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Venomous Speech -

Venomous Speech

Problems with American Political Discourse on the Right and Left [2 volumes]

Clarke Rountree (Herausgeber)

459 Seiten
Praeger Publishers Inc
978-0-313-39866-7 (ISBN)
CHF 157,10 inkl. MwSt
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Is much of the current dysfunction in our political system attributable to the problematic discourse of politicians, pundits, and journalists? These authors on legal and political discourse say yes.

This book contains essays by some of the best scholars of political communication that examine modern-day American political discourse. The contributors address what is problematic in our political discourse and what has resulted in unprecedented levels of gridlock, discord, and hostility, covering everything from the incivility of Congress to the spectacle of celebrity politicians… the arrogance of Republican and Democratic presidents to the difficulties of grassroots groups hoping to change the status quo… and the partisan shaping of news coverage to the growing influence of political comedians.

This work provides a frank, hard-nosed look at what needs fixing, offers a critical lens from knowledgeable writers to help those frustrated with our political system to better understand why our discourse is so troubled, and lays out suggestions for reclaiming the commonwealth. Anyone interested in politics, government, or communication will benefit from learning how recent developments have created a "perfect storm" that is troubling the waters of our democracy.

Clarke Rountree, PhD, is chair and professor of communication arts at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He has published numerous books and articles on legal and political discourse, including Praeger's The Chameleon President: The Curious Case of George W. Bush.

