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Business Statistics

For Contemporary Decision Making
864 Seiten
2020 | 3rd Revised edition
John Wiley & Sons Inc (Verlag)
978-1-119-57762-1 (ISBN)
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Business Statistics continues the tradition of presenting and explaining the wonders of business statistics through a clear, complete, student-friendly pedagogy. In this third Canadian edition, authors Ken Black, Ignacio Castillo and Tiffany Bailey use current real-world data to equip students with the business analytics techniques and quantitative decision-making skills required to make smart decisions in today’s workplace. 

Preface vii

About the Authors xiii

Unit I Introduction

1 Introduction to Statistics and Business Analytics 1-1

Decision Dilemma: Statistics Describe the State of Business in India’s Countryside 1-1

Introduction 1-2

1.1 Basic Statistical Concepts 1-3

1.2 Variables, Data, and Data Measurement 1-5

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 1.1 1-6

1.3 Big Data 1-10

1.4 Business Analytics 1-12

1.5 Data Mining and Data Visualization 1-14

Decision Dilemma Solved 1-17

Key Considerations 1-17

Why Statistics is Relevant 1-17

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Canadian Farmers Dealing with Stress 1-20

Big Data Case 1-21

Using the Computer 1-21

2 Visualizing Data with Charts and Graphs 2-1

Decision Dilemma: Energy Consumption Around the World 2-1

Introduction 2-2

2.1 Frequency Distributions 2-3

2.2 Quantitative Data Graphs 2-7

2.3 Qualitative Data Graphs 2-12

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 2.1 2-13

2.4 Charts and Graphs for Two Variables 2-18

2.5 Visualizing Time-Series Data 2-22

Decision Dilemma Solved 2-26

Key Considerations 2-27

Why Statistics is Relevant 2-27

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms /

Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Southwest Airlines and WestJet Airlines Ltd. 2-33

Big Data Case 2-35

Using the Computer 2-35

3 Descriptive Statistics 3-1

Decision Dilemma: Laundry Statistics 3-1

Introduction 3-2

3.1 Measures of Central Tendency 3-2

3.2 Measures of Variability 3-10

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 3.1 3-11

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 3.2 3-22

3.3 Measures of Shape 3-24

3.4 Business Analytics Using Descriptive Statistics 3-29

Decision Dilemma Solved 3-31

Key Considerations 3-31

Why Statistics is Relevant 3-31

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Coca-Cola Develops the African Market 3-37

Big Data Case 3-38

Using the Computer 3-38

4 Probability 4-1

Decision Dilemma: Education, Gender, and Employment 4-1

Introduction 4-2

4.1 Introduction to Probability 4-2

4.2 Structure of Probability 4-5

4.3 Marginal, Union, Joint, and Conditional Probabilities 4-11

4.4 Addition Laws 4-13

4.5 Multiplication Laws 4-20

4.6 Conditional Probability 4-26

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 4.1 4-27

4.7 Revision of Probabilities: Bayes’ Rule 4-31

Decision Dilemma Solved 4-35

Key Considerations 4-36

Why Statistics is Relevant 4-36

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics

Case: Bluewater Recycling Association Offers Bigger Bins 4-41

Big Data Case 4-42

Unit II Distributions and Sampling

5 Discrete Distributions 5-1

Decision Dilemma: Life with a Cellphone 5-1

Introduction 5-2

5.1 Discrete Versus Continuous Distributions 5-2

5.2 Describing a Discrete Distribution 5-4

5.3 Binomial Distribution 5-8

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 5.1 5-11

5.4 Poisson Distribution 5-19

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 5.2 5-20

5.5 Hypergeometric Distribution 5-28

Decision Dilemma Solved 5-32

Key Considerations 5-33

Why Statistics is Relevant 5-33

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Whole Foods Market Grows Through Mergers and Acquisitions 5-38

Big Data Case 5-39

Using the Computer 5-39

6 Continuous Distributions 6-1

Decision Dilemma: CSX Corporation 6-1

Introduction 6-2

6.1 Uniform Distribution 6-2

6.2 Normal Distribution 6-6

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 6.1 6-6

6.3 Using the Normal Curve to Approximate Binomial Distribution Problems 6-17

6.4 Exponential Distribution 6-23

Decision Dilemma Solved 6-27

Key Considerations 6-28

Why Statistics is Relevant 6-28

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Mercedes Goes after Younger Buyers 6-33

