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Presentation Skills That Will Take You to the Top (Collection) - Jerry Weissman

Presentation Skills That Will Take You to the Top (Collection)

Jerry Weissman (Autor)

2013 | 2nd edition
Addison Wesley
978-0-13-344299-1 (ISBN)
CHF 184,35 inkl. MwSt
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Jerry Weissman’s brand new collection of 4 authoritative books on making outstanding presentations


Four breakthrough books help you deliver outstanding, winning presentations of all kinds — whatever your goals, whatever your audience!


Jerry Weissman has helped the world’s top executives create the most important presentations of their lives: make-or-break investor presentations that have raised hundreds of billions of dollars from demanding, expert investors. Now, in this remarkable 4 book collection, Weissman teaches everything you need to deliver the most compelling, successful presentations of your life! In Presentations in Action: 80 Memorable Presentation Lessons from the Masters, Weissman reveals how the world’s best presenters have applied timeless principles of outstanding communication – and shows how you can, too. Packed with unforgettable examples from the media, sports, politics, science, art, music, literature, the military, and history, it teaches 100% actionable lessons for supercharging everything from content and graphics to delivery! Next, In the Line of Fire: How to Handle Tough Questions...When It Counts, Second Edition, Weissman shows how to answer even the toughest questions with perfect assurance… avoid the defensiveness, evasiveness, or anger that destroy careers… brilliantly control the entire exchange with hostile questioners! Weissman’s Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story, Updated and Expanded Editionis the industry’s best start-to-finish guide to connecting with even the toughest audiences...telling them compelling stories that focus on what’s in it for them… and moving people to action. Finally, in his brand-new Winning Strategies for Power Presentations, Weissman distills 75 best practices he’s developed through 20+ years coaching executives on high-stakes presentations. He shares powerful new insights into contents, graphics, delivery, Q&A sessions, and more. He also offers new advice on making persuasive political and scripted speeches, developing a richer public speaking voice, interviewing others, demonstrating products, and much more. Every technique is illuminated with a compelling case study, reflecting experiences of communicators ranging from Ronald Reagan to Jon Stewart, Stephen King to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings.


From world-renowned presentation consultant Jerry Weissman

Jerry Weissman, the world’s #1 corporate presentations consultant, is known worldwide for his confidential executive coaching. His private client list includes the top brass at Yahoo!, eBay, Intel, Intuit, Cisco, Microsoft, and many others. His techniques have helped nearly 400 firms hone persuasive IPO road show presentations to raise hundreds of billions of dollars in the stock market.

Presentations in Action: 80 Memorable Presentation Lessons from the Masters

Introduction 1

SECTION I Content: The Art of Telling Your Story

1 A Lesson from Professor Marvel aka The Wizard of Oz 5

How to Customize Your Presentation

2 Obama and You 8

The Most Persuasive Word

3 The “So What?” Syndrome 10

…and How to Avoid It

4 Beware of Jokes 12

Dispelling a Common False Belief

5 Presentation Advice from Abraham Lincoln 14

Clarity, Ownership, and Add Value

6 It Ain't What You Say, It’s How You Say It 16

Lessons in Structure from Jeffrey Toobin and Andrew Weil, M.D.