Strained Voices in American Political Discourse
Clarke Rountree
This introductory chapter argues that current problems in American political discourse have relatively recent origins stemming from cultural and technological changes in political news coverage, the reshuffling of political parties, the campaign finance revolution, and a new culture of fear that is undermining our most basic political values. These sources have contributed to venomous and problematic discourse from both sides of the political spectrum, as well as gridlock such as we witnessed in the summer 2011 U.S. federal debt crisis, which led to a downgrading of American credit for the first time in history.
1. Finding Consensual Fact in Political Debate
Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Timothy W. Fallis
Consensual fact is needed to ground engaged argument. One advances an argument from agreed-upon ground that serves as the foundation for the case being made. Among those disposed to contest inconvenient data, engaged debate is made possible, in part, by the existence of institutional sources that each side considers methodologically sophisticated as well as expert in the subject of the debate. Here we examine the role two types of nonpartisan organizations, the Congressional Budget Office and three Internet-based fact-checking entities, play in identifying consensual fact and show the functions these organizations play in creating common ground.
2. A "Dialogue of the Deaf": Obama, His Congressional Critics, and Incivility in American Political Discourse
Christopher R. Darr
This chapter compares the rhetoric of President Obama and Republican leaders in the House and Senate regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in order to illustrate the larger point that Obama and his critics are engaged in what Pierre Bayard calls a "dialogue of the deaf." Obama and his conservative opponents disagree not only on policy but also on the proper nature of political discourse. While Obama engages in civility through transcending differences, emphasizing cooperation over ideology, and respecting diverse views, his opponents advocate and create incivility by exacerbating difference, provoking partisanship, and openly disrespecting other points of view.
3. Intransigence and Self-Justification as a Political Way of Life
Kathryn M. Olson
Using a presidential press conference from each of the left and the right, this chapter analyzes recent democratic leaders' heavy-handed practice of intransigence buttressed by self-justification as a habit of political life rather than an occasional occurrence. Clinton's press conference concerned the 1994 midterm elections in which voters gave control of both houses to the Republicans. Bush responded to the release of a 2007 National Intelligence Estimate indicating that, contrary to his justification for considering military action against Iraq's neighbor, Iran did not have and was not making nuclear weapons. The chapter critiques four rhetorical moves used by both leaders to avoid correction from friendly quarters (not just political opponents) and recommends three ways to facilitate a more functional democracy.
4. Contesting the So-Called Postracial Landscape of Presidential Politics: Obama, African Americans, and a Shifting Electorate
Steven R. Goldzwig and Patricia A. Sullivan
Barack Obama's presidency has caused many to speculate on the onset of a postracial or postethnic society. This development provides an occasion for interrogating the larger political, social, cultural, and economic factors that are driving changing race relations in the United States. In this chapter we offer: (1) a discussion of Obama's presidential campaign, (2) an interpretation of the election outcome that highlights issues of diversity, (3) a rehearsal of African American narratives calling for a specific black political agenda to combat contemporary social inequities, and (4) implications and conclusions that seem most germane in interpreting the present circumstances.
5. Where Is the Democratic Narrative, FDR Style?
Edward C. Appel
As various scholars have noted, President Obama and national Democratic leaders in general have been inept in answering the regnant Republican story line about past and current U.S. American politics. Possible explanations include the historic swing to the right of the 1980s and 1990s, and the Republican-lite financial profile of today's federal officeholders, regardless of party. Four reasons are offered why a forceful "melodramatic" counterstatement is necessary—now. Such a statement is given in full and in short. The dramatistic philosophy of Kenneth Burke is invoked as paradigm for that potent and required melodrama, and for a cautionary "comedy" as check on melodramatic excess.
6. Presidential Policies and Discourses on the Environment in the Past Decades: A Social Scientific Analysis
Qingjiang (Q. J.) Yao, Zhaoxi (Josie) Liu, and Andrée E. Reeves
How have the U.S. presidents addressed the issue in the past decades? With a content analysis of presidential speeches and documents from 1980 to 2007, this study finds that Republican presidents talked about environmental issues less and with a less accommodating tone than did their Democratic counterparts. Meanwhile, after George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton peaked in the number and tone of presidential speeches on the environment for their respective parties, later presidents seem to avoid the topic, while a stronger leadership on the issue is needed to address serious environmental threats.
7. Mudslinging: The Nature of Attacks in Political Campaigns
William L. Benoit
This chapter explores the problem of why voters (and scholars and journalists) condemn attacks in political campaigns when in fact attacks are a vital element in the evaluation of candidates. Three dimensions are identified. Campaign messages should be truthful (veracity); both attacks and acclaims (positive statements) can be misleading if not false; both attacks and acclaims can be true. We should not condemn attacks because some of them are false or misleading (we should condemn false/misleading statements whether they are attacks or acclaims). A second dimension is function (acclaims, attacks, and defense). These functions work as an informal variant of cost–benefit analysis: acclaims, if persuasive, increase the sponsoring candidates' benefits; attacks, when accepted by the audience, increase the opponent's costs; and defenses can reduce a candidate's alleged costs. Voters need to know both the benefits and the costs of the candidates for office. Attacks (when not fraudulent) help voters learn the costs or drawbacks to a candidate and so are vital to the democratic process. A third dimension is topic: candidates can discuss what they (and their opponent) have done and will do in office (policy, actus) or who they are (character, status). Finally, one risk candidates should consider is the possibility that attacks on character are more likely (than attacks on policy), to be viewed by many voters as mudslinging, and may provoke a backlash against the candidates who attack on character.
