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Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914 -

Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914

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978-0-367-21095-3 (ISBN)
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This four-volume collection of primary sources focuses on the history of emotions in Europe and its empires between 1517 and 1914. Arranged chronologically, each volume examines the subjects of the self, family and community, religion, politics and law, science and philosophy, and art and culture.

The collection begins with the Reformation in 1517 as a key transformative moment in European history that required people to rethink the self, belief, and scientific knowledges – all of which shaped and were shaped by emotion. It ends with WW1, by which point psychology and modern frameworks for the self had become standard knowledges. In between, ideas and practices of emotion were not static, and part of the history charted across these volumes is the making of a new vocabulary for emotions and the self.

Sources include letters, diaries, legal papers, institutional records, newspapers, science and philosophical writings, literature and art from a diversity of voices and perspectives. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students of history and literature.

Katie Barclay is Associate Professor in History, University of Adelaide, and Deputy-Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions. François Soyer is Senior Lecturer in early modern history at the University of New England, Armidale (NSW). He is a fellow of the Royal Historical Academy (UK) and has published widely in late medieval and early modern European history.


Volume I


List of Figures

General introduction

Volume introduction

Part 1. Self

1. Excerpts from the Spiritual Diary of Saint Ignatius de Loyola (1491-1556), in Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Personal Writings, trans. and ed. Joseph A. Munitiz and Philip Endean (London: Penguin, 1996), pp. 73-5 (2 February-10 February 1544) and 89-91 (2 March – 4 March 1544)

2. Gerolamo Cardano (1501-1576), De Vita propria, 1576, trans. and ed. Jean Stoner (New York: E. P. Dutton & co., 1930), pp. 280-4

3. Excerpt from the Autobiography of Saint Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582), trans. and ed. E. Allison Peers

4. Selected excerpts from the Diary of the Puritan Richard Rogers (1550?-1618) (April 1588-November 1589), in Two Elizabethan Puritan Diaries, by Richard Rogers and Samuel Ward, ed. M. M. Knappen (Chicago: The American Society of Church History, c1933), pp. 77-93

5. Excerpts from the Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois (1553-1615)
(Boston: L.C. Page, 1899)

6. Thomas Platter (1499-1582), The Autobiography of Thomas Platter, a Schoolmaster of the Sixteenth Century, tran. Elizabeth Anne Finn (London: B. Wertheim, Aldine Chambers, 1847) (Vie de Thomas Platter, 1499-1582; suivie d'extraits des meìmoires de Feìlix Platter, 1536-1614 (Geneva: Fick, 1862)), pp. 87-88

7. Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542), The Poetical Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1880), pp. 3, 17-8 and 29

8. Love and Melancholic poems of Joachim du Bellay (1522-1560)

Part 2. Family and Community

9. Excerpts from the Registers of the Consistory of Geneva in the Time of Calvin, Volume I: 1542-1544, ed. Robert M. Kingdon, Thomas A. Lambert and Isabella M. Watt; trans. by M. Wallace McDonald (Grand Rapids Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1996), pp. 52-4; 280-1 and 282-4

10. Letters of Catherine de Medici (1519-1589)

11. Letters of Philip II (1556-1598) to his daughter Catalina, Duchess of Savoy (1567-1597), 10 and 27 April 1586, Cartas de Felipe II a sus hijas, ed. Fernando Bouza (Madrid: Ediciones Akal, 1998), pp. 137-140

12. Pierre de L’Estoile (1546-1611), Registre-Journal du règne de Henri III, eds Madeleine Lazard and Gilbert Schrenck, 6 vols (Genève: Droz, 1992), vol. 1, p. 64

13. Jean Bodin (c.1529/1530-1596), Six Books of the Commonwealth by Jean Bodin, abr. and trans. M. J. Tooley (Oxford: (Basil Blackwell, 1955), pp. 96-9

14. Fray Luis de León (1527-1591), La Perfecta Casada (Salamanca: En casa de Iuan Fernandez 1583), chapters XV and XVI

15. Franz Hogenberg (1535-1590), Stump Petter (Cologne, 1589)

16. Forged letters of the Jews of Spain and Constantinople, in Julián de Medrano, La Silva Curiosa (Paris: Marc Orry, 1608), pp. 156-7

Part 3. Religion

17. Martin Luther (1483-1546), A Treatise on Good Works (1520), in Works of Martin Luther, ed. Henry Eyster Jacobs and Adolph Spaeth (Philadelphia: A.J. Holman, 1915), vol. 1, pp. 184-285

18. Katharina Schutz Zell (1497/8-1562), Letter to the Suffering Women of the community of Kentzingen, who believe in Christ, Sisters with me in Jesus Christ (1524), in Church Mother: The Writings of a Protestant Reformer in Sixteenth-Century Germany, ed. and trans. Elsie Mcknee (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006), pp. 50-56

19. Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560), Apology of the [Augsburg] Confession‎. Article IV: Of Love and the Fulfillment of the Law (1530)

20. Erasmus (1469-1536), Ecclesiastes: On the Art of Preaching (1535), Book III, pp. 766-7 and 798-806, in Spiritualia and Pastoralia: Exomologesis and Ecclesiastes, ed. Frederick J. McGinness et al (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015)

21. John Calvin (1509-1564), The Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536), trans. Henry Beveridge (Edinburgh: Calvin Translation Society, 1846), Book I, chapter 3

22. Martin Luther (1483-1546), Melancholy from Luther’s Table Talk, in Luther’s Table Talk, extracts selected by Dr Macaulay (London: The Religious Tract Society, n.d.), pp. 87-90, 100-1 and 106

23. Ignacio de Loyola (1491-1556), Spiritual Exercises (1548), in The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius: A New Translation Based on Studies in the Language of the Autograph, trans. Louis J. Puhl (United States: Newman Press, 1951), pp. 141-150


John Foxe (1516/17-1587), Book ofMartyrs/Acts and Monuments (1563) (Chicago: John C. Winston Co., 1926), pp. 212-425. Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582), The Interior Castle (London: Thomas Baker, 1921), chapter II.

Part 4. Politics and Law

26. Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (1469-1527), The Prince (1513/1532), trans. W.K. Marriott (London: E.P. Dutton & Company, 1908), chapters 17 and 19.

27. Bartolomé de las Casas (1484-1566), The Tears of the Indians being an Historical and True Account of the Cruel Massacres and Slaughters of above Twenty Millions of Innocent People committed by the Spaniards in the islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, &c.: as also in the continent of Mexico, Peru, & other places of the West-Indies, to the total destruction of those countries written in Spanish by Casaus, an eye-witness of those things; and made English by J.P (London: Printed by J.C. for Nath. Brook, 1656), pp. 27-32

28. Hernán Cortés (1485-1547), Letters of Cortés: Five Letters of Relation to the Emperor Charles V, tran. and ed. Francis Augustus MacNutt (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1908), vol. I, pp. 237-8 and 251-2

29. Bernal Dίaz del Castillo (1496-1584), The Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo: Written by Himself Containing a True and Full Account of the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain, trans. John Ingram Lockhart (London: J. Hatchard and Son, 1844), pp. 101-3 and 271-2

30. Charles V (1500-1588), Abdication speech and ceremony of Emperor Charles V, 1555, in Prudencio de Sandoval, Historia de la vida y hechos del emperador Carlos V. máximo (Antwerp: Geronymo Verdvssen, 1681), vol. 2, pp. 597-9

31. Justus Lipsius (1547-1606), A Discourse of Constancy in Two Books Chiefly containing Consolations against Publick Evils Written in Latin by Justus Lipsius, and Translated into English by Nathaniel Wanley (London: Printed by J. Redmayne, for James Allestry, 1670), pp. 6-12

32. Pedro de Ribadeneyra (1527-1611), Ecclesiastical History of the Schism of the Kingdom of England (1595 edition), Book 1 Chapter 10, ed. and trans. Spencer Weinreich (Leiden, E. J. Brill, 2017), pp. 161-3

33. Inquisitorial Trial of Bartholomeu Domingues, Inq. Lisbon, no. 12447 (1589) and summaries of trials in Julio Serra, Procesos en la Inquisición de Toledo (1575-1610): manuscrito de Halle (Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 2005), pp. 260, 318, 401-2 and 423

34. Petitions made to the Quarter Sessions in England

Part 5. Science and Philosophy

35. Selected excerpts from Juan Luis Vives (1493-1540), de Anima et Vita (Basel: in officina Roberti VVinter, 1538), Book III

36. Ambroise Paré (c.1510-1590), The Workes of that Famous Chirurgion Ambrose Parey translated out of Latine and compared with the French. by Th: Johnson (London: Printed by Th: Cotes and R. Young, 1634), pp. 39-40

37. Selected extracts from Guy Faur de Pibrac (1529-1584), Discours de l'Ire et comme il la faut modérer (1576), trans. Petris, Loris, ‘Le Magistrat Gallican Et L'Académie Du Palais: Le Discours De L'ire, & Comme Il La Faut Moderer De Guy Du Faur De Pibrac (étude et édition)’, Nouvelle Revue Du XVIe Siècle 22, no. 2 (2004), 57-82

38. Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592), ‘Of Sadness or Sorrow,’ ‘That We Laugh or Cry for the Same Thing’ and ‘Of Anger’, in Essais (London: Reeves and Turner, 1877)

39. Juan Huarte de San Juan (1529-1588), The Examination of Mens Wits. In Whicch, by Discouering the Varietie of Natures, is shewed for what Profession each one is Apt, and how far he shall Profit Therein (London: Richard Watkins, 1594), pp. 81-3

