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Creative Industries -

Creative Industries

Critical Readings

Brian Moeran, Ana Alacovska (Herausgeber)

1600 Seiten
Berg Publishers
978-1-84788-778-8 (ISBN)
CHF 1.439,95 inkl. MwSt
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The first multi-volume collection focusing on the development of the creative industries and their role in shaping the knowledge or information economy.
Across post-industrial societies worldwide, the creative industries are increasingly seen as a key economic driver. These industries - including fields as diverse as advertising, art, computer games, crafts, design, fashion, film, museums, music, performing arts, publishing, radio, theatre and TV - are built upon individual creativity and innovation and have the potential to create wealth and employment through the mechanism of intellectual property.

Creative Industries: Critical Readings brings together the key writings - drawing on both journals and books - to present an authoritative and wide-ranging survey of this emerging field of study.

The set is presented with an introduction and the writings are divided into four volumes, organized thematically:

Volume 1: Concepts - focuses on the concept of creativity and the development of government and industry interest in creative industries;
Volume 2: Economy - maps the role and function of creative industries in the economy at large;
Volume 3: Organization - examines the ways in which creative institutions organize themselves; and
Volume 4: Work - addresses issues of creative work, labour and careers

This major reference work will be invaluable to scholars in economics, cultural studies, sociology, media studies and organization studies.

Brian Moeran is Professor and Director of the Creative Encounters Research Programme, Copenhagen Business School. The author of numerous articles on the social processes surrounding the creative industries, his most recent book with Berg is the multivolume reference set, Advertising: Critical Readings (Berg, 2010). Ana Alacovska is at Copenhagen Business School. Her current research is on the travel guide publishing industry at the intersection of print and digital cultures.


1. From Culture Industry to Creative Industries
1) Adorno, Theodor W. and Horkheimer, Max (1972) ‘The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception' in their The Dialectic of Enlightenment. London: Verso, pp. 120-124, 136-149, 154-167
2) Adorno, Theodor W. (1975) ‘Culture Industry Reconsidered' New German Critique 6: 12-19
3) Miege, Bernard (1987) ‘The Logics at Work in the New Cultural Industries' Media, Culture and Society 9: 273 -289
4) Lacroix, Jean-Guy and Gaëtan Tremblay (1997) ‘The Emergence of Cultural Industries into the Foreground of Industrialization and Commodification: Elements of Context' Current Sociology 45 (4): 803-820
5) Hirsch, Paul M. (2000) ‘Cultural Industries Revisited.' Organization Science 11 (3): 356-361
6) Jeffcutt, Paul, Pick, John, and Robert Protherough (2000) ‘Culture and Industry: Exploring the Debate' Culture and Organization 6 (2): 129-143
7) Bustamante, Enrique (2004) ‘Cultural Industries in the Digital Age: Some Provisional Conclusions' Media, Culture & Society 26 (6): 803-820

2. Creative Industries and Policy
8) DiMaggio, Paul and Michael Useem (1978) ‘Cultural Property and Public Policy: Emerging Tensions in Government Support for the Arts.' Social Research 45: 356-389
9) Scott, Allen (1996) ‘The craft, Fashion, and Cultural Products Industries of Los Angeles: Competitive Dynamics and Policy Dilemmas in a Multi-Sectoral Image Producing Complex.' Economic Development Quarterly 7: 296-309
10) Garnham, Nicholas (1987) ‘Concepts of Culture: Public Policy and the Cultural Industries.' Cultural Studies 1 (1) 23-37
11) Hesmondhalgh, David and Andy C. Pratt (2005) ‘Cultural Industries and Cultural Policy' International Journal of Cultural Policy 11 (1): 1-13
12) Ahearne, Jeremy (2003) ‘Cultural Policy in the Old Europe: France and Germany' International Journal of Cultural Policy 9 (2): 127-131
13) Power, Dominic (2003) ‘The Nordic ‘Cultural Industries': a Cross-National Assessment of the Place of the Cultural Industries in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden' Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography 85 (3): 167-180
14) Cunningham, Stuart (2002) ‘From Cultural to Creative Industries: Theory, Industry, and Policy Implications' Media Information Australia (Incorporating Culture & Policy) 102: 54-65
15) O'Connor, Justin and Gu Xin (2006) ‘A New Modernity? The Arrival of ‘Creative Industries' in China' International Journal of Cultural Studies 9: 271-283
16) Miller, Toby (2004) ‘A View From a Fossil: the New Economy, Creativity and Consumption - Two or Three Things I Don't Believe in' International Journal of Cultural Studies 7 (1): 55-65