7 Presentation Advice from Mark Twain 18

Brevity Takes Time

8 Presentation Advice from Mike Nichols 20

How to Find Value in Your Story

9 Show versus Tell in Hollywood 22

The Wrong and Right Way to Tell a Story in Three Films

10 Slogan Power 24

Why the US Army's "Be All That You Can Be" Succeeded

11 How Long Is Too Long?26

When in Doubt, Leave It out

12 The Elevator Pitch in One Sentence 28

How to Describe Your Business Succinctly

13 Do You Know the Way to Spanish Bay? 30

The Correct Way to Practice

14 Getting to “Aha!” 32

The Magic Moment

15 This Is Your Pilot Speaking 34

A Lesson in Flow from the Airlines

16 Presentation Advice from the iPhone 36

Substance and Style in Your Story

17 Presentation Advice from Steve Jobs 38

The Power of Positive Words

18 Presentation Advice from Novelists I 40

Begin with the End in Mind, Then Write, Rewrite, and Rewrite

19 Presentation Advice from Novelists II 42

Storyboard and Verbalize

20 Microsoft Slogans Score a Trifecta 44

Three Persuasive Techniques

21 Presentation Advice from a Physician 46

Audience Advocacy

22 Presentation Advice from a Politician 48

Audience Advocacy

23 Ronald Reagan Meets Lenny Skutnik 50

The Catalyst of Human Interest Stories

24 Human Interest Stories: A Double Advantage 51

Two Ways to Use Anecdotes

SECTION II Graphics: The Correct Way to Design PowerPoint Slides

25 The Presentation-as-Document Syndrome 55

Never the Twain Shall Meet

26 Blame the Penmanship, Not the Pen 57

Operator versus User Error

27 You Can't Use a Sentence As a Prompt 59

Less Verbiage Is More Useful

28 Baiting the Salesperson 60

Selling Is about In-Person Communication

29 PowerPoint and Human Perception 62

Scientific Support for Graphics Design

30 PowerPoint Template: Combined Picture and Text 64

The Best Positions for Pictures and Text

31 Shady Characters 67

The Wrong Way and the Right Way to Build Text

32 “I Can Read It Myself!” 69

Three Simple Steps to Avoid Reading Slides Verbatim

33 A Case for Case I: Initial Caps or All Caps 71

Text Design in Presentations

34 A Case for Case II: Serif or Sans 73

Font Design in Presentations

35 What Color Is Your PowerPoint? 75

Contrast Counts

36 Presentation Advice from Corona Beer 78

Peripheral Vision Counts

37 The Cable Crawlers 80

How Television Animates Text

38 Computer Animation 82

Three Simple Rules

39 PowerPoint and the Military 84

Sometimes More Is More

SECTION III Delivery Skills: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

