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Environmental Design Guidelines for Low Crested Coastal Structures -  Hans Falk Burcharth,  Stephen J. Hawkins,  Alberto Lamberti,  Barbara Zanuttigh

Environmental Design Guidelines for Low Crested Coastal Structures (eBook)

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2010 | 1. Auflage
448 Seiten
Elsevier Science (Verlag)
978-0-08-055582-9 (ISBN)
193,98 inkl. MwSt
(CHF 189,50)
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The effect of manmade activities is primarily local but can extend far away from the location of intervention. This underlines the importance of establishing coastal zone management plans covering large stretches of coastlines.

In recent years, interest in Low Crested Structures (coastal defense structures with a low-crest) has been growing together with awareness of the sensitivity to environmental impacts produced by coastal defenses.

The relation between wave climate, beach erosion, beach defence means, habitat changes and beach value, which clearly exists based on EC research results, suggests the necessity of an integrated approach when designing coastal protection schemes. In accordance with this need, the present design guidelines cover structure stability and construction problems, hydro and morphodynamic effects, environmental effects (colonisation of the structure and water quality), societal and economic impacts (recreational benefits, swimming safety, beach quality).

Environmental Design Guidelines for Low Crested Coastal Structures is specifically dedicated to Low Crested Structures, and provides methodological tools both for the engineering design of structures and for the prediction of performance and environmental impacts of such structures. A briefing of current best practice for local and national planning authorities, statutory agencies and other stakeholders in the coastal zone is also covered.

Presented in a generic way, this book is appropriate throughout the European Union, taking into account current European Commission policy and directives for the promotion of sustainable development and integrated coastal zone management.

* Fills the gap between engineering and ecology in coastal defense planning
* Shows the reader how to perform an integrated design of coastal defense schemes
* Presents latest insights on hydro-morphodynamics induced by structures
* Provides directly applicable tools for the design of low crested structures
* Highlights socio-economic perspectives in coastal defense design
The effect of manmade activities is primarily local but can extend far away from the location of intervention. This underlines the importance of establishing coastal zone management plans covering large stretches of coastlines. In recent years, interest in Low Crested Structures (coastal defense structures with a low-crest) has been growing together with awareness of the sensitivity to environmental impacts produced by coastal defenses. The relation between wave climate, beach erosion, beach defence means, habitat changes and beach value, which clearly exists based on EC research results, suggests the necessity of an integrated approach when designing coastal protection schemes. In accordance with this need, the present design guidelines cover structure stability and construction problems, hydro and morphodynamic effects, environmental effects (colonisation of the structure and water quality), societal and economic impacts (recreational benefits, swimming safety, beach quality). Environmental Design Guidelines for Low Crested Coastal Structures is specifically dedicated to Low Crested Structures, and provides methodological tools both for the engineering design of structures and for the prediction of performance and environmental impacts of such structures. A briefing of current best practice for local and national planning authorities, statutory agencies and other stakeholders in the coastal zone is also covered. Presented in a generic way, this book is appropriate throughout the European Union, taking into account current European Commission policy and directives for the promotion of sustainable development and integrated coastal zone management. - Fills the gap between engineering and ecology in coastal defense planning- Shows the reader how to perform an integrated design of coastal defense schemes- Presents latest insights on hydro-morphodynamics induced by structures- Provides directly applicable tools for the design of low crested structures- Highlights socio-economic perspectives in coastal defense design