40. Timothy Bright (c.1551-1616), A Treatise of Melancholie. Containing the Causes thereof, & Reasons of the Strange Effects it Worketh in our Minds and Bodies … (London: Thomas Vautrollier, 1586), pp. 33-8, 101-110 and 135-8

41. André du Laurens (1558-1609), A Discourse of the Preseruation of the Sight: of Melancholike Diseases; of Rheumes, and of Old Age, trans, Richard Surphlet (London: Ralph Iacson, 1599), pp. 84-96

42. Thomas Wright (1561-1624), The Passions of the Minde in Generall. Corrected, enlarged, and with Sundry New Discourses Augmented (London: Walter Burre, 1604), pp. 15-32

43. Leonhard Thurneyssers (1531-1595/5), ‘The Four Humoral Temperaments’, Quinta essentia (1574).

Part 6. Art and Culture

44. Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), Head of a Weeping Cherub (1521)

45. Hans Holbein (1497-1543), the Dance of Death (1523-5)

46. Quentin Metsys (1543-1589), Christ as the Man of Sorrows (c. 1520-5)

47. Anonymous, The Magdalene Weeping (1525)

48. Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553), Melancholia (1532)

49. Hélisenne de Crenne (151-1552), Les Angoisses douloureuses qui procèdent d'amours (The Torments of Love, 1538), Book One, Chapters 14-15, trans. Lisa Neal and Rendall Steven (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996), pp. 34-41

50. François Rabelais (d.1553), Gangantua and Pantagruel (1546), in Francois Rabelais' Five Books Of The Lives, Heroic. Deeds And Sayings Of Gargantua And His Son Pantagruel, trans. Sir Thomas Urquhart (Derby: Moray Press, 1894), Book 2, chapter 2, XXI-XXII

51. Martin Luther (1483-1546), Abbildung des Bapstum (Depiction of the Papacy) (Wittenberg, 1545)

52. Various prints of massacres

53. Sofonisba Anguissola (c.1532-1625), Old Woman Studying the Alphabet with a Laughing Girl (1550s) and Asdrubale Bitten by a Crawfish (1550s)

54. El Greco (Doménikos Theotokópoulos, 1541-1614), The Tears of Saint Peter or Penitent Saint Peter (1580s-1590s)

Volume II


List of Figures

General introduction

Volume introduction

Part 1: Self

1. Thomas Browne (1605-1682), Religio Medici (London: Andrew Cooke, 1643), Second Part, pp. 141-150

2. Miquel Parets (1610-1661), A Journal of the Plague Year: the Diary of the Barcelona tanner Miquel Parets, 1651, trans. and ed. James Amelang (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), pp. 68-71

3. Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), The Diary of Samuel Pepys, ed. Henry B. Wheatley (London: George Bell and Sons, 1893)

4. Elizabeth, Viscountess Mordaunt (1632-1679), The Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth, Viscountess Mordaunt, covering the years 1656–78, in Elizabeth Mordaunt. The Private Diarie, ed. E. Roden and R. Jocelyn (Duncairn: 1856), pp. 59-64; 169-172

5. Selected excerpts of Gluckel of Hameln (1646-1724), Memoirs, from The Life of Glückel of Hameln, 1646–1724, written by herself, trans. and ed. Beth-Zion Abrahams (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society, 2010), pp. 39-40, 71 and 106-110

6. Ralph Thoresby (1628-1725), Diary entries on the death of Mr. Sharp, 1693, in The Diary of Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S. Author of the Topography of Leeds (1677-1724), ed. Joseph Hunter (London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley 1830), vol. 1, pp. 235-41

7. Jacques Abbadie (1654-1727), The Art of Knowing One-Self, or, An Enquiry into the Sources of Morality written originally in French (Oxford: Henry Clements, and John Howell, 1695), pp. 138-165

8. Abraham de Wicquefort (1606-1682), The Embassador and his Functions, trans. Mr. Digby (London: B. Lintott, 1716), pp. 349-50

Part 2. Family and Community

9. Complainte et regret d'une jeune fille, laquelle a esté exécutée dans la ville de Aure de Grace, en Normandie pour avoir deffaict son propre enfant. Sur le chant, Demandez l[e] à votre père pareillement à vostre mère, in La Fleur du rozier des chansons nouvelles, Nouvellement Imprimees & recueillies de plusieurs Autheurs (Lyon, Par Simon Rigaud. 1606)

10. Testimony from the trial of Margaret Ramsay for the murder of her own child, 5 March 1662, National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh, JC1/33

11. John Vernon, The Compleat Scholler; or, A Relation of the Life, and Latter-End especially, of Caleb Vernon who Dyed in the Lord on the 29th of the Ninth Month, 1665. Aged Twelve Years and Six Months. Commending to Youth the Most Excellent Knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord. (London: the author, 1666), pp. 55-75