40 The Art of Conversation 89

Eye Contact and Interaction Start at Infancy

41 Presentation Advice from Edward R Murrow 91

The "Person-to-Person" Role Model

42 Nonverbal Communication 93

Look Them in the Eye

43 Presentation Advice from Pianist Murray Perahia 95

Concentration Creates Control

44 Presentation Advice from Actress Tova Feldshuh 97

Concentration Creates Communication

45 Presentation Advice from Michael Phelps and Dara Torres 99

How to Control Stress under Pressure

46 Presentation Advice from Frank Sinatra 101

The Art of Phrasing

47 Presentation Advice from Soprano Kiri Te Kanawa103

The Importance of Breathing

48 The One-Eyed Man 105

Necessity Is the Mother of Invention

49 Bill Clinton's Talking to Me! 106

The Power of Group Dynamics

50 Liddy Dole and Person-to-Person 108

From Law School to the Republican National Convention

51 Fast Talking 109

Fun or Maddening

52 Presentation Advice from Titian 111

Position, Position, Position

53 Presentation Advice from Musicians and Athletes 113

The Value of Effortlessness

54 Presentation Advice from Vin Scully 115

From Reagan to Barber to Scully

55 “Ya’ Either Got It, or Ya’ Ain’t!” 116

The Fear of Public Speaking Is Universal

56 How to Eliminate the Fig Leaf 118

A Presentation Lesson from the Military

57 Unwords 120

Even Barack Obama Says Them

58 To Slip or Not to Slip 122

Been There, Done That

59 The Free Throw 124

A Presentation Lesson from Basketball

60 10 Tips for 30 Seconds 126

Help for Job Seekers

61 You Are What You Eat 127

10 Tips about Food and Drink in Presentations

SECTION IV Q&A: Handling Tough Questions

62 Speed Kills in Q&A 131

The Vanishing Art of Listening

63 A Lesson in Listening from Barack Obama 133

How to Handle Multiple Questions

64 If I Could Tell Jon Stewart... 135

Talk Shows Include Listening

65 What Keeps You Up at Night? 136

How to Handle the Most Frequently Asked Questions

66 Spin versus Topspin 138

The Political World versus the Business World

67 When Did You Stop Beating Your Wife? 140

How to Handle False Assumption Questions

68 Madoff and Cramer Plead Guilty 142

How to Respond When Guilty as Charged

69 Tell Me the Time, Not How to Build a Clock 144

Keep Your Answers Short

70 Presentation Advice from Jerry Rice 146

Grasp the Question before You Answer

71 Politicians and Spin 147

Putting Lipstick on a Pig

72 Murder Boards149

How Elena Kagan Prepared for Tough Questions

73 Ms. Kagan Regrets 151

Non-Answers to Tough Questions

SECTION V Integration: Putting it All Together

74 The Elephant 155

The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of the Parts

75 Presentation Graphics Meet Linguistics 156

Symmetry in Graphics Design

76 One Presentation, Multiple Audiences 158

12 Presenters, 12 Stories, 1 Set of Slides

77 The Art and Science of Oprah Winfrey160

The Secrets of Oprah Winfrey’s Appeal

78 Right or Left164

The Deep Roots of Human Preferences

79 Graphics Synchronization 168

The Missing Link

80 The House that Jack Built 170

Make All the Parts Fit

Footnotes 173

Acknowledgments 177

About the Author 178

Index 179


In the Line of Fire: How to Handle Tough Questions—When It Counts, 2/e

Introduction: Universal Challenges, Universal Solutions xv

Chapter 1: Agility versus Force 1

Chapter 2: The Critical Dynamics of Q&A 9

Chapter 3: Effective Management Implemented 21

Chapter 4: You’re Not Listening! 29

Chapter 5: Active Listening 43

Chapter 6: Retake the Floor 57

Chapter 7: Provide the Answer 87

Chapter 8: Topspin in Action 105

Chapter 9: Preparation 119

Chapter 10: The Art of War 137

Chpater 11: Lessons Not Learned 151

Chapter 12: The Role Model 165

Endnotes 177

Acknowledgments 187

Index 191


Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story, Updated and Expanded Edition

Foreword to the Updated and Expanded Edition xvii

Preface: What’s Past Is Prologue xxi

Introduction: The Wizard of Aaaahs xxiii

Chapter 1 You and Your Audience 1

Chapter 2 The Power of the WIIFY 11

Chapter 3 Getting Creative: The Expansive Art of Brainstorming 21

Chapter 4 Finding Your Flow 41

Chapter 5 Capturing Your Audience Immediately 69

Chapter 6 Communicating Visually 91

Chapter 7 Making the Text Talk 103

Chapter 8 Making the Numbers Sing 121

Chapter 9 Using Graphics to Help Your Story Flow 133

Chapter 10 Bringing Your Story to Life 163

Chapter 11 Customizing Your Presentation 183

Chapter 12 Animating Your Graphics 197

Chapter 13 The Virtual Presentation 215

Chapter 14 Pitching in the Majors 229

Appendix A Tools of the Trade 235

Appendix B Presentation Checklists 237

Acknowledgments 241

About the Author 243

Index 245


Winning Strategies for Power Presentations: Jerry Weissman Delivers Lessons from the World's Best Presenters

Introduction xv

Natural and Universal

Section I

Content: The Art of Telling Your Story 1

1. Mark Twain’s Fingernails 3

How to Remember What to Say

2. Kill Your Darlings 7

A Lesson from Professional Writers

3. How Long Should a Presentation Last? 11

Be Brief and Concise

4. Follow the Money 13


5. Fellini on Creativity 15

Consider All the Possibilities—Before You Present

6. How Woody Allen Creates 17

First Things First, Last Things Last

7. What’s Your Point? 19

Leave Pointlessness to Woody Allen

8. Spoiler Alert 21

What’s Your Point?

9. The Cyrano Parable 23

The Story You Tell Versus the Slides You Show

10. “Does that make sense?” 25

...And Other Meaningless Words

11. Meaningful Words 27

Words That Inspire Confidence

12. Writer’s Block 29

How to Break Through

13. Writer’s Block II 31

Easier Said Than Done

14. Never Say “Never” 33

Well, Almost Never

15. From Bogart to Gingrich 35

Who Did It?

16. Rupert Murdoch’s 90% Apology 39

Who Did It?

17. Winning and Losing the World Cup 41

He’s Just Not That into FIFA

18. John Doerr’s “Chalk” Talks 43

Three Best Practices from a Top Venture Capitalist

19. Vinod Khosla’s Cardinal Rule 45

“Message Sent Is Not the Same as Message Received”

20. The Outline Trap 47

Britannica and Brainstorming

21. Having a ’versation 49

“I” Versus “You”

22. “It’s all about you!” 51

“...But they’re just not that into you.”

