standard Model of Cosmology and its Open Problems von Cosimo Bambi; Alexandre D. Dolgov Buch | Hardcover 2015 | Springer Berlin ISBN: 9783662480779 CHF 119,80 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
Applied Wave Mathematics Selected Topics in Solids, Fluids, and Mathematical Methods von Ewald Quak; Tarmo Soomere Buch | Softcover 2014 | Springer Berlin ISBN: 9783642425196 CHF 149,75 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
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Information Thermodynamics on Causal Networks and its Application to Biochemical Signal.. von Sosuke Ito Buch | Softcover 2018 | Springer Verlag, Singapore ISBN: 9789811094156 CHF 149,75 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-14 Tagen
Multiquark Hadrons von Ahmed Ali; Luciano Maiani; Antonio D. Polosa Buch | Hardcover 2019 | Cambridge University Press ISBN: 9781107171589 CHF 116,95 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics von Jaroslav Zamastil; Jakub Benda Buch | Hardcover 2017 | Springer International Publishing ISBN: 9783319657790 CHF 179,70 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
Dualities, Helicity Amplitudes, and Little Conformal Symmetry von Kitran Macey M. Colwell Buch | Hardcover 2017 | Springer International Publishing ISBN: 9783319673912 CHF 149,75 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
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High-Fidelity Quantum Logic in Ca+ von Christopher J. Ballance Buch | Hardcover 2017 | Springer International Publishing ISBN: 9783319682150 CHF 74,85 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
Quantum Spin Systems on Infinite Lattices A Concise Introduction von Pieter Naaijkens Buch | Softcover 2017 | Springer International Publishing ISBN: 9783319514567 CHF 67,35 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
Enhancing the Light Output of Solid-State Emitters von Christopher Woodhead Buch | Softcover 2018 | Springer International Publishing ISBN: 9783030069544 CHF 149,75 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 15-20 Tagen
Quantum‐Enhanced Sensing Based on Time Reversal of Entangling Interactions von Daniel Linnemann Buch | Softcover 2018 | Springer International Publishing ISBN: 9783030071288 CHF 164,75 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 15-20 Tagen
Theoretical Study on Correlation Effects in Topological Matter von Hiroki Isobe Buch | Softcover 2018 | Springer Verlag, Singapore ISBN: 9789811099557 CHF 149,75 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-14 Tagen
Higgs Potential and Naturalness After the Higgs Discovery von Yuta Hamada Buch | Softcover 2018 | Springer Verlag, Singapore ISBN: 9789811098680 CHF 149,75 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-14 Tagen