3. Creative Industries and Creativity
17) Olsen, Fred (1954) ‘The Nature of Creative Thinking.' The Phi Delta Kappan 35 (5): 198-200
18) Negus, Keith and Michael Pickering (2000) ‘Creativity and Cultural Production.' International Journal of Cultural Policy 6 (2): 259-282
19) Nixon, Sean (2006) ‘The Pursuit of Newness: Advertising, Creativity and the ‘Narcissism of Minor Differences.' Cultural Studies 20 (1): 89-106
20) Negus, Keith (1998) ‘Cultural Production and Corporation: Musical Genres and the Strategic Management of Creativity in the US Recording Industry.' Media, Culture & Society 20 (3): 359-379
21) Tschmuck, Peter (2003) ‘How Creative are the Creative Industries? A Case of the Music Industry.' The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society 33 (2): 127-141
22) Osborne, Thomas (2003) ‘Against ‘Creativity': a Philistine Rant.' Economy and Society 32 (4): 507-525


1. Culture and Economy
1) Caves, Richard E. (2003) ‘Contracts Between Art and Commerce.' The Journal of Economic Perspectives 17 (2): 73-84
2) Miege, Bernard (1979) ‘The Cultural Commodity.' Media, Culture and Society 1: 297-311
3) du Gay Paul and Mike Pryke (2002) ‘Cultural Economy: an Introduction,' in their edited Cultural Economy. London: Sage, pp.1-12
4) Löfgren, Orvar (2003) ‘The New Economy: a Cultural History.' Global Networks 3 (3): 239-254
5) McRobbie, Angela (1998) ‘A Mixed Economy of Fashion Design,' in her British Fashion Design: Rag Trade or Image Industry, London: Routledge, pp. 89-103
6) McFall, Liz (2000) ‘A Mediating Institution? Using an Historical Study of Advertising Practice to Rethink Culture and Economy.' Journal for Cultural Research 4 (3): 314-337
7) Gibson, Chris and Natascha Klocker (2004) ‘Academic Publishing as ‘Creative' Industry, and Recent Discourses of ‘Creative Aconomies', Some Critical Reflections.' Area 36 (4): 423-434

2. Markets
8) Bourdieu, Pierre (1985) ‘The Market of Symbolic Goods.' Poetics 14 (1-2): 17-23; 28-44
9) Plattner, Stuart (1998) ‘A Most Ingenious Paradox: the Market for Contemporary Fine Art.' American Anthropologist, New Series, 100 (2): 482-493
10) Velthuis, Olav (2003) ‘Symbolic Meanings of Prices: Constructing the Value of Contemporary Art in Amsterdam and New York Galleries.' Theory and Society 32 (2): 181-215
11) Aspers, Patrik (2001) ‘A Market in Vogue: Fashion Photography in Sweden.' European Societies 3 (1): 1-22
12) Entwistle, Joanne (2002) ‘The Aesthetic Economy: the Production of Value in the Field of Fashion Modelling.' Journal of Consumer Culture 2 (3): 317-339

3. Cultural Economy and Space
13) Pratt, Andy C. (2004) ‘The Cultural Economy: a Call for Spatialized ‘Production of Culture' Perspectives.' International Journal of Cultural Studies 7 (1): 117-128
14) Scott, Allen J. (1999) ‘The Cultural Economy: Geography and the Creative Field.' Media, Culture and Society 21: 807-817
15) Norcliffe, Glen and Olivero Rendace (2003) ‘New Geographies of Comic Book Production in North America: the New Artisan, Distancing, and the Periodic Social Economy.' Economic Geography 79 (3): 241-263