Big Data Case 6-33

Using the Computer 6-34

7 Sampling and Sampling Distributions 7-1

Decision Dilemma: What is the Attitude of Maquiladora Workers? 7-1

Introduction 7-2

7.1 Sampling 7-2

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 7.1 7-9

7.2 Sampling Distribution of x¯ 7-14

7.3 Sampling Distribution of p 7-23

Decision Dilemma Solved 7-26

Key Considerations 7-26

Why Statistics is Relevant 7-26

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics

Case: 3M 7-30

Big Data Case 7-31

Using the Computer 7-31

Unit III Making Inferences About Population Parameters

8 Statistical Inference: Estimation for Single Populations 8-1

Decision Dilemma: Batteries and Bulbs: How Long Do They Last? 8-1

Introduction 8-2

8.1 Estimating the Population Mean Using the z Statistic (σ Known) 8-3

8.2 Estimating the Population Mean Using the t Statistic (σ Unknown) 8-10

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 8.1 8-10

8.3 Estimating the Population Proportion 8-16

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 8.2 8-16

8.4 Estimating the Population Variance 8-20

8.5 Estimating Sample Size 8-23

Decision Dilemma Solved 8-27

Key Considerations 8-28

Why Statistics is Relevant 8-28

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: The Container Store 8-32

Big Data Case 8-34

Using the Computer 8-34

9 Statistical Inference: Hypothesis Testing for Single Populations 9-1

Decision Dilemma: Business Referrals 9-1

Introduction 9-2

9.1 Introduction to Hypothesis Testing 9-3

9.2 Testing Hypotheses About a Population Mean Using the z Statistic (σ Known) 9-12

9.3 Testing Hypotheses About a Population Mean Using the t Statistic (σ Unknown) 9-19

9.4 Testing Hypotheses About a Proportion 9-25

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 9.1 9-25

9.5 Testing Hypotheses About a Variance 9-30

9.6 Solving for Type II Errors 9-33

Decision Dilemma Solved 9-40

Key Considerations 9-41

Why Statistics is Relevant 9-41

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: A&W’s New Menu Targets Meat Alternatives 9-46

Big Data Case 9-47

Using the Computer 9-47

10 Statistical Inferences About Two Populations 10-1

Decision Dilemma: L.L. Bean 10-1

Introduction 10-2

10.1 Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals About the Difference in Two Means Using the z Statistic: Population Variances Known 10-4

10.2 Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals About the Difference in Two Means Using the t Statistic: Independent Samples with Population Variances Unknown 10-12

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 10.1 10-13

10.3 Statistical Inferences for Two Related Populations 10-22

10.4 Statistical Inferences About Two Population Proportions, p1 − p2 10-31

10.5 Testing Hypotheses About Two Population Variances 10-37

Decision Dilemma Solved 10-44

Key Considerations 10-45

Why Statistics is Relevant 10-45

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics

Case: Seitz LLC: Producing Quality Gear-Driven and Linear-Motion Products 10-52

Big Data Case 10-53

Using the Computer 10-53

11 Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments 11-1

Decision Dilemma: Job and Career Satisfaction of Foreign Self-Initiated Expatriates 11-1

Introduction 11-2

11.1 Introduction to Design of Experiments 11-3

11.2 The Completely Randomized Design (One-Way ANOVA) 11-5

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 11.1 11-6

11.3 Multiple Comparison Tests 11-16

11.4 The Randomized Block Design 11-24

11.5 A Factorial Design (Two-Way ANOVA) 11-33

Decision Dilemma Solved 11-45

Key Considerations 11-46

Why Statistics is Relevant 11-46

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: ASCO Valve Canada’s RedHat Valve 11-52

Big Data Case 11-53

Using the Computer 11-54

Unit IV Regression Analysis and Forecasting

12 Correlation and Simple Regression Analysis 12-1

Decision Dilemma: Predicting International Hourly Wages by the Price of a Big MacTM 12-1

Introduction 12-2

12.1 Correlation 12-2

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 12.1 12-4

12.2 Introduction to Simple Regression Analysis 12-6

12.3 Determining the Equation of the Regression Line 12-8

12.4 Residual Analysis 12-14

12.5 Standard Error of the Estimate 12-21

12.6 Coefficient of Determination 12-24

12.7 Hypothesis Tests for the Slope of the Regression Model and for the Overall Model 12-27

12.8 Estimation 12-32

12.9 Using Regression to Develop a Forecasting Trend Line 12-36

12.10 Interpreting the Output 12-42

Decision Dilemma Solved 12-43

Key Considerations 12-43

Why Statistics is Relevant 12-44

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Caterpillar, Inc. 12-50

Big Data Case 12-51

Using the Computer 12-52

13 Multiple Regression Analysis 13-1

Decision Dilemma: Will You Like Your New Job? 13-1

Introduction 13-2

13.1 The Multiple Regression Model 13-2

13.2 Significance Tests of the Regression Model and Its Coefficients 13-10

13.3 Residuals, Standard Error of the Estimate, and R2 13-14

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 13.1 13-14

13.4 Interpreting Multiple Regression Computer Output 13-20

13.5 Using Regression Analysis: Some Caveats 13-23

Decision Dilemma Solved 13-27

Key Considerations 13-28

Why Statistics is Relevant 13-28

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Starbucks Introduces Debit Card 13-32

