X-rays for Archaeology von M. Uda; G. Demortier; I. Nakai Buch | Softcover 2014 | Springer ISBN: 9789400790940 CHF 249,95 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
First Measurement of the Muon Anti-Neutrino Charged Current Quasielastic.. von Joseph Grange Buch | Hardcover 2014 | Springer International Publishing ISBN: 9783319095721 CHF 149,75 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory Proceedings of the D. Volkov Memorial Seminar Held in Kharkov, Ukraine, 5–7 January 1997 von Julius Wess; Vladimir P. Akulov Buch | Softcover 2014 | Springer Berlin ISBN: 9783662142004 CHF 74,85 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
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Supercollider 2 von Michael McAshan Buch | Softcover 2013 | Springer-Verlag New York Inc. ISBN: 9781461366591 CHF 74,85 (inkl. MwSt) in den Warenkorb Versand in 10-15 Tagen
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