12. Antoine de Courtin (1622-1685), A Treatise of Jealousie, or, Means to Preserve Peace in Marriage wherein is Treated of I. The Nature and Effects of Jealousie, which for the Most part is the Fatal Cause of Discontents between Man and Wife, II. And because Jealousy is a Passion, it's therefore Occasionally Discoursed of Passions in General ... III. The Reciprocal Duties of Man and Wife ... (London: W. Freeman, 1684), pp. 69-87 and 140-156

13. An Account of a Horrid and Barbarous Murder Committed on the Body of a Young Person supposed to be of a Good Quality in the Fields beyond Whitechappel-Church in the Parish of Stepny (London: George Croom, 1684)

14. The Tryal of Philip Standsfield, son to Sir James Standsfield of New-Milns for the Murther of his Father, and other Crimes libell'd against him, Feb. 7. 1688 … (Edinburgh: Andrew Anderson, 1688), pp. 20-2 and 27-30

15. Louis Hennepin (1626-1704), A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America extending above Four Thousand Miles between New France and New Mexico, with a description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants and Animals: also the Manners, Customs, and Languages of the Several Native Indians... (London: M. Bentley, J. Tonson, H. Bonwick, T. Goodwin and S. Manship, 1698), pp. 68-73

Part 3. Religion

16. Jean-François Senault (c.1599-1672), The Use of Passions written in French by J.F. Senault; and put into English by Henry, Earl of Monmouth (London: John Sims, 1671), pp. 39-53

17. Thomas Adams (1583-1652), Diseases of the Soule a Discourse Diuine, Morall, and Physicall (London: Iohn Budge, 1616), pp. 13-21

18. David Papillon (1582-1659), The Vanity of the Lives and Passions of Men (London: Robert White, 1651), pp. 81-97

19. María de Jesús de Ágreda (1602-1665), Correspondencia con Felipe IV. Religión y Razón de Estado, ed. Consolación Baranda (Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 1991), pp. 95-99 and 231-6

20. James Cranford (1592-1657), The Teares of Ireland wherein is Lively presented as in a Map a List of the Unheard off Cruelties and Perfidious Treacheries of Blood-Thirsty Jesuits and the Popish Faction … (London: Iohn Rothwell, 1642), pp. 1-4 and 20-38

21. Anonymous engraving, Persecution of the Waldenses in the Piedmont, 1655-1663

22. Lancelot Blackburne (1658-1743), The Unreasonableness of Anger a Sermon Preach’d before the Queen at White-hall, July 29, 1694 (London: Thomas Bennet, 1694)

Part 4. Politics and Law

23. Petition for Mercy Presented by William Udall to Lord Cecil (1604)

24. Eustache du Refuge (1564-1617), A Treatise of the Court or Instructions for Courtiers Digested into Two Books, trans. John Reynolds (London: Will: Lee, 1622), chapters 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 23

25. Fernando Manojo de la Corte, Newes from Spaine A Relation of the Death of Don Rodrigo Calderon, Marques of Seven Churches, &c. Faithfully translated according to the Spanish Copy (Madrid: widdow of Fernando Correa de Montenegro, 1622)

26. Jean Le Clerc (1657-1736), The Life of the Famous Cardinal-Duke de Richlieu, Principal Minister of State to Lewis XIII, King of France and Navarr (London: M. Gillyflower, W. Freeman, J. Walthoe and R. Parker, 1695), pp. 356-64

27. Englands Joy turned to Mourning, for the Loss of that Vertuous Prince, Henry Duke of Glocester, 3d. Son to our late Soveraign King Charles the first: Who Departed this Life the 13 of September, in the Year of our Lord, 1660. Prepare for Death before you Dye, If you would Live Eternally. To the Tune of, Aim not too high

28. The Spirit in Heaven of that Illustrious Orange-Martyr, Henry de Fleury, lord of Buat, etc, 1672

29. John Gadbury (1627-1704), A True Narrative of the Horrid Hellish Popish-Plot. To the Tune of Packington’s Pound, The First Part [s.l.: s.n., 1682]

30. Petition of Roger Silkston, a poor prisoner in Derby gaol at the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1680

Part 5. Science and Philosophy

31. Robert Burton (1577-1640), The Anatomy of Melancholy vvhat it is. VVith all the Kindes, Causes, Symptomes, Prognostickes, and Seuerall Cures of it (Oxford: Henry Cripps, 1621), pp. 119-43

32. Jacques Ferrand (b.c.1575), Erōtomania or A Treatise discoursing of the Essence, Causes, Symptomes, Prognosticks, and Cure of Love, or Erotique Melancholy, trans. Edmund Chilmead (Oxford: Edward Forrest, 1640), pp. 217-37