4. Cultural Economics
16) Tepper, S.J. (2002) ‘Creative Assets and the Changing Economy.' Journal of Arts Management, Law & Society 32 (2): 159-68
17) Throsby, David (1994) ‘The Production and Consumption of the Arts: a View of Cultural Economics.' Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Mar.), pp. 1-29
18) Towse, Ruth (2006) ‘Copyright and Artists: a View from Cultural Economics.' Journal of Economic Surveys 20 (4): 567-585

5. Political Economy
19) Adorno, Theodor W. (1945) ‘A Social Critique of Radio Music.' The Kenyon Review 7 (2): 208-217
20) Garnham, Nicholas (1979) ‘Contribution to a Political Economy of Mass Communication.' Media, Culture and Society 1: 123-146
21) McChesney, Robert (2003) ‘The Problem of Journalism: a Political Economic Contribution to an Explanation of the Crisis in Contemporary US Journalism.' Journalism Studies 4 (3): 299-329
22) Garofalo, Reebee (1987) ‘How Autonomous is Relative: Popular Music, the Social Formation and Cultural Struggle.' Popular Music 6: 77-92


1. Art World
1) Danto, Arthur (1964) ‘The Artworld' The Journal of Philosophy 61 (19): 572-575, 580-581
2) Dickie, George (1971) ‘Art as a Social Institution,' in his Aesthetics: An Introduction. Indianapolis, IN: Pegasus Bobbs-Merrill, pp. 101-108
3) Becker, Howard S. (1974) ‘Art as Collective Action.' American Sociological Review 39 (6): 767-776
4) Faulkner, Robert R. (1973) ‘Orchestra Interaction: Some Features of Communication and Authority in an Artistic Organization.' The Sociological Quarterly 14 (2): 147-157
5) Zolberg, Vera L. (1981) ‘Conflicting Visions in American Art Museums.' Theory and Society 10 (1): 103-125
6) Moeran, Brian (2006) ‘More Than Just a Fashion Magazine.' Current Sociology 54 (5): 725-44

2. Production of Culture
7) Peterson, Richard A. (1976) ‘The Production of Culture: a Prolegomenon.' American Behavioral Scientist 19:669-684
8) Coser, Lewis A. (1983) ‘The Publishing Industry as a Hybrid.' The Library Quarterly 54 (1): 5-12
9) Markert, John (1985) ‘Romance Publishing and the Production of Culture.' Poetics 14 (1-2): 69-93
10) Crane, Diana (1997) ‘Globalization, Organizational Size, and Innovation in the French Luxury Fashion Industry: Production of Culture Theory Revisited.' Poetics 24 (6): 393-414

3. Institutional Approaches
11) Hirsch, Paul M. (1972) ‘Processing Fads and Fashions: an Organization-Set Analysis of Cultural Industry Systems' The American Journal of Sociology 77 (4): 639-659
12) DiMaggio, Paul (1987) ‘Classification in Art.' American Sociological Review 52 (4): 440-455
13) Janssen, Susanne (1997) ‘Reviewing as Social Practice: Institutional Constraints on Critics' Attention for Contemporary Fiction.' Poetics24 (5): 275-297

4. Field
14) Bourdieu, Pierre (1983) ‘The Field of Cultural Production, or: the Economic World Reversed.' Poetics 12 (4-5): 311-356
15) Benson, Rodney (1999) ‘Field Theory in Comparative Context: A New Paradigm for Media Studies.' Theory and Society 28 (3): 463-498
16) Moeran, Brian (2005) ‘The Art of Capitalizing,' in his The Business of Ethnography. Oxford: Berg, pp. 151-170

5. Cultural Theory
17) Hennion, Antoin (1983) ‘The Production of Success: an Anti-Musicology of the Pop Song.' Popular Music 3: 159-193
18) DeNora, Tia (1991) ‘Musical Patronage and Social Change in Beethoven's Vienna.' American Journal of Sociology 97: 310-346
19) Born, Georgina (2002) ‘Reflexivity and Ambivalence: Culture, Creativity and Government in the BBC.' Journal for Cultural Research 6 (1-2): 65-90