Front Cover 1
Environmental Design Guidelines for Low Crested Coastal Structures 4
Copyright Page 5
Contents 8
Part I: Guidelines 20
Chapter 1. Definition of LCSs covered by the guidelines 22
Chapter 2. Function of LCSs 24
2.1. LCSs interaction with waves, currents and sediment transport 24
2.2. Environmental considerations and consequences 27
2.3. Socio-economic impact of LCSs 29
Chapter 3. Objectives and target effects of LCSs 30
3.1. Protection of land and infrastructure by prevention or reduction of coastal erosion 30
3.2. Improvement of recreational conditions 30
3.3. Protect and minimise impacts on cultural and natural heritage of the coastline 31
3.4. Enhancement of natural living resources for food and recreation 32
Chapter 4. Outline of design procedure 34
Chapter 5. Initial considerations 36
5.1. Consideration of legal, physical, environmental, socio-economic and aesthetic constraints 36
5.2. Definition of the primary objectives 41
5.3. Consideration of LCSs as a possible contribution to a functional and economical solution 42
5.4. Consideration of project service lifetime and structure safety classification 42
5.5. Consideration of environmental context including ecosystem, natural heritage and natural resources 43
5.6. Synthesis of < <
Chapter 6. Investigation of environmental conditions 44
6.1. Bathymetry and topography including seasonal and long-term variations 44
6.2. Geology including characterization of surface layers (sediments) 45
6.3. Water level variations 45
6.4. Wave statistics 46
6.5. Current statistics including tidal, bathymetric and wave generated currents, residual large-scale currents 47
6.6. Wind statistics, solar exposure and precipitation 48
6.7. Sediment transport by waves and wind 48
6.8. Sediment characteristics 49
6.9. Hydrographic parameters including water quality 50
6.10. Ecological conditions (ecosystem, habitat and species) 50
Chapter 7. Conceptual/pre-design alternatives 52
7.1. Proposals for lay-out and cross sections of potential LCS schemes 52
7.2. Preliminary estimation of morphological impact by the use of empirical diagrams, formulae or experience 54
7.3. Structural safety of predesign 57
7.4. Identification of environmental conditions for predesign 58
7.5. Structural design of LCSs based on material supply possibilities, formulae for stability, and semi-empirical information on scour 59
7.6. Assessment of environmental impacts (EIA) at local and regional scale 61
7.7. Evaluation of the schemes based on economical optimisation 62
7.8. Socio-economic evaluation of the schemes 63
7.9. Integration of technical, ecological and economic evaluation for selection of the sustainable scheme 63
Chapter 8. Detailed design of preferred scheme 66
8.1. Optimization of lay-out and cross sections of LCSs based on short-term and long-term morphodynamic simulations 66
8.2. Structural design by the use of formulae and model tests 69
8.3. Statement of socio-environmental impacts 69
8.4. Design mitigation measures 71
8.5. Identification of design options that maximise specific secondary management goals 73
8.6. Evaluation of initial and maintenance costs 75
8.7. Formulation of monitoring programmes 78
8.8. Maintenance plan 80
Chapter 9. Materials for LCSs 82
9.1. Natural rock 82
9.2. Concrete 83
9.3. Geotextiles 83
9.4. Environmental considerations 84
Chapter 10. Construction of LCSs 86
10.1. Construction methods 86
10.2. Environmental impacts during construction operations 89
Part II: Appendix 90
Chapter 11. Case Studies 92
11.1. Elmer 92
11.2. Altafulla 112
11.3. Pellestrina 123
11.4. Lido di Dante 135
11.5. Ostia 147
Chapter 12. An example of environmental design of coastal defence 156
12.1. Preface 156
12.2. Initial considerations 156
12.3. Environmental conditions 161
12.4. Conceptual pre-design alternatives 166
12.5. Selection of the sustainable scheme 204
12.6. Detailed design 206
12.7. Conclusions 218
Part III: Tools 220
Chapter 13. Design tools related to engineering 222
13.1. Site condition parameters 222
13.2. Transformation of waves from deep water to shallow water 231
13.3. Wave transformation by structures 242
13.4. Hydrodynamic numerical models to predict local hydrodynamics in the vicinity of the structures 252
13.5. Prediction of wave induced water flow over and through the structure, of set-up and rip-currents 281
13.6. Cross-shore equilibrium profile 299
13.7. Cross-shore sediment transport 303
13.8. Long-shore sediment transport (amount and distribution over the coastal profile) 305
13.9. Empirical diagrams/formulae for prediction of formation of salients and tombolos 308
13.10. Combined hydrodynamic and morphologic numerical models to predict short and long-term spatial and temporal effects 317
13.11. Formulae for structural stability 326
13.12. Model tests related to structure design 348
13.13. Safety aspects 349
Chapter 14. Background knowledge and tools for prediction of ecological impacts 354
14.1. Definitions of main factors influencing the distribution and abundance of species and assemblages (biotopes) on natural soft- and rocky bottoms 354
14.2. Tools for assessment of impacts 360
Chapter 15. Design tools related to socio-economics 366
15.1. General description of cost benefit analysis 366
15.2. Classification of costs and benefits and inventory of coastal assets 367
15.3. Transfer of empirical values 373
15.4. Non-marketable recreational use value of a beach 377
15.5. The benefit of protection of land/hinterland 382
15.6. The value of habitat disruption 385
15.7. Options use and non-use values of a coastal cultural heritage 388
15.8. Visitors preferences about beach defence techniques and beach materials 391
References 394
Index 416