33. Nicholas Coeffeteau (1574-1623), A Table of Humane Passions with their Causes and Effects, trans. Edw. Grimeston (London: Nicholas Okes, 1621), pp. 547-632

34. Reneì Descartes (1596-1650), The Passions of the Soule in Three Books the first, treating of the Passions in Generall, and occasionally of the Whole Nature of Man. The Second, of the Number, and Order of the Passions, and the Explication of the Six Primitive Ones. The Third, of Particular Passions (London: J. Martin, and J. Ridley, 1650), pp. 45-54

35. Jakob Böhme (1575-1624), A Consolatory Treatise of the Four Complexions, that is, an Instruction in the Time of Temptation for a Sad and Assaulted Heart shewing where-from Sadness Naturally Ariseth, and how the Assaulting Happeneth: hereto are annexed some Consolatory Speeches exceeding Profitable for the Assaulted Hearts & Souls, written ... March 1621 (London: H. Blunden, 1654)

36. Marin Cureau de la Chambre (1594-1669), A Discourse upon the Passions in Two Parts (London: Hen. Herringman, 1661), pp. 1-19

37. Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), The Ethics, trans. R. H. M. Elwes, in The Chief Works of benedict de Spinoza (London: G. Bell and Sons, 1883-4), vol. 2, Parts III and IV

38. Théophraste Renaudot (1585-1653), Another Collection of Philosophical Conferences of the French Virtuosi upon Questions of All Sorts for the Improving of Natural Knowledg made in the Assembly of the Beaux Esprits at Paris by the most Ingenious Persons of that nation, trans. G. Havers, Gent. & J. Davies (London: Thomas Dring and John Starkey, 1665), pp. 99-101 and 150-3

39. Nicholas Malebranche (1638-1715), Father Malebranche his Treatise concerning the Search after Truth The Whole Work Complete. To which is added the author's Treatise of Nature and Grace … Together with his Answer to the Animadversions upon the First Volume: his Defence against the Accusations of Monsieur De la Ville, &c¸ trans. T. Taylor (London: Thomas Bennet, T. Leigh and W. Midwinter, 1700), pp. 1-5 and 10-12

40. William Greenwood, Aπογραφη Στοργης, or, A Description of the Passion of Love demonstrating its Original, Causes, Effects, Signes, and Remedies (London: William Place, 1657), pp. 103-27

41. Thomas Willis (1621-1675), Two Discourses concerning the Soul of Brutes which is that of the Vital and Sensitive of Man. The First is Physiological, shewing the Nature, Parts, Powers, and Affections of the Same. The Other is Pathological, which Unfolds the Diseases which Affect it and its Primary Seat; to wit, the Brain and Nervous Stock, and Treats of their Cures (London: Thomas Dring, 1683), pp. 45-9

Part 6. Arts and Culture

42. Vicente Carducho (1576/78–1638), La Expulsión de los Moriscos (1627)

43. Carte du Tendre: An Allegorical Map of ‘the Land of Love’ (1654-61)

44. Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669), Self Portrait in a Cap Laughing (1630), and Laughing Soldier (ca. 1630)

45. Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (1651)

46. Pedro de Mena (1628-1688), Virgin of Sorrows (c. 1675)

47. Gabriel Joseph de Lavergne, vicomte de Guilleragues (1628-1684), Five Love-Letters from a Nun to a Cavalier (London: Henry Brome..., 1678), pp. 1-31

48. Charles Le Brun (1619-1690), The Conference of Monsieur Le Brun: cheif [sic] painter to the French King, upon Expression, General and Particular (London: John Smith, Edward Cooper, and David Mortier, 1701), pp. 1-10

Volume III


List of Figures

General introduction

Volume introduction

Part 1. The self

1. Charles Johnson, A General History of the Pyrates, from their Rise and Settlement in the Island of Providence, to the Present Time… (London: T. Warner, 1724), pp. 157-65

2. Anne-Thérèse de Marguenat de Courcelles (1647-1733), The Philosophy of Love, or New Reflections on the Fair Sex, trans John Lockman (London: J. Hawkins, 1729 and 1737), pp. 22-48

3. John Cleland (1709-1789), Memoirs of a Coxcomb (London: R. Griffiths, 1751), pp. 16-23, 74-76, 356-60

4. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), Emilius and Sophia: Or, A New System of Education, 2 vols (Émile, ou De l’éducation) (London: R. Griffiths, 1762), vol. 2, pp. 135-46, 150-53

5. Confession of James Duncan, theft, 1770, National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh JC26/191

6. Johannes Ewald (1743-1781), Levnet og Meninger (Copenhagen, [written 1774-78, published 1804-8] 1856)

7. Sophie von la Roche (1730-1807), Sophie in London, 1786: Being the Diary of Sophie v. la Roche, trans Clare Williams (London: Jonathan Cape, 1933), pp. 293-300