8. Citizens Undone: Freedom of Speech, Political Discourse, and the Import of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
Stephen A. Smith
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission was arguably the most counter-majoritarian opinion of the last two decades. This chapter summarizes and critiques the Court's decision that enhanced corporate personhood and endowed it with expanded First Amendment rights. By examining the ensuing political controversy and discussing the impact of the ruling on the political culture, it makes clear that the opinions of the Supreme Court are key texts in contemporary American political discourse and explicates the ways in which the Court's decision has been contested by both political institutions and concerned citizens.
9. The Frightening State of Political Discourse: A Case Study of the Use of Fear in the 2012 GOP Primary
Rebecca M. L. Curnalia
This chapter addresses the use, and misuse, of the label job killing in the GOP primary debates leading up to the 2012 Iowa caucuses. "Job killing" was used to describe Obama's tax policies, legislation, and government
agencies. A review of candidates' use of job killing claims suggested that these arguments often lacked convincing support. However, the ubiquity and consistency with which the label was applied may have pronounced effects by playing on existing economic fears and activating authoritarian attitudes in voters. Implications for debate and the health of American democracy are discussed.
10. Direct Attacks in the 2008 Presidential Debates
Edward A. Hinck, Shelly Schaefer Hinck, and William O. Dailey
This chapter offers a case study of the problems posed by direct attacks in the 2008 presidential debates between Barack Obama and John McCain. We consider political debates as contests where candidates must find ways to argue with each other while also respecting the other person in disagreeing over leadership issues for the nation. We distinguish between messages that help viewers evaluate differences in the arguments about policies from messages that attack the image of the candidate with little regard for policies. We illustrate the problems of direct attacks with examples from the three 2008 presidential debates.
11. Social Media, the GOP, and Campaign 2012
Mary Tucker-McLaughlin
Social media's entrée as a legitimate communication tool has changed the face of politicians' campaign communication. GOP 2012 candidates prepared their campaign strategies, with websites, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter all playing a unique role. This chapter looks at the GOP's social media communication from August 2011, through Super Tuesday in March 2012. The findings showed that although messages improved as the campaign grew more competitive, many of the messages were based on simple emotional appeals and lacked useful information that could help voters make an educated voting decision.
12. Strong Front-Runner, Weak Woman: Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Politics of Pile On
Melody Lehn
As Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2008 presidential bid illustrates, bias against women is alive and well in the mainstream media. When Clinton's campaign charged that her opponents were "piling on" their rhetoric against the early Democratic front-runner in primary debates, an incongruous rhetorical dilemma came to light. This problematic dilemma was characterized by the following question: if a female front-runner charges pile on, does she do so as a strong front-runner or as a weak woman? I demonstrate that Clinton actually embodied both roles simultaneously during this episode and that her efforts to negotiate this dilemma ultimately crippled her campaign.
13. Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage: A Dual-Issue Frame That Begins on the Political Right and Ends in Your Newspaper
Cindy J. Elmore
Many on the political right have successfully included divisive wedge issues in their political rhetoric as a way of galvanizing conservative voters to support Republicans. This analysis of U.S. newspaper coverage of abortion reveals that news reporters were parroting a right-wing pattern by frequently linking abortion to same-sex marriage in the news discourse. Combining two politically divisive wedge issues in a single frame served to magnify and legitimize the threat social conservatives were led to perceive was being waged against them from others (women and gays). The pattern structurally disadvantages a more reasoned discussion of each complex issue on its own merits.
14. Gendered Journalism: Language Differences between Female and Male Journalists in The New York Times' 2008 Coverage of Hillary Clinton
Mary Anne Taylor
This chapter analyzes coverage of 2008 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton by The New York Times. Investigating the differences in coverage between male and female reporters, it finds, contrary to previous research, that female journalists called more attention to gender cues and to the language of appearance than male journalists. It confirms prior research suggesting that female journalists lack power relative to their male counterparts in terms of where their stories are placed.
15. O'Reilly's War on the "War on Christmas": Diatribe, Culture War, and Conservative Ideology
Stephen A. Klien
During the 2005 holiday season, FOX News personality Bill O'Reilly led colleagues at his network in catapulting an alleged "War on Christmas" to a prominent position on the media agenda. This analysis explores how patterns of moral diatribe in cable news infotainment constructed the battle lines of a surprisingly prominent front in the United States' ongoing culture war. O'Reilly's War on Christmas diatribe illustrates a rhetorical form that defines contemporary conservative rhetoric from the Moral Majority to the Tea Party. This diatribe articulates a broader, more pervasive ideological identity between American national identity and heritage, Christian religious symbolism and beliefs, and consumerism.