23. When Not to Tell ’em 55

“Get on with it!”

24. Bookends 59

Establish Your First and Last Sentences

25. The Sound of Ka-Ching! 61

Scale the “You”

26. David Letterman’s Top Ten 63

Pick a Number

27. Illusion of the First Time 65

Road (Show) Warriors

28. In Praise of Analogies and Examples 69

Add Value and Dimension

29. Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama 71

Masters of the Game

30. Aristotle: The First Salesman 75

The Original Source

Section II

Graphics: How to Design PowerPoint

Slides Effectively 77

31. Vinod Khosla’s Five-Second Rule 79

A Sanity Check for Every Presentation

32. Don’t Raise the Bridge, Lower the Water 81

Better Box Thinking

33. Jon Stewart’s Right 83

Positioned on Purpose?

34. Misdirection 85

Magicians and Graphics

35. Obama Makes a PowerPoint Point 87

The State of the Union and Presentations

36. Go in the Right Direction 89

A Presentation Lesson from Akira Kurosawa

37. PowerPoint and Movie Stunts 91

Use Graphics to Create Continuity

38. The Anti-PowerPoint Party 93

Another Precinct Heard From

39. Signage Versus Documents 95

Drive Your PowerPoint Home

40. The Graphics Spectrum 97

Lives of Quiet Desperation

41. How Audiences See 99

Follow the Action

42. Why Use PowerPoint at All? 103

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

43. “But, I’m not an artist!” 107

Rx: Infographics

44. The Kindness of Strangers 111

Stand and Deliver

45. No More Mind-Numbing Number Slides 113

Five Easy Steps to Bring Your Presentation to Life

Section III

Delivery Skills: Actions Speak Louder

Than Words 117

46. Eight Presentations a Day 119

Cause and Effect

47. Sounds of Silence 121

Presentation Advice from Composers and Musicians

48. Stage Fright 123

A Close Cousin of Writer’s Block

49. Swimming Lessons and Presentations 127

Deconstruct and Reconstruct

50. Valley Girl Talk 131

Invisible Question Marks

51. “What do I do with my hands?” 133

A Simple Approach to Gesturing

52. “Look, Ma, no hands!” 137

Anchorperson or Weatherperson

53. Foreign Films 139

The Pause That Refreshes

54. Rx: CrackBerry Addiction 141

Control Yourself!

55. The Eyes Have It 143


56. Why Sinatra Stood 145

The Voice of “The Voice”

57. Presentation Counts 147

The Rise and Fall of Rick Perry

Section IV:

How to Handle Tough Questions 151

58. Listening and Laughing with Johnny Carson 153

Late Night Lessons for Presenters

59. Ready, Fire, Aim! 155

Old Habits Die Hard

60. How to Deal with a Direct Attack 159

“That was certainly a downer!”

61. No Such Thing as a Stupid Question 163

A Lesson in Q&A from Dilbert

62. The Patronizing Paraphrase 165

Trying to Channel Bill Clinton

63. Tricky Questions 169

Be Transparent or Be Trapped

64. Robert McNamara Was Wrong 171

You Must Respond to All Questions

65. Breaking into Jail 175

The Elephant IS in the Room

Section V

Special Presentations 177

66. Speak Crisply and Eliminate Mumbling 179

Be Your Own Henry Higgins

67. How to Develop a Richer Voice 185

Be Your Own Echo Chamber

68. How to Deliver a Scripted Speech 193

When the Words Count

69. Speaking to an Audience of a Thousand 197

The Big Tent

70. How to Beat the Demo Demons 201

Plan B and More

71. Bring Your Panel Discussion to Life 203

How to Herd Cats

72. Mark Your Accent 207

Eliza Doolittle Is a Myth

73. How to Interview Like a Television Anchorperson 211

Seven Easy Steps

74. Ten Best Practices for the IPO Road Show 215

75. Cicero: Peroration 221

Timeless and Borderless

Endnotes 223

Acknowledgments 237

Index 239

About the Author 249


Verlagsort Boston
Sprache englisch
Gewicht 1 g
Themenwelt Wirtschaft Betriebswirtschaft / Management
ISBN-10 0-13-344299-3 / 0133442993
ISBN-13 978-0-13-344299-1 / 9780133442991
Zustand Neuware
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