8. Olaudah Equiano (1745-1797), The Life of Olaudah Equiano: Or Gustavus Vassa, the African, 2 vols (Boston: Isaac Knapp, [1789] 1837), pp. 53-62

Part 2. Family and community

9. Selection of letters from Philip Doddrige (1702-1751) to his wife Mercy Doddridge (1709-1790), Dr William’s Library, London

10. Series of porcelains made by Meissener Porcelain Manufacturer

11. Criminal indictment of David Young for assaulting his father and mother, 1738, National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh JC26/128/d2059

12. The Royal African: or, Memoirs of the Young Prince of Annamaboe (London: W. Reeve, [1750]), pp. 35-45

13. David Zeisberger (1721-1808), Diary of David Zeisberger: a Moravian Missionary among the Indians of Ohio, trans. Eugene F. Bliss, 2 vols (Cincinnati: Robert Clarke 1885), vol. 1, pp. 51-57, 68-70, 71-72.

14. Caroline-Stéphanie-Félicité, Madame de Genlis (1846-1830), Adelaide and Theodore; or Letters on Education, containing All the Principles relative to three different Plans of Education; to that of Princes, and to those of young Person of both Sexes, 3 vols (London: C. Bathurst, 1783), vol. 1, pp. 5-8, 10-18, 62-66

Part 3. Religion

15. Selection of children’s samplers with religious aphorisms

16. Erik Pontoppidan (1698-1764), Sandhed til Gudfrygtighed [Truth Unto Godliness] (Copenhagen, 1737)

17. George Brown (c.1715-1779), Diary of George Brown, Merchant in Glasgow, 1745-53 (Glasgow: Thomas Constable, 1856), pp. 132-43, 298-305

18. Nicolaus Ludwig von Zizendorf und Pottendorf (1700-1760), Hymns composed for the Use of the Brethren (1749), a selection

19. Edward Synge (1659-1741), Sober Thoughts for the Cure of Melancholy, Especially that which is Religious (London: Thomas Trye, 1749), 5-18, 22-23

20. José María Genovese (1681-1757), The Sacred Heart of the Most Holy Patriarch Saint Joseph, Venerated for Everday Day of the Week (El Sagrado Corazon del Santissimo Patriarcha, Sr San Joseph, Venerado por todos los dias de la semana) (Mexico City, 1751), 38-50, 76-91

21. Elizabeth Cairns (1685-1741), Memoirs of Elizabeth Cairns (Glasgow: John Brown, 1762), pp. 45-53, 61-63, 65

22. Pehr Stenberg (1758-1824), Diary of Peter Sternberg: 1758-1784, Umea University

Part 4. Politics and law

23. Reuben Thwaites, ed. (1853-1913), The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents: Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 1610-1791: vol. 67 Lower Canada, Abenakis, Louisiana 1716-1727 (Cleveland: Burrows Brothers, 1900), pp. 231-47

24. Cesare Bonesana di Beccaria (1738-1794), An Essay on Crimes and Punishments, trans. Edward D. Ingraham, 2nd ed. (Philadelphia: Philip H. Nicklin, 1764/1819), pp. 47, 93-108

25. Adam Ferguson (1723-1816), An Essay on the History of Civil Society (Dublin: Boulter Grierson, 1767), pp. 85-98

26. Catherine II (1729-1796), The Grand Instructions to the Commissioners Appointed to Frame a New Code of Laws for the Russian Empire, trans Michael Tatischeff (London:

T. Jeffreys, 1768), pp. 112-13, 115-18, 121-24, 125-27, 137-4127. Patrick Henry (1736-1799), Shall Liberty or Empire Be Sought? A Speech given on 5 Jun 1778 at the Virginia Convention to ratify the Constitution of the United States

28. Andrew Greenfield (1750-1788), The Cause and Cure of National Distress: A Sermon (Edinburgh: William Creech, 1779)

29. John Hawkesworth (1715-1773), An Account of the Voyages Undertaken by the Order of His Present ..., 3 vols (London: W. Strahan, 1783), pp. 152-58, 186-188, 231-33, 410-412

Part 5. Science and philosophy

30. James Blondel (1666-1734), The Power of the Mother’s Imagination over the Foetus (London: John Brotherton, 1729), pp. 1-5, 13-18

31. Jewish love potion, from a medical recipe book, Italy, 18-19thC, British Library Or 10268, f.10r

32. M. Engelbrecht (1685-1756), Augsburg, after C. Le Brun, Collection of etchings of emotions

33. Johann Georg Zimmerman (1728-1795), Solitude (London: T. Maiden, [1758] 1799), pp. 215-228

34. Adam Smith (1723-1790), The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 3rd ed. (London: A. Millar, 1767), pp. 1-15