Objectives and target effects of LCSs

(Moschella, MBA; Burcharth, AAU)


(Moschella & Hawkins, MBA)

Sea level rise, due to global warming, subsidence processes, increased storminess and tidal surges, expose several European coastlines to serious erosion and flooding events. In highly developed coastal areas, erosion and flooding cause conspicuous socio-economic losses in terms of damages to houses, infrastructures such as roads and railways, industries and farmland. The coastal protection provided by LCSs has positive effects on coastal economies.

These are:

– protection of recreational beaches against erosion;

– protection of residential properties;

– protection of infrastructures (e.g. roads and railways);

– protection of coastal industries;

– protection of farmlands;

– protection against flooding due to severe storms and surges.

Coastal defences including LCSs must be constructed with due regard to sustainable management of habitats, species and ecosystems and their living natural resource (including goods and services) observing European Directives on habitats, birds, and water plus comply to any national or regional environmental legislation.

An example comes from the Elmer Defence scheme (West Sussex, England), built to protect a low-lying residential area from flooding as a result of severe storms associated with spring tides. Since the construction of the breakwaters in 1993, no flooding events were recorded in that area, causing a significant increase in the property values and a decrease in home insurance premium.


(Moschella, MBA; Airoldi, FF; Thompson & Hawkins, MBA)

LCSs can stabilize beaches or create wider beaches, improve conditions for swimming as well as beach quality with respect to amenity-friendly beach material such as fine sand. Such development should also observe relevant environmental legislation, guidance and emerging best practice in order to ensure sustainable usage of the coastal zone.

LCSs have significant influence on the recreational conditions for beach users. Some influences are regarded as positive, while others are considered as negative. The influence is either direct due to the physical presence of the structure in the nearshore zone, or indirect due to the consequent effects on the local hydro-morphodynamics (eg. rip currents).

Sea conditions behind LCSs are generally calmer than on open beaches and this can improve bathing conditions, especially for children. The improved safety of bathing and swimming in a calm sheltered zone (probably excluding for boat traffic) is a very positive effect since this is the most common recreational activity taking place in the nearshore area.

However the possible formation of strong rip currents at gaps and/or ends of the LCS shore protection system during rough seas may endanger the safety of bathing.

The presence of organisms that grow on the structures or colonise the sheltered habitats behind LCSs can be a nuisance for beach tourism, leading to expensive beach cleaning or removal of the organisms. Examples of these negative effects on the recreational value of the beach come from the Italian shores of the North Adriatic Sea, where the ephemeral green algae that extensively colonise LCSs (also favoured by local eutrophic conditions) are torn off the structures and washed up the shore, where they decay. In the UK, large amounts of drift algae are trapped on the landward side of the structures and eventually decompose leading to unpleasant smells due to formation of anoxic conditions and increase in number of flies. Further, periods with calm weather conditions may lead to stagnant water and degradation of bathing water quality.