Big Data Case 13-34

Using the Computer 13-34

14 Building Multiple Regression Models 14-1

Decision Dilemma: Predicting CEO Salaries 14-1

14.1 Nonlinear Models: Mathematical Transformation 14-2

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 14.1 14-4

14.2 Indicator (Dummy) Variables 14-16

14.3 Model Building: Search Procedures 14-21

14.4 Multicollinearity 14-31

14.5 Logistic Regression 14-34

Decision Dilemma Solved 14-41

Key Considerations 14-41

Why Statistics is Relevant 14-42

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Ceapro Turns Oats into Beneficial Products 14-48

Big Data Case 14-49

Using the Computer 14-49

15 Time-Series Forecasting and Index Numbers 15-1

Decision Dilemma: Forecasting Air Pollution 15-1

Introduction 15-2

15.1 Introduction to Forecasting 15-2

15.2 Smoothing Techniques 15-7

15.3 Trend Analysis 15-17

Thinking Critically About Statistics In Business Today 15.1 15-17

15.4 Seasonal Effects 15-24

15.5 Autocorrelation and Autoregression 15-29

15.6 Index Numbers 15-36

Decision Dilemma Solved 15-42

Key Considerations 15-45

Why Statistics is Relevant 15-45

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Dofasco Changes Its Style 15-52

Big Data Case 15-53

Using the Computer 15-53

Unit V Special Topics

16 A nalysis of Categorical Data 16-1

Decision Dilemma: Selecting Suppliers in the Electronics Industry 16-1

Introduction 16-2

16.1 Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test 16-2

16.2 Contingency Analysis: Chi-Square Test of Independence 16-9

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 16.1 16-10

Decision Dilemma Solved 16-16

Key Considerations 16-16

Why Statistics is Relevant 16-17

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Foot Locker in the Shoe Mix 16-20

Big Data Case 16-21

Using the Computer 16-21

17 Nonparametric Statistics 17-1

Decision Dilemma: How is the Doughnut Business Doing? 17-1

Introduction 17-2

17.1 Runs Test 17-3

17.2 Mann-Whitney U Test 17-8

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 17.1 17-8

17.3 Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed Rank Test 17-16

17.4 Kruskal-Wallis Test 17-23

17.5 Friedman Test 17-27

17.6 Spearman’s Rank Correlation 17-32

Decision Dilemma Solved 17-36

Key Considerations 17-37

Why Statistics is Relevant 17-37

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Schwinn 17-43

Big Data Case 17-44

Using the Computer 17-45

18 Statistical Quality Control 18-1

Decision Dilemma: Italy’s Piaggio Makes a Comeback 18-1

Introduction 18-2

18.1 Introduction to Quality Control 18-2

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 18.1 18-7

18.2 Process Analysis 18-12

18.3 Control Charts 18-18

Decision Dilemma Solved 18-32

Key Considerations 18-32

Why Statistics is Relevant 18-33

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formulas / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Catalyst Paper Introduces Microsoft Dynamics CRM 18-38

Big Data Case 18-39

19 Decision Analysis 19-1

Decision Dilemma: Decision-Making at the CEO Level 19-1

Introduction 19-2

19.1 The Decision Table and Decision-Making Under Certainty 19-3

19.2 Decision-Making Under Uncertainty 19-5

Thinking Critically About Statistics in Business Today 19.1 19-5

19.3 Decision-Making Under Risk 19-13

19.4 Revising Probabilities in Light of Sample Information 19-21

Decision Dilemma Solved 19-29

Key Considerations 19-30

Why Statistics is Relevant 19-30

Summary of Learning Objectives / Key Terms / Formula / Supplementary Problems / Exploring the Databases with Business Analytics Case: Fletcher-Terry: On the Cutting Edge 19-34

Big Data Case 19-35

Appendix A Tables A-1

Appendix B Making Inferences About Population Parameters: A Brief Summary B-1

Appendix C Answers to Selected Odd-Numbered Quantitative Problems C-1

Glossary G-1

Index I-1

Verlagsort New York
Sprache englisch
Maße 216 x 277 mm
Gewicht 1658 g
Themenwelt Wirtschaft Betriebswirtschaft / Management
ISBN-10 1-119-57762-4 / 1119577624
ISBN-13 978-1-119-57762-1 / 9781119577621
Zustand Neuware
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