35. John Leake (1729-1792, Practical Observations towards the Prevention and Cure of Chronic Diseases peculiar to Women, 7th ed. (London, Baldwin, [1777] 1792), pp. 224-28, 229-32, 237-48, 252-53

36. Johann Herder (1744-1803), Outlines of a Philosophy of a History of Man, tran T. Churchill (New York: Bergman, [1784] 1800), pp. 98-103

37. Louise Florence Pétronille Tardieu d’Esclavelles D’Epigny (1726-1783), The Conversations of Emily, 2 vols (London: John Marshall, 1787), pp. 49-71, 98-107

Part 6. Arts and culture

38. Scottish broadside ballads (c.1720)

39. Voltaire [François-Marie Arouet] (1694-1778), ‘Poem on the Lisbon Disaster; or an Examination of the Axiom, "All is Well"’ (1756), in Toleration and Other Essays, trans. Joseph McCabe (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1912), pp. 255-63

40. Julia Mandeville [Frances Brooke] (1724-1789), The History of Emily Montague (London: J. Dodsley, 1769), pp. 63-79, 89-92

41. Henry McKenzie (1745-1831), The Man of Feeling: A Novel (Philadelphia: Robert Bell, [1771] 1782), pp. 7-10, 34-38

42. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), The Sorrows of Werter: A German Story, trans John Gifford (London: Harrison, [1774] 1789), pp. 34, 35-36, 38, 43, 63-64

43. Charles Avison (1709-1770), An Essay on Musical Expression (London: Lockyer Davis, 1775), pp. 1-18

44. Vittorio Alfieri (1749-1803), ‘Myrrha’, in The Tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri: Complete, ed. Edgar Bowrig, 2 vols (London: George Bell, [1782] 1876), pp. 317-28

45. Series of paintings/prints on theme of ‘the love letter’

Volume IV


List of Figures

General introduction

Volume introduction

Part 1. The self

1. Excerpt from Elizabeth Wynne Fremantle (1778-1857), The Wynne Diaries, ed. Anne Fremantle, 3 vols (1935-7), pp. 85-91, 188-89, 226-27

2. Excerpt from Marjory Fleming (1803-1811), The Handwritten Diary, Letters and Poems of Kirkcaldy-born Marjory Fleming, who died in Edinburgh in 1811, aged 8, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, MSS.1096-1100

3. Declaration of John Gibson tried for murder and medical report, 1814, National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh JC26/366

4. Prints of Jealousy, 1817 and 1825

5. Solomon Bayley (c.1771-c.1839), A Narrative of Some Remarkable Incidents in the Life of Solomon Bayley, Formerly a Slave in the State of Delaware, North America; Written by Himself, and Published for His Benefit (London: Harvey and Darton, 1825), pp. 1-11

6. Joseph Blanco White (1775-1841), The Life of Rev Joseph Blanco White, ed. John Hamilton Thom, 3 vols (London: John Chapman, 1830), pp. 155-167

7. Excerpt from Étienne Eugène Azam (1822–1899), ‘Periodical Amnesia; Or, Double Consciousness’, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 3 (1876b): 584–612.

8. Hermine Hug-Hellmuth (1871-1924), A Young Girl’s Diary, ed. Sigmund Freud and trans. Eden and Cedar Paul (New York: Thomas Seltzer, 1921), pp. 13-18, 21-25, 33-36

Part 2. Family and community

9. Bernhard Christoph Faust (1755-1842), Health Catechism for Use in Schools and for Domestic Instruction (Gesundheits-Katechismus zum Gebrauche in den Schulen und beim häuslichen Unterrichte) (Bückeburg, 1794), pp. 1-78

10. Daniel Webster (1782-1852), The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster, ed. Fletcher Webster, 2 vols (Boston: Brown and Co, 1857), pp. 80-82, 92-94, 95-98

11. The Confession of Mary Cole, who was Executed Friday, 26th June, 1813 at Newton, Sussex County for the Murder of Agnes Teaurs, her Mother (New York, [1813])

12. William Hazlitt (1778-1830), Libor Amoris; or the New Pygmalion (London: John Hunt, 1823), pp. 12-30

13. Letters from a variety of people to the Archbishopric of Dublin, Dublin Diocesan Archive, Dublin (1849-1874)

14. American mourning jewellery, mid-nineteenth century

15. Fredrika Bremer (1801-1865), The Homes of the New World; Impressions of America, trans Mary Howitt, 2 vols (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1857), pp. 440-50

16. Henry James (1843-1916), What Maisie Knew (Chicago: Herbert S. Stone, 1897), pp. 9-15, 35-43

17. Egon Schiele (1890-1918) paintings of family life

Part 3. Religion

18. Johannes Hendrickus van der Palm (1763-1840), ’Sermon IV. Necessity of Divine Grace to Change’, in The Life and Character of J.H. Van Der Palm, trans J.P. Westervelt (New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1865), pp. 240-63

19. Religious tracts for children, 1830

20. William H. Neligan, Saintly Characters Recently Presented for Canonisation (New York: Edward Dunigan & Brother, 1859), pp. 181-200

21. India’s Women (1882)

22. Nineteenth-century Jewish music

23. Thérèse of Lisieux (1873-1897), Story of a Soul (L’Histoire d’une Ame): The Autobiography of St Thérèse of Lisieux, ed. T. N. Taylor (London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1912), pp. 113-20

24. ‘How the Mohammedans keep the Festival of Mohurrim’, in The World’s Story: A History of the World in Story, Song and Art, Vol. II: India, Persia, Mesopotamia, and Palestine, ed. Eva March Tappan (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1914), pp. 201-15

Part 4. Politics and law

25. Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Reflections of the Revolution in France and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London (London: J. Dodsley, 1790), pp. 69-74, 102-107

26. Political tears in eighteenth-century British prints

27. To the Spanish Army on the Occasion of the Entrance of the Uclés Prisoners to Madrid (Al Exército español con motivo de la entrada de los prisioneros de Uclés en Madrid) (Valencia, 1809)

28. Franciso de Goya Y Lucientes (1746-1828), For Having Been Born Elsewhere (1810-11)

29. Pompee Valentin Vastey (1781-1820), An Essay on the Causes of the Revolution and Civil Qars of Hayti, trans W.H. M.B. (Exeter, 1823), pp. 1-14

30. Charles Philips (1787-1859), ‘Speech of Mr. Philips in the Case of Guthrie v. Sterne, delivered in the Court of Common Pleas, Dublin’, The Speeches of Charles Philips, esq (London, W. Simkin, 1822), pp. 90-108

31. Richard Dybeck (1811-1877), Thou Ancient. Thou Free (Du Gamla Du Fria) (1844)

32. Alfred Dreyfuss (1859-1935), Five Years of My Life, 1894-1899 (New York: McClure, Phillips, & Co, 1911), pp. 49-71

33. Helen Sjöstedt, Women’s Freedom Appeal: A Complement to V.V. Heidenstam’s Citizen’s Song (Kvinnornas frihetsvädjan ett komplement till V.v.Heidenstams "Medborgarsång") (Gothenburg: Oscar Isacson, 1913)

Part 5. Science and philosophy

34. Philippe Pinel (1745-1826), A Treatise of Insanity, trans D.D. Davis (Sheffield: W. Todd, 1806), pp. 19-21, 224-234

35. John G. Millingen (1782-1862), The Passions; or Mind and Matter (London: John and Daniel A. Darling, 1848), pp. 324-35

36. Charles Darwin (1809-1882), The Expressions of Emotion in Man and Animals (London: John Murray, 1872), pp. 239-49

37. Antoinette Blackwell (1825-1921), Sexes Throughout Nature (New York: G.P. Putnam, 1875), pp. 62-83

38. William James (1842-1910), The Principles of Psychology, 2 vols (New York: Henry Holt & Co, 1890), pp. 449-54, 459-61

39. Helen Bradford Thompson Woolley (1874-1947), The Mental Traits of Sex; an Experimental Investigation of the Normal Mind in Men and Women (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1903), pp. 148-57, 165-68

40. Havelock Ellis (1859-1939), Studies in the Psychology of Sex, 6 vols (1897–1928), vol. 3, pp. 66-74, 82-84

Part 6. Arts and culture

41. Augustus von Kotzebue (1761-1819), The Stranger: a Drama, in Five Acts, trans Benjamin Thompson (London: Thomas Hailes Lacy, 1798/1846), pp. 31-37, 48-51

42. E.T.A. Hoffman (1776-1822), Beethoven’s Instrumental Music (1810), trans Arthur Ware Locke, The Musical Quarterly 3, no. 1 (1917): 127-33

43. Early nineteenth-century Scottish ballads

44. Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873), The Betrothed (London: Richard Bentley, 1834), pp. 150-60

45. Finnish folktales

46. Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida (1863–1923), Spanish social realist paintings

47. Emily Lawless (1845-1913), With the Wild Geese (London: Isbister & Co, 1902)

Erscheint lt. Verlag 28.7.2021
Reihe/Serie Routledge Historical Resources
Zusatzinfo 76 Halftones, black and white
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 2920 g
Themenwelt Schulbuch / Wörterbuch Lexikon / Chroniken
Geschichte Allgemeine Geschichte Neuzeit (bis 1918)
Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Regional- / Ländergeschichte
Geschichte Teilgebiete der Geschichte Kulturgeschichte
ISBN-10 0-367-21095-9 / 0367210959
ISBN-13 978-0-367-21095-3 / 9780367210953
Zustand Neuware
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