16. An Alternative Sense of Humor: The Problems with Crossing Comedy and Politics in Public Discourse
Don Waisanen
From presidential speeches filled with punch lines, to the buzz of many late-night talk shows dissecting each day's news, we are living in a historical moment inundated with humor. While there is much worth praising in the burgeoning intersections of comedy and politics, I identify several overlapping themes demonstrating the potential limitations of humor in public communication: regulation, simplism, instability, negativity, and distortion. Referencing many recent examples, this chapter recommends that we take more seriously the idea that humor should be treated as only one, albeit important, mode of communicating among many others that might be chosen in public discourse.
17. Rush Limbaugh's Address at the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference: President Barack Obama as Liberal and Enemy
Meg H. Kunde
In this chapter, I draw on Kenneth Burke's concepts of merger through division, unification device, and clustering to analyze Rush Limbaugh's keynote speech at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on February 28, 2009. Limbaugh used polarizing tactics and false dichotomies to deflect attention away from policy deliberation and to create a story that was easier for people to process than complicated policy details. Specifically, Limbaugh equated conservatism with Americanism and liberalism with anti-Americanism, deflected attention from the economic situation to specifically call attention to Obama's actions devoid of context, casted Obama and liberals as "the enemy," and encouraged conservatives to embrace the core principles of conservatism.
18. I'm Not a Celebrity, but I Play One on Late Night TV: The Problem with Politicians and Celebrity
Sue Collins
Increasingly, politicians use devices of celebrity production in order to more intimately communicate on message without challenges by professional journalists trained in political campaign coverage. Celebrity, as a strategy of cultural production, depends on the pleasure-seeking desire of audiences to continually discover the "real" person behind the larger-than-life image. Situating themselves as celebrities, politicians access entertainment media to strategically project their "authentic" selves and thus gain power that is expedient in political terms. This chapter traces the development of the celebrity politician, arguing that this phenomenon also should be recognized as propaganda camouflaged to look like a benign cultural dimension to politics.
19. A Stab in the Eye of America or A Center for Multi-Faith Dialogue? Ideology and Contested Rhetorics Surrounding the Proposed Muslim Community Center near New York City's Ground Zero
Mina Ivanova
This chapter examines two competing lines of discourse concerning the proposed Muslim Community Center near Ground Zero in New York City. I analyze the rhetoric of Pamela Geller, the extreme right-wing blogger, who, in 2010, helped rouse vocal opposition to the project; and the rhetoric of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the leading proponent for the Center. The distinction between these discourses hinges on their openness and relative degree of ideological assuredness, which is suggested by the ways in which they constitute the collectivities "America" and "Islam" in relation to the physical and symbolic space of Ground Zero. I look to Michel Foucault's notions of "polemics" and "problematization" vis-à-vis key tropological characteristics of Geller's and Rauf's discursive strategies to suggest ways in which these two patterns of ideological flexibility could be generalized to include a broad variety of discourses.
20. Occupy Citizenship: Economic Crisis and the Emergence of a Twenty-First-Century Social Movement
Blake Abbott
This chapter examines the economic crisis of 2008 and the Occupy Wall Street movement as effects of a significant problem in American discourse. It does so by relating both events to the question of citizenship. This chapter argues that the economic crisis occurred as a result in the spread of corporate citizenship, defined as corporation's membership in society regulated by the drive for profit. When this trend collapsed and created a nationwide economic recession, individual citizens responded with the Occupy movement. The combination of physical presence and online protest became a way to counter corporate citizenship with a traditional, civic-minded approach to citizenship.
21. Reframing Dissent: The Pittsburgh G20 and the Growing Challenges for Protest
Joseph Sery
This chapter addresses the city of Pittsburgh's response to protests during the G20 Summit hosted in 2009. Noting the city's restriction of protest space, the media's group-polarizing obsession with symbolic violence, and the fear and paranoia cultivated by the police response, I argue that this rhetorical representation of the protests attempted to reframe them as criminal acts of violence, thus shifting the idea of protest away from its democratic, citizen-centered, antiestablishment roots.
22. A Catalog of Problematic Political Discourse, 2007–2012
John Rountree
This chapter collects together examples of venomous speech, lies, and uncivil discourse in politics since the ascendancy of Barack Obama. Included are examples from presidents, members of Congress, talk show hosts, political commentators, political comedians, and grassroots activists. This catalog serves as evidence of the troubled political waters we are now navigating.
Afterword: Reconstituting the Commonweal and Civil Society
Clarke Rountree
This concluding chapter identifies possible solutions to the problem of American political discourse, noting that some needed changes are nearly impossible, some useful changes may take place with little intervention, but many could use the strong hand of dedicated public servants, academics, and citizens.
About the Contributors

Erscheint lt. Verlag 30.4.2013
Sprache englisch
Gewicht 1134 g
Themenwelt Sozialwissenschaften Politik / Verwaltung Politische Systeme
Sozialwissenschaften Politik / Verwaltung Politische Theorie
ISBN-10 0-313-39866-6 / 0313398666
ISBN-13 978-0-313-39866-7 / 9780313398667
Zustand Neuware
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