1. Creative Labour
1) Hochschild, Arlie Russell (1979) ‘Emotion Work, Feeling Rules, and Social Structure.' American Journal of Sociology 85 (3): 551-575
2) Hardt, Michael (1999) ‘Affective Labour.' Boundary 2 26 (2): 89-100
3) Ross, Andrew (2000) ‘The Mental Labor Problem.' Social Text 63 18 (2): 1-31
4) Wittel, Andreas (2004) ‘Culture, Labour and Subjectivity: for a Political Economy From Below.', Capital & Class 28 (11): 11-30
5) De Peuter, Grei and Nick Dyer-Witherford (2005) ‘A Playful Multitude? Mobilising and Counter-Mobilising Immaterial Game Labour.' Fibreculture 5, pp. 17
6) Miller, Toby and Marie Claire Leger (2001) ‘Runway Production, Runway Consumption, Runway Citizenship: the New International Division of Cultural Labour.' Emergence 11 (1): 89-115

2. Creative Work and Gender
7) Nixon, Sean and Ben Crewe (2004) ‘Pleasure at Work? Gender, Consumption and Work-Based Identities in the Creative Industries.' Consumption, Markets and Culture 7: 129-147
8) Mears, Ashley and William Finlay (2005) ‘Not Just a Paper Doll: How Models Manage Bodily Capital and Why They Perform Emotional Labor.' Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 34: 317-343
9) Gill, Rosalind (2002) ‘Cool, Creative and Egalitarian? Exploring Gender in Project-Based New Media Work in Europe' Information, Communication & Society, 5: 1, 70-89

3. Careers and Labour Markets
10) Menger, Pierre-Michel (1999) ‘Artistic labor markets and careers.' Annual Review of Sociology 25: 541-574.
11) Bielby, William T. and Denise D. Bielby (1999) ‘Organizational Mediation of Project-Based Labor Markets: Talent Agencies and the Careers of Screenwriters.' American Sociological Review 64: 64-70, 80-85
12) Christopherson, Susan and Michael Storper (1989) ‘The Effects of Flexible Specialisation on Industrial Politics and the Labor Market: the Motion Picture Industry.' Industrial and Labor Relations Review 42: 331-47
13) Ursell, Gillian (2000) ‘Television Production: Issues of Exploitation, Commodification and Subjectivity in UK Television Labour Markets.' Media, Culture & Society 22: 805-825
14) Dex, Shirley, Willis, Janet, Paterson, Richard and Elaine Sheppard (2000) ‘Freelance Workers and Contract Uncertainty: the Effects of Contractual Changes in the Television Industry.' Work, Employment & Society 14: 283-305.
15) Faulkner, Robert and Andy B. Anderson (1987) ‘Short Term Projects and Emergent Careers: Evidence from Hollywood.' American Journal of Sociology 92: 879-909
16) Skov, Lise (2002) ‘Hong Kong Fashion Designers as Cultural Intermediaries: Out of Global Garment Production.' Cultural Studies 16 (4): 553-569

4. Creativity at Work
17) Becker, Howard S. (1951) ‘The Professional Dance Musician and his Audience.' The American Journal of Sociology 57 (2): 136-144
18) Alford, Robert A. and Andras Szanto (1996) ‘Orpheus Wounded: the Experience of Pain in the Professional Worlds of the Piano.' Theory and Society 25 (1): 1-12, 25-38, 42-44
19) Fine, Gary Allan (1992) ‘The Culture of Production: Aesthetic Choices and Constraints in Culinary Work.' The American Journal of Sociology 97 (5): 1268-1294
20) Kinsella, Sharon (2000) ‘Editors and Unusable Artists.' In her Adult Manga: Culture and Power in Contemporary Japanese Society, London: Curzon, pp. 162-201
21) Moeran, Brian (1990/2009) ‘Evaluating Ceramic Art in Japan.' Copenhagen Business School: Creative Encounters Working Paper #31, pp. 22

Erscheint lt. Verlag 1.11.2011
Reihe/Serie Critical and Primary Sources
Zusatzinfo Illustrations (black and white)
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 172 x 244 mm
Gewicht 2898 g
Themenwelt Naturwissenschaften Geowissenschaften Geografie / Kartografie
Sozialwissenschaften Ethnologie
Sozialwissenschaften Kommunikation / Medien Journalistik
Sozialwissenschaften Soziologie Mikrosoziologie
ISBN-10 1-84788-778-3 / 1847887783
ISBN-13 978-1-84788-778-8 / 9781847887788
Zustand Neuware
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