Boating with various craft and surfing may be negatively affected by the presence of the LCS if the crest elevation is not clearly visible, due to the risk of collision. Even more dangerous could be diving into the sea from a boat and hitting on the hard structure.

Conversely, activities like snorkelling or sport fishing can be positively enhanced if the structure provides a new attractive habitat for marine life. If the structure is emergent it favours access for fishermen.


(Moschella, MBA; Airoldi, FF; Gacia, CSIC; Thompson & Hawkins, MBA)

Coastal erosion and flooding also threaten coastal areas of high ecological value such as intertidal and mud flats, shingle ridges, sand dunes, wetlands, salt marshes, coastal lagoons, maritime cliff grasslands and soft cliffs. These natural habitats are subject to Community interest and many are designated as Special Areas of Conservation (Habitat Directive 92/43/ EEC). One of the objectives of the Habitat Directive and the Water Framework Directive is to promote and maintain diversity of natural habitats and their ecosystems and where necessary human intervention can be required to achieve these objectives. Low crested structures can therefore contribute to the protection and maintenance of these coastal habitats providing the following effects:

– protection of habitats with unique geological and geomorphological features;

– protection of habitats that represent nesting sites for protected bird species;

– preservation of endangered or vulnerable species whose survival depends on maintenance of coastal habitats;

– preservation of coastal plant and animal species of scientific interest.

In addition, special features of natural heritage importance (e.g., saline lagoons, saltmarshes, vegetated shingle banks and sand dunes) or special sectors of interest (bird reserves) may be threatened by coastal erosion. Therefore circumstances may occur where a coastal defence structure is proposed to expressly protect endangered habitats or species. For example, in the coastal area between Happisburgh and Winterton-on-sea in Norfolk (East Anglia, UK), a system of LCS and a seawall were built to protect The Broads wetlands.

In Tuscany sea defence structures were built to protect the maritime pine tree forest in the national park of San Rossore endangered by coastal erosion. Sometimes habitats or species protected by conservation legislation such as the vegetated shingles (habitat listed on Annex 1 of the EC Habitats Directive) can indirectly benefit from coastal defence schemes that were built with the only purpose of protecting properties. For example, the Elmer defence schemes in West Sussex (South of England) also protects the vegetated shingle ridge which host species of special national conservation interest such as little robin Geranium purpureum, a rare plant in West Sussex, the toadflax brocade moth Calophasia lunula, a Biodiversity Action Plan species and many birds which nest in this zone. Elmer defence scheme has been designated as an SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest). In Poole Bay (south of England), the recently built rock groyne system not only protects residential properties and the beach from erosion but also helps restoration of native vegetated sand dunes. If protected, these will in turn provide additional natural protection against erosion.

LCSs can be used to protect areas of cultural heritage value such as archaeological and historic sites, monuments, churches and buildings threatened by coastal erosion. Non-visible LCSs are probably preferable; if necessary combined with a revetment or a seawall to strengthen the shore. For example, on the Adriatic coast, along the promontory of Conero, a system consisting of LCS and rocks were deployed to protect historic buildings from erosion.


(Moschella, MBA; Airoldi & Bulleri, FF; Thompson & Hawkins, MBA)

Whilst the primary objectives of LCS are to modify hydrodynamic and sedimentary regimes to protect sensitive areas or improve recreational conditions, any LCS that is put in the sea will also become colonised by marine organisms. Such colonisation must be recognised as an important change to the identity and/or abundance of habitats and hence species in coastal areas, and cannot be avoided. It is, however, possible, within the limits set by the primary necessity of engineering performance of LCS, to modify selected design features to enhance growth of selected organisms. Thus features of LCS design can sometimes be used to maximise desired secondary management end points (where perception of desirability or undesirability are intended as value judgement related to societal goals and expectations). Examples of such secondary management end points include:

– provision of suitable habitats to promote living resources for exploitation of food (such as shellfish and fish);

– provision of suitable habitats to promote